How do I validate a single form field in CodeIgniter? - forms

I have a form that has validation rules that are set in a config file. I want to validate this form field using AJAX so that when focus leaves a certain form field, that field is checked by CI's form validation class. I have a jQuery AJAX script that calls one of my controllers which I would like to have validate the form field. using the form_validation->run('group') method won't work for this because it checks everything in the form and will always return false. How can I validate a single form field in CodeIgniter?

For this you could use a custom jquery function like:
//When the focus leaves the desired input, do the check with JS or with CI
$('#the_input').focusout(function() {
//check values here or send to php with ajax
if($(this).val == ''){ //I.E check if is blank
return false;
//Or 'asking' to CI
var url = "/path/to/codeigniter/function";
if(data == true){
If you wish, you could do this as a function returning true or false (instead of onMouseFocus), and call from your proper CI validation flow, like:
isInputXvalid(input){ //... return isValid; }
Hope it helps!


Invalidate form by custom component | AngularJS

I've searched my way, but can't figure this out. I made a directive manyToOneSelect (custom component) that loads items from the server, shows them to the user and lets the user pick one. That works well, but I cannot figure out how to prevent the form from being submitted if no item is picked by the user, i.e. how to invalidate the form.
Below is pretty much the directive:
directive('manyToOneSelect', function(entityService) {
return {
compile:function (tElement, tAttrs, transclude) {
return function (scope, element, attrs) {
var inner = element.children("#n21select");
scope.entities = [];
scope.$watch('entityName', function ($new, $old) {
entityService.getList(scope.entityName, function (data) {
scope.entities = data;
}, []);
}, true);
scope.lookup = function(uuid) {
for(var i in scope.entities) {
if(scope.entities[i].uuid == uuid) {
return scope.entities[i];
Here is the corresponding partial partials/control/n21select.html:
<select ng-hide="disable" ng-options="entity.uuid as entity[entityField] for entity in entities" ng-model="bindVariable" required></select>
<span ng-show="disable">{{lookup(bindVariable)[entityField]}}</span>
Here is how I use the directive:
<form ng-href="#/" ng-submit="save()">
<many-to-one-select entity-name="customer" entity-field="name"
My problem seems lack of strategy, rather than "not entirely getting it to work", hence you don't see any attempt in the code I posted above. Let this be then a fairly open question: how to do it? :) Much appreciated already!
There's a few ways to do this.
Considering how you've already built out the directive, one way is to add a scope attribute for the form itself. something like:
scope: {
form: '='
Then you'd pass your form element in like so:
<form name="myForm" ng-submit="whatever()">
<my-directive-name form="myForm"></my-directive-name>
And in circumstance in your directive you wish to invalidate your form, you'd just call $setValidity on it:
link: function(scope, elem, attr) {
if(somethingIsWrong) scope.form.$setValidity('reason', false);
That's ONE way to do it, here's a BETTER way to do it if you can re-engineer your directive:
The other way, which is probably preferred, is to have your directive require ngModel. Then you'll have more grainular control over your validation, as ngModel's controller will be passed in and you can use that to invalidate both your form, and a singular field on your form:
app.directive('bettererWay', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
restrict: 'E',
link: function(scope, elem, attr, ngModel) {
if(somethingIsBad()) ngModel.$setValidity('somethingIsBad', false);
And that's how you do it, in a nutshell. Hopefully that gets you started in the right direction.
EDIT: Weird issue with submission regardless of validity (in comments)
This is apparently an issue caused by Angular trying to adhere to the HTML specs.
From the comments in their code approx. line 214 here:
* To prevent double execution of the handler, use only one of ngSubmit or ngClick directives. This
* is because of the following form submission rules coming from the html spec:
* - If a form has only one input field then hitting enter in this field triggers form submit
* (`ngSubmit`)
* - if a form has has 2+ input fields and no buttons or input[type=submit] then hitting enter
* doesn't trigger submit
* - if a form has one or more input fields and one or more buttons or input[type=submit] then
* hitting enter in any of the input fields will trigger the click handler on the *first* button or
* input[type=submit] (`ngClick`) *and* a submit handler on the enclosing form (`ngSubmit`)
So, given the above, it might be a good idea to have your directive tied to an input element of type hidden on the page rather than being it's own element. If you have more than one element on the form, invalidity prevents submission just fine.

Symfony2 - Multiple forms in one action

I implemented a page to create an instance of an entity and a user related to this. My problem is to bind the request after the submit.
Now i have this :
$formA = $this->createForm(new \MyApp\ABundle\Form\AddObjectForm());
$formB = $this->createForm(new \MyApp\UserBundle\Form\AddUserForm());
if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST')
if ($formA->isValid() && $formB->isValid())
// ...
With formA and formB extends AbstractType. But, naturally, $formA->isValid() returns false. How can I do to "cut" the request for example ?
If your forms are related and need to be processed and validated at once, consider using embedded forms. Otherwise, use a separate action for each form.
If you need to provide a select field to choose a user from existing ones, consider using an entity type field.
I know that has been a long time since the answer, but maybe if someone is looking for it this could be helpfull.
I've got two forms: user_form and company_form, and the submit has take place in the same function of the controller. I can know wich form has been submit with the follow code:
if ($request->getMethod() == 'POST') {
$data = $request->request->all();
if (isset($data['user_form'])) //This if means that the user_form has been submit.
The company_form will pass through the else.

Zend Form MutliCheckbox Validate Number of Checked Items

I have a Zend Form with a MutliCheckbox element.
I would like to validate the number of checked items, i.e. verify that exactly 3 items are checked.
Can I do it with any current validates or do I have to write my own?
You will have to write your own, but that's quite simple. There is a second optional argument on the isValid() method that gives you access to all the form values, and enables this way to validate against multiple inputs.
class MyValidator extends Zend_Validate_Abstract {
public function isValid($value, $formData = null){
//you can access to all the form values in the $formData, and check/count
//the values of your multicheckbox
//this is the super-quick way, but you could also add error messages
return $isValid;
and then add it to your element
$myElement->addValidator( new MyValidator());

Zend_Form - How to addValidator after the form has been submitted

I have 2 text fields in my form.
TextFieldA - not required
TextFieldB - not required
After user submitted the form,
How to add validator / setRequired(true) to TextFieldB if the value of TextFielA is not empty?
I see two approaches in addition to #Marcin's idea.
Conditionally call setRequired() on the relevant elements by creating a preValidate() method on the form and calling it in your controller. [Really the same idea as #Marcin, but pushed down into the form itself, keeping the controller a bit leaner.]
Create a custom validator called something like ConditionallyRequired that accepts as an option the fieldname of the "other field". Then attach this validator to each element, configuring it with the name of the "other" element. Then in the validator's isValid($value, $context) method, conditionally test $value if $context['otherfield'] is non-empty.
You could do as follows:
if ($this->getRequest()->isPost()) {
$textFieldA = $yourForm->getElement('TextFieldA');
$textFieldB = $yourForm->getElement('TextFieldB');
if (!empty($_POST['TextFieldA'])) {
if (!empty($_POST['TextFieldB'])) {
if ($mainForm->isValid($_POST)) {
// process the form
Basically, you add the validators after the post, but before the form is validated.
Hope this helps.

Zend Framework: is there a way to access the element name from within a custom validator?

I'm writing a custom validator that will validate against multiple other form element values. In my form, I call my custom validator like this:
$textFieldOne = new Zend_Form_Element_Text('textFieldOne');
->addValidator('OnlyOneHasValue', false, array(array('textFieldTwo', 'textFieldThree')));
My validator will check that only one of those three fields (textFieldOne, textFieldTwo, textFieldThree) has a value. I want to prevent a future developer from accidentally passing the same field twice.
$textFieldOne->addValidator('OnlyOneHasValue', false, array(array('textFieldOne', 'textFieldTwo', 'textFieldThree')));
So far, my validator works perfectly, except when I pass the same field name as the field that has the valiator set on it.
In my validator, you can see that I am checking that the value (of the element with the validator set on it). I'm also checking the values of the other fields that were passed to the validator.
public function isValid($value, $context = null) {
$this->_context = $context;
if ($this->valueIsNotEmpty()) {
if ($this->numberOfFieldsWithAValue() == 0) {
return true;
return false;
if ($this->numberOfFieldsWithAValue() == 0) {
return false;
if ($this->numberOfFieldsWithAValue() == 1) {
return true;
if ($this->numberOfFieldsWithAValue() > 1) {
return false;
private function valueIsNotEmpty() {
return Zend_Validate::is($this->_value, 'NotEmpty');
private function numberOfFieldsWithAValue() {
$fieldsWithValue = 0;
foreach ($this->_fieldsToMatch as $fieldName) {
if (isset($this->_context[$fieldName]) && Zend_Validate::is($this->_context[$fieldName], 'NotEmpty')) {
return $fieldsWithValue;
My solution is to either...
A. Let the developer figure out there is a certain way to do it.
B. Ignore $value, forcing you to pass all the elements (which isn't much different than the first option).
or C. (if possible) Find the name of the element that called my validator in the first place and ignore it from the list of $fieldsWithValue.
I don't think there is a way to apply a validator on a form without attaching it to an element, but that would be even better, if it were an option.
How can I solve this problem?
Normaly i'd advise against such things, but, in this case I believe a static member in your class would actually provide a good solution to this problem.
With a static member, you can set it to the value in the first time the isValid is called, and check against it in subsequent calls, thus giving you a mechanism for this.
You may want to set this up to use some array in the configuration options, so that you can namespace and allow multiple instances of the validator to exist happily alongside each other for different sets.
The only problem that you really have to decide how to overcome, is where you wish to display the error, as yes the form itself does not take validators. if you want all the duplicates after the first to display an error, it is not so much of a problem.