Change sequence name in postgreSQL - postgresql

I would like to change the name of my sequence I use. I tried those two options and failed:
ALTER TABLE PLAYER RENAME id_seq_player TO player_id_seq;
ALTER SEQUENCE id_seq_player RENAME TO player_id_seq;
I looked at the official documentation and from there I created those two SQL, but none of them worked. The first solution resulted in a SQL error and the second had a time out.
Here is the SQL error I get:
ERROR: column "id_seq_player" does not exist
********** Error **********
Seems like the second SQL statement did the job. Since I have to forward the port, maybe it was an issue with the connection or OpenShift. But now I retried several times to verify and it works.
ALTER SEQUENCE id_seq_player RENAME TO player_id_seq; /* Works */

ALTER SEQUENCE id_seq_player RENAME TO player_id_seq;
is correct. You might want to add the schema name as well to ensure you are altering the correct one, but this should most likely work.
If it timeouts, you might have another process that is locking your sequence. Is there a way for you to turn off all the other database users, or is it too critical to do so?

Try this:
ALTER TABLE id_seq_player RENAME TO player_id_seq;

Dont know the command line but you can change it on the pgAdmin
I just add 1 to my sequence and change it back.


Db2 doesn't allow to update table, throws an error saying that operation is incomplete

I'm getting an error when trying to update a table. The SQL statement is:
UPDATE dda_accounts SET TYPE_SK = TYPE_SK - 10 WHERE TYPE_SK > 9;
The error I get is:
SQL Error [57007]: Operation not allowed for reason code "7" on table
SQLSTATE 57007 says that there's something incomplete after an ALTER TABLE was executed.
I found this resolution, but it's not clear if it can be fixed or the only way to recover the table is using a backup.
Running a select statement works, only the update fails. What is the way to fix this table?
You need to REORG the table to recover, see this page for details.
When you get an error like this, lookup the SQL066N code with the reason code "7".
This shows:
The table is in the reorg pending state. This can occur after an ALTER
TABLE tatement containing a REORG-recommended operation.
Be aware the the previous alter table (that put the table into this state of reorg needed) might have happened quite some time ago, possibly without your knowledge.
If you lack the authorisation to perform reorg table inplace "BANK_0002_TEST.DDA_ACCOUNTS" , then contact your DBA for assistance. The DBA may choose to also reorg indexes at the same time, and to perform runstats (docs) on the table following completion of the reorg, and to check whether anything else needs rebinding.

Can't select from database without specifying schema name

I am new to databases and I was trying to set up PostreSQL and trying to query
tables in pgAdmin 4, but I always have to specify schema name as such:
The database name is the same as the schema name. This is probably not good but I didn't know better.
I tried looking up some solutions and found and tried this, but it didn't fix the issue:
ALTER DATABASE infection_database SET search_path="infection_database";
Tried both with and without quotation marks if it matters. Where am I making a mistake?
Given solution works, but you need to restart the session for the changes to take effect.
Credit to #jjanes

REORG command in db2

So I have been altering a table in QMF. After 3 alters I believe the table has gone into a pending reorg state so that I cannot alter it additionally. Am I correct in this assumption? If so what implications does this have and to get around it can I simply reorganize the table and continue altering it? If so, what does the syntax look like for reorganizing a table? I tried
and receive the error:
an unexpected token "PIDJBIP" was found following "REORG TABLE".
Expected tokens may include: "JOIN". SQL state = 42601.
I haven't gotten much help out of the IBM pages regarding this subject.
REORG is not an SQL statement, so it cannot be issued using a SQL interface (such as QMF). You will need to run it using the DB2 Command Line Processor.
Alternatively, you might use the administrative stored procedure, which you could call via QMF:
call sysproc.admin_cmd('reorg table PIDJBIP.TABLE_NAME_T')

How to rename a PostgreSQL table by prefixing an underscore?

I have a database which relies on a PostgreSQL system and I am maintaining it so I want to change tables and overall scheme. For this I thought of renaming the older tables so they have an underscore as a prefix. But this is not working:
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS _my_table; -- table does not exists, this does nothing
ALTER TABLE my_table
RENAME TO _my_table;
The result of the query is the following:
NOTICE: table "_my_table" does not exist, skipping ERROR:
type "_my_table" already exists
********** Error **********
ERROR: type "_my_table" already exists SQL state: 42710
The '_my_table' table is a fake name, but this error is reproduced by actually creating a '_my_table' table and running the same script above.
I am using pgAdmin III to access the database tables and making use of it's 'rename' operation results in the same error.
The postgresql documentation for the alter table method does not tell me explicitly about this particular problem:
Do I really need to use a prefix like 'backup' instead of '_' ? Or would it be possible to rename it, my only interest is to maintain the information in the table whilst having the minimal changes to the table name.
You cannot simply put an underscore in front of the existing table name because every table has an associated type that is... a leading underscore before the table name. You can verify this in the pg_catalog.pg_type table. Having a table name start with an underscore is not the problem, but the internal procedure is that a new table is created physically from the old table and only when the old table is no longer in use by other processes will the old table, and its associated type, be deleted. Hence the error referencing the type (and not the relation).
So if you really want to keep the old name with an underscore, you should first ALTER TABLE to some temp name and then ALTER TABLE to the underscore + original name. Or simply use another prefix...
ERROR: type "_my_table" already exists
Both tables and types are stored in the internal table pg_class. A unique name is required, that's why you get this error message.

postgres condition trigger missing from clause

I'm trying to create a trigger on my table such that it only runs if the 'prepaid' column is true for rows where I've modified the value of the 'points_per_month' column. I tried this:
CREATE TRIGGER "fix_usage_trigger"
AFTER UPDATE OF "points_per_month"
ON "public"."clients"
EXECUTE PROCEDURE "fix_prepaid_client_available_usage"();
psql is telling me this:
ERROR: missing FROM-clause entry for table "row"
LINE 1: ...r_month" ON "public"."clients" FOR EACH ROW WHEN (ROW.prepai...
Clearly I have no FROM clause there, but I'm not sure why I'd need one, nor where to put it.
That should be when (new.prepaid), per David's comment. You can access old and new in the when clause (as in the row before and after the update) much like table aliases. The error message is PG complaining that row is not a known table.
Two additional notes:
it might need to be when (old.prepaid or new.prepaid) if you want to manage billing plan switches -- or another two separate triggers. Conversely, when (old.prepaid and new.prepaid) if you do not, and someone might run database queries that might inadvertently fire the trigger and create undesirable state (add a unit test or two).
the function's name suggest something might be wrong further up in your code flow. You might want to fix that instead, by setting the available usage properly to begin with. Doing so might be more efficient, too.