Update Link Plugin in RTE Touch UI - aem

I am looking for overriding the features of Link plugin in RTE, Touch UI. Basic feature I want to override root path, that by default is "/content/mysite/en" to "/content".
Its always points to "Website" . I want to select document from DAM
Other is I want to disable the auto-select feature of modify-link option.
Do someone have the idea to achieve this in TOUCH UI. In Classic i can do via changing LinkDialog.js but in Touch UI which will the file I need to change.

You are looking for Links plugin in RTE for touch UI. There is a inplace editing plugin for specific purpose
And enabling/disabling features is as simple as what plugins are we adding under the edit config. Hope this helps.

You are probably looking for the links plugin, you can find it here: /libs/cq/ui/rte/core/plugins/LinkPlugin.js editing that is not recommended, you might want to create a new plugin that overrides this one and add the root directory you want.


How to remove section from TinyMCE link plugin

In my app I using tinymce plugin for adding some files from local machine - link plugin. And it works great, but, there is one section - target, that I want to hide from users.
Because I'm just using '_blank' as default and type 'none' make some troubles.
In documentation I can't find option for hide this section. So I try to hide this by css. Unfortunately id and classes are dynamic, so it was bad idea with css 'display:none'.
It's possible to hide this section somehow?
You can remove the target list altogether by placing this in your TinyMCE configuration:
target_list: false
That is documented here: https://www.tinymce.com/docs/plugins/link/#target_list
To disable the option dialog set target_list to false

Add a property in the dam metadata in touch ui AEM 6.2

I have a use case.
While going to DAM Asset Dialog in AEM 6.2,I want to add a property rootPath: /etc/tags/geometrixx to the tags field.
I am using the concept of overlay and resourceMerger.
My dialog is under this
While Overlaying it in apps and add the property in it,it doesn't show anything.
Can anyone help me?
Just for testing i have replicated, and it works fine as expected
Actually you can't do that by overlaying the dialog, you'll need to rely in DAM Metadata Schemas to achieve that - https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/experience-manager-64/assets/administer/metadata-schemas.html?lang=en
From there, and if you want to persist these definitions in your code baseline, you can refer to the location where it gets stored - /conf/global/settings/dam/adminui-extension/metadataschema
Hope it helps

not able to register two plugins of touch-ui rte dialog

I am using the steps given in the URL to make a color-picker rte plugin
and at the same time I am making another custom rte plugin to do some text modulation.
But only one of them is working using rte.coralui2 as categories.
and both icons are coming at the same location.
If I disable one js then another is working.
I have registered the plugin with different name and I have also used different variables.
I am not able to make the rte plugin button at different location.
Please suggest the possible solution.
it's possible you are overlaying rather than extending the rte.coralui2 category. I suspect your custom clientLibs are competing with each other and only one is available.
It seems like you are using the same steps provided in the blogpost for creating both the plugins and while doing that, you are using the below code twice with different icons :
if(items.indexOf(ExperienceAEM.TCP_UI_SETTING) == -1){
items.splice(3, 0, ExperienceAEM.TCP_UI_SETTING);
So, maybe, the icons are being added at the same place and only one of them is shown.
You should create ExperienceAEM.CuiToolbarBuilder Class only once and add both icons inside that class

CKEditor classes being stripped

I have a custom plugin that adds a link with a class attached. When I view this using the Source button it shows the class and looks as it should. However, when I go back to WYSYWIG view and then view the source again the class has been stripped out.
Any idea how to stop this happening?
Thanks in advance for your help.
Check this blog post.
In CKEditor 4.1 RC we've introduced ACF - Advanced Content Filter. You need to integrate your plugin with it, because otherwise special content created by it is stripped.
For CKEditor4 and for simple config.js modification, disabling the "default filters": see this new question/answer.
At config.js you can add something like,
see "Advanced Content Filter" (ACF) and how to enable/disable it.

How to programmatically change help contents in Eclipse?

I have an eclipse plugin and I would like to programmatically disable help content TOC's based on a variable I define. In a nut shell, I want to prevent some help docs from showing up in the help contents if a specific type of user is accessing the plugin.
Preferably I would like to do this in the ApplicationWorkbenchAdvisor somewhere.
One thought would be to modify the "primary" value to be false if the variable were set.
Not sure if it would work, but try using the org.eclipse.ui.activities extension point. The tutorial from Vogella tells it is possible to hide only UI elements like wizards, views and so on, but it is from 2009.. Not sure if hiding TOC is now possible. If you try it out, would be nice to give a feedback ;)