I just want to check answer that i think is correct.
Process producer {
while(1) {
// produce c
data = c;
Process consumer {
while(1) {
c = data;
// consume c
how many mutex are in use?
i think pthread_mutex_t empty , mutex, full;
three mutexes are used here.
what is the initial state of the mutexes?
I have no idea about this. What is the initial state of mutex?
Here is another example of mutex
Process producer {
while(1) {
if (count == 0){
// produce c
data = c;
count = 1;
Process consumer {
while(1) {
if (count == 1){
c = data;
count = 0;
// consume c
In my power point, the problems for this code are produced inside of lock and busy wait, but I think it is good. When something enters in the producer function or consumer function, it has mutex lock and escape them unlocked.
what is wrong?
For the first part:
Yes, the pseudocode uses three mutexes.
If you have no idea, what is the initial state of a mutex, perhaps you should read more about mutexes, here or here or in your course materials (this looks like a school exercise).
But to answer it briefly: When your program (the part of it that uses mutexes) starts, the mutex can be locked or unlocked. Here, you use 3 mutexes:
mutex to make sure only one producer or consumer is accessing data at the same time
empty to make sure producers will only get to produce if the storage (represented by data) is empty
full to make sure consumers will only get to consume if the storage is full
When this code starts, you:
Do want to allow one of the producers/consumers to do something => mutex must be unlocked.
Do want a producer to produce something - assuming your storage is empty in the beginning => empty will be unlocked.
Do not want any consumer to start consuming (until a producer has produced something) => full will be locked.
For the second part:
Well, your power point is right. This code has, well, exactly the issues it says it has.
First, it has the code that produces c inside the lock. That code is represented by a comment here, but it is usually something that takes time. During the time one of your threads is producing c, all others will have to wait on the lock (instead of possibly doing something useful).
Second, it has active waiting. What happens if there are 10 producers and 1 consumer and something was already produced? The only one who could actually do something is the consumer, so it would be nice for the producers to stand in the corner and wait. But guess what - they will all compete for the lock and it may take a very long time before the consumer wins and gets into the critical section.
To make it clear, it will work (your comment on it is right). It's just super uneffective and will waste your CPU time.
I'm playing with Mutex in freeRTOS using esp32. in some documents i have read that mutex guarantee ownership, which mean if a thread (let's name it task_A) locks up a critical resource (take token) other threads (task_B and task_C) will stay in hold mode waiting for that resource to be unlocked by the same thread that locked it up(which is task_A). i tried to prove that by setting up the other tasks (task_B and task_C) to give a token before start doing anything and just after that it will try to take a token from the mutex holder, which is surprisingly worked without showing any kid of error.
Well, the method i used to verify or display how things works i created a display function that read events published (set and cleared) by each task (when it's in waiting mode it set the waiting bit up if it's working it will set the working bit up etc..., you get the idea). and a simple printf() in case of error in take or give function ( xSemaphoreTake != true and xSemaphoreGive != true).
I can't use the debug mode because i don't have any kind of micro controller debugger.
This is an example of what i'm trying to do:
i created many tasks and each one will call this function but in different time with different setup.
void vVirtualResource(int taskId, int runTime_ms){
int delay_tick = 10;
int currentTime_tick = 0;
int stopTime_tick = runTime_ms/portTICK_PERIOD_MS;
printf("Something wrong in giving first mutex's token in task id: %d\n", taskId);
while(xSemaphoreTake(xMutex, 10000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS) != true){
// notify that the task with <<task id>> is currently running and using this resource
switch (taskId)
case 1:
xEventGroupClearBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTMASK_MUTEXTSK1);
xEventGroupSetBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTRUN_MUTEXTSK1);
case 2:
xEventGroupClearBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTMASK_MUTEXTSK2);
xEventGroupSetBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTRUN_MUTEXTSK2);
case 3:
xEventGroupClearBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTMASK_MUTEXTSK3);
xEventGroupSetBits(xMutexEvent, EVENTRUN_MUTEXTSK3);
// start running the resource
currentTime_tick += delay_tick;
// gives back the token
printf("Something wrong in giving mutex's token in task id: %d\n", taskId);
You will notice that for the very first time, the first task that will start running in the processor will print out the first error message because it can't give a token while there still a token in the mutex holder, it's normal, so i just ignore it.
Hope someone can explain to me how mutex guarantee ownership using code in freeRTOS. In the first place i didn't use the first xSemaphoreGive function and it worked fine. but that doesn't mean it guarantee anything. or i'm not coding right.
Thank you.
Your example is quite convoluted, I also don't see clear code of task_A, task_B or task_C so I'll try to explain on a simplier example which hopefully explains how mutex guarantees resource ownership.
The general approach to working with mutexes is the following:
void doWork()
// attempt to take mutex
if(xSemaphoreTake(mutex, WAIT_TIME) == pdTRUE)
// mutex taken - do work
// release mutex
// failed to take mutex for 'WAIT_TIME' amount of time
The doWork function above is the function that may be called by multiple threads at the same time and needs to be protected. This pattern repeats for every function on given resource that needs protection. If resource is more complex, a good approach is to guard the top-most functions that are callable by threads, then if mutex is successfully taken call internal functions that do the actual work.
The ownership guarantee you speak about is the fact that there may not be more than one context (threads, but also interrupts) that are under the if(xSemaphoreTake(mutex, WAIT_TIME) == pdTRUE) statement. In other words, if one context successfully takes the mutex, it is guaranteed that no other context will be able to also take it, unless the original context releases it with xSemaphoreGive first.
Now as for your scenario - while it is not entirely clear to me how it's supposed to work, I can see two issues with your code:
xSemaphoreGive at the beginning of the function - don't do that. Mutexes are by default "given" and you're not supposed to be "giving" it if you aren't the one "taking" it first. Always put a xSemaphoreGive under a successful xSemaphoreTake and nowhere else.
This code block:
while(xSemaphoreTake(xMutex, 10000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS) != true){
If you need to wait for mutex for longer - specify a longer time. If you want infinite wait, simply specify longest possible time (0xFFFFFFFF). In your scenario, you're polling for mutex every 10s, then delay for 1s during which mutex isn't actually checked, meaning there will be cases where you'll have to wait almost a full second after mutex is released by other thread to start doing work in the current thread that requested it. Waiting for mutex is already done by RTOS in an optimal way - it'll wake the highest priority task currently waiting for the mutex as soon as it's released, there's no need to do more than necessary.
If I was to give an advice of how to fix your example - simplify it and don't do more than needed such as additional calls to xSemaphoreGive or implementing your own waiting for mutex. Isolate the portion of code that performs some work to a separate function that does a single call to xSemaphoreTake at the very top and a single call to xSemaphoreGive only if xSemaphoreTake succeeds. Then call this function from different threads to test whether it works.
I am trying to better understand a chapter and have been confused about what happens if a thread is in the critical section or is entering the critical section. May someone explain or give me an idea on the process of what the thread undergoes in such circumstances? Thank you.
For an example, let's assume that you have an array, and multiple threads that read and write to the array; and if different threads are reading and writing to the array at the same time they'd see inconsistent data and it'd cause problems. To prevent those problems you protect the array with some kind of lock - before doing anything with the array a thread acquires the array's lock, and when it's finished using the array the thread releases the array's lock.
For example:
/** Critical section (code that does something with the array) **/
There's nothing special about the code in the critical section. It does whatever it was designed to do (maybe sorting the array, maybe adding up all the numbers in the array, maybe displaying the array, etc) using code that's no different to code that you might use to do the same thing in a single-threaded system without locks.
The only special parts are the code to acquire and release the lock.
There are many types of locks (spinlocks, mutexes, semaphores), but they all have the same fundamental principle - when acquiring it you have something (e.g. a variable) to determine if a thread can/can't continue, then either (if the thread can't continue) some kind of waiting or (if the thread can continue) some kind of change to let others know they need to wait; and when releasing you have something to let others know they can stop waiting.
The main difference between different kinds of locks is the implementation details - what kind of data is used to determine if a thread can/can't continue, and how a thread waits.
For the simplest kind of lock (a spinlock) you might just have a single "yes/no" flag, a little bit like this (but not literally like this):
acquire_lock(void) {
while(myLock == 0) {
// do nothing then retry
myLock = 1;
release_lock(void) {
myLock = 0;
However this won't work because two or more threads can see that myLock == 0 at the same time and think they can both continue (and then do the myLock = 1 after it's too late). To fix this you need assembly language or special language support for atomic operations (e.g. a special function for "test and set" or "compare and exchange").
The reason this is called a "spinlock" is that (if a thread needs to wait) it wastes CPU time continually checking ("spinning") to see if it can continue. Instead of doing this (to avoid wasting CPU time), a thread could tell a scheduler not to give it any CPU time until the lock is released; and this is how a mutex works.
I read in a book that in order to make a inter-process communication using pipes between two processes it is preferred to use two pipes, one which will be for the children to write in it and for the father to read from it and another one to do the opposite communication. Why is this a better way?Can't we use just one pipe so that both parent and children can read from and write to that?
You need a way to schronize communication between processes, other-wise a process will read/write what it wrote/read again and again. e.g. if you use one pipe:
//need a logic to wait so as to read what child wrote back and also so
// that we may not end up reading back what we wrote.
//need a logic to wait so as to read what child wrote back and also so
// that we may not end up reading back what we wrote.
Find a fool proof logic to sync or use two pipes. I am saying fool-proof wait, cuz simple techniques like sleep() or signals are vulnerable to those scheduling problems which OS people have outlined in their works.
Pipes themselves are blocking constructs, so depend on them to sync.
//pipe blocks until till child writes something in pipe
//pipe waits for parent to write.
//parent is waiting to read.
Recently I see this problem which is pretty similar to First reader/writer problem.
Implementing an N process barrier using semaphores
I am trying to modify it to made sure that it can be reuse and work correctly.
n = the number of threads
count = 0
mutex = Semaphore(1)
barrier = Semaphore(0)
count = count + 1
if (count == n){ barrier.signal()}
if(count==0){ barrier.wait()}
Is this correct?
I'm wondering if there exist some mistakes I didn't detect.
Your pseudocode correctly returns barrier back to initial state. Insignificant suggestion: replace
if(count==0){ barrier.wait()}
with IMHO more readable
if(count!=0){ barrier.signal()} //if anyone left pending barrier, release it
However, there may be pitfalls in the way, barrier is reused. Described barrier has two states:
Stop each thread until all of them are pending.
Resume each thread until all of them are running
There is no protection against mixing them: some threads are being resumed, while other have already hit the first stage again. For example, you have bunch of threads, which do some stuff and then sync up on barrier. Each thread body would be:
while (!exit_condition) {
pend_barrier(); // implementation from current question
Programmer expects, that number of calls for do_some_stuff() will be the same for all threads. What may (or may not) happen depending on timing: the first thread released from barrier finishes do_some_stuff() calculations before all threads have left the barrier, so it reentered pending for the second time. As a result he will be released along with other threads in the current barrier release iteration and will have (at least) one more call to do_some_stuff().
I have several threads executing concurrently and checking a value of a field in their own object. The field is set by the launch thread like this:
for (i = 0; i < ThreadCount; i++)
ThreadContext[i].MyField = 1;
Within each thread then I check the value of this value:
if (MyField == 1)
...//do something
However, I noticed that on a 4 core CPU, some of the (4) running threads need several miliseconds or even longer in order to see the changed MyField. MyField is a single char field. What appears to be happening is that when the memory bus is maxed out by the first thread which detects the change, all other threads may stall almost for the entire duration of the run of the first. (assuming there is enough memory pressure). Only when the first thread eases on memory (and does more with registers), is when other threads also get to see the new value.
I checked the asm and there is no compiler optimization in the way here. Calls go directly to memory. How can this be fixed?
I got feedback from Intel: Yes, that's how it works (no easy fix).