Attribute name must contain word characters only - forms

I'm creating a profile form using gii and after doing the gii part and when I open the page for creating the form and I click on the "Creating Profile" it shows up with this error:
Invalid Parameter – yii\base\InvalidParamException
Attribute name must contain word characters only.
and this is the photo of the associated table in the db.
phpmyadmin table view
if you needed anymore informations just let me know.

In your table You have
the - is not allowed in yii2 field naming convention
father_s_name or fathers_name

for example your column name is İmage_name capital letter(İ) you may take such error. You must change with lowercase letter(i), for example: image_name


How to seperate prefix from a dynamic text before printing in BIRT

The name which i want to print in the report as a dynamic text is in the encrypted format in the DB. I decrypt this name with the help of the following script in onCreate of this dynamic text field.;
Now the problem is, this name comes with the prefix Mr,Ms etc concatenated with the name in some reports which is affecting the name decryption, I want the name alone for decrypt. Separating the prefix and name in query is disturbing the binding and leads to some other errors. So what i want to do is check the name for any space or split so that i can identify after the 1st space whatever coming would be the name and before space would be prefix. Then i want to send that name alone to the decypt method and on returning decrypted name should concatenate with the prefix using some script and print in the dynamic text field. How to achieve this in the BIRT Report Designer Version: 3.7.1.v2
From DataSet Drag and drop the name attribute into the report somewhere and make it invisible. Go to the onRender of that name attribute which available from the script tab in BIRT and paste the following code to separate prefix from name and send the name alone to your method.
name = this.getValue();
var sArr = name.split(" ");
for(var i=1;i<sArr.length;i++){
name = name+" "+sArr[i];
name = name.replace(/^[ ]+|[ ]+$/g,'')
name=sArr[0]+" ";
Now drag and drop the dynamic text from the palette to the position where you want see the name. Go to the onCreate of that dynamic text field which available from the script tab and paste the following code to print the result which returned from your method along with the prefix.

Worklist template i18n <ObjectName>

Does the <ObjectName> refer to a variable which contains the name of the object? Or should I replace it manually with a suitable name?
The IDE generated #XTIT: Table view title worklistTableTitle=<ObjectName> in i18n.
The line which you have mentioned
#XTIT: Table view title worklistTableTitle=<ObjectName>
This is just a sort of comment in i18n file.
appDescription=<you can fill anything you can here> to reflect in your app.
When you use SAP WebIDE to create a template/application, it may create i18n files with placeholders for you to replace them with your own application specific texts. In your case, in the code below <ObjectName> represents a placeholder for your own text.
#XTIT: Table view title
It does not refer to any variable, you simple have to add you own text in that field. Something similar to this :
#XTIT: Table view title
worklistTableTitle=My Products List

manually enter data to form

The user enters input to fill the form, but I want to manually complete one field. I've tried using document.getElementById(certificate_request_commonname__row).createAttribute("value","abc");
but it doesn't work. In the form i'm adding data to a table. certificate_request is the name of the table and commonname is the column name. After I've looked on the web2py book I saw that I have to write: tablename_columnname__row. I've done that but it doesn't work. it always says to me: Empty string passed to getElementById(). Can anyone help?
certificate_request_commonname__row is just a wrapper element that contains the input element. Instead, you must identify the input element itself. Also, don't use createAttribute -- just set the .value attribute:
document.getElementById('certificate_request_commonname').value = 'abc'

Tableau Action URL: field name needed twice to construct a valid link

I've used worksheet URL actions in tableau before and they are Great! But I have a case where to construct a valid link- I need the field twice.
something like....
"{"conjunction":"and","expressions":[{"op":"equals","attr":"id","value":FIELD}],"preFilterQuery":"","name":"Advanced Filter"}"
where FIELD is the field name I would like to use to properly construct the url. I have tried using both the select and menu options-
both seem to be ignored by tableau.
FIELD needs to be surrounded by angle brackets. You can use the Insert menu on the URL action dialog panel to insert field names into your URL if you prefer, and thus avoid spelling errors. Or simply type the field name and brackets where you want them.

How to test the existence of a Word Custom Document Property (CDP) in a field code?

The following fieldcode in Word displays the contents of the custom document property "myproperty" when it exists; otherwise it does nothing
{IF {DOCPROPERTY "myproperty"} <> "Error! Unknown document property name." {DOCPROPERTY "myproperty"}}
The test for existence is based upon the error message that Word returns if the property does not exist. Trouble is: this error message can be localized (e.g. in French etc).
Do you know how to test for existence of a custom document property in a locale independent manner? This would be equivalent to something like:
{IF {EXIST-DOCPROPERTY "myproperty"}{DOCPROPERTY "myproperty"}}
IMHO you've stumbled over the few issues in Word which are language-content-related and for which no correct solution exists.
Another example is the {STYLEREF} field, which needs a reference to the style you want to refer to. While you have in VAB/VSTO the possibility to refer to the built-in styles through a constant, e.g. wdStyleHeading1, to be language-independent, with the field you must add the style name as "Heading 1" in an English Word. Open the document in a German Word, and you'll get a "style name not defined" error, and vice versa opening a German "STYLEREF "Überschrift 1"} in an English Word.
You haven't said anything about the whole situation in which you want to address your issue. In my document template sets, I'm normally in control of the documents, e.g. there's a global add-in running through which I can control documents. Additionally, templates issued by me do have the custom document properties already defined, so that errors of your kind can not happen. However, even if they're not defined, you may create them while opening a document.