Play Framework 2.5.x Scala Slick implementation style - scala

I have kind of philosophical question.
I have been a very happy user of Play Framework for Java for couple years now. Now I am trying to dive into Scala and functional programming. In Java-based play I have been using Ebean, so according to Play documentation I extended Ebean Model class and implemented my own models. In each model I declared a static variable of type Finder in order to call queries. All of this is documented and working well.
However in Scala-based Play (v2.5.x) there is not too much documentation about persistance layer. OK, I understood there is a recommendation of Play Slick as it is using the ideas of functional programming. I am kind of excited about that, but there is almost no documentation on how to use it. I found a way on how to enable Slick, how to configure data source and db server and how to inject db into Controller. There is also a very small example on how to call simple query on db.
The question is: How to actually use Slick? I researched some third party tutorials and blogs and it seems there are multiple ways.
1) How to define models? It seems that I should use case classes to define model itself. Than I should define class extending Table to define columns and its properties??
2) What is the project structure? Should I create new scala file for each model? By conventions of Java I should, but sometimes I have seen all models in one scala file (like in Python Django). I assume separate files are better.
3) Should I create DAOs for manipulating Models? Or should I create something like Service? The code would be probably very same. What I am asking is the structure of the project.
Thank you in advance for any ideas

I had the same questions about slick and came up with a solution that works for me. Have a look at this example project:
Most other example projects are too basic. So I created this project with a broader scope, similar to what I found in real live play code. I tested out various approaches, including services. In the end I found the additional layer hard to work with because I never knew where to put the code. You can see the thought process in the past commits :)
Let me quote from the readme: Repositories handle interactions with domain aggregates. All public methods are exposed as Futures. Internally, in some cases we need to compose various queries into one block that is carried out within a single transaction. In this case, the individual queries return DBIO query objects. A single public method runs those queries and exposes a Future to the client.

I can wholeheartedly recommend the Getting Started part of the Slick documentation
There is also a Typesafe Activator Template for Slick - Hello Slick - which you can find here and then explore and continue from there
To get started with Slick and Play you would need to add the dependency in your build.sbt file:
"" %% "play-slick" % "2.0.0"
Also evolutions (which I recommend)
"" %% "play-slick-evolutions" % "2.0.0"
And of course the driver for the database
"com.h2database" % "h2" % "${H2_VERSION}" // replace `${H2_VERSION}` with an actual version number
Then you would have to specify the configuration for your database:
If you want to have a nice overview of all this and more you should definitely take a look at THE BEST STARTING POINT - a complete project with Models, DAOs, Controllers, adapted to Play 2.5.x


Spring Boot + JDBC (not JPA) + Postgres Getting Started?

Try as I might, I cannot seem to find a simple example of a SpringBoot application that uses Spring Data JDBC with a Postgres database, or how to generate Entity classes from a database, or vice versa if that's required, or even how to get a reference to a Data Source.
There are lots of examples using JPA.
There are a few examples spinning up an H2/HSQL on the fly.
There are a couple using Postgres with Spring but not Spring Boot, which means these examples have a number of extra steps.
I believe I know what dependencies are needed -- basically Postgres and a Spring Data JDBC starter, both available in - and as far as data source properties, the example in this this link seems like it might work ...
But I cannot find how to declare a Repository class, or how to instantiate or get a reference to said Repository. If the docs are meant to explain this, I am afraid their virtues are lost on me. From the examples they link to, it looks like perhaps I can create a repository like this ...
interface CategoryRepository extends CrudRepository<Category, Long>, WithInsert<Category> {}
... and then get a reference to an implementation of my repository like this ...
#Autowired CategoryRepository repository;
... and I guess that will use my Postgres info from somehow.
None of that addresses Table schema => POJO generation (or vice versa). But even if I'm right about the above, this is my persistence layer. I'm not comfortable copy/pasting from some sample code, getting a good result (for now), and declaring it done. I'd rather be working from real information.
If I'm starting with valid Postgres connection info and I know what I want my Entities to look like ...
How do I capture my Postgres connection info in properties? (I suspect my properties example above is correct but that's just copy/paste from some link)
How do I write tables and then generate Entity classes, or the reverse? I prefer the former but I'll settle for either at this point.
How do I get a reference to a DataSource to my Postgres database? (I might never need one but I'd like to know how in case I do)
How do I define a repository class? (I believe I extend CrudRepository<AggRoot, IdType> if I'm happy with CrudRepo, but I'm hazy on this)
How do I instantiate my repo class with my postgres info / DataSource?
How do I get a reference to this repo?
I'm sure a lot of this would be easier if I was stronger with basic Spring, but I am learning that as I go.
Thanks so much!
I have pieced together some working code from various source and copy/pastes. It does not feel like an answer, so much as it feels like code that happens to work, for now, and I'm open to any suggestions, corrections, or improvements.
How do I capture my Postgres connection info in properties?
This appears to be covered in the Spring Boot docs, not Spring Data etc. There's quite a gotcha around property names that's easy to overlook, which has to do with a Spring Data default connection pool change (Tomcat to Hikari), which requires a subtle property name change: x.y.url= changes to x.y.jdbc-url=. So my properties look like this:
How do I write tables and then generate Entity classes, or the reverse? I prefer the former but I'll settle for either at this point.
From what I can tell, in Spring Data JDBC you cannot do either. All I am going off of is something I read in a blog post from 2019 ... I'd love something definitive one way or the other.
How do I get a reference to a DataSource to my Postgres database? (I might never need one but I'd like to know how in case I do)
Using the subtly-documented DataSourceBuilder seems to be the way to go. Even more subtly documented is the need to annotate your DataSourceBuilder with the prefix you're using for your connection string application properties. Easiest is to declare the DataSourceBuilder method in your Application class. The good news is the declaration itself is very simple.
#ConfigurationProperties(prefix = "app.datasource")
public DataSource dataSource ()
return DataSourceBuilder.create().build();
How do I define a repository class? (I believe I extend CrudRepository<AggRoot, IdType> if I'm happy with CrudRepo, but I'm hazy on this)
Indeed, CrudRepository is the way to go. A lot of the examples I found were misleadingly complex: they add annotations because they are doing non-default stuff, but if you just want CRUD, this is all you need:
#Repository // I'm unsure if this is needed - some examples had it, some didn't
public interface MyAggRootRepository extends CrudRepository<MyAggRoot, Long>
How do I instantiate my repo class with my postgres info / DataSource?
How do I get a reference to this repo?
With a properly coded DataSourceBuilder as above, all you need is to declare an #Autowired field for your repo and you're done.
MyAggRootRepository _repo
That appears to be everything. Once you know the steps there's not much to it:
a few lines in
a pretty trivial interface extending CrudRepository(T, PK)
a boilerplate DataSource-returning method using DataSourceBuilder (possibly with care taken to get the prefix right on the properties)
a simple #Autowired repository field
The lack of table or Entity class generation means a bit more work, but it's one less thing to know, and one less source of surprises I have to deal with so I don't mind the tradeoff.
If anyone can correct the above, or point to a definitive reference rather than hazy memory of blog posts, feel free.
I just uploaded a basic example of using Spring Data JPA here on my Github (Sorry, that's a lot of line on the, just ignore if unnecessary)
When you using spring-boot-starter-data-jpa dependency. It will setup anything related to database for you. You don't need to put any boilerplate code.
You can use annotation #Repository or not, it depends on your code structure and requirement. For me, I always use annotation.
If you're using eclipse, you can use a 'Generate Entities from Tables' wizard. Specify a connector or driver, fill out database creadential and you are ready to go.

Creating rdbms DDL from scala classes

Is there a straightforward way to generate rdbms ddl, for a set of scala classes?
I.e. to derive a table ddl for each class (whereby each case class field would translate to field of the table, with a corresponding rdbms type).
Or, to directly create the database objects in the rdbms.
I have found some documentation about Ebean being embedded in Play framework, but was not sure what side-effects may enabling Ebean in play have, and how much taming would Ebean require to avoid any of them. I have never even used Ebean before...
I would actually rather use something outside of Play, but if it's simple to accomplish in Play I would dearly like to know a clean way. Thanks in advance!
Is there a straightforward way to generate rdbms ddl, for a set of
scala classes?
Ebean a default orm provided by play you just have to create entity and enable evolution(which is set to enable as default).It will create a (dot)sql file in conf/evolution/default directory and when you hit localhost:9000 it will show you apply script .But your tag say you are using scala so you can't really use EBean with Scala .If you do that you will have to
sacrifice the immutability of your Scala class, and to use the Java
collections API instead of the Scala one.
Using Scala this way will just bring more troubles than using Java directly.
JPA (using Hibernate as implementation) is the default way to access and manage an SQL database in a standard Play Java application. It is still possible to use JPA from a Play Scala application, but it is probably not the best way, and it should be considered as legacy and deprecated.Source
Anorm(if you want to write ddl)
Anorm is Not an Object Relational Mapper so you have to manually write ddl. Source
Function relation mapping for scala .Source
Activate is a framework to persist objects in Scala.Source
It is built upon ScalikeJDBC library which is a thin but powerful JDBC wrapper.Details1,Details2
Also check RDBMS with scala,Best data access option for play scala

Integration tests in Scala when using compagnons with Play2? -> Cake pattern?

I'm working on my first Scala application, where we use an ActiveRecord style to retrieve data from MongoDB.
I have models like User and Category, which all have a companion object that uses the trait:
class MongoModel[T <: IdentifiableModel with CaseClass] extends ModelCompanion[T, ObjectId]
ModelCompanion is a Salat class which provide common MongoDB crud operations.
This permits to retrieve data like this:
I never had any experience with this ActiveRecord query style. But I know Rails people are using it. And I think I saw it on Play documentation (version 1.2?) to deal with JPA.
For now it works fine, but I want to be able to run integration tests on my MongoDB.
I can run an "embedded" MongoDB with a library. The big deal is that my host/port configuration are actually kind of hardcoded on the MongoModel class which is extended by all the model companions.
I want to be able to specify a different host/port when I run integration tests (or any other "profile" I could create in the future).
I understand well dependency injection, using Spring for many years in Java, and the drawbacks of all this static stuff in my application. I saw that there is now a scala-friendly way to configure a Spring application, but I'm not sure using Spring is appropriate in Scala.
I have read some stuff about the Cake pattern and it seems to do what I want, being some kind of typesafe, compile-time-checked spring context.
Should I definitely go to the Cake pattern, or is there any other elegant alternative in Scala?
Can I keep using an ActiveRecord style or is it a total anti-pattern for testability?
No any static references - using Cake pattern you got 2 different classes for 2 namespaces/environments, each overriding "host/port" resource on its own. Create a trait containing your resources, inherit it 2 times (by providing actual information about host/port, depending on environment) and add to appropriate companion objects (for prod and for test). Inside MongoModel add self type that is your new trait, and refactor all host/port references in MongoModel, to use that self type (your new trait).
I'd definitely go with the Cake Pattern.
You can read the following article with show an example of how to use the Cake Pattern in a Play2 application:

How to manage test data for Hibernate Search integration tests

I have a Spring-based system that uses Hibernate Search 3.4 (on top of Hibernate 3.5.4). Integration tests are managed by Spring, with #Transactional annotation. At the moment test data (entities that are to be indexed) is loaded by Liquibase script, we use it's Spring integration. It's very inconvenient to manage.
My new solution is to have test data defined as Spring beans and wire them as Resources, by name. This part works.
I tried to have these beans persisted and indexed in setUp method of my test cases (and in test methods themselves) but I failed. They get into DB fine but I can't get them indexed. I tried calling index() on FullTextEntityManager (with flushToIndexes), I tried createIndexer().startAndWait().
What else can I do?
Or may be there is some better option of testing HS?
Thank You in advance
My new solution is to have test data defined as Spring beans and wire
them as Resources, by name. This part works.
sounds like a strange setup for a unit test. To be honest I am not quote sure how you do this.
In Search itself an in memory database (H2) is used together with a Lucene RAM directory. The benefits of such a setup is that it is fast and easy to avoid dependencies between tests.
I tried to have these beans persisted and indexed in setUp method of
my test cases (and in test methods themselves) but I failed. They get
into DB fine but I can't get them indexed.
If automatic indexing is enabled and the persisting of the test data is occurring within an transaction, it should work. A common mistake in combination with Spring is to use the wrong transaction manager. The Hibernate Search forum has a lot of threads around this, for example this one - Since you are not giving any concrete configuration and code examples it is hard to give more specific advice.
I tried createIndexer().startAndWait()
that is also a good approach. I would recommend this approach if you want to insert not such a couple of test entities, but a whole set of data. In this case it can make sense to use a framework like dbunit to insert the testdata and then manually index the data. createIndexer().startAndWait() is the right tool for that. Extracting all this loading/persisting/indexing functionality into a common test base class is the way to go. The base class can also be responsible to do all the Spring bootstrapping.
Again, to give more specific feedback you have to refine your question.
I have a complete different approach, when I write any queries, i want to write a complete test suite, but data creation has always been pain(special mention to when test customer gets corrupt and all your test suite breaks.
To solve this I created Random-JPA. It's simple and easy to integrate. The whole idea is you create fresh data and test.
You Can find the full documentation here

Conceptual questions on the ASP.NET MVC 3 and Entity Framework/MySQL interface

I have now decided to try out ASP.NET MVC 3.
My host provider, however, only supports MySQL and therefore I have to figure out how to use MVC 3 with MySQL.
I have also decided that I don't wanna do any SQL code if I can avoid it, and I would also like O/RM without too much effort. I understand that the Entity Framework will actually help me accomplish this to a large extent.
I have been trying to get into the various ways of using the EF, with the database first, model first and code first approaches supplied by the framework.
So far, I have not had much luck, and I find that the examples available all use very different approaches that confuses me a lot.
I might begin by asking for guidance on getting a few concepts right.
First of all, the Model (in MVC) is actually more like a ViewModel, that represents something (Users, Posts, etc.) in terms of Properties is more or less simple classes. I.e. the model is where the data from the database gets mapped to an object (the O/RM). Am I right?
A repository is a wrapper that encapsulates a specific way of retrieving data for the models. For instance, a DatabaseRepository or a FakeTestRepository.
Should I have a single repository in my MVC project, or a repository per database table, such that I have a UsersRepository and PostsRepository?
Should the repository be a model for itself, not a model at all, or tied to individual models (so that UsersRepository is part of the UsersModel)?
I have tried to use the EF's model first approach, and for a simple test I just have created an empty model and added the entities "Author" and "Guide" that are related by a one-to-many relation.
When I then, in Visual Studio 2010, "Generate database from model", I get the corresponding sql code. I want this database to be created in MySQL. How can I accomplish that?
Are there some code examples for MVC 3 with MySQL and O/RM where the creation of a small site is demonstrated?
Concerning EF Model First approach: take a look at this Tips & Tricks article. We have described this common situation in it (it is Oracle-specific, but dotConnect for MySQL contains the "Devart" template).
As for the rest of the questions - there is no definite answer. Choose the approach that suits you better.
In my point of view, you should try the code first. And as you said that your host only provides MySQL you can also use MySQL database as a database I personally use MySQL. Concepts are the same but logic is different you have to code it a different way. But from my point of view, you can use MySQL as a database service.