ZingChart - Alter Properties of ValueBox - charts

I am using ZingChart to create a simple Pie Chart. I am using ColdFusion tags and a json file to style the chart. In the example below, my "target" series (the one I want to “highlight”) is 2, and I manipulating that slice by offsetting it and putting a border around it (see example). The problem with this is if the pie slice is very small, the border isn’t distinguishable.
My goal is to highlight the single valuebox associated with my target slice/series. I’ve research and experimented with the “rules”. The example below is hard-coded for the %v = 17.1 (which happens to be the value for series 2). The valuebox in this example has a border underneath it, which is great. But I can’t use the value token (%v) because there might be more than one series with the same value. I’ve tried many of the available tokens, and I can’t seem to get to find one that represents the “target” series that I identify. I thought it might be straightforward to highlight based on the text of the plot (%t) but I tried and that isn’t working either.
I tried playing around with the “custom token” feature, but won’t go into that at the moment as that didn’t work either.
How can I “highlight” the valuebox for series 2, presumably using a rule (hopefully using an available token)?
"scale":{ "size-factor":"69%"},
"border-bottom":"2px solid black"
"values":[ 1 ]
"values":[ 2 ],
"values":[ 3 ]
"values":[ 4 ]

It sounds like you are looking for the %p or %plot-index token (they are the same). This will allow you to modify the valueBox based on the index of your series.
I have included a demo here:
type: "pie",
text: "%t: %v",
placement: "out",
rule: "%p == 1",
color: "black",
fontStyle: "italic",
borderColor: "red",
borderWidth: 2,
shadow: 0,
padding: 10
series : [
values : [35]
values : [20]
values : [15]
I am on the ZingChart team. Hopefully this solves your problem.


How to color individual boxes of an echarts boxplot based on function

How do I color each boxes individually in an echarts box-plot based on a function?
The following function works on a simple bar chart and colors the bars appropriately:
series: [{
data: [120, 200, 150, 80, 70, 110, 130],
type: 'bar',
showBackground: true,
itemStyle: {
color: function(seriesIndex) {
return ProfessionColor[seriesIndex.name.split("_", 1).toString()]
However, it does not work on a box-plot:
series: [{
name: 'boxplot',
type: 'boxplot',
datasetIndex: 1,
itemStyle: {
color: function(seriesIndex) {
return ProfessionColor[seriesIndex.name.split('_', 1)];
encode: {
tooltip: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
name: 'outlier',
type: 'scatter',
encode: {
x: 1,
y: 0
datasetIndex: 2
If I provide color: "red" rather than a function all boxes are colored red. This leads me to believe that it needs to happen in the transform.config which I can't find in the documents or tutorial.
Echarts Box-Plot currently
The link is the complete charts in its current form.
Apparently, echarts only allows scripting (i.e., using a function for) either the line color -- option itemStyle.borderColor or the fill color -- option itemStyle.color.
The difference between the two appears to be made by the value of the internal property BoxplotSeriesModel#visualDrawType. It is now set to "stroke", which means that borderColor can be set via a function.
Since you wanted to set the fill color, its value should be set to "fill". I searched a way to change that property - it was rather difficult for echarts don't document an API for extensions. Still, navigating the source code I came up with this hacky solution:
const BoxplotSeriesModel = echarts.ComponentModel.getClassesByMainType('series').find(cls=>cls.type==='series.boxplot');
const BoxplotSeriesModelFill = function(...args){
const _this = new BoxplotSeriesModel(...args);
_this.visualDrawType = 'fill';
return _this;
BoxplotSeriesModelFill.type = BoxplotSeriesModel.type;
That's a "patch" to be applied at the beginning of your script, immediately after you have the echarts global defined.
Here's a forked version of your code that uses that patch. The only other change I made was to set a borderColor (can now only be a fixed value) to black.
This will not get you all the way, but if you add colorBy: "data" to your options and remove the itemStyle, it will look like this:

Show labels on x axis in vue-chartjs

I`m struggling with the esthetic aspect of my chart. Actually it lookes like this:
Chart is showing data over time in 10mins intervals. With that number of labels it`s hard to see what column matches to time.
I would like to create ticks like on the image, so the chart would be way more readable. I looked into documentatnion and tried this but without effect:
scales: {
xAxes: [
ticks: {
drawTicks: true,
Pasting the answer from the comment section,
best way to work with ticks is by using callback function eg:
ticks: {
callback: function (value: any, index: any, ticks: any) {
return 'What you want to return';

In reportState of the Google SmartHome API, temperatureK & spectrumRgb doesn't seem to work together

I'm trying to make the Google Smart Home API work on Gladys Assistant (it's an open-source home automation software), and I struggle to make Google Integrations tests pass.
This is my onSync:
"requestId": "9164924531720238290",
"payload": {
"agentUserId": "9aba8230-9e8d-47b7-9d1c-f4dd8725aad3",
"devices": [
"id": "mqtt-lamp-temperature",
"type": "action.devices.types.LIGHT",
"traits": [
"name": {
"name": "Lampe Temperature"
"attributes": {
"colorModel": "rgb",
"colorTemperatureRange": {
"temperatureMinK": 2000,
"temperatureMaxK": 9000
"deviceInfo": {
"model": null
"roomHint": "Grand Salon",
"willReportState": true
This is what I'm sending to reportState:
online: true,
color: { temperatureK: 3000, spectrumRgb: 8388863 },
on: true
This is what the onQuery is returning to the Google API:
'mqtt-lamp-temperature': {
online: true,
color: { temperatureK: 3000, spectrumRgb: 8388863 },
on: true
But this is what Google sees in the integrations tests:
AssertionError: Expected state to include:
actual state: {"color":{"spectrumRGB":8388863},"on":true,"online":true}: expected false to be true
It seems Google completely ignores the temperatureK attribute when the spectrumRgb attribute is here.
To confirm my theory, I tried to create a lamp that has only spectrumRgb and a light that has only temperatureK, and then it works perfectly. The problem is, in that case, some tests are skipped and I think I won't get validated by Google with that.
My question is:
Why does those attributes do not work together? Can't a light be controlled by its temperature and by it's RGB ?
Do you see anything weird in my implementation?
Thanks a lot for your help!
From the docs:
Color temperature is a linear scale and a subset of the RGB/HSV full spectrum color models.
You're currently trying to send two different color settings to your light (orange-ish in kelvin, deep pink in rgb), which is part of the issue you're running into.
You have set your device up in your SYNC to support both RGB and temperature, but in your QUERY/EXECUTE intents, you need to send either temperatureK or rgb spectrum values, not both.
Hi Your JSON format of Query and ReportState is different, include the device id in the ReportState as well, read the google report state docs for more info.

How can I show a highstock graph with a linear timeline

I have generated a graph inside highstock (see example - http://jsfiddle.net/szFQa/),
however, by default, it groups data that is chronologically close together, and stops the timeline from showing time in a linear form.
I've tried using the following options, there seems to be no change though.
plotOptions : {
series : {
dataGrouping : {
enabled : false
What options need to be set to stop the grouping and show the timeline as linear?
In case when you disable dataGrouping like this http://jsfiddle.net/szFQa/1/ then points are not grouped, because in your data you have 16 points and on the chart is also 16 points.
plotOptions: {
series: {
marker: {
enabled: true

Highstock From/To Invalid Date Issue

I have got an issue in trying to generate a graph which has a "Price" axis, and one for "Volume", similar to that in the example given on the Highstock website. It displays the volume axis just fine, but not the prices.
In trying to determine the cause of the issue, I have disabled the volume, and upon doing so, the "From" and "To" rects at the top right both indicate "Invalid Date", yet they have been on the same format, epoch by millisecond, as the volume.
So here is my setup:
chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({
chart: {
renderTo: 'container',
alignTicks: false
rangeSelector: {
selected: 1
title: {
text: 'Price Graph'
yAxis: [{
title: {
text: 'Prices'
height: 200,
lineWidth: 2
series: [
And here is the "data" for the seriesOptions:
[[1362434092000, 20.3],
[1362434093000, 13.1],
[1362434199000, 7.01],
[1362434200000, 9.4],
[1362434796000, 7.23],
[1362434797000, 22.4],
[1362434798000, 13.1],
[1362434835000, 9.9],
[1362435142000, 9.2],
[1362435399000, 6.4],
[1362435400000, 13.5],
[1362435401000, 24.8],
[1362435453000, 6.4]]
Not sure if this will be of help, but found on line 292, it looks like it is failing here:
The HCTime here is undefined, so on line 20, where this function is defined:
xa=function(a,b,c){if(!s(b)||isNaN(b))return"Invalid date";
Hope this helps...
With the information in the variable seriesOptions, I tried to bring things to basics, and updated the series to be the following:
series : [{
lineWidth : 2,
marker : {
enabled : true,
radius : 2
shadow : true,
tooltip : {
valueDecimals : 2
type: 'line',
name : 'Test',
pointInterval : 15 * 1000,
data : [
[[1362434092000, 20.3],
[1362434093000, 13.1],
[1362434199000, 7.01],
[1362434200000, 9.4],
[1362434796000, 7.23],
[1362434797000, 22.4],
[1362434798000, 13.1],
[1362434835000, 9.9],
[1362435142000, 9.2],
[1362435399000, 6.4],
[1362435400000, 13.5],
[1362435401000, 24.8],
[1362435453000, 6.4]
This has a bit of a different outcome, one that I hope can help someone know what the problem is exactly - it also produces an empty graph space, but the "From" and "To" both say "Jan 1, 1970". An improvement from "Invalid Date", but still, doesn't make sense to me when the Epoch Converter website shows the correct translation of Tuesday, 5 March 2013 8:54:52 AM. -- What does this all mean?
This question has been up for a little while now, and I've received a hit-and-run -1 score which I'm not sure why I deserve. So to help explain a little more, I have made the following two screen shots:
Graph Image
JS Breakpoint with values
I hope this helps... It's driving me insane, and the research I've done suggests only to make sure the epoch timestamp is in Milliseconds.
Will be very, very grateful for help to this riddle - am almost finished this phase of the project, and it's been a long time coming.
Problem solved.
The main issue was that chart = new Highcharts.StockChart({ was being called twice in the script, before each attempt the contents of the container were being removed. On the first iteration, it had data to work with, the second time, it did not. Hence, NaN on the data.
Second issue, seriesOptions was itself an array, so foolishly I was making the series: an array of arrays.
I do have a unusual issue with the slider overlapping the volume axis, but I'll figure that out.