How to structure a limited query in AirTable - rest

This is bringing back too much data,
How can I just have it bring back the film names for instance. I have tried putting in various changes into the query but either an error occurs or the very same amount of data returns?

You can use the fields parameter to limit which fields are returned in the results. fields takes an URL-encoded array of field names or IDs.
For example, if you only want two fields called "Name" and "Year" returned in the results, the request would look like this:
You can see jQuery.param as a reference for URL-encoding arrays and objects. In this case, jQuery.param({fields: ["Name", "Year"]) returns fields%5B%5D=Name&fields%5B%5D=Year.


Is there a way to convert Mongoose document ObjectId to string?

I've to filter the document keys for different users based on the user roles/permissions.
For example, 1 user can get secretCode while others not.
Converting the document to an object does convert the doc to a plain object but the ObjectIds are still objects (bson type).
I can try _id.toString() but I've multiple fields with the objectId. So it will be kind of hard-coding in all the fields. Plus, I'll also have to validate if the value is not null, else .toString() is not a function will pop up.
Another way is to use JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) but this synchronous and unnecessary computation.
Any suggestions?

Find documents with a certain field value only when another field value is a given string

I'm using this php package to make queries -
The situation is, there are two fields, user_id and post_status among others. I want to retrieve all the documents in that collection, but when post_status field value is draft, that should be retrieved only when user_id is a given string. The idea is, only logged in user finds their drafted posts among other posts.
I'm having hard time finding any solution for this problem. The app is still not in production. If I should store data is some different manner, that is an option as well.
Find documents with a certain field value only when another field value is a given string
The question your are framing is simply convert into a and query, how let's see it
when another field value is a given string
This means that you have some result sets and you need to filter out when user_id match with some string. i.e some result sets and user_id = <id>
Now consider the first part of the sentence Find documents with a certain field value
This means you are filtering the records with some values i.e "status" = "draft" and whatever result will come and want again to filter on the basis of user_id = <id>
So finally you will end-up with below query:
db.collectionName.find({"status":"draft", "user_id": "5c618615903aaa496d129d90"})
Hope this explanation will help you out or you can rephrase your question I will try to modify by ans.

What's the easiest way to return the results of a query for a given key/value pair in mongo as an array of the values returned?

I have a field called id (not _id) in documents from two collections. I need to compare the contents of the first collection with the second. Basically, I need to know what documents with a given value 'id' exist in collection 'A', but not 'B'. What's the easiest way to build an array of id's from Collection A that I can use to do something like the following. :
db.B.find({id:{$nin: array_of_ids_from_coll_A}})
Please don't get hung up over why I'm using 'id' in this case, and not '_id'. Thanks.
Strictly speaking, this doesn't answer the question of 'how to build an array that...', but I'd iterate over collection A and, for each element, try to find a match in B. If none is found, add to a list.
This has a lot of roundtrips to the database, so it's not very fast, but it's very simple. Also, if A contains a lot of elements, the array of ids might be too large to throw all of them in the $nin, which otherwise would have to be solved by splitting up the array of ids. To make matters worse, $nin isn't efficient with indexes anyway.
I incorrectly assumed that the function 'distinct' returned a set of distinct documents based on a given 'field'. In fact, it returns an array of distinct values, provided a specific field. So, I was able to construct the array I was looking for with db.A.distinct('id'). Thanks to anyone who took the time to read this question, anyway.

Referencing Other Documents by String rather than ObjectId

Let's say I have two collections:
Products and Categories.
The latter collection's documents have 2 fields:
_id (BSON ObjectId)
Name (String)
The latter collection's documents have 3 fields:
_id (BSON ObjectId)
Name (String)
Products (Array of Strings)
Assume I have the following Product document:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("AAA"), "name" : "Shovel" }
Let's say I have the following Category document:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("BBB"), "Name" : "Gardening", "Products" : ["AAA"] }
For purposes of this example, assume that AAA and BBB are legitimate ObjectId's - example: ObjectId("523c7df5c30cc960b235ddee") where they would equal the inner ObjectId's string.
Should the Products field be stored as ObjectId(...)'s rather than as Strings?
I don't think it really matters that much.
I'm pretty sure that the ObjectId format encodes a hex number, so it is probably slightly more efficient with memory and bandwidth. I have done it both ways. As long as you decide, for each field, how you are going to encode it, either will work just fine.
As long as you consistently use the same type (so that comparisons happen correctly), the difference is:
An ObjectId cannot be compared to a String representation of the same ObjectId value. Thus, ObjectId("523c7df5c30cc960b235ddee") is not equal to "523c7df5c30cc960b235ddee".
ObjectIds, when stored natively, will be stored as 12 bytes, plus field name
An ObjectId, when stored as a string, will be commonly stored in 24 bytes (as it will be converted to a hexadecimal number), plus field name
Comparisons can be made more SLIGHTLY more efficiently with the 12 byte number, as it's comparing fewer bytes. It won't matter in most types of usage though, so it's a micro-optimization (but something you should know)
Bonus -- if you don't use short abbreviated field names, the size benefit of using an ObjectId natively as 12 bytes really won't matter, as the field names will far outweigh the size of bytes when stored as a string.
I'd recommend storing them as native ObjectIds. Some drivers can optionally and transparently translate to an ObjectId to a String and back so that the client code can more easily manipulate it. The C# driver for example can do this, and I've used it so that when serializing to JSON, the ObjectId is in a simple format that is easily consumed in JavaScript.
This will matter most when you try to find the details of a product starting from the Categories collection.
Since there are no server side JOIN in Mongo, your code will have to match documents together. ObjectIDs are encoded as 12 bytes, which you can easilly compare in any language. Using either strings or object ids does not really matter.
The real issue you are facing is one of data normalization (or lack thereof). If you store the Name field in your Categories documents, instead of the ObjectID, you will be able to return the products names in a single call (instead of multiple calls, 1 for each products of the category).
It feels wrong the first time you do it. After all, you will have to update many documents if you ever change the name of a product, which might or might not be frequent. You have to model your data by thinking of the way your application will use it.
Finally, index the Name attribute in the Prodcuts collection. Getting the details of a product, starting with the string you found in a Categories document will be fast.
Another way to do it is to not to have a Categories collection at all, but to add a Category attribute to your Products document. You can find documents that have the {'Category':'Gardening'}. Indexing the Category field will probably be a good idea.
Again, ObjectID or String does not matter much. It is about modeling your data thinking of how your application will use it.

Mongo query for number of items in a sub collection

This seems like it should be very simple but I can't get it to work. I want to select all documents A where there are one or more B elements in a sub collection.
Like if a Store document had a collection of Employees. I just want to find Stores with 1 or more Employees in it.
I tried something like:
Just can't get it to work.
This isn't supported. You basically only can get documents in which array size is equal to the value. Range searches you can't do.
What people normally do is that they cache array length in a separate field in the same document. Then they index that field and make very efficient queries.
Of course, this requires a little bit more work from you (not forgetting to keep that length field current).