Matlab: Image plotting resolution/dpi - matlab

I am plotting x and y coordinates together with some images but the images are becoming extremely large compared to the axis. How can i set the figure resolution or size so that an image can fit in a small axis range rather than covering the whole graph and also modify the axis range.
Figure without images (below).
Matlab code:
for l = 1:size of array
imagesc(X,Y, imrotate(imresize(img,[100 100]),180));

By default, imagesc will plot the image using indexed coordinates (pixel spacing of 1). Note the axes limits on this figure:
You can change this by altering the XData and YData properties of the image.
him = imagesc(rand(4), 'XData', [0,1], 'YData', [0 1])
Notice that this changed the scaling of your image. I'm not sure what coordinate system your points are (and if you can provide a little more information I can help you better), but you can adjust the XData and YData to be the appropriate values to match your points.


Matlab logarithmic range colorbar imagesc

Using the function imagesc in Matlab, I plot my (X,Y, Z) data-X array distance, Y array time, and my data Z = Z(X,Y) a matrix.
I notice that the 80% of the image has one color, because the change of Z data occurred only in the end of X for almost all Y.
Right now I use colormap('hsv') which give I think the largest range of different colors.
I need to change the colorbar range to a logarithmic one to improve visual the range of the change of my output data through time along the distance X.
I have used also contourf but still I am not sure if it will better to use this function and not imagesc which the output is more smoothed.
Please, any idea, any method or any small script that I could use to show visual the difference in data in logarithmic scale in 2D using imagesc or another build in function is more than welcome!
thank you
There is a discussion at the Mathworks website where someone provided a function that does logarithmic color bars.
EDIT: copying and pasting code from link
function cbar = colorbar_log(my_clim)
%COLORBAR_LOG Apply log10 scaling to pseudocolor axis
% and display colorbar COLORBAR_LOG(V), where V is the
% two element vector [cmin cmax], sets manual, logarithmic
% scaling of pseudocolor for the SURFACE and PATCH
% objects. cmin and cmax should be specified on a LINEAR
% scale, and are assigned to the first and last colors in
% the current colormap. A logarithmic scale is computed,
% then applied, and a colorbar is appended to the current
% axis.
% Written by Matthew Crema - 7/2007
% Trick MATLAB by first applying pseudocolor axis
% on a linear scale
% Create a colorbar with log scale
cbar = colorbar('Yscale', 'log');
% Now change the pseudocolor axis to a log scale.
% Do not issue the COLORBAR command again! If you want to
% change things, issue COLORBAR_LOG again.

MATLAB - Plotting a smooth volume from 3D scatter plot data

So I have data in the form [x y z intensity] that I plot on a scatter3 figure with xyz axes. The colour of the data is used to dictate the intensity value. Problem is, using a scatter plot means the data points show up as discrete points. What I need, is a smooth shape - so I guess I need some kind of interpolation between the points?
I've tried using trisurf, but the problem with this one is that it interpolates between points that it shouldn't. So where I should have 'gaps' in my surface, it joins up the edges instead so it fills in the gaps. See the attached pics for clarification.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
The code I use is as below (the commented out scatter3 is what does the scatter plot, the rest does the trisurf):
% Read in data
dataM = csvread('3dDispersion.csv');
% scatter3(dataM(:,1), dataM(:,2), dataM(:,3), 5, dataM(:,4),'filled');
% Plot
hold on;
x = dataM(:,1);
y = dataM(:,2);
freq = dataM(:,3);
tri = delaunay(x,y);
h = trisurf(tri, x, y, freq);
% Make it pretty
% view(-45,30);
axis vis3d;
lighting phong;
shading interp;
Use the boundary function in Matlab. This will apply a mesh similar to shrinkwrap over your points. In order to reduce the "gap closers", you will want to increase the "shrink factor".
Try K = boundary(X,Y,Z,0.9)
Where X, Y & Z are the vectors of your data points
You can then use trimesh or related surface plotting functions depending on how you want to display it.

Matlab: How can I control the color of a streamtube plot?

I am currently trying to plot 3D streamtubes. I want the tubes to be colored corresponding to their respective velocity (e.g. slow = blue, fast = red).
To be more exact, I have three 3D-matrices containing the velocity in x, y and z direction. The color of the streamtubes should be sqrt(vx^2+vy^2+vz^2). When using streamtube(x,y,z,vx,vy,vz,sx,sy,sz) the tubes are colored according to their z-coordinate which is useless because it's a 3D plot anyway.
Well this wasn't easy (it ought to be a builtin option), but by modifying the CData of each tube (they are each their own graphics object), you can achieve the desired result. Here's an example
load wind
[sx,sy,sz] = meshgrid(80,20:10:50,0:5:15);
axis tight
shading interp;
This gives this picture:
but then doing this:
vel=sqrt(u.^2+v.^2+w.^2); %// calculate velocities
for i=1:length(h)
%// Modify the colour data of each tube
axis tight
shading interp;
gives this result
1) I don't know if this is fully correct, I don't know how to test it
2) You have to interpolate the velocity data from the points where it's known onto the vertices of the streamtubes
3) I found the spline interpolation option to work best, but the other options might work better in other cases

Surface plot on top of colour image (x-y plane)

I guess, I've got an colormap issue with Matlab2013. I plot a 3d surface plot with colormap hot and I would like to have in the same plot an bitmap (8bit colour image) on the x-y plane. Plotting both separately from each other works fine but as soon as I plot them in one figure the first surface plot is only black. I guess it is because the RGB image on the x-y plane uses a different colour map. Is there an option in Matlab to plot two different type of images in the same plot?
colormap hot
%// define the location of the bitmap
xImage = [miX maX; miX maX]; %// The y data for the image corners
yImage = [miY miY; maY maY]; %// The x data for the image corners
zImage = [zDist zDist; zDist zDist]; %// The z data for the image corners
surf(xImage,yImage,zImage,... %// Plot the surface
I think this is an issue with the relative scaling of density and zImage. I can replicate this by doing the following:
1) Plot a surf where the third input is n x m which is scaled like some real data (-0.2 to +0.2, for example). This responds to changes in colormap as you'd expect.
2) After hold on, plot another surf where the third input is n x m x 3, like a RGB image, double values scaled between 0 and 1.
This causes the first image to go "dark" (or whatever the lowest color in that particular colormap is). The issue is that they share their CLim, being in the same axis, although the RGBImage doesn't, in fact, reference the colormap.
This is "fixable" by scaling/normalising the first plot (your density values) to be between 0 and 1 (in this case) - although this quick fix is going to give you issues if you then want to add a colorbar. Alternatively, first grab the "CLim" from your axis after plotting the first surf:
trueC = get(gca,'CLim');
Then set it back after you plot the image:

How to add a circle to simple matlab figure?

I have a plot of some data (simple 2-d line) and I would like to add circles around some more interesting spots on it. Surprisingly matlab seems to have no simple way to create a physically round circles. I looked on the internet and most answers i found was to either use rectangle('Curvature',[1 1]) or pts = linspace(0,2*pi, 100); plot(sin(pts), cos(pts)); and fixing the aspect ration of a plot to 1. In my case axes have scales that differ by several orders of magnitude so fixing the aspect ration is no option.
I was trying different ways to get the right x/y scale factor but it still seems I'm missing something. My current attempt is:
function hc = circle(x, y, xr)
gca_ylim = get(gca, 'ylim');
gca_xlim = get(gca, 'xlim');
gca_pos = get(gca, 'Position');
gcf_pos = get(gcf, 'Position');
gcf_ar = get(gca, 'DataAspectRatio');
%mod = gca_pos(4)/gca_pos(3) *abs(gca_ylim(2)-gca_ylim(1))/abs(gca_xlim(2)-gca_xlim(1))*gcf_pos(3)/gcf_pos(4);
mod = gca_pos(4)/gca_pos(3)*gcf_ar(2)/gcf_ar(1)*gcf_pos(3)/gcf_pos(4);
yr = xr*mod;
rectangle('Position',[x-xr,y-yr,xr*2,xr*mod*2], 'Curvature',[1,1]);
The circles that i got that way are still a bit elongated and I have no idea why. If there is any simple method to get circles in a plot - please share.
PS I know that if I resize plot or add some more stuff to it and change scaling the circles will re-scale with the entire plot. This is not a problem in my case - Figure gets printed out without manual manipulation (no window resizing) and I can add them as the last objects.
Another option:
>> h = plot(rand(1,5),rand(1,5),'o');
>> set(h, 'MarkerSize', 100);
If you want scale invariant circles, you could use scatter command. You can also set the size smaller or larger.
scatter(X,Y,S) draws each circle with the size specified by S. To plot
each circle with equal size, specify S as a scalar. To plot each
circle with a specific size, specify S as a vector with length equal
to the length of X and Y.