RTCMultiConnection scalable screenshare - rtcmulticonnection

I am working on a project to create a scalable screen sharing application using WebRTC. I started with RTCMultiConnection library, which seems excellent, and stumbled upon the following:
this example includes screensharing, but doesn't work at all.
this one works, but not scalable
attempt to simply rework one code into another fails, seemingly scalable screenshare works in a completely different way from scalable video. Anyone was able to make it work?
Thanks for any directions at inputs!
P.S.: I am fine even if this works only in Chrome. I will pack this into Electron anyway so browser compatibility will never be a problem.

Here is Scalable-Screen-Broadcast demo:
And here it its source:
The demo supports both Chrome & Firefox.


How can I easily develop an app such that it will run on every major OS?

Everything that I have coded upto this point has been launched from Command Prompt or the IDE itself. I would like the ability to deploy an application such that launching it doesn't require a tutorial for novices. .exe, .apk, .app, ELF. Double-click and go.
I recall creating .exe files from Python as being restrictivly difficult. I was thinking C# and found .net/maui. It doesn't support linux, which I could maybe look past, but it also doesn't appear to support creating .exe files.
Java is more low level than I would like to deal with. Learning a new language that runs virtually could be the solution. I havn't done much investigating as this wouldn't be the ideal. (Edit: JVM requires an additional install, so that's not going to work.)
I don't have any experience with web developement, but it seems like a promising route none the less. It is not clear to me if I can create a local icon-launchable webpage that will run an application in your browser sans-server. Additionally, I am not sure how far my known languages will take me before I have to then learn CSS or whatever.
Electron seems to be popular choice for cross-platform development in case you don't mind developing with JavaScript.
QT is another cross-platform framework that was around for a long time.
Specifically for .NET, there's MAUI (mobile-focused, no Linux), Avalonia UI, Eto Forms, AlterNET UI. The last one is desktop-only and still in beta.

Are there apps built on top of VSCode open source base?

VSCode has a very customizable UI with Activity Bar, Sidebar, Tabs, Status Bar etc (https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/userinterface); customizable via extensions and seems to have been developed without any of the common web frameworks (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/99845).
It is well maintained, works in different OSes and has automatic updates.
Even if we remove the code-editor part, there is a lot of work in that.
This makes me wonder if it is possible to write a totally different app (not a code editor) on top of VSCode. For example a Slack-like messaging app, an Obsidian-like knowledge base app, etc.
Is it possible? Are there apps built on top of this code? Have I missed an important point that makes this idea unviable?
Some have pointed a very valid point. Some of what I mentioned here as VSCode features are really Electron features that VSCode inherits. Having developed an Electron app (5yrs ago) I see many things in VSCode that are not in Electron (but maybe my concept of Electron is wrong).
I want to emphasize that VSCode UI (bars, tabs, etc) + its extensibility seems to be a valid development framework. And I am ignorant of anything in this sense.
EDIT (jan/2023):
I guess we can add StackBlitz as a product that just did that.
I think your question is very valid and I was wondering the same thing, so thanks for asking it.
One thing that VS Code gives you that Electron doesn't is a distribution model - the marketplace and how new versions of your app can be detected and downloaded automatically etc. This is a big deal.
I think the disadvantages are that a very fancy UX may not be possible directly - but you have to "work around" by putting HTML within a Web View perhaps. This is just my guess and I haven't directly tried it.
To answer your question - the only one I am aware of is Thunder Client - so think of Postman - but as a VS Code plugin.
See also https://stackoverflow.com/a/67069697/314780 , which points to Eclipse Theia which uses parts from Visual Studio Code (i.e "Code - OSS") - https://theia-ide.org/ . The site links to a number of IDE-style apps built on top of it.
VS Code is an electron app. You might want to research what electron is – because you mention it: The Slack app is built on that same framework.
So, you've just invented something that already is done, very widely, in practice.

Use Chrome Dev Tools as a library?

Is Chrome Dev Tools available only through Chrome extensions? Or is there a way we can use it, for instance, as a library from a JS standalone file?
Chrome DevTools Frontend is now an NPM package that you can take advantage of. It is based from the new DevTools sub-repo in Blink. So you can easily pull in the DevTools assets and keep then up-dated without much work.
Original post
It depends on what you want exactly. You can dig in and rip out bits of the frontend to use. Like Betwixt by Konrad pulls the network panel design out and plugs it up to an OS interceptor. So you can use the network panel you know and love to debug any app on your desktop.
Now, can you easily do this kind of stuff. Even keeping it auto-updated? No, not really. It is fairly complicated and you need to be able to handle ripping the stuff out yourself. That being said, if you want a challenge then the code is open to everyone.
I'd say that the first sentence on the About website is pretty clear:
... built into Google Chrome.
So officially, by Google, it's only for Chrome. It's part of Chrome, not a standalone library. Issues linked to DevTools are part of Chromium, where people can contribute.

React Native with Unity

Does anyone have any experience combining React Native and Unity? I'm looking to start a Unity project that's very UI Heavy and I'm thinking about using React Native to take advantage of its UI capabilities on mobile and web.
I'm curious what the workflow for such an approach would be.
Finally after a lot of trials managed to do this. These are the steps.
1) Using this link, export android project for Gradle.
Select Gradle in the Build Settings window and check the Export Project checkbox.
Click Export and select the destination folder.
2) Import the generated folder in Android studio. Select ok whenever prompted. In this process, you will encounter following issues
2a) Gradle Sync Failed due to org.gradle.api.internal.tasks issues. Resolve using this link
3) Create React Native App using this link
4) Start Integrating Android exported folder inside created react native app using this link. Don't upgrade Gradle as Android studio will ask you again and again. You will encounter following issues. Don't go through "Test Integration" until you are finished with #5 here.
4a) While configuring maven, use this url for maven url "$rootDir/../node_modules/react-native/android" .
4b) While configuring maven, if you encounter problem related to javax.inject:javax.inject". Use this link.
4c) You may also encounter this error "Conflict with dependency 'com.google.code.findbugs:jsr305'". You can solve this link.
4d) During Code integration section of this link, focus on the following section: If you are using a starter kit for React Native, replace the "HelloWorld" string with the one in your index.android.js file (it’s the first argument to the AppRegistry.registerComponent() method). Here you have to replace with project name.
5) Before going through "Test your Integration" section, you have to add code to call MyReactActivity from UnityActivity. This link will help.
6) Go through "Test your Integration" section of link provided in #4. You may encounter following problems.
6a) unable to load script from assets index.android.bundle. Use this link.
6b) could not connect to development server on android. Use this link.
Check my article on Medium
I've shown with an example on How to integrate react native with Unity 3D step by step. My aim was to use the react native within the Unity3D like a module which is quite convenient if you're gonna heavily work on Unity 3D. Hope this helps for someone who comes here later.
I'm unsure as how a Unity game is built for iOS, if it uses Cocoa Touch for rendering its core classes.
If it does, and you have access or ability to render a UIViewController then you can render your React Native application. The only thing you would have to facilitate is setting up communication between the two applications.
Here is an example of rendering a native UI Component inside a React Native app that may help. http://moduscreate.com/leverage-existing-ios-views-react-native-app/
I was curious as well, and created an example project of how to do this for Android: https://github.com/marijnz/unity-react.
If this is a viable option, at least depends on:
How long the project will be running, both React and Unity have to be updated and this gets probably tougher over time.
The amount of sdk's/dependencies the project has.
If you want to do iOS as well.
In general, I'd probably avoid going this way.
Even though the example seems pretty simple now, it was a pain to get to that (as Shaunak's answer already hints at ;))

How can I make MODx manager UI work faster?

I am currently involve in developing projects on MODx Revolution. I like this system, it fast and great, but what really annoying is manager interface. It works really slow. Every single action require ExtJs panels refreshing. Is there any way to change this behavior or roll back to Evolution interface?
Thank you!
AFAIK you cannot change it (without modifying the core), and Revolution is a complete rewrite so there is no way you can use the old manager with the new core.
It shouldn't be so slow..
Make sure you're not using Firefox with Firebug on, while using the manager. Also, try a different browser.
Revolution's manager does have it's pros and cons, but if you take a quick look at the changelogs until the current RC3, you'll see they are still activly developing the manager interface..