Azure Service Fabric reliable actors vs reliable services - azure-service-fabric

I am new to Azure Service Fabric and the biggest questions I have are
When should I use reliable actors? Give me practical examples please.
When should I use reliable services? Give me practical examples please.

Taken a look at the differences:
State analogy : Actors work on a single instance of an object graph.
Services usually have state for multiple callers.
Scope : Actors can’t work alone, because of their size (more like objects).
Life-cycle : Actors are only active when used, so
more will fit on your available server resources
Concurrency : Actors
enforce single threaded access
State : Actors just modify the
aggregate, services work on sets so often use transactions on sets
for ACID behavior.
Communication : Actors communicate through
channels provided by the platform. Services may choose otherwise.
Access : Actors in the cluster can’t be reached from the outside by
default. You’ll probably need a Service that provides access.
Samples when to use an actor:
For every user of your mobile app you could have one actor.
For every thermostat that sends information to your application you could have one actor.
For every customer of your e-commerce site, you could have one shopping-basket actor.
Create a service in the cases that you are probably used to. Create a reliable service that provides a service for multiple users at once. For example a weather service.

I don't mean to use a word to define itself, but use Reliable Actors only if you've determined your problem fits the actor design pattern. Actors are a design pattern much like many of the Gang of Four design patterns. If your problem fits one of the patterns, use it. If it doesn't, it's best not to try to shoehorn your problem into the wrong pattern.
In Service Fabric, Reliable Actors are an implementation of the Virtual Actor pattern. It has certain rules of operation and caveats that go with them. This is a good doc to read to get an idea of how the Reliable Actor framework works and whether or not it meets your requirements:
Reliable Actors are in fact just a framework built on top of Reliable Services, so all the same scaling, partitioning, and distribution rule apply.


Microservices: API Call Vs Messaging. When to Use?

I know that messaging system is non blocking and scalable and should be used in microservices environment.
The use case that i am questioning is:
Imagine that there's an admin dashboard client responsible for sending API request to create an Item object. There is a microservice that provides API endpoint which uses a MySQL database where the Item should be stored. There is another microservice which uses elastic search for text searching purposes.
Should this admin dashboard client :
A. Send 2 API Calls; 1 Call to MySQL service and another elasticsearch service
B. Send message to topic to be consumed by both MySQL service and elasticsearch service?
What are the pros and cons when considering A or B?
I'm thinking that it's a little overkill when only 2 microservices are consuming this topic. Also, the frequency of which the admin is creating Item object is very small.
Like many things in software architecture, it depends. Your requirements, SLAs and business needs should make it clearer.
As you noted, messaging system is not blocking and much more scalable, but, API communication got it pluses as well.
In general, REST APIs are best suited to request/response interactions where the client application sends a request to the API backend over HTTP.
Message streaming is best suited for notifications when new data or events occur that you may want to take action upon.
In you specific case, I would go with a messaging system with is much more scalable and non-blocking.
Your A approach is coupling the "routing" logic into your application. Pretend you need to perform an API call to audit your requests, then you will need to change the code and add another call to your application logic. As you said, the approach is synchronous and unless you're not providing threading logic, your calls will be lined up and won't scale, ie, call mysql --> wait response, then call elastic search --> wait response, ...
In any case you can prefer this approach if you need immediate consistency, ie, the result call of one action feeding the second action.
The B approach is decoupling that routing logic, so, any other service interested in the event can subscribe to the topic and perform the action expected. Totally asynchronous and scalable. Here you will have eventual consistency and you have to recover any possible failure.

Akka, advices on implementation

I would like to create an app who integrate our (enterprise) specific tools with Slack. For that I can foreseen some bots who send events to Slack and a few commands who trigger actions.
I would like to use Akka because it is a buzzword and seems nice but don't have any arguments in favor of it. (It is not a problem since I will develop this app alone on my freetime).
But I don't have any experience on how to create an "Actor based application". I already have 3 actors, two to collect Events and one to publish those Events to Slack. Each collector are triggered by a timer, they hold a reference to the publisher and send message to him... that works..
For the commands part I din't have anything but can imagine a listener (Play http controller) who convert Slack requests to message and send them to one Actor. Ideally, I would like to decouple this listener from the Actor who will handle the command.
I would like to have some advices on how to develop this kind of applications where I have actors to collect information on a time basis and other to react to messages.
For time based activity, i.e. "ticks" or "heartbeats", the documentation demonstrates a very good pattern for sending messages to Actors periodically.
For your other need, Actors responding to messages as they come in, this is exactly the purpose of the Actor's receive method. From the documentation:
Actors are objects which encapsulate state and behavior, they
communicate exclusively by exchanging messages which are placed into
the recipient’s mailbox. In a sense, actors are the most stringent
form of object-oriented programming, but it serves better to view them
as persons: while modeling a solution with actors, envision a group of
people and assign sub-tasks to them, arrange their functions into an
organizational structure and think about how to escalate failure (all
with the benefit of not actually dealing with people, which means that
we need not concern ourselves with their emotional state or moral
issues). The result can then serve as a mental scaffolding for
building the software implementation.

Akka.Net work queues

I have an existing distributed computing framework built on top of MassTransit and RabbitMQ. There is essentially a manager which responds with work based on requests. Each worker will take a certain amount of items based on the physcial machine specs. The worker then sends completion messages when done. It works rather well and seems to be highly scalable since the only link is the service bus.
I recently evaluated Akka.Net in order to see if that would be a simpler system to implement the same pattern. After looking at it I was somewhat confused at what exactly it is used for. It seems that if I wanted to do something similar the manager would have to know about each worker ahead of time and directly send it work.
I believe I am missing something because that model doesn't seem to scale well.
Service buses like MassTransit are build as reliable messaging services. Ensuring the message delivery is primary concern there.
Actor frameworks also use messages, but this is the only similarity. Messaging is only a mean to achieve goal and it's not as reliable as in case of the service buses. They are more oriented on building high performance, easily distributed system topologies, centered around actors as primary unit of work. Conceptually actor is close to Active Record pattern (however this is a great simplification). They are also very lightweight. You can have millions of them living in memory of the executing machine.
When it comes to performance, Akka.NET is able to send over 30 mln messages/sec on a single VM (tested on 8 cores) - a lot more than any service bus, but the characteristics also differs significantly.
On the JVM we now that akka clusters may rise up to 2400 machines. Unfortunately we where not able to test, what the .NET implementation limits are.
You have to decide what do you really need: a messaging library, an actor framework or a combination of both.
I agree with #Horusiath answer. In addition, I'd say that in most cases you can replace a servicebus for the messaging system of an actor model like akka, but they are not in the same class.
Messaging is just one thing that Akka provides, and while it's a great feature, I wouldn't say it's the main one. When analyzing it as an alternative, you must first look at the benefits of the model itself and then look if the messaging capabilities are good enough for your use case. You can still use a dedicated external servicebus to distribute messages across different clusters and keep exchanging messages inside clusters for example.
But the point is that if you decide to use, you won't be using it only for messaging.

Why bother with service discovery when message oriented middleware does the job?

I get the problem that etcd/consul/$whatever are trying to solve. Service consumers need to talk to service providers, a hugely fluid distributed system needs a mechanism to marry the two.
However, the problem of "where do service consumers go with their requests?" is old and IMO has been solved with MOM -- message oriented middleware.
In MOM, the idea is that service consumers do not care where the service providers live. They simply send a message and have the messaging bus take care of routing the message to the appropriate consumer. There can be multiple providers all doing the same thing (queue-based round-robin) or versioned providers (/v1/request goes to one, /v2/request goes to another).
This is a simple, powerful integration pattern that completely decouples a service interface from its implementation.
And yet I see this bizarre obsession with discovering service providers, which appears to create tight coupling between consumers and providers (in addition to a few other anti-patterns as well.)
So, what am I missing here? TIA.
In MOM, everything flows through the bus, so it might become a bottleneck. With service discovery, a consumer looks up a producer "once" (ok it might have to check back again after a while), and then "directly" (ok could be through a proxy) talks to it.
Or if you prefer catchy phrases: smart endpoints & dumb pipes vs (i guess) dumb endpoints & smart pipes.
Personally I don't see the two as either or for this type of architecture. You could use the service discovery to see what services are available at the moment and subscribe to the MOM for the events you then know will be there. If you can't find services you depend on you can raise an alert. Not all MOM's let you know when there is no publisher for a channel.
You can also combine them in the way that the service discovery is where you find the services you want to contact directly, for example a data store that does no job, and still use the MOM to subscribe to events for changes that other systems do. Not all use cases fit well with job queuing either, as some tasks must be solved synchronously, and then the service discovery is a great way to have a dynamic environment.
I do prefer the asynchronous MQ myself, and I think that if you do it right, with load balancing, redundancy, clustering with separate readers and writers etc you can easily have great stability, scalability and a standardized way for all your components to communicate.

Akka -- Deploy two ActorSystems on the same host

I'm writing this as a follow up to PlayFramework -- Look up actors in another local ActorSystem, but this time targetting the question specifically to the Akka crowd.
The question is simple: Does it make sense to deploy two ActorSystems on the same host (not just on the same host but even on the same JVM), given that there appears to be no way to simply lookup the other system through system.actorSelection unless you remote to localhost?
In other words, since system1.actorSelection("akka://system2/user/my-actor") does not work, but system1.actorSelection("akka.tcp://system2#") does, why even consider deploying two systems?
I suspect you're going to ask about a use case, so here's one for you. Assume I have a complex real-time system using Akka and that this system is deployed as autonomous agents on any number of machines. Ideally, I'd like to have fine-grained control of the resources I allocate to this system and I'd like it to be somewhat isolated. Furthermore, assume that I want to write a small control interface (e.g., a REST API) with the specific purpose to provide input and monitor the real-time system. Naturally, I would make that control system another ActorSystem which interacts with the first system. It makes sense, right? I don't want to have actors running in the same ActorSystem as the real-time processing (for isolation, practicality, separate logging, non pollution of resource monitoring, supervision -- that would add one more branch to the hierarchy --, etc.). That control ActorSystem would never be deployed on a separate machine since it goes hand in hand with the real-time system. Yet, the only way for these two systems to communicate is through loopback tcp.
Is what I'm suggesting not the proper/intended way to do things? Am I missing something? Is there a way to do this that I haven't considered? Does my use case even call for using Akka?
Thanks in advance for your input!
Instead of having two separate actor systems, you could have a top level actor for each of the branches and run each branch on a dedicated dispatcher. Each top level actor will have its own error kernel as well. Having 2 actor systems mostly makes sense, when they are not related, but as yours communicate, I would not separate them.