Distinguish page load and Export to Excel in CRM 2015 - plugins

I'm writing a plugin which will be triggered when user press "Export to Excel" button. I'm currently hooking it up to "RetrieveMultiple" message. However, the same message is also triggered when the page is loaded. Is there anyway that I can distinguish between a page load message and a "Export to Excel" message?

Following Polshgiant's advice, I have installed CRM Snoop and found 3 differences between page load and export to excel.
At page load, context depth is 1, while at export to excel, context depth is 2.
At page load, ParentContext is null, while at export to excel, ParentContext is not null and contains the following parameters: "View", "FetchXml", "LayoutXml", "QueryApi", "QueryParameters".
When export to excel, the message of ParentContext is clearly labeled as "ExportToExcel".
Using those differences, I've been able to trigger my plugin at and only at export to excel event.

Unfortunately, there isn't a special message in the SDK for exporting to Excel that you could register your plugin against. I can think of two options:
Override the Export to Excel button in the application ribbon to call a custom JavaScript function. Your function would do whatever you want to do and then optionally pass the request on to the normal Export to Excel function.
Find some way to distinguish the RetrieveMultiple message (as you are attempting to do).
Download CRM Snoop, install it in your org, register it against RetrieveMultiple for your entity, turn it on (basic usage), and then trigger an export to excel. It will make it really easy to see the RetrieveMultiple request and inspect all of its properties. Poke around to see if anything jumps out at you that would allow you to distinguish it as an export to excel. I don't suspect you'll find anything, but it's definitely worth a shot.
Side note, I'm a smidge surprised CRM doesn't bypass the plugin execution pipeline for exporting to excel as it does for reports and charts.

You can use ExportToExcel and ExportDynamicToExcel "virtual" messages in your plugin registered for RetrieveMultiple:
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var executionContext = serviceProvider.GetService<IPluginExecutionContext>();
var parentContext = executionContext.ParentContext;
if (parentContext != null &&
(parentContext.MessageName == "ExportToExcel" ||
parentContext.MessageName == "ExportDynamicToExcel"))
// Place your logic here


Can you get access to a pages front matter (or other data) in a eleventy (11ty) plugin

I'm creating (would like to create) an eleventy (11ty) plugin that can automatically generate Open Graph images based on a pages data. So in the template:
generate_og_image: true
image_text: "text which will be baked into the image"
og_image_filename: some_file_name.jpg
#some markdown
I can process each file in my .eleventy.js file via plugin using:
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
eleventyConfig.addLinter("og-image-generator", function(content, inputPath, outputPath) {
But only have access to the content, inputPath and outputPath of the template.
How can I access the front matter data associated with the Template? Or is there a better way to go about this?
Answering my own question. As #moritzlost mentioned it is not possible directly. I found this workaround.
eleventyComputed allows you to dynamically assign values to keys. It also allows you to call a custom shortcode.
You can pass whatever properties you like from the template into the shortcode. In this case ogImageName the image name, ogImageTemplate a template or background image and text which is the text to be written on that background.
You can even pass in other keys from your front matter and process them as you go.
layout: _main.njk
title: "Some title here"
ogImageName: "{% ogCreateImage { ogImageName: title | slug, ogImageTemplate: 'page-blank.png', text: title } %}"
Then in .eleventy.js or a plugin:
eleventyConfig.addShortcode("ogCreateImage", function(props) {
const imageName = props.ogImageName
const imageTemplate = props.ogImageTemplate
const imageText = props.text
console.log(`filename: ${imageName}`);
console.log(`using template: ${imageTemplate}`);
console.log(`with the text : ${imageText}`);
// call the image creation code — return filename with extension
const imageNameWithExtension = createOGImage(imageName, imageTemplate, imageText)
return imageNameWithExtension
Returning the final filename which you can use in your template.
I've also come across this problem. I don't think what you're trying to do is possible at the moment. There are not many ways for a plugin to hook into the build step directly:
I think events would be the best solution. However, events also don't receive enough information to process a template in a structured way. I've opened an issue regarding this on Github. For your use-case, you'd need to get structured page data in this hook as well. Or eleventy would need to provide a build hook for each page. I suggest opening a new feature-request issue or adding a comment with your use-case to my issue above so those hooks can be implemented.
Other solutions
Another solution that requires a bit more setup for the users of your plugin would be to add your functionality as a filter instead of an automatic script that's applied to every template. This means that the users of your plugin would need to add their own template which passes the relevant data to your filter. Of course this also gives more fine-control to the user, which may be beneficial.
I use a similar approach for my site processwire.dev:
A special template loops over all posts and generates an HTML file which is used as a template for the generated preview images. This template is processed by eleventy. (source)
After the build step: I start a local server in the directory with the generated HTML files, open them using puppeteer and programmatically take a screenshot which is saved alongside the HTML templates. The HTML templates are then deleted.
This is integrated into the build step with a custom script that is executed after the eleventy build.
I've published the script used to take screenshots with Puppeteer as an NPM package (generate-preview-images), though it's very much still in alpha. But you can check the source code on Github to see how it works, maybe it helps with your plugin.

Automatically send email about editing google spreadsheet

I'm working on a rather simple script which should handle new values in the spreadsheet and then send emails to specified addresses. And I faced with the problem. My code is listed below:
function onEdit(e) {
//part of the code for checking e.range to process only updated values
function sendEmail() {
// arguments are missed only for demo
While I'm using "simple trigger", my function "sendEmail()" works only if I start it from script editor. I allowed sending emails on behalf of my at first time and then function works fine. But if I'm changing the value in the spreadsheet - function "onEdit(e)" processes new data but function "sendEmail()" does nothing.
I partly solved this problem by using project's triggers from "current project's triggers" menu. In that case, function "sendEmail()" works properly, but I have no access to the information about update.
For my purposes I could use just second way and find new values "manually" every time, but I wish to optimize this work.
So, my questions are:
Is the process I described above proper or I made a mistake
If process proper, is where a way to combine both cases?
You correctly understood that (as the docs say) simple triggers cannot send an email, because they run without authorization. An installable trigger, created via Resources menu, can: it has the same rights as the user who created the trigger. If it is set to fire on edit, it will get the same type of event object as a simple trigger does.
So, a minimal example would be like this, set to run "on edit":
function sendMail(e) {
MailApp.sendEmail('user#gmail.com', 'sheet edited', JSON.stringify(e));
It emails the whole event object in JSON format.
Aside: if your script only needs to send email but not read it, use MailApp instead of GmailApp to keep the scope of permissions more narrow.

Creating PDF documents and exporting download links from the Tableau server

Is it possible to create PDF documents (e.g. on a nightly schedule) with Tableau and have those documents exposed by a URL by the Tableau server?
This sort of approach is common in the Jasper Reports and BIRT world, so I was wondering if the same approach is possible with Tableau?
I couldn't see any documentation on the Tableau site for creating PDFs, other than print to PDF
With Tableau Server, you can access your published workbook in a pdf format with this URL:
Simply, the url is the url of your view + you add ".pdf".
The pdf file will be generated dynamically when accessing the URL.
Another option is to program your own script with tabcmd.
You can have more info on tabcmd here: http://kb.tableausoftware.com/articles/knowledgebase/using-tabcmd
The same technique also works for PNG. You can control filters using ?field_name=value. You can even select multiple values like this ?field_name=value1,value2.
Parameters can be set the same way.
Personally I've had the best luck with discrete dimensions instead of continuous ones.
I use the Windows Task Scheduler with batch files and Tabcmd.
Programs needed:
Windows TaskScheduler (All Programs- Accessories - system tools)
(tabcmd, how it works?)
Batchfile (create a text file and then save with file extension .bat):
1- Locate tabcmd and login
2- use function tabcmd get "http:\..." and -f "C:...pdf" to save to file.
3- concatenate the filters you want to use to the end of your URL as shown in other answers(all filters on the view must be included(filled out))
4- Save Batch file
Windows Task Scheduler:
1- create a task that will execute the batch file
You can do this by typing
Another option will be using javascript api like below..
function exportPDF() {

Refresh or Clear GUI (Apps Script Gadget Embedded in Google Site)

I have a small form that my colleagues and I often fill out that can be seen here, with source code (view-only) here. The spreadsheet that this form posts to can be seen (view-only) here.
Basically, the apps script is solely for preventing my coworkers from having to scroll through thousands of rows of a spreadsheet (this is also used for our film collection) to check in/out inventory. It will also, soon, post detailed history of the checkout in an audit spreadsheet.
I have attempted, with no success, to clear the values of the text fields after the data has been posted to the spreadsheet. What I essentially want to do is restart the GUI so that the fields are once again blank.
I have tried accessing the text fields by id but the return type is a Generic widget, which I of course can't do anything with. And since control is passed to the handler functions, the text fields can't be accessed, or at least I can't figure out how (and I looked through the documentation and online solutions for hours last night).
So the question: how can I erase/clear the values of the text fields in the GUI after values have been posted to the spreadsheet? (return from handler function to access text fields again, or restart the GUI?
I can accomplish restarting the script runs on a spreadsheet, but I have not been able to do this when it is embedded in a Google site.
The getElementById('xxxxx').setText('') approach was the right way to do it. but the way you tried to test it doesn't work... the new value would only be available in the next handler call.
This function only has the desired effect if it is called within the handler
function (not within a nested function in the handler function).
function restartGUI() {
var gui = UiApp.getActiveApplication();
return gui;

automate excel file processing in perl and avoid dialog/UI interactions

How can a I guarantee that no pop-up dialogs will appear when I automate Microsoft Excel through OLE? I'm using a Perl module (Win32::OLE). I can avoid most dialog pop-ups using the following code:
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Variant;
use Win32::OLE::Const;
my $excel_symbols = Win32::OLE::Const->Load('Microsoft Excel');
my $excel = Win32::OLE->new('Excel.Application', sub { $_[0]->Quit();} );
$excel->{'Visible'} = 0;
$excel->{'DisplayAlerts'} = 0;
{ 'UpdateLinks' => $excel_symbols->{'xlUpdateLinksNever'},
'ReadOnly' => 1,
'IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended' => 1
However for some files, I continue to get a dialog with the following text:
This file is not a recognizable
If you know the file is from another program which is incompatible with
Microsoft Excel, click Cancel, then
open this file in its original
application. If you want to open the
file later in Microsoft Excel, save it
in a format that is compatible, such
as text format.
If you suspect the file is damaged, click Help for more information about
solving the problem.
If you still want to see what text is contained in the file, Click OK.
Then click Finish in the Text Import
OK Cancel
Sometimes a similar dialog appears that contains 'OK', 'Cancel' and 'Help' buttons.
I cannot control the quality of files that are provided to the scripts.
You could consider using Spreadsheet::ParseExcel (albeit it may lack features you need) or Apache POI (albeit it will need some wrapping to use in a Perl script) instead of calling the Excel engine over OLE. That way you won't get any Excel-generated dialogs.
I revisited this issue and found a solution.
Copy the file before processing to a temporary location. Then save the file before closing it in Excel:
File::Copy::copy('c:\some_excel_file.xls', 'c:\temp\SFO3jfd.xls');
my $book = $excel->Workbooks->Open('c:\temp\SFO3jfd.xls',
{ 'UpdateLinks' => $excel_symbols->{'xlUpdateLinksNever'},
'ReadOnly' => 1,
'IgnoreReadOnlyRecommended' => 1
Why this works:
Excel 2003 automatically recalculates the formulas in documents that were created in an older version of Excel. Furthermore, macros could be invoked when the document is opened. All of this means that there could be changes made on a document, even though your script doesn't perform any such operations.
By saving the document before closing, you avoid the dialog requesting that you save the file. Using a temporary file ensures that the original file does not get changed during the validation operation. If you aren't concerned about this, you might consider validating in-place.
Here is full documentation for Open method. I wonder if CorruptLoad parameter is what you need.
If you are trying of process all xl files in the tree, some of them may be open by other users and have the ~ prefix.