Semi-transparent markers on log-log scatter plot - matlab

I have been trying to get semi-transparent circle-shape markers on a log-log scatter plot. MATLAB's own scatter plot function doesn't produce semi-transparent markers (see comments below), so I am using this wonderful tool scatter_patches from Central File Exchange and it works very well:
However, I am having issues adapting this code for a log-log scatter plot. In order to obtain a log-log scatter plot with this program, I need to fix two things:
1 . Change the axes to log scale. This can be achieved by adding following after line 61:
set(cax, 'XScale', 'log');
set(cax, 'YScale', 'log');
This produces correct log scale and grid points.
2 . However, after I fixed 1., the size of the markers was not uniform in my plot. On a log plot, the lower-value regions of the axes are zoomed-in. In the scatter_patches plot, the markers at the lower side of axes are bigger while they are smaller towards the higher-value side of axes. So, the marker size is not the same on the entire plot. I tried using log10(cSize) instead of cSize on lines 221-222, but this only slimmed the difference between the largest and smallest marker sizes. It didn't yield the same size markers on the plot.
If anyone has an idea of what I might be missing here, please share.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Since Matlab R2014b things got really easy. No additional functions from file exchange are required, just some undocumented features. The basic idea is to get the hidden handle of the markers and apply a value < 1 for the last value in the EdgeColorData to achieve the desired transparency.
Here we go:
%// example data
x = linspace(0,3*pi,200);
y = cos(x) + rand(1,200);
%// plot scatter, get handle
h = scatter(x,y);
drawnow; %// important
%// get marker handle
hMarkers = h.MarkerHandle;
%// get current edge and face color
edgeColor = hMarkers.EdgeColorData
faceColor = hMarkers.FaceColorData
%// set face color to the same as edge color
faceColor = edgeColor;
%// opacity
opa = 0.3;
%// set marker edge and face color
hMarkers.EdgeColorData = uint8( [edgeColor(1:3); 255*opa] );
hMarkers.FaceColorData = uint8( [faceColor(1:3); 255*opa] );

In the event it helps, I have written a collection of Matlab functions for creating semi-transparent markers in plots and legends. The files are available from MATLAB Central as the MarkerTransparency package. A few examples of how to use these functions are included in the download and there is also a Wiki on GitHub. A major benefit of this package is it enables the user to have the semi-transparent markers also appear in the legend. These functions have not been tested for scatter plots but might be easily adapted to meet your needs.

On line 192 change the line with this one:
hh(end+1) = patch( exp(cSize * sin(patchSpec) / ptsPerXUnit + xs(i)), exp(cSize * cos(patchSpec) / ptsPerYUnit + ys(i)), cColor, cPatchArgs{:}); and it will work.
I just add an exp()
Do the same operation on line 222 and 223 to be sure !
Work like a charm Anindya ;).


Matlab Polarplot() and surface color

I am a bit struggling with my polar plot. I am playing with strikes and dips, and for each pair of those, an "intensity". I'd like to plot this surface/contourf/whatever function on my polarplot. I cannot find the handle to do so. Dpp2 contains the intensity value for a given theta and rho/ strike and dip.
xTmp = (0:4:360);
yTmp = (0:22.5:90);
[strike,dip]= meshgrid(deg2rad(xTmp),deg2rad(yTmp));
dip2 = rad2deg(dip);
strike2 =rad2deg(strike);
figure('name', 'COLD');
polarplot([0 360],[0 90]);
s = surf(strike2, dip2, DPp2);
I've tried something like that, which obviously doesn't work.
As far as I know there is no way of creating a surface plot directly in a polarplot.
One workaround is to manually create your polar axis plot. You can find an example here.
Another workaround would be to use
polarscatter to create a scatter plot (which looks simmilar in case you have a tight grid) Have a look at this.
Because you mentioned the handle: In case you want a handle to the axes have a look at polaraxes from here.
The polar scatter wasn't working, so I tried another function, which seems to work according to this page:
I am note quite there yet, the contour map isn't "wrapped" around my polar plot, but so far it's compiling. If anyone has an idea on how to superimpose the contour map onto the polar plot ?
dip2 = rad2deg(dip);
strike2 =rad2deg(strike);
h = polar([0 360],[0 90]);
hold on;
% Hide the POLAR function data and leave annotations
% Turn off axes and set square aspect ratio
axis off
axis image

Matlab: How can I control the color of a streamtube plot?

I am currently trying to plot 3D streamtubes. I want the tubes to be colored corresponding to their respective velocity (e.g. slow = blue, fast = red).
To be more exact, I have three 3D-matrices containing the velocity in x, y and z direction. The color of the streamtubes should be sqrt(vx^2+vy^2+vz^2). When using streamtube(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,sx,sy,sz) the tubes are colored according to their z-coordinate which is useless because it's a 3D plot anyway.
Well this wasn't easy (it ought to be a builtin option), but by modifying the CData of each tube (they are each their own graphics object), you can achieve the desired result. Here's an example
load wind
[sx,sy,sz] = meshgrid(80,20:10:50,0:5:15);
axis tight
shading interp;
This gives this picture:
but then doing this:
vel=sqrt(u.^2+v.^2+w.^2); %// calculate velocities
for i=1:length(h)
%// Modify the colour data of each tube
axis tight
shading interp;
gives this result
1) I don't know if this is fully correct, I don't know how to test it
2) You have to interpolate the velocity data from the points where it's known onto the vertices of the streamtubes
3) I found the spline interpolation option to work best, but the other options might work better in other cases

Matlab: (1) Plotting multiple canvases, (2) holding them separately, (3) montage all

I've got 10 grayscale images. I'd like to plot a simple YELLOW line over each image separately, then show them all over one plot (montage style).
I tried to draw all images first, but that made plotting lines very tricky (X,Y axes weren't standard for plotting over each separate image).
I thought about burning the line over the image, but I don't have the computer vision toolkit (easy functions to do this), otherwise it seemed complicated to both convert the grayscale to color and get it to burn the image.
I thought I might be able to use the function newplot to create a temporary plot space for each image, draw the line with a simple plot(...) call, then save it and just montage(...) all the individual plots at the end.
Is this possible? I've never played with the function newplot or tried to loop through individual plots, saving them up for a call to montage(...) this way, but it seems like a logical/simple approach.
I finally worked it out with subplot, subimage, and plot, using subplot with the position arguments does what I want easily enough. Using subplot kept the axis relative to the subplot I was on so I could plot the line with a standard fplot/plot call. The trick was normalizing the position to percentages vs. thinking of it in terms of pixels.
here's some code demoing it:
% Loop through this code, each time moving the subplot by position
% calculate left & bottom position as percentages (0..1)
subplot( 'Position', [ left bottom (1/cols) (1/rows) ] );
hold on
% (1) Draw the image
subimage(tmpImg, [0 255]);
axis off;
% (2) Plot the line over the original image
F = #(x) polyval(p, x);
fplot(F, [1 dimX 1 dimY], '-y');

How can we fill different levels of contour with a color in matlab

I have a figure which consists of different levels of a contour plotted using the hold on function. I want to fill the space between the levels of contour with a color. Could you please assist me how can I do that. I have already tried the contourf function. The figure consists of different red colored levels of a contour, what I want is a solid color filled between these contour levels.
I am not sure if I got exactly what you wanted but here goes a possible solution to your problem.
If you plotted using the hold on function I would therefore assume you have each contour in a different variable. If so you can use logic to check whether a contour is higher or lower relatively to another. If your problem is that you do not have the same x axis for each so that you can use logic just interpolate for each contour (for example between -0.8 and 0.8)
I will give an example of what I am saying. See if this helps.
%simulated contours
y = sin(x);
y2 = sin(x)*2;
y3 = sin(x)*3;
figure, hold on,
%fill contours

Matlab line plot overlaps axis when values are zero

I have plotted a figure with multiple lines on it, and I have noticed that the lines for the plot overlap the x-axis when they are zero. Is there a way that I can essentially get the x-axis to plot on the top, rather than the lines?
Here is a MWE that does the same thing (I haven't put my exact code up as my dataset is quite big).
After I plot the lines (multiple per plot in my case), I do various other things with the axes so I get what I need (including adding a secondary set of axes). None of this seems to make any difference as to whether the x-axis is plotted on top of the lines or not.
I did have a search online but couldn't find anything to do with this.
The answer given by Luis is a nice workaround, but the official way to solve this problem is to use the layer property of the axis object, see the manual. To plot the axis on top of the data you do
To automatically do this for all your plots, you can put the following line in your startup.m:
This kind of answers you do not make up yourself, I only discovered this trick after asking more or less the same question on comp.soft-sys.matlab many years ago. See also this SO question.
After having plotted all your lines, plot a line on the x axis with the same color as the axis:
hold on
a = axis; %// gives xmin xmax ymin ymax
cx = get(gca,'Xcolor'); %// color of x axis
plot([a(1) a(2)], [a(3) a(3)], 'color', cx)
If the lines also overlap with the y axis and you also want that axis to appear on top, add the following:
cy = get(gca,'Ycolor'); %// color of y axis
plot([a(1) a(1)], [a(3) a(4)], 'color', cy)