How to report Zenity bugs - zenity

I've been running an app that never terminates. It does have progress to report and I am using the zenity progress dialog to do so. After a period of several hours zenity has eaten most (and eventually all) of the available memory and swap space. I want to report this but can't find where. (The problem may actually be in GTK which zenity uses).
My current workaround is to periodically close the dialog and reopen it. This is causing the dialog to reappear in the center of the screen. Annoying but better than the alternative.
The actual question is where to report this problem. If anyone has a better workaround, that would be nice.

The bugs can be reported to at


VSCode annoying problem focus behavior, keeps jumping to a problem

Last Edit:
It appears I've had an F8 key being pressed non-stop, and it seems to be a shortcut for "Go to Next Error or Warning".
I've wrote a piece of code, it has an error which I'm aware of. Specifically, I'm trying to run a function which doesn't exist yet:
All good, I'm glad it is telling me there's a problem, but... I wish to keep writing stuff in the same file and I simply can't. Every so often the GUI keeps sending the caret (the place where my next piece of text will be written) to the beginning of the problematic piece of code. Simply speaking, I can't keep doing anything until I resolve the problem, since it forcefully intrudes my every action. Even more than that! When I go to a different file, with means of fixing the problem and adding the missing function, it once again interrupts me and forcefully takes me back to the problematic file to show me that there's a problem (??!?!?!). Closing it with "Esc" only closes it once, but it keeps on returning every several seconds.
I don't think it was like that just a week ago, and I didn't install any new plugin since then. I'm currently using the last version, 1.58.2.
How do I stop this work-flow-intruding behavior?
I've kept on working for some time and it turns out the issue is much bigger than that. Whenever I type a name of some property, half way through some wild problem would jump and tell me "Cannot find name 'quar'. Did you mean 'quarter'?". The issue is basically the time delay of the problem checks, it's non-existent. It's also too intrusive, moving the caret and jumping between files to show me the existing problems. It's very recent, it didn't happen earlier this week. I've tried disabling different plugins I have and they're not the cause.
This is not exactly your issue, but could be related to what you are experiencing:
Try disabling the Outline Explorer and see what happens then.
Furthermore, see if disabling autosave improves anything.

DevTools - Turn off Issues warning?

OK, I know there are some issues on the page I'm working on. But I don't need that warning at every refresh. It takes so much space. How can I turn it off?

Source control keeps sidebar opening automatically

I am fairly new to VS Code. I really like it, but there is one thing that is extremely annoying and if I cant fix it, I might switch back to vim.
Every time I click into a editor tab (In my case I use a split layout and click into the other split) the source control side bar opens itself. It is really annoying, because it almost takes a quarter of my screen.
How can I disable it fully and only open the bar when I need it?
The moment I posted this yesterday it stopped happening. Now it happens again. I have no idea why.
It might be related to the split layout. I just closed the split and reopened it and it stopped happening.

How to hide the VSCode update dialog

I get the VSCode update dialog a bit too often and do not want to click it away anymore. Is there a way to make sure that it is never displayed anymore?
Press ESC.
VS Code is all about high-speed workflow and not having to interact with anything except your code via keyboard. Everything has key chords, e.g. CTRL-P and CTRL-SHIFT-P. So having to stop what I'm doing, go to the mouse, and dismiss this popup, whenever a background task feels like completing (and not even really then, because the popup actually appears some short time later) just so I can get visual confirmation of which file I'm currently coding in, to refocus my work after being distracted by the same popup, is really awkward. They are in a stupid location and don't even fade away after time like well-behaved toasts.
That said, I think that's really two parts; the distraction, and relatively high workflow cost to dismiss.
It helped me a lot to learn that it can be dismissed quickly and easily with the ESC key. The other half the problem I still haven't solved, but hope that helps you.

why are my eclipse code error labels lagging

so when you make syntax errors, etc, eclipse will automatically put in an x button on the line number and then when you fix the error, that x button is supposed to disappear
normally, it should disappear right after the error is fixed, but in my case, it would disappear for up to 5 seconds after the error is fixed which is abnormal
anyone knows why this is the case?
The behavior your describe is not abnormal. Validation is expensive and if done completely in realtime would bog down your actions (like typing). Instead, validation tasks are queued and are typically executed during a pause in keyboard activity. If you type energetically, you will notice that the validation doesn't update for quite a while. The exact experience will also vary with the power of your computer.