Dynamically update install4j screen content - install4j

We have a screen which displays only if we detect a problem with the environment. The screen has a button which retries the environment check. Each time the user retries the error can change and so I'd like to update my Multi-line HTML label accordingly. The content of the label needs to contain information produced during the environment check so even if we get the same type of error twice we may need a different message.
Is there a way to dynamically update the content of a screen? In other answers I've seen that it's usually recommended to set the content of the screen to a variable, and then updating the variable, but since I'm not moving between screens I don't believe the content will be updated. I've seen that calling context.gotoScreen(currentScreen) will refresh the content, but I'm worries this is not standard, and may change in the future in a way that if the provided screen is the current screen, nothing happens.
So the question is, what's the best approach to dynamically update the content of a screen based on user interaction without moving between screens.

Each time a form screen is shown, all form components will be reinitialized. For a multi-line HTML label component, this means that the label text will be refreshed.
To update all components from within the screen, call


Clear back navigation stack (Android)

If I call my app using a separate activity (not the normal initial route but, for instance, by overriding getInitialRoute() in a secondary FlutterActivity), or maybe even if I have no UI at all but a plugin I call into provides a platform UI of any kind, upon returning to my code, when I want to dismiss the functionality, the root route of my Flutter app is visible for a short moment. As an example, let's consider a printing scenario:
my app receives a share intent
I catch the intent with my Android code, send it to the Dart side
I act upon the intent, which involves displaying the Android printing UI
the user finishes printing or dismisses the UI
control returns to my code
before my Flutter app goes away, its initial route displays temporarily
Item 6 happens even if I call SystemNavigator.pop() in my item 5. The app exits all right, the funcionality is OK, but the momentarily visible root page is a visual nuisance.
So, what I would practically need is a way to clear the back stack when I reach item 5 to make sure I don't return to the root, not even for a moment.
I found something in the meantime that, at least for now, seems to work. It involves several steps:
make sure you use an extra route for this activity -- this ensures that it won't be the root page but this one the navigation returns to temporarily,
make sure the route shows an invisible page, practically an empty Container() -- this ensures the page will not show anything,
start this activity with a transparent background mode (including a transparent launch theme and referencing it in the manifest) -- this ensures the page will not even re-color the background temporarily,
use SystemNavigator.pop([animated: false]) when your code returns from the foreign UI -- this ensures that the extra page will disappear in the end. Animated actually does nothing, as the doc describes (which is unfortunate, actually, it would be nice to be able to suppress it).
These all combined make sure that, although the extra page is technically present for a short period of time, it isn't actually visible and distracting to the user.
I'm still very much open to suggestions that provide a real solution rather than a hacky workaround, if possible. :-)

Slider value doesn't update even if state is changing

I'm getting mad to understand why the slider inside a statefulBuilder won't update its value even if the state is continually changed by an audioPlayer listener function. Other values inside the same builder updates (the button icons for instance), but the slider keeps staying in its initial position even if it remains draggable.
I've searched the web and this site for two full days. I'm adding the link to the file on git to avoid pasting the entire file here

MS Access Form Development: Hide Objects when an Option Button is Pressed without coding for each Object that needs to be hidden

MS Access Development Question:
I have 3 options and I need each one associated with a different set of objects. Therefore, if you click option 1, a set of objects will appear in a box I'm referring to as "Report Parameters". If I click option 2, the objects in the "Report Parameters" box will disappear and a new set of objects will appear.
I didn't want to write code to switch each object from visible = true to visible = false. I thought that would take too long, especially if the number of option buttons or the objects related to it grow.
So I'm trying several things...
I tried putting all objects, that relate to a particular option, in a Subform. Therefore, I would have three subforms and that would sit in the same position on my main form. When you click on an option, the subform for that option is made visible any anything else is hidden. But I have a background picture that needs to be visible on the main form and you can't make the subform background transparent.
I used Tab Controls; however, I didn't want to use the tabs to control the switch between objects. I can hide the tabs but you can still switch between them if you click the space where the tab should be. It can be made transparent though so that helps a lot.
I need something in-between a Subform and Tab Control but I've hit a dead end. Does anyone have any other suggestions or recommendations? Or am I stuck coding for each object?
I'm an experienced VBA developer. My last option was to run a query against the form and pull all object names and save it to a table. Since the syntax of the name for each object connects it to a button, I can always run a loop that makes all objects visible/invisible if the object's name corresponds with a specific option... but... I guess I'm trying to find a shortcut. Let me know what you think! Thanks.
I was able to resolve my issue. I just needed to do some thinking... so writing up this question was a bit premature. I'll write down what I did in the event that someone has the same issue I have.
First, I used the Tab Control object to resolve my issue. I made the control transparent and named each page to reflect the Option Button I was selecting.
I then mapped each option to a button in the VBA code of the button. Therefore, when the button is selected it does several things.
First, it makes the default value of any of the other options equal to false. I also set the visibility of their corresponding pages to false.
Second, I select the page I need visible and set the visibility to true. I also make it my active page.
Lastly, as a safety measure, if the option button is already selected, and you select it again, by setting the value of that option to true. This is to prevent it from changing to false. One option should always be selected.
Hope that all made sense!

Positioning ListViews in WinJS Metro apps using scrollIntoView

I am building a jscript-based Windows 8 Metro app. The main screen of this application is a scrolling "panorama" view with several list views showing various aspects of the app's state. In some cases the user will select something on the page which results in a navigation to another page (using the WinJS.Navigation.navigate method.
When the user hits the back arrow on the other page, it returns to the main screen, and I use "scrollIntoView" on to position the screen to the section that the user was working on before the navigation occurred.
Unfortunately this hardly ever results in correctly positioning the view. It seems random. I suspect that the page isn't finished being built yet and that the scroll values are set based on the state at some snapshot in time.
Now the question:
Is there some what to be notified by WinJS ListView objects that they are completely rendered and layed out? Or is this the job of the page's ready function?
Thanks for any insight!
Putting multiple list views side by side is Not A Good Idea(TM). I would recommend putting one list view, and placing your content in a grouped data source to get the groups. If the items have different templates, then you can use a custom item Template selector to dynamically select a template.
Additionally, to ensure that the list view is scrolled to the right position, you need to use the indexOfFirstVisible to set the items the name suggests.

UITableView form

I am having very annoying issue. I have one form page with 5 custom cells. Each of them has one text field. On the bottom I have one button. In an onclick button function I am gathering values from each of the 5 described text fields.
My problem is that if my keyboard is up, I will get the values of not all but just visible text fields, the ones I don't see are null.
How to override this?
Separate data you have from your interface, that is store your textfield values in some other place right after you finish input. And access your data there.
UI elements are not intended to store data, but just to display it and allow input - as you can see in your case if you do not see a particular element you cannot be sure that it actually exists.
This might solve your problem..
1. Register your viewcontroller for KeboardNotifications
2.When keyboard will appear resize the view so that all fields will be visible.
3. When keboard will disappear just resize it back and continue..