Nested Array Search in Mongo db using regex - mongodb

what would be query for searching in nested arrays:
"_id" : "123",
"Array1" : [
"field1" : {
"nestedArray1" : [
"content" : "This string inside %nestedArray%",
I have tried using the following regex
Document doc = new Document();
doc.append("Array1.field1.nestedArray1.content", new Document("$regex", ".*" + "%nestedArray%" + ".*"));
But i am not able to get the proper results..Is the above query in right format


How to remove an element from inner array of nested array pymongo using $ pull

Here is my news document structure
"_id" : ObjectId("5bff0903bd9a221229c7c9b2"),
"title" : "Test Page",
"desc" : "efdfr",
"mediaset_list" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfeff94bd9a221229c7c9ae"),
"medias" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ac"),
"file_type" : "png",
"file" : "",
"file_name" : "edf.jpg"
"_id" : ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ad"),
"file_type" : "mov",
"file" : "",
"file_name" : ""
The queries that i've tried are given below
Approach 1{},{'$pull': {"mediaset_list": {"medias": {"$elemMatch" : {"_id": ObjectId('5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ac')}} }}})
Approach 2{},{'$pull': {"mediaset_list.$.medias": {"_id": ObjectId('5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ac')}} })
Issue we are facing
The above queries are removing entire elements inside 'mediaset_list' . But i only want to remove the element inside 'medias' matching object ID.
Since you have two nested arrays you have to use arrayFilters to indicate which element of outer array should be modified, try:{ _id: ObjectId("5bff0903bd9a221229c7c9b2") },
{ $pull: { "mediaset_list.$[item].medias": { _id: ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ad") } } },
{ arrayFilters: [ { "item._id": ObjectId("5bfeff94bd9a221229c7c9ae") } ] })
So item is used here as a placeholder which will be used by MongoDB to determine which element of mediaset_list needs to be modified and the condition for this placeholder is defined inside arrayFilters. Then you can use $pull and specify another condition for inner array to determine which element should be removed.
From #micki's mongo shell query (Answer above) , This is the pymongo syntax which will update all news document with that media id .{},
{ "mediaset_list.$[item].medias": { "_id": ObjectId("5bfeff83bd9a221229c7c9ad") } } ,
array_filters=[{ "item._id": ObjectId("5bfeff94bd9a221229c7c9ae")}],

How to get last array element while Projection mongodb

I have following document structure (This is dummy document for understanding purpose)
"id" : "p1245",
"Info" : [
"cloth_name" : "ABC",
"cloth_type" : "C"
"cloth_name" : "PQR",
"cloth_type" : "J"
"cloth_name" : "SAM",
"cloth_type" : "T"
"id" : "p124576",
"Info" : [
"cloth_name" : "HTC",
"cloth_type" : "C"
From these document I want to project the "cloth_type", so I tried following java code
DBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("id", 1);
DBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project", fields);
List<DBObject> pipeline = Arrays.asList(project);
AggregationOptions aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions.builder().batchSize(100).outputMode(AggregationOptions.OutputMode.CURSOR).allowDiskUse(true).build();
Cursor cursor = collection.aggregate(pipeline, aggregationOptions);
while (cursor.hasNext())
(I don't want to use "$unwind" here)
and get following output:
{ "id" : "p1245" , "ClothType" : [ "C" , "J" , "T"]}
{ "id" : "p124576" , "ClothType" : [ "C"]}
If there are multiple "cloth_type" for single id, then I want only the last cloth_type from this array.
I want something like, e.g. if there is array of "ClothType" [ "C", "J", "T"] then I want to project only [ "T"] i.e last element of array.
Is there any ways to achive this without using "$unwind".

MongoDB Query double nested documents in array

I was wondering how I can query from an embedded document inside an array. I have following structure:
{ "targetId" : 2, "metaData" : [ { "key" : "id", "value" : 1 }, { "key" : "name", "value" : "Parisa" }, { "key" : "img", "value" : { "imgid" : 1, "imgName" : "img1" } } ]
I could search simple key-values like key = id and value =1, but I could not search based on the values with embedded document e.g. key="img"
I tried following query but it does not work:
db.test.find({"metaData":{$elemMatch:{"key":"img", "value":{"imgid":1}}}})
Could you please help me!
I think the "value" part of your query is a little off. You need to put the document element in the criteria:
b.test.find({"metaData":{$elemMatch:{"key":"img", "value.imgid":1}}})

How to access data from a nested array structured collection

I have the following structure in my MongoDB .
I have a nested structure of my collection named chains which is shown below .
I am trying to access options of a particular date as shown below which is 2015-01-17 in my case .
db.chains.find({ "symbol" : "UBSC" ,"option_exp.expiration_dt" : "2015-01-17"}).pretty()
But the following query above is returning me all the data related to that Symbol .
"_id" : ObjectId("52000a90d293b0e4134e8c35"),
"symbol" : "UBSC",
"option_exp" : [
"expiration_dt" : "2015-01-17",
"options" : [
"mult" : "10"
"mult" : "10"
"expiration_dt" : "2014-01-18",
"options" : [
"prem_mult" : "10"
"prem_mult" : "10"
This is the way i was trying to access through java
BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
query.append("symbol", "UBSC");
query.append("option_exp.expiration_dt", "2015-01-17");
Could anybody please help me as how to access data of a particular date .
Use $elemMatch to limit content of option_exp array field that is included in result:
db.chains.find({symbol : "UBSC" ,"option_exp.expiration_dt" : "2015-01-17"},
{option_exp: {$elemMatch: {expiration_dt: "2015-01-17"}}})
This will select documents which have symbol equal to "UBSC" and option_exp array items with expiration_dt equal to "2015-01-17". Then we limit option_exp array content to items which have required expiration date (otherwise whole document will all option_exp items will be returned).

Is it possible to query MongoDB, using ONLY Array([x][y[x][z]]) Approach? NOT knowing Elements' Content?

This is the first of 7 test/example documents, in collection "SoManySins."
"_id" : ObjectId("51671bb6a6a02d7812000018"),
"Treats" : "Sin1 = Gluttony",
"Sin1" : "Gluttony",
"Favourited" : "YES",
"RecentActivity" : "YES",
"GoAgain?" : "YeaSure."
I would like to be able to query to retrieve any info in any position,
just by referring to the position. The following document,
"_id" : ObjectId("51671bb6a6a02d7812000018"),
"Sin1" : "Gluttony",
"?????????" : "??????",
"RecentActivity" : "YES",
"GoAgain?" : "YeaSure."
One could retrieve whatever might be in the 3rd key~value
pair. Why should one have to know ahead of time what the
data is, in the key? If one has the same structure for the
collection, who needs to know? This way, you can get
double the efficiency? Like having a whole lot of mailboxes,
and your app's users supply the key and the value; your app
just queries the dbs' documents' arrays' positions.
Clara? finally? I hope?
The sample document you've provided is not saved as an array in BSON:
"_id" : ObjectId("51671bb6a6a02d7812000018"),
"Sin1" : "Gluttony",
"?????????" : "??????",
"RecentActivity" : "YES",
"GoAgain?" : "YeaSure."
Depending on the MongoDB driver you are using, the fields here are typically represented in your application code as an associative array or hash. These data structures are not order-preserving so you cannot assume that the 3rd field in a given document will correspond to the same field in another document (or even that the same field ordering will be consistent on multiple fetches). You need to reference the field by name.
If you instead use an array for your fields, you can refer by position or select a subset of the array using the $slice projection.
Example document with an array of fields:
"_id" : ObjectId("51671bb6a6a02d7812000018"),
"fields": [
{ "Sin1" : "Gluttony" },
{ "?????????" : "??????" },
{ "RecentActivity" : "YES" },
{ "GoAgain?" : "YeaSure." }
.. and query to find the second element of the fields array (a $slice with skip 1, limit 1):
db.SoManySins.find({}, { fields: { $slice: [1,1]} })
"_id" : ObjectId("51671bb6a6a02d7812000018"),
"fields" : [
"?????????" : "??????"
This is one way to Query and get back data when you may not
know what the data is, but you know the structure of the data:
examples in Mongo Shell, and in PHP
// the basics, setup:
$dbhost = 'localhost'; $dbname = 'test';
$m = new Mongo("mongodb://$dbhost");
$db = $m->$dbname;
$CursorFerWrites = $db->NEWthang;
// defining a set of data, creating a document with PHP:
$TheFieldGenerator = array( 'FieldxExp' => array(
array('Doc1 K1'=>'Val A1','Doc1 K2'=>'ValA2','Doc1 K3'=>'Val A3'),
array('Doc2 K1'=>'V1','Doc2 K2'=>'V2','Doc2 K3'=>'V3' ) ) ) ;
// then write it to MongoDB:
NOTE : In the Shell : This produces the same Document:
> db.NEWthang.insert({"FieldxExp" : [
{"Doc1 K1":"Val A1","Doc1 K2":"Val A2","Doc1 K3":"Val A3"},
{"Doc2 K1":"V1", "Doc2 K2":"V2","Doc2 K3":"V3"}
Now, some mongodb Shell syntax:
> db.NEWthang.find().pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("516c4053baa133464d36e836"),
"FieldxExp" : [
"Doc1 K1" : "Val A1",
"Doc1 K2" : "Val A2",
"Doc1 K3" : "Val A3"
"Doc2 K1" : "V1",
"Doc2 K2" : "V2",
"Doc2 K3" : "V3"
> db.NEWthang.find({}, { "FieldxExp" : { $slice: [1,1]} } ).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("516c4053baa133464d36e836"),
"FieldxExp" : [
"Doc2 K1" : "V1",
"Doc2 K2" : "V2",
"Doc2 K3" : "V3"
> db.NEWthang.find({}, { "FieldxExp" : { $slice: [0,1]} } ).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("516c4053baa133464d36e836"),
"FieldxExp" : [
"Doc1 K1" : "Val A1",
"Doc1 K2" : "Val A2",
"Doc1 K3" : "Val A3"
Finally, how about write the Query in some PHP ::
// these will be for building the MongoCursor:
$myEmptyArray = array();
$TheProjectionCriteria = array('FieldxExp'=> array('$slice' => array(1,1)));
// which gets set up here:
$CursorNEWthang1 = new MongoCollection($db, 'NEWthang');
// and now ready to make the Query/read:
and the second document will be printed out:
foreach ($ReadomgomgPls as $somekey=>$AxMongoDBxDocFromCollection) {
var_dump($AxMongoDBxDocFromCollection);echo '<br />';
Hope this is helpful for a few folks.