Powershell to Event - powershell

I've tried to make a PowerShell script that writes an event when the text files in an folder are older than 15 minutes.
This is the code I'm trying to use:
$targetfile=get-childitem C:\Users\user\Desktop\bizin\*.txt
if ($targetfile.AddMinutes -15 )
write-eventlog -logname Application -source ESENT -eventID 9999 -entrytype Error -message "No new files in 15min gate is down!" -category 3
'create event log to say bad things have happened'
I always get the event when I run the script. I would like to only get an event when the file is older than 15 minutes. It's going to be a scheduled task to run every 15 minutes.

You need to access the LastWriteTime property of the file and compare it with a DateTime object:
$targetFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\bizin\' -Filter *.txt
foreach ($targetFile in $targetFiles)
if ($targetFile.LastWriteTime -lt [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes(-15))
# Write the eventlog....
Note: You can use the -Filter parameter for the Get-ChildItem cmdlet to retrieve only txtfiles.
Here is the same example with use of aliases and the pipeline in just one line:
gci -Path 'C:\Users\user\Desktop\bizin\' -Filter *.txt | ? { $_.LastWriteTime -lt [DateTime]::Now.AddMinutes(-15) } | % { <# Write the eventlog... #> }


Powershell script to execute different actions on multiple servers based on their ending domain

I've been trying for a while to write a script that would execute a few actions on ALL hosts given in a text form (coming from a .txt or .csv) --> demo:
**## C:\hosts.txt**
- Machine4.Int.ecom.domain
- Machine3.emea.domain.com
- Machine1.production.domain.com
- Machine2.quality.domain.com
The task of the script ideally is by using Get-Date
Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
$Now = Get-Date
$TargetFolder = #("C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloads","C:\Windows\Temp","C:\Windows\CCMCache")
$Extension = #("*.vhk*","*.txt*")
$LastWrite = $Now.AddDays(-$Days)
$Files = Get-ChildItem $TargetFolder -Include $Extension -Recurse | Where {$_.LastWriteTime -le "$LastWrite"}
For example, let's say I have the following hostnames:
Now, based on the domains ".production" or ".quality" or ".emea" or ".int" I would like to perform the following actions.
In Production servers -> Delete files older than 90 days.
In Quality servers -> Delete files older than 30 days.
In emea servers ->Delete files older than 14 days.
In INT servers -> Delete files older than 7 days.
After deleting, it would also save the file paths in a CSV file, so that I can double-check and restore them if necessary.
Can you please help me with this?
Thanks in advance.
If your are using a text file containing the servers, you could add use switch inside the loop where you go through the servers and set the cleanup reference date there:
$servers = Get-Content -Path 'C:\hosts.txt'
$targetFolders = "C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution\Downloads","C:\Windows\Temp","C:\Windows\CCMCache"
$extensions = "*.vhk","*.txt"
$today = (Get-Date).Date
foreach ($machine in $servers) {
# determine the reference date by the machine's name
$refDate = switch -Regex ($machine) {
'\.production\.' { $today.AddDays(-90); break }
'\.quality\.' { $today.AddDays(-30); break }
'\.emea\.' { $today.AddDays(-14); break }
'\.int\.' { $today.AddDays(-7) }
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $machine -ScriptBlock {
$Files = Get-ChildItem -Path $using:targetFolders -File -Include $using:extensions -Recurse |
Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -le $using:refDate}
# do your clean-up here on the files you have gathered
# maybe write a log first or simply delete these files?

Powershell. Write event logs

I have a script which moves some files from a folder to the temp folder, archives them and cleans the temp folder at the end.
I want my script to also write information about it in the win-event log.
Here is my script:
Get-ChildItem C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test1\ | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt "09/24/2018 09:00 PM"} | Move-Item -Destination C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data\
Compress-Archive -path C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data\ -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data1\test.zip
Remove-Item C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data\*
I want to add code which will write an event for any error into the win-event log.
Per the comments, you can use Write-EventLog to write to the Windows Event Logs. If you want to write any errors that occur during those commands, then you probably want to use a Try..Catch to catch any errors and handle them:
Try {
$PrevEAP = $ErrorActionPreference
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
Get-ChildItem C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\test1\ | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt "09/24/2018 09:00 PM"} | Move-Item -Destination C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data\
Compress-Archive -path C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data\ -CompressionLevel Optimal -DestinationPath C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data1\test.zip
Remove-Item C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\data\*
Catch {
Write-Error $_
$ErrorEvent = #{
LogName = 'Application'
Source = 'YourScript'
EventID = 123
EntryType = 'Information'
Message = $_
Write-EventLog #ErrorEvent
Finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = $PrevEAP
In order for an exception (error) to trigger a Try..Catch the exception needs to be terminating (vs non-terminating). You can force cmdlets to do terminating errors by setting the cmdlets -ErrorAction to Stop, or you can do this globally via the $ErrorActionPreference variable.
In the catch block, the error is held in the special variable: $_. So we can use Write-Error to still write it out to the console (if you want to) and then we're using Write-EventLog to write it into the Event Log.
Customise LogName, Source, EventID, Information etc. as per your needs. Note LogName needs to be one of the existing Logs and Entry Type needs to be one of the valid entry types (Information, Warning, Error).

How to check the users currently using a powershell program?

So I have a basic program (incredibly buggy but we quite like it) that uses a shared folder that a couple of people at school have access to (Paths have been changed for ease of use). It is designed to work as a messaging application, with each user writing into the same Notepad file to send a message to a Poweshell script using the Get-Content and -Wait parameter. I have added a couple of commands using "/", but I want one (i.e. /online) that a user can type and see all of the other people currently using the program.
I have tried to set up a different text file that is updated every x seconds by each individual user with their own user name, while wiping the previous record:
while (1){
Clear-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
Add-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt $env:UserName
So this can be called upon later:
elseif($_ -match "/online"){Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\ConvoOnline.txt}
But this doesn't work, it won't sync up between users, so one user will wipe the current users and only that will apear as active, until the other users' cycle wipes THEIR name.
To avoid the XY Problem, I want a fairly simple way (still only using two files maximum) to determine which users are actively using (therefore updating) the Powershell script they are running.
Whole code:
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.speech
$speak = New-Object System.Speech.Synthesis.SpeechSynthesizer
$speak.Volume = 100
Write-Host "Type /helpp, save it, then hit backspace and save it again for a guide and list of commands!"
Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop\Convo.txt -Wait |
%{$_ -replace "^", "$env:UserName "} |
%{if($_ -match "/cls"){cls} `
elseif($_ -match "/online"){Get-Content -Path C:\users\Freddie\Desktop \ConvoOnline.txt} `
elseif(($_ -match "/afk") -and ($env:UserName -eq "Freddie")){Write-Host "$env:UserName has gone afk"} `
elseif(($_ -match "/say") -and ($env:UserName -eq "Freddie")) {$speak.Speak($_.Substring(($_.length)-10))} `
elseif($_ -match "/whisper"){
$array = #($_ -split "\s+")
if($array[2] -eq "$env:UserName"){
Write-Host $array[2]
} `
} `
elseif($_ -match "/help"){
Write-Host "Help: `
1. Press Ctrl+S in Notepad to send your message `
2. Make sure you delete it after it's been sent `
3. If your message doesn't send properly, just hit backspace and all but the last letter will be sent `
/online - Lists all users currently in the chat `
/cls - Clears you screen of all current and previous messages `
/whisper [USERNAME] [MESSAGE] - This allows you to send a message privately to a user"
else{Write-Host "$_"}}
#Add a command: elseif($_ -match "/[COMMAND]"){[FUNCTION]}
#Make it user-specific: elseif($_ -match "/[COMMAND]" -and $envUserName -eq "[USERNAME]"){[FUNCTION]}
You can add time stamp with add-content and another ps1 file for clearing data written before 5 seconds (you can do this in the same ps1 file but another ps1 file is better)
Modified user online updation part :
while ($true){
Add-Content -Path d:\ConvoOnline.txt "$($env:UserName);$(get-date)"
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
Another script which watches and clears content before 5 seconds ,so the online file is always updated
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 5000
$data = get-content -Path D:\ConvoOnline.txt
clear-content -Path D:\ConvoOnline.txt
$data | %{if(!([datetime]($_.split(";")[1]) -lt (get-date).addmilliseconds(-4500))){Add-Content -Path d:\ConvoOnline.txt $_}}

Powershell - Take output file from loop, archive with 7zip, email, and then kill the original output

I have a script that I have put together, for the most part the script does what I want it to do, it hit's a list of servers, looking for log files that are 25+ hours old (indicating that another script isn't doing it's job), this worked perfectly in testing(1 to 5 servers), however once I turned it loose on the 150+ servers I want to check on in this environment, the file size increased, and the email process failed due to the fact the filesize is in excess of 10mb.
So now I need a way to compress the results, I would like to use 7zip, but for some reason I just cannot wrap my head around how to accomplish what I'm trying to do.
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Here is the script I have thus far.
# Specify where the list of servers is located.
$SL = get-content C:\Scripts\lists\AgingLogsServers.txt
# Define logfile age to report on.
$limit = (Get-Date).AddHours(-25)
# Define the current date & time.
$filedate = get-date -f "MM.dd.yy_hh.mm.ss"
$emldate = get-date -f "MM.dd.yy"
# Variable to add current date & time to saved filename.
$filename = "AgingReport_$($filedate).log"
# Files or patterns to exclude from the scan.
$excluded = #(".exe")
# Specify SMTP server
$smtpserver = "mail.yourserver.com"
# Loop to process each server in the pool.
Foreach ($Server in $SL){
Write-Progress -Activity 'Looking for Logfiles in excess of 25 hours old' -Status "Processing $($c1) of $($SL.count)" -CurrentOperation $Server -PercentComplete (($c1/$SL.count) * 100)
If (Test-Path "\\$Server\logs") {$SP1 = "\\$Server\Logs"}
Else {$SP1 = "\\$Server\D-Logs"}
Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $SP1 -Exclude $excluded -Include *.zip, *.7z, *.log -Recurse | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $limit } | Foreach-Object {write-output $_.CreationTime $server $_.fullname} | Out-file C:\Scripts\data\$filename -Append -Width 160
# Zip the $filename and remove the original
# And this is where I believe a 7zip process would go to compress the result file, then I can reference that file and path in the Send-MailMessage line.
# Email the results.
Send-MailMessage -From "Aging.Logs#yourhost.com" -To "user#yourhost.com" -Subject "Aging Logs report for $emldate" -Body "Attached is the listing of aging logs for the environment for $emldate" -SmtpServer $smtpserver -Attachments C:\Scripts\data\$filename
# Give the logfile time to release from the email process.
Start-Sleep -s 120
# Clean up the results file.
#Remove-Item C:\Scripts\data\AgingReport*
Running 7-Zip is pretty easy. The syntax is
7z.exe a <archive path> <file to zip path>
That's easy, we just need to know where 7z.exe is. So, we'll make PowerShell find that, then execute it using the call operator &, with those parameters (by the way, the 'a' means that we're adding a file to an archive). Then we clean up the source file, and email the archive.
# Zip the $filename and remove the original
# Find 7-Zip executable
$7Zip = gci c:\Program* -include '7z.exe' -recurse -ea 4|select -first 1 -expand fullname
# Define archive name and path
$ZipFile = "C:\Scripts\data\$filename" -replace "...$","zip"
# Perform Zip
& $7Zip a "$ZipFile" "C:\Scripts\data\$filename" | Out-Null
# Remove source file
Remove-Item -Path "C:\Scripts\data\$filename"
# Email the results.
Send-MailMessage -From "Aging.Logs#yourhost.com" -To "user#yourhost.com" -Subject "Aging Logs report for $emldate" -Body "Attached is the listing of aging logs for the environment for $emldate" -SmtpServer $smtpserver -Attachments $ZipFile
Your archive, by the way, will be the same as your log file, but with a .zip file extension instead of .log.
#TheMadTechnician, Thank you for your very helpful post, I attempted to integrate what you gave me, but no matter how I went about it I was unable to get the desired action, I took the direction that you provided and finally was able to get it to work, here is the code that does everything that I wanted it to do, in-case anyone else is looking to accomplish the same thing.
Script: AgingLogQuery.ps1
Author: Xander J.
Date: 11/12/2015
Aging log query checks the logs and d-logs shares contained within a text file to see if there are any logfiles older than 25
hours old,if it finds a logfile that is older than 25 hours old it passes the server name, the full path and filename and the
files age to the AgingReport log file.
After checking all of the servers in the list, the script archives the logfile, removes the original logfile, emails the
archive as an attachment, then waits a specified amount of time to remove the archive file.
# Specify where the list of servers is located.
$SL = get-content C:\Scripts\lists\AgingLogsServers.txt
# Define logfile age to report on.
$limit = (Get-Date).AddHours(-25)
# Define the current date & time.
$filedate = get-date -f "MM.dd.yy_hh.mm.ss"
$emldate = get-date -f "MM.dd.yy"
# Variable to add current date & time to saved filename.
$filename = "AgingReport_$($filedate).log"
# Files or patterns to exclude from the scan.
$excluded = #("*.exe*")
# Specify SMTP server
$smtpserver = "mail.email.com"
#Get script path
$ScriptPath = Split-Path -Path $($MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition)
#Get the path for 7za.exe
$zipexe = $ScriptPath + "\7za.exe"
set-alias sz $zipexe
$archive = "AgingReport_$($filedate).zip"
# Loop to process each server on the list.
Foreach ($Server in $SL){
Write-Progress -Activity 'Looking for Logfiles in excess of 25 hours old' -Status "Processing $($c1) of $($SL.count)" -CurrentOperation $Server -PercentComplete (($c1/$SL.count) * 100)
If (Test-Path "\\$Server\logs") {$SP1 = "\\$Server\Logs"}
Else {$SP1 = "\\$Server\D-Logs"}
Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path $SP1 -Exclude $excluded -Include *.zip, *.7z, *.log -Recurse | Where-Object { !$_.PSIsContainer -and $_.CreationTime -lt $limit } | Foreach-Object {write-output $_.CreationTime $server $_.fullname} | Out-file C:\Scripts\data\$filename -Append -Width 160
# Zip the $filename
& sz a -mmt -tzip c:\Scripts\Data\$archive C:\Scripts\data\AgingReport*.log -stl
# Clean up the results file.
Remove-Item -Force C:\Scripts\data\$filename
# Email the results.
Send-MailMessage -From "Aging.Logs#echopass.com" -To "user#email.com" -Subject "Aging Logs report for $emldate" -Body "Attached is the listing of aging logs for the environment for $emldate" -SmtpServer $smtpserver -Attachments C:\Scripts\data\$archive
# Give the logfile time to release from the email process.
Start-Sleep -s 15
# Clean up the results file.
Remove-Item -Force C:\Scripts\data\$archive

Trouble Controlling Powershell Workflow Timeout

I have a powershell workflow which is generating the error:
"The operation did not complete within the allotted timeout of
00:00:30. The time allotted to this operation may have been a portion
of a longer timeout"
The workflow script is:
Workflow Test-Me (){
$Path = "c:\temp"
$Files = InlineScript{
Get-ChildItem -Path $using:Path -File -Recurse -Force | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt ((get-date).AddDays(-$using:Days))} | Select FullName
Foreach -parallel ($File in $Files){
Remove-Item -Path $using:File.FullName -force -ErrorAction:SilentlyContinue
} -PSActionRunningTimeoutSec 300
The line that generates the error is the InlineScript which handles the remove-item operation. It runs and works for 30 seconds after it reaches the operation before it quits with the error referenced above. I've added the -PSActionRunningTimeoutSec parameter to the InlineScript and that didn't impact the error. I've also set the workflow common parameters as follows:
-PSRunningTimeoutSec = 300
-PSElapsedTimeoutSec = 0
I call the workflow cmdlet with the following process:
PS C:\> . "c:\path\to\Test-Me.ps1"
PS C:\> Test-Me -PSRunningTimeoutSec 300 -PSElapsedTimeoutSec 0
There's obviously a timeout somewhere that I can't find/don't know about but powershell isn't being specific. What timeout did I miss and how do I change it?
PowerShell Workflows: Using Parameters
Syntactic Differences Between Script Workflows and Scripts