Our current CI deployment phase works like this:
Build the containers.
Tag the images as "latest" and < commit hash >.
Push images to repository.
Invoke rolling update on appropriate RC(s).
This has been working great for RC based deployments, but now that the Deployment object is becoming more stable and an underlying feature, we want to take advantage of this abstraction over our current deployment schemes and development phases.
What I'm having trouble with is finding a sane way to automate the update of a Deployment with the CI workflow. What I've been experimenting with is splitting up the git repo's and doing something like:
[App Build] Build the containers.
[App Build] Tag the images as "latest" and < commit hash >.
[App Build] Push images to repository.
[App Build] Invoke build of the app's Deployment repo, passing through the current commit hash.
[Deployment Build] Interpolate manifest file tokens (currently just the passed commit hash e.g. image: app-%%COMMIT_HASH%%)
[Deployment Build] Apply the updated manifest to the appropriate Deployment resource(s).
Surely though there's a better way to handle this. It would be great if the Deployment monitored for hash changes of the image's "latest" tag...maybe it already does? I haven't had success with this. Any thoughts or insights on how to better handle the deployment of Deployment would be appreciated :)
The Deployment only monitors for pod template (.spec.template) changes. If the image name didn't change, the Deployment won't do the update. You can trigger the rolling update (with Deployments) by changing the pod template, for example, label it with commit hash. Also, you'll need to set .spec.template.spec.containers.imagePullPolicy to Always (it's set to Always by default if :latest tag is specified and cannot be update), otherwise the image will be reused.
We've been practising what we call GitOps for a while now.
What we have is a reconciliation operator, which connect a cluster to configuration repository and makes sure that whatever Kubernetes resources (including CRDs) it finds in that repository, are applied to the cluster. It allows for ad-hoc deployment, but any ad-hoc changes to something that is defined in git will get undone in the next reconciliation cycle.
The operator is also able to watch any image registry for new tags, an update image attributes of Deployment, DaemonSet and StatefulSet types of objects. It makes a change in git first, then applies it to the cluster.
So what you need to do in CI is this:
Build the containers.
Tag the images as <commit_hash>.
Push images to repository.
The agent will take care of the rest for you, as long you've connected it to the right config repo where the app Deployment object can be found.
For a high-level overview, see:
Google Cloud Platform and Kubernetes
Deploy Applications & Manage Releases
Disclaimer: I am a Kubernetes contributor and Weaveworks employee. We build open-source and commercial tools that help people to get to production with Kubernetes sooner.
Using Kubernetes we make use of Helm and Kustomize to bundle our application. This helps consistently updating something like an application, but gets kind of bloated for a hole “environment” or cluster.
ArgoCD seems like a good solution for updating a hole cluster, as you can “mirror” your git state to the cluster. This works even when dropping resources or updating an existing complex deployment.
Now I want to build branch based ephemeral environments and think ArgoCD seems a bit bloated for this feature as for every branch environment I would have to commit to the git repository and add something.
The idea is, every branch based environment lives in its own namespace. I search for a tool managing this namespace and being able to do updates, and drops of the hole thing.
What is a good solution for this problem?
I have two environments (clusters): Production and Staging with two independent databases. They are both deployed on Kubernetes and production doesn't have a fixed schedule for new deployments but it happens on a weekly basis (roughly).
I would like to sync the production database with the staging database every time that a new release is deployed to production (kubernetes deployment is updated with new image).
Is there a way that I can set a job/cronjob to be triggered everytime this even happen?
The deployments are done using ArgoCD to pull the changes in the deployment manifest from a github repository.
I don't think this functionality is inherent to kubernetes; you are asking about something custom that can be implemented in a variety of ways (depending on your tool stack)
if you are using helm to install to Production, you can use a post-install hook that triggers a Job that does what you want.
Perhaps ArgoCD has some post-install functionality that can also create a Job resource doing what you want.
I think you can also use a tool like Kyverno and write a policy to generate a K8s job upon any resource created in K8s.
This is exactly the case what Argo Events is for.
There are many ways to implement this, but it depends on your exact situation how it’s best for you.
Eg. if you can use a Git tag event’s webhook you could go with an HTTP trigger to initiate a Job or Argo Workflow.
As background, I am in the process of upgrading a few projects from Jenkins and Gitlab CI based CI to use Tekton. In those projects, it is common to see a Jenkinsfile or .gitlab-ci.yml defining what the pipeline is to run for the project. Those files are then used by the corresponding tool at build time whenever a triggering event occurs (such as a merge/commit/etc). Those files would change over time to accommodate whatever was needed by the repository to perform its build and then committed to the repo like any other kind of work performed. This had the desirable behavior of knowing exactly what the build pipeline looked like at any point in the commit history and aiding build reproducibility if handled carefully/correctly.
The corresponding approach with Tekton appears to suggest that you store the CRD yaml files under a /tekton folder. However, most of the documentation and examples I've seen for Tekton focus on what appears to be a manual process of pushing your CRDs out with kubectl. Once the CRDs have been installed, the EventTrigger is capable of using the defined resources whenever necessary, but what happens when I commit an update to the pipeline.yaml? Is the expectation that a developer manually pushes the updated CRDs with kubectl or is there a way for the EventTrigger to automatically use the ./tekton/pipeline.yaml that is stored in the git repo that sourced the event?
I have a repository with a Kubernetes deployment YAML. Pipelines run on each commit that builds and pushes an image into our repository, versioned with the commit (eg. my_project:bm4a83). Then I'm updating the deployment image
kubectl set image deployment/my_deployment my_deployment=my_project:bm4a83.
This works, but I also want to keep the rest of the deployment YAML specification in version control.
I thought I could just keep it in the same repository, but that means my changes that may only be infrastructure (eg, changing replicas) triggers new builds, without code changes.
What felt like it made the most sense was keeping the deployment YAML in a totally separate repository. I figured I can manage all the values from there, independently from actual code changes. The only problem with that is the image key would need to be kept up to date. The only way around that, is working with some floating :latest-type version, but I don't really think that's ideal.
What's a sensible workflow for managing this? Am I missing something entirely?
What's a sensible workflow for managing this? Am I missing something entirely?
Some of the answer depends on the kind of risk you're trying to drive down with any process you have in place. If it's "the cluster was wiped out by a hurricane and I need to recover my descriptors," then Heptio Ark is a good solution for that. If the risks are more "human-centric," then IMHO you will have to walk a very careful line between locking down all the things and crippling the very agile, empowering, tools that kubernetes provides to a team. A concrete example of that model running up against your model is: what happens when a developer edits a Deployment but does not (remember|know) to update the descriptor in the repo? So do you revoke the edit rights? Use some diff-esque logic to detect a changed in-cluster config?
To speak to something you said specifically: it is a highly suboptimal idea to commit a descriptor change just to resize a (Deployment|ReplicationController|StatefulSet). Separately, a well-built CI pipeline would also understand if no buildable artifact changed and bail out (either early, or not even triggering a build, if the CI tool is that smart).
Finally, if you do want to carry on with the current situation, then the best practice I can think of is textual replacement right before applying a descriptor:
$ grep "image: " the-deployment.yml
image: example.com/something:#CI_PIPELINE_IID#
$ sed -i'' -e "s/#CI_PIPELINE_IID#/${CI_PIPELINE_IID}/" the-deployment.yml
$ kubectl apply -f the-deployment.yml
so that the copy in the repo remains textually pristine, and also isn't inadvertently actually applied since it won't actually result in a runnable Deployment.
but I also want to keep the rest of the deployment YAML specification in version control.
Yes, you want to do that. Putting everything under version control is a good practice to achieve immutable infrastructure.
If you want the deployment to have a separate piece of metadata (for whatever auditing / change tracking reason), why can't you just leverage the Kubernetes metadata block?
name: my_deployment
commit: bm4a83
Then you inject such information through Jinja, Ruby ERBs, Go Templates, etc.
I've checked out helm.sh of course, but at first glance the entire setup seems a little complicated (helm-client & tiller-server). It seems to me like I can get away by just having a helm-client in most cases.
This is what I currently do
Let's say I have a project composed of 3 services viz. postgres, express, nginx.
I create a directory called product-release that is as follows:
Secret.mustache.yaml # Needs to be rendered by the dev before use
Job.yaml # postgres schema migration
update.sh # k8s API server scritps to patch/replace existing k8s objects, and runs the state change job
The usual git stuff can apply now. Everytime I make a change, I make changes to the spec files, test them, write the update scripts to help move from the last version to this current version and then commit it and tag it.
This works for me so far, but is this "the right way"?
Why does helm have the tiller server? Isn't it simpler to do the templating on the client-side? Of course, if you want to separate the activity of the deployment from the knowledge of the application (like secrets) the templating would have to happen on the server, but otherwise why?
Seems that https://redspread.com/ (open source) addresses this particular issue, but needs more development before it'll be production ready - at least from my team quick glance at it.
We'll stick with keeping yaml files in git together with the deployed application for now I guess.
We are using kubernetes/helm (the latest/incubated version) and a central repository for Helm charts (with references container images built for our component releases).
In other words, the Helm package definitions and its dependencies are separate from the source code and image definitions that make up the several components of our web applications.
Notice: Tiller has been removed in Helm v3. Checkout this answer to see details on why it needs tiller in Helm v2 and why it's removed in Helm v3: https://v3.helm.sh/docs/faq/#removal-of-tiller
According to the idea of GitOps, what you did is a right way (to perform release from a git repo). However, if you want to push it further to make it more common, you can plan more goals including:
Choose a configuration management system beyond k8s app declarative definition only. E.g., Helm (like above answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/42053983/914967), Kustomize. They're pure client-side only.
avoid custom release process by altering update.sh with popular tools like kubectl apply or helm install.
drive change delivery from git tags/branches by using a CI/CD engine like argocd, Travis CI or GitHub Actions.
Uses branching strategy so that you can try changes on test/staging/production/ environment before delivering it directly.