dozer one way mapping abs value - dozer

Here is my dozer field mapping
<field type="one-way">
Both referenceId and media Id are of type Long and referenceId is not null value. I want to ensure that media Id is Math.abs(referenceId). Is it possible to do this in dozer mapping xml ?

I need to use custom converter for this. The converter class must extend AbstractDozerCustomConverter.


Cannot use value 0 of an enumeration while defining instances of an entity

While using CF Entities, I'm facing an issue defining instances of an entity that uses an enumeration value.
I can add the instances of the entitytwor, but during build or save an error would show up arguing:
CF0134: Instance value for key property 'EnumType' of entity 'Namespace.Entity' cannot be equal to the key property default value '0' of type 'System.Int32' ...
XML would present associated enumeration value for the property as expected.
It looks like the problem only occurs when first enumeration value is being used (associated value 0). Other lines won't be a problem.
Is there any particular things to do while defining enumeration values or use of them ?
Thanks for your answer
CodeFluent Entities defines the concept of "default value" for properties of any type, including value types and enums. The default value allows to store null in a database without having to use .NET Nullable type.
<cf:enumeration name="EmailStatus">
<cf:enumerationValue name="Valid" /> <!-- will become NULL in the Database -->
<cf:enumerationValue name="Invalid" />
Although the default values behavior is enabled by default you can also change it:
at the Property level by setting its usePersistenceDefaultValue attribute to false:
<cf:property typeName="EmailStatus" usePersistenceDefaultValue="false" />
at the Enumeration level by setting its usePersistenceDefaultValue attribute to false:
<cf:enumeration usePersistenceDefaultValue="false" />
at the Project level by setting its defaultUsePersistenceDefaultValue attribute to false:
<cf:project defaultUsePersistenceDefaultValue="false" />

Set test parameter in test instance using HP QC REST API

Is there any way to create test instance with parameter using the REST API on QC 11 ?
I have a test in my test plan with some parameters, or just one for the exercise :
I want to create using the rest API :
A test set in my test lab
A test instance in this test set
A test run of my test (the one in the plan) in this test instance
And be able to set the value of my parameters
I have manage to do the first 3 points. But I can not find how to set the parameter value for my instance. If I create the tests manually it is asked during the add of the test in the instance. And I can find the parameters in the Execution Settings in the Test Instance detail :
I have search in the documentation, but didn't find anything about how to set/use theses parameters. I have made GET on every objects, but didn't find them. I also try some urls like :
But they always return 404.
Is there any way to set these parameters values ?
I had same troubles and here is my solution.
You can query your test parameters as:
And your test instance parameters, which are effectively actual values for those in your test instance, with:
For parameter values created via UI it returns like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Entities TotalResults="1">
<Entity Type="step-parameter">
<Field Name="origin-test">
<Field Name="vc-user-name">
<Field Name="id">
<Field Name="parent-id">
<Field Name="used-by-owner-type">
<Field Name="actual-value">
<div align="left">
<font face="Arial"><span style="font-size:8pt">AAA</span></font>
<Field Name="key">
<Field Name="used-by-owner-id">
Where used-by-owner-id is id of the test-instance and parent-id is id of test parameter of the test.
Actual value for this case is AAA wrapped up with html tags.
You can create step parameters like this using normal POST to url:
Note: Don't use same nested url for creation as you use for retrieval. You'll not be able to create parameters with such a combination of parameters you need.
API documentation really sucks, but you can get ideas how to retrieve or create things you need by requesting entity schema with

Converting XSD to ECore

I am currently trying to convert an XML Schema to ECore with the Eclipse Modeling Framework. EMF offers the attributre ecore:reference to indicate that an attribute should be translated into an EReference. However, this only works if the attribute is of type IDREF or anyURI. My problem is that any ID referenced via IDREF has to be unique througout the whole XML document. However, my XML has the following structure:
<A id="a1">
<B id="b1">
<ref idref="b2" />
<B id="b2">
<ref idref="b1" />
<A id="a2">
<B id="b1">
<ref idref="b2" />
<B id="b2">
<ref idref="b1" />
The ids of the B-elelemts are only unique inside the sourrounding A-element. Thus the parser will throw an error if i declare the ids of the B-elements as type ID.
How can I tell EMF that idref is a reference to the attribute id of B-element which belongs to the same A-element?
If the XML Schema is really using ID and IDREF, then the instance you show isn't valid with respect to that schema. Isn't that a problem? It's more like a key/keyref, which isn't supported by Ecore either.
If it just comes down to wanting an Ecore model that can read and write such instances I would define an attribute idref that's just a string and define a transient reference resolvedRef of type A and I'd modify the getters and setters so that each derives sensibly from the other. I.e., when you call getResolvedRef, it would check if the field for that is null, and if the field for the idref has a value, it would walk the model to resolve (look up that name in the appropriate scope) and store it in the field.
It's a bit tricky to define the mutual derivation in a sensible way for both getters and both setters, but it should be possible.

OpenERP modeling / views: related object inline

I have installed the built in OpenERP 6.1 module crm.
As a result, I now have res.lead active and visible at "Sales->Opportunities".
I'd like to edit this object / view to show the partner's billing address.
Since I want to do this on the Opporunities form, there is already a partner_id.
Copying another module, I defined my new module like this:
class crm_lead(osv.osv):
_name = _inherit = 'crm.lead'
_columns = {
'billing_address_id': fields.many2one('res.partner.address', 'Partner Billing Address', domain="[('partner_id','=',partner_id),('type','in',['invoice', 'default'])]"),
And I changed my update_xml to:
<record model="ir.ui.view" id="crm_case_form_view_oppor">
<field name="name">Opportunity form (inherit)</field>
<field name="model">crm.lead</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="crm.crm_case_form_view_oppor"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<separator string="Details" position="replace" />
<field name="description" position="replace">
<group colspan="2" col="4">
<separator colspan="4" string="Billing" />
<field widget="one2many_list" mode="form,tree" name="billing_address_id" colspan="4" nolabel="1" />
<group colspan="2" col="4">
<separator colspan="4" string="Details" />
<field name="description" nolabel="1" colspan="4" />
The problem is that the related object shows all the related fields (as I'd guess would be expected). In particular, it shows the partner_id and company fields, which I'd like to hide since they should default to / inherit from this opportunity (or the linked partner).
How can I hide these fields? I can't simply add a bunch of 'related' fields, as there is potentially more than one billing address.
Thanks for the help!
Edit: To be clearer, an opportunity should only have a single chosen billing address, chosen from the partner's invoice / default addresses. It should be displayed inline to allow easy editing.
There are a couple of ways to specify the view for related fields like this. You can use the context like this:
context="{'form_view_ref': 'module.view_id', 'tree_view_ref': 'model.view_id'}"/>
You can also specify the whole view for the child record as a subview within the parent view like this:
<!-- <=== order_line is a one2many field -->
<field name="order_line" colspan="4" nolabel="1">
<field name="qty"/>
<field name="qty"/>
OK, I was a bit confused because you put a one2many widget on a many2one field.
If you want to control how a one2many field is displayed, use the subview or context methods I mentioned in my other answer.
If you want to control how a many2one field is displayed, you might be able to use related fields that pull fields from the record you selected, but I doubt it. Read-only might work, but I don't think it makes sense to edit multiple related fields and be able to change the selected record. You might be able to hack together some function fields with a store function that lets you write back to the related record, but it seems like it would really confuse your users.
On any OE Relation field you can define the Intenal View like :
<field name="" mode="tree,form">
<!--Internal tree view for your Relation field model-->
<!--Internal Form view for your Relation field model-->
Example Under Addons 1 Click to Example 2 Click to See Example
Hope this will help you,.
Now if yo uwan to shoe specific detail on your m2o file then we have some optional way also where you have to over the def name_get of your relational model, namge get look like :
name_get(cr, user, ids, context=None)
Returns the preferred display value (text representation) for the records with
the given ids. By default this will be the value of the name column, unless the
model implements a custom behavior. Can sometimes be seen as the inverse function
of name_search(), but it is not guaranteed to be.
Rtype : list(tuple)
Return : list of pairs (id,text_repr) for all records with the given ids.
So here in this method you can decide what string you want to show your relational field.
This will fix your problem partially i guess.

Solr: Using custom functions in the Data Import Handler

I have successfully written a custom function and hooked it into my Solr engine. However, I am having problems passing parameters into that function from within the data-import.xml import definition file.
I have tried to methods, one which passes in a field from the current entity query, and the other approach which tries to use a variable from the last seem to work.
Attempt 1: Pass in columns from current query:
<entity name="doc" query="SELECT id, date, ${dataimporter.functions.myfunc(id,date)} AS custom_value FROM Documents" />
This doesn't work as id and date seem to be passed in as literals, not the column values.
Attempt 2:
<entity name="doc" query="SELECT id, date FROM Documents">
<entity name="special" query="SELECT ${dataimporter.functions.myfunc(${}, ${})} AS custom_value" >
<field name="custom_value" column="custom_value" />
This doesn't work because it gets confused from the variable within the variable.
Any suggestions on how to make this work?
<entity name="doc" query="SELECT id, date, ${dataimporter.functions.myfunc(,} AS custom_value FROM Documents" />
An other way to generate custom_value is using transformer tag
in transformer_row you can add more column to the row or write custom function to transform if you want.