Optimising queries in mongodb - mongodb

I am working on optimising my queries in mongodb.
In normal sql query there is an order in which where clauses are applied. For e.g. select * from employees where department="dept1" and floor=2 and sex="male", here first department="dept1" is applied, then floor=2 is applied and lastly sex="male".
I was wondering does it happen in a similar way in mongodb.
DbObject search = new BasicDbObject("department", "dept1").put("floor",2).put("sex", "male");
here which match clause will be applied first or infact does mongo work in this manner at all.
This question basically arises from my background with SQL databases.
Please help.

If there are no indexes we have to scan the full collection (collection scan) in order to find the required documents. In your case if you want to apply with order [department, floor and sex] you should create this compound index:
db.employees.createIndex( { "department": 1, "floor": 1, "sex" : 1 } )
As documentation: https://docs.mongodb.org/manual/core/index-compound/
db.products.createIndex( { "item": 1, "stock": 1 } )
The order of the fields in a compound index is very important. In the
previous example, the index will contain references to documents
sorted first by the values of the item field and, within each value of
the item field, sorted by values of the stock field.


Compound index where one field can be null MongoDB

How can I create compound index in mongo where one of the fields maybe not present or be null?
For example in below documents if I create a compound index name+age. How can I still achieve this with age being not present or null in some documents?
name: "Anurag",
age: "21",
name: "Nitin",
You can create partial Index as follow:
{ name: 1 },
{ partialFilterExpression: { age: { $exists: true } } }
As per the documentation partial indexes only index the documents in a collection that meet a specified filter expression. By indexing a subset of the documents in a collection, partial indexes have lower storage requirements and reduced performance costs for index creation and maintenance. In this particular case imagine your collection have 100k documents , but only 5 documents have the "age" field existing , in this case the partial index will include only those 5 fields in the index optimizing the index storage space and providing better performance.
For the query optimizer to choose this partial index, the query predicate must include a condition on the name field as well as a non-null match on the age field.
Following example queries will be able to use the index:
Following example query is a "covered query" based on this index:
( this query will be highly efficient since it return the data directly from the index )
Following example queries will not be able to use the index:
Please, note you need to perform some analysis on if you need to search on the age field together with the name , since name field has a very good selectivity and this index will not be used in case you search only by age , maybe a good option is to create additional sparse/partial index only on the age field so you could fetch a list with contacts by certain age if this a possible search use case.

How to optimize mongo query with two parallel array?

I have a query like this:
'high_performer': {
'$nin': [some_value]
'low_performer': {
'$nin': [some_value]
'expiration_date': {
'$gte': datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
'source': 'some_value'
I have tried to create an index with those fields but getting error:
pymongo.errors.OperationFailure: cannot index parallel arrays [low_performer] [high_performer]
So, how to efficiently run this query?
Compound indexing ordering should follow the equality --> sort --> range rule. A good description of this can be found in this response.
This means that the first field in the index would be source, followed by the range filters (expiration_date, low_performer and high_performer).
As you noticed, one of the "performer" fields cannot be included in the index since only a single array can be indexed. You should use your knowledge of the data set to determine which filter (low_performer or high_performer) would be more selective and choose that filter to be included in the index.
Assuming that high_performer is more selective, the only remaining step would be to determine the ordering between expiration_date and high_performer. Again, you should use your knowledge of the data set to make this determination based on selectivity.
Assuming expiration_date is more selective, the index to create would then be:
{ "source" : 1, "expiration_date" : 1, "high_performer" : 1 }

Created indexes on a mongodb collection, still fails while sorting a large data set

My Query below:
db.chats.find({ bid: 'someID' }).sort({start_time: 1}).limit(10).skip(82560).pretty()
I have indexes on chats collection on the fields in this order
"cid" : 1,
"bid" : 1,
"start_time" : 1
I am trying to perform sort, but when I write a query and check the result of explain(), I still get the winningPlan as
I was expecting not to have a sort stage in the winning plan as I have indexes created for that collection.
Having no indexes will result into the following error
MongoError: OperationFailed: Sort operation used more than the maximum 33554432 bytes of RAM [duplicate]
However I managed to make the sort work by increasing the size allocation on ram from 32mb to 64mb, looking for help in adding indexes properly
The order of fields in an index matters. To sort query results by a field that is not at the start of the index key pattern the query must include equality conditions on all the prefix keys that precede the sort keys. The cid field is not in the query nor used for sorting, so you must leave it out. Then you put the bid field first in the index definition as you use it in the equality condition. The start_time goes after that to be used in sorting. Finally, the index must look like this:
{"bid" : 1, "start_time" : 1}
See the documentation for further reference.

MongoDB select subdocument with aggregation function

I have a mongo DB collection that looks something like this:
_id: objectId('aabbccddeeff'),
objectName: 'MyFirstObject',
objectLength: 0xDEADBEEF,
objectSource: 'Source1',
accessCounter: {
'firstLocationCode' : 283,
'secondLocationCode' : 543,
'ThirdLocationCode' : 564,
'FourthLocationCode' : 12,
Now, assuming that this is not the only record in the collection and that most/all of the documents contain the accessCounter subdocument/field how will I go with selecting the x first documents where I have the most access from a specific location.
A sample "query" will be something like:
"Select the first 10 documents From myCollection where the accessCounter.firstLocationCode are the highest"
So a sample result will be X documents where the accessCounter. will be the greatest is the database.
Thank your for taking the time to read my question.
No need for an aggregation, that is a basic query:
In order to speed this up, you should create a subdocument index on accessCounter first:
assuming the you want to do the same query for all locations. In case you only want to query firstLocation, create the index on accessCounter.firstLocation.
You can speed this up further in case you only need the accessCounter value by making this a so called covered query, a query of which the values to return come from the index itself. For example, when you have the subdocument indexed and you query for the top secondLocations, you should be able to do a covered query with:
which translates to "Get all documents ('{}'), don't return the _id field as you do by default ('_id:0'), get only the 'accessCounter.secondLocation' field ('accessCounter.secondLocation:1'). Sort the returned values in descending order and give me the first ten."

Compound Indexes Order in Mongo

Let's say I have the following document schema:
_id: ObjectId(...),
name: "Kevin",
weight: 500,
hobby: "scala",
favoriteFood : "chicken",
pet: "parrot",
favoriteMovie : "Diehard"
If I create a compound index on name-weight, I will be able to specify a strict parameter (name == "Kevin"), and a range on weight (between 50 and 200). However, I would not be able to do the reverse: specify a weight and give a "range" of names.
Of course compound index order matters where a range query is involved.
If only exact queries will be used (example: name == "Kevin", weight == 100, hobby == "C++"), then does the order actually matter for compound indexes?
When you have an exact query, the order should not matter. But when you want to be sure, the .explain() method on database cursors is your friend. It can tell you which indexes are used and how they are used when you perform a query in the mongo shell.
Important fields of the document returned by explain are:
indexOnly: when it's true, the query was completely covered by the index
n and nScanned: The first one tells you the number of found documents, the second how many documents had to be examined because the indexes couldn't sort them out. The latter shouldn't be notably higher than the first.
millis: number of milliseconds the query took to perform