Is it possible to create an encrypted database in OrientDB 2.2 via OrientJS? - orientdb

I have a need to dynamically create databases in code via the OrientJS driver. I see an example of how to create an encrypted DB using the Java API but nothing in the JS api/OrientJS.

Sorry, this is not available through remote OrientDB binary protocol, so you cannot do that via JS but also Java API and Console if you use remote protocol.


Use AWS Amplify and App Sync with existing Node Server using Mongodb

Currently, I'm developing a native application using React-Native. I've decided to go with AWS Amplify because of it's real time updates as well as its authentication.
I also have a Web Application that runs on a Node.js with Epxress server. This web application connects to a Mongo database.
My big problem is that I would like to have all of my aws amplify queries run to my existing MongoDb instead of a new dynamoDb database which is provided with AWS AppSync, but unfortunately I dont know where to start. This is especially helpful in adding authentication easily in my existing web application as well.
My first idea was to just create all my API endpoints in a new node js server and have app sync call to these API end points, but I'm not sure how to implement calling end points on an existing server (and this seems kind of counter intuitive to the 'serverless' idea)
My other idea came from this: Can AWS App-Sync be used without dynamoDB
This states to use AWS Lambda to 'pipeline' my data to the existing mongodb, but I'm not really sure what that entails.
TL;DR - I would like to be able to query an existing Mongodb instead of using DynamoDb when using AWS Amplify with AppSync.
I hope this is clear enough and doesn't sound like I'm rambling. Thanks in advance!
I would suggest using either an HTTP datasource to connect to your MongoDB backend or a Lambda function. Here are a couple getting started tutorials for both:
If you go the Lambda route, then you can leverage the new #function feature of the GraphQL Transformer in the Amplify CLI:

Marklogic : JAVA API - Dynamic Database and REST Server

I am trying to see whether MarkLogic Java API can be used to create a content database and REST Server?
I went through te Java API but I dont see any reference.
Is it possible to create a REST Server through MarkLogic Java API?
I appreciate any links or pointers regarding this.
No, that's beyond the scope of the Java Client API. The Java Client API must connect to a REST Server after it's already created. You can, however, use the /rest-apis service on port 8002 via your favorite generic REST client API for Java. To see an example of how to do this with Apache HttpClient, see You can use it directly like the unit tests setup util does with this code:
Bootstrapper.main(new String[] {
"-configuser", username,
"-configpassword", password,
"-confighost", host,
"-restserver", "java-unittest",
"-restport", ""+port,
"-restdb", "java-unittest"});

Error trying to load driver for generic database configuration in Mule

I am using Mule 3.6 and would like to use the bulk insert option on the Generic Database Configuration to load data into mongodb 3.0.8.
I have entered the URL as:
and have tried a number of different Mongo and JDBC drivers but keep receiving the message "Test connection failed. Error trying to load driver..."
How can I configure the Generic Database Connector in Mule to connect to Mongo?
As already stated in this post, there is no official JDBC driver for MongoDB but one the suggested alternatives is using UnityJDBC.
If you decide to follow the UnityJDBC approach, then:
Download and install the driver by executing the following command:
java -jar UnityJDBC_Trial_Install.jar
Go to the installation folder and copy mongodb_unityjdbc_full.jar to the classpath of your Mule app.
Configure the URL and Driver in the Global Element of your Generic Database component (the values you provided are OK):
URL: jdbc:mongo://<host>:<port>/<database>
Driver Class Name: mongodb.jdbc.MongoDriver
If not, use the MongoDB Connector as suggested by #JoostD.
You need to use the MongoDB connector, it should be included in studio.
Otherwise install it from the Anypoint Exchange:!/mongodb-integration-connector
Also see some example on it:!/importing-csv-into-mongodb

Connect Gremlin shell to Titan Elasticsearch/Cassandra embedded instance?

I'm using Titan 0.3.2 in embedded mode with Cassandra and Elasticsearch. I am using the configuration documented in the titan docs for my (fed into
But I'm trying to get the right configuration for bin/cassandra-es.local to connect to the Titan server via the Gremlin client shell (with g ="cassandra-es.local") ). If I try to use the default version included with the download:
The graph won't know anything about the ES index ("Index is unknown or not configured: search").
If I configure it with:
It will create an ES instance on another port that seems to exist separately from the one used by the server.
My question: (how) can I set up my Gremlin console to properly communicate with the Titan Embedded Server?
There was some recent discussion about this on the Google group. It looks like it's actually not possible to run two ES instances on one machine, so one of the easier ways around this is to set up ES separately on a VM.
I tried out this solution, and it works fine with these lines in both cassandra-es.local and<VM ES server IP>
I can now access the same ES index from both the Gremlin shell and the Titan server.

WSO2 Data Services Server - Adding a new Database support

How do I add new Database support (MongoDB) in 2.6.3 version of WSO2 Data Service Server.
You can use DSS (2.6.3) with any database type if the database connectivity is exposed via JDBC. In other words, if your preferred database type exposes a JDBC driver/adapter for the users to connect to it via JDBC then you can use DSS to expose your data stored in your data store as a web service. Similarly, if MongoDB too has a JDBC adapter you wouldn't have any (or too many :) ) issues integrating that with DSS. However, there are some exceptions when it comes to exposing flat files such as google spreadsheeets, excel sheets, csv files as DSS uses the relevant client APIs such as Google gdate client API, Apache POI, etc to connect to those datasources and extract data. However, if we consider the general case is you need to have an adapter or a similar mechanism to connect to your datasource via JDBC.
But in the upcoming version of DSS (v3.0.0), it is planned to introduce custom datasource support so you can easily write an adapter to any datasource and use it with DSS.
I am not sure about this, but I suppose that if is not supported by default you can always download the jar library for MongoDB and put it in CARBON_HOME\repository\components\lib and restart. For example for mysql I have the mysql-connector-java-5.1.7-bin.jar in that folder.
Hope this help