$ionicScrollDelegate freezes the scroll - ionic-framework

In my controller i am using $firebaseArray and $ionicScrollDelegate to show messages in a chat. when my $firebaseArray is loaded, i am using the scroll delegate to scroll to the bottom and it works fine, no issues there.
But when a new child is added, i am again using scroll delegate to scroll to bottom, that scrolls down without any issues but it freezes the scroll, i.e i am not able to scroll back to the top
<ion-content delegate-handle="mainScroll">
//chat list
chat controller
var chatRef = new Firebase("my ref");
$scope.messages = $firebaseArray(chatRef);
chatRef.on('child_added', function(childSnapshot, prevChildKey) {

I believe you are using android phone to test right? If android I'm pretty sure there have a bug by using animation to scroll to bottom. Have you try to remove the animation by delete 'true' value on the function? Ex:
Try It.. hope it helps you.
Okay I found the solution.. It seem we need to set 'jsScrolling: true' instead of by default is 'jsScrolling: false' for android.
Please modified/edit this on 'ionic-angular.js'
Hope it helps others :)


Is it possible to set Ion-Slides to only move in 1 direction?

Once I get to the final slide I want to disable the bounce effect that happens when you try and swipe further. I have ion-option-buttons on the final page and swiping them causes the screen to wobble due to the slides.
I still want to be able to move back to the left / previous slide
If you aren't using the Swiper widget I would recommend it because it offers a lot more flexibility/options with your slide boxes. (Ionic documention on it here, as well).
All you need to do is watch the slide delegate, if you hit the last slide, lock sliding to next (stops the bouncy effect you mentioned). Then unlock sliding if you are not on the last slide.
$scope.$watch('data.sliderDelegate', function(newVal, oldVal) {
if (newVal != null) {
$scope.data.sliderDelegate.on('slideChangeEnd', function() {
$scope.data.currentPage = $scope.data.sliderDelegate.activeIndex;
if($scope.data.currentPage == $scope.data.lastSlide){
Here is a codepen for the exmaple.
I know this is an old post, but I just managed this in Ionic 4.0, and though that someone might find some value in it.
You can use the command:
To prevent the user from swiping right. There is similarly another command to prevent it going left:
I placed it in the " ionViewWillEnter()" function to initially disable the swiping, then created a function that I call whenever I want to manually move to the next slide like this:
Hope this helps someone looking for a similar soution.

Ionic2: Reload the ion content when back button is pressed

How do I reload the content sitting under <ion-content> tag when back button is pressed?
The answer which is there is correct, however, it is outdated. Here is the updated answer.
Link to the Life Cycle just scroll down and you should see it.
ionViewWillEnter() {
console.log('Runs when the page is about to enter and become the active page.');
Just use a View Lifecycle Hook in the view you are going back you have to use for example:
onPageWillEnter() {
// You can execute what you want here and it will be executed right before you enter the view
Or you use a lifecycle hook on the page you are leaving then just replace onPageWillEnter() with onPageWillLeave()
With ionic beta 8 the lifecylcle events changed their names. Check out the official ionic blog for the full list of the lifecycle events.

Scrolling to end of list with NetworkImageView Volley

I am creating a chat view and loading images in a chat room using NetworkImageView (placed inside a Normal ListView) via Android Volley Framework, which works great but the problem is that when the chat gets loaded the images are downloaded after a while due to which scrolling to the bottom does not work as expected. What I want is the listview in which the images are kept should scroll to the end upon getting initialized.
Here is the code that does the scrolling to the bottom of the list:
listview.post(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
listview.setSelection(listview.getCount() - 1);
However, this does not scroll to the end of list. The issue is that volley does not load up the image by the time it is initialized and only initializes it when it is starting to get displayed (onAttachToWindow or onLayout calls). Refer to the code
A workaround to make sure the list gets scrolled is:
Although not a good solution, this gets the job done.
Anyone has better ideas?
Using setStackFromBottom(true) solves the issue. I don't know why it never came to my mind. Anyways, putting the question for people like me, having issues with volley.

CellEditor in EditorGrid loses content when you scroll the grid

I have an issue where a user enters some data in an EditorGrid cell. Then the user scrolls the grid without clicking anywhere first. Upon scrolling, the edited cell gets reset and the entered data is lost. I recorded this behavior using the GXT editablegrid sample:
recording: http://goo.gl/dqqhK
I am trying to prevent the entered data loss if the users scrolls. I have been experimenting with the CellEditor's onBlur(...) method, which is called when the users scrolls, but it seems that its FieldEvent argument has already lost the entered value. So the completeEdit() just stores nothing.
Is there any way that I can prevent that "data loss" when a user scrolls? Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
Thomas Amsler
Sakai Project (UC Davis)
This works for me, hope it helps:
grid.addListener(Events.OnMouseWheel, new Listener<BaseEvent>() {
public void handleEvent(BaseEvent be) {
Events.BodyScroll works, because when you click up/down arrow of scroll bar or click anywhere of scroll bar is not a MouseWheel event.
I think this should be a GXT bug, hope it will be fixed in the future.

iPad Flicker on auto scroll using JQuery and Scrollto plugin

I am having a bit of a weird problem with iOS platform for a page i am developing. This is the page in question. When clicking any of the case study images, the page will first unhide the required case study then scroll to it.
This works on all desktop browsers on Windows and Mac, but on the iPhone and iPad you get a horrible flicker as it scrolls down.
Not quite sure how to debug or fix this issue.
Any ideas would be of great help!
Thanks in advance,
The latest page can be found here. Still haven't found a fix - if anyone has any idea it would be amazing!
If you need vertical scroll only, you could use {'axis':'y'} as settings to scrollTo method.
$.scrollTo(*selector*, *time*, {'axis':'y'});
Have you tried this:
var target = $('a[name=target]');
if (target.length)
var top = target.offset().top;
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: top}, 1000);
return false;
If you're just scrolling the page vertically you can replace the entire jQuery scrollTo plugin with this simple line:
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#scrollingTo").offset().top}, 1000, 'easeOutCubic');
Personally I do something like this
$('html,body').animate({scrollTop: $("#step-1").offset().top-15}, 1000, 'easeOutCubic',function(){
//do stuff
I found that if I try to do other js work while it's scrolling it makes the browser crunch and the animation isn't smooth. But if you use the callback it'll scroll first, then do what you need.
I put a -15 at the end of .top because I wanted to show the top edge of the div I was scrolling do, simply for aesthetic purposes. 1000 is the duration in milliseconds of the animation.
Credit goes to the poster, animate, for the tip off.
Defining {'axis':'y'} has made it right! It helped me with slideUp/Down flickering.
I'm not sure if this applies to jquery animations. But the following seems to affect CSS animations.
-webkit-backface-visibility: visibility;
Determines whether or not the back face of a transformed element is visible. The default value is visible.
Try applying it to every element and see what happens.
-webkit-backface-visibility: visible;
and try
-webkit-backface-visibility: hidden;
It's just a guess really...
I will also confirm Tund Do's method works flawlessly. If you need a "left/right" variation of the same thing (as I did) here it is:
var target = $('#page6');
if (target.length)
var left = target.offset().left;
$('html,body').animate({scrollLeft: left}, 1000);
return false;
I would guess you could combine the two, grab the top position and chain the animates for a "left/right/up/down" animation also.
I had the same problem.
The problem is the ScrollTo plugin. Instead of using scrollto.js just use .animate with scrollTop. No more flickering in ipad/iphone.
Here it is with no flickering http://www.sneakermatic.com
You should include {axis: 'y'} in your options object. Also be sure that you have not enabled interrupt option. You can test this with {interrupt: false}.
You need to add e.preventDefault(); to each .click() call. This prevents the browser's default action, which is to stay in the same place. Hope this helps!
$("#quicksand li, .client-list li").click(function (e) {
I'm having the same flickering on iPhone -- even with the preventDefault and return false options of canceling the default click event. It appears that on the device it tries to go back to the top of the page before scrolling. If you have both a scrollTop and scrollLeft animation going on it really gets buggy. It's jQuery's issue.. I've seen a scrolling method with mootools that doesn't have this issue. See this page: http://melissahie.com/
Thanks nicole for giving the example with mootools.
It really seems to be a jQuery issue when trying to do a animation on BOTH scrollTop and scrollLeft.
With mootools:
var scroll = new Fx.Scroll(window, {duration: 1000, wait: false, transition: Fx.Transitions.quadInOut});
scroll.start(y, x);
it works flawlessly on iOS5!