L3 miss and Route not Found for flannel - kubernetes

So I have a Kubernetes cluster, and I am using Flannel for an overlay network. It has been working fine (for almost a year actually) then I modified a service to have 2 ports and all of a sudden I get this about a completely different service, one that was working previously and I did not edit:
<Timestamp> <host> flanneld[873]: I0407 18:36:51.705743 00873 vxlan.go:345] L3 miss: <Service's IP>
<Timestamp> <host> flanneld[873]: I0407 18:36:51.705865 00873 vxlan.go:349] Route for <Service's IP> not found
Is there a common cause to this? I am using Kubernetes 1.0.X and Flannel 0.5.5 and I should mention only one node is having this issue, the rest of the nodes are fine. The bad node's kube-proxy is also saying it can't find the service's endpoint.

Sometime flannel will change it's subnet configuration... you can tell this if the IP and MTU from cat /run/flannel/subnet.env doesn't match ps aux | grep docker (or cat /etc/default/docker)... in which case you will need to reconfigure docker to use the new flannel config.
First you have to delete the docker network interface
sudo ip link set dev docker0 down
sudo brctl delbr docker0
Next you have to reconfigure docker to use the new flannel config.
Note: sometimes this step has to be done manually (i.e. read the contents of /run/flannel/subnet.env and then alter /etc/default/docker)
source /run/flannel/subnet.env
echo DOCKER_OPTS=\"-H tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock --bip=${FLANNEL_SUBNET} --mtu=${FLANNEL_MTU}\" > /etc/default/docker
Finally, restart docker
sudo service docker restart


Microk8s at windows host-access doesnt work. Why connection refused when i trying to connect from vm to host?

I can't connect with local mysql server that placed on host machine.
microk8s 2.0.1
multipass 1.6.1
windows 10
windows defender disabled :)
All commands are work fine: apply, get pods, get nodes, get events, secrets, services...
inspect not found warnings.
Addons enabled: dns, host-access, storage - all running.
For my cluster the default ip given by the host-access is "".
I see that adapter is exists with :
multipass shell microk8s-vm
lo:microk8s: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING> mtu 65536
inet netmask
loop txqueuelen 1000 (Local Loopback)
I put ip addr to secrets
And my spring boot application can't connect (refused) with mysql uses this ip.
Mysql is running locally, i can connect with mysql-client, all dbs are exists, all grants are full priveleged...
Other example:
microk8s kubectl apply -f https://k8s.io/examples/application/shell-demo.yaml
microk8s kubectl exec --stdin --tty shell-demo -- /bin/bash
curl (or )
curl says: "connection refused"
Please, help! And tnx!!
After few days i dont know how to resolve this problem.
Windows & kubernetes (maybe other product) is not a good couple...
My microk8s stop working after rebooting system... "microk8s start" - working, but "microk8s kubectl get nodes " - are not.
I just moved to linux and all works fine! Sad

Kubernetes Service pinging not working time to time "Temporary fail in name resolution"

I have two separate clusters (Application and DB) in the same namespace. Statefulset for DB cluster and Deployment for Application cluster. For internal communication I have configured a Headless Service. When I ping from a pod in application cluster to the service it works (Works the other way round too - DB pod to service works). But sometimes, for example if I continuously execute ping command for like 3 times, the third time it gives an error - "ping: : Temporary failure in name resolution". Why is this happening?
As far as I know this is usually a name resolution error and shows that your DNS server cannot resolve the domain names into their respective IP addresses. This can present a grave challenge as you will not be able to update, upgrade, or even install any software packages on your Linux system. Here I have listed few reasons
1.Forgot configuring or Wrongly Configured resolv.conf File
The /etc/resolv.conf file is the resolver configuration file in Linux systems. It contains the DNS entries that help your Linux system to resolve domain names into IP addresses.
If this file is not present or is there but you are still having the name resolution error, create one and append the Google public DNS server as nameserver
Save the changes and restart the systemd-resolved service as shown.
$ sudo systemctl restart systemd-resolved.service
It’s also prudent to check the status of the resolver and ensure that it is active and running as expected:
$ sudo systemctl status systemd-resolved.service
2. Due to Firewall Restrictions
By some chance if the first solution did not work for you, firewall restrictions could be preventing you from successfully performing DNS queries. Check your firewall and confirm if port 53 (used for DNS – Domain Name Resolution ) and port 43 are open. If the ports are blocked, open them as follows:
For UFW firewall (Ubuntu / Debian and Mint)
To open ports 53 & 43 on the UFW firewall run the commands below:
$ sudo ufw allow 43/tcp
$ sudo ufw reload```
For firewalld (RHEL / CentOS / Fedora)
For Redhat based systems such as CentOS, invoke the commands below:
```$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=53/tcp --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=43/tcp --permanent
$ sudo firewall-cmd --reload
I hope that you now have an idea about the ‘temporary failure in name resolution‘ error. I also found a similar git issue hope that helps

kubectl : Unable to connect to the server : dial tcp connect: no route to host

I recently installed kubernetes on VMware and also configured few pods , while configuring those pods , it automatically used IP of the VMware and configured. I was able to access the application during that time but then recently i rebooted VM and machine which hosts the VM, during this - IP of the VM got changed i guess and now - I am getting below error when using command kubectl get pod -n <namspaceName>:
userX#ubuntu:~$ kubectl get pod -n NameSpaceX
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
userX#ubuntu:~$ kubectl version
Client Version: version.Info{Major:"1", Minor:"14", GitVersion:"v1.14.1", GitCommit:"b7394102d6ef778017f2ca4046abbaa23b88c290", GitTreeState:"clean", BuildDate:"2019-04-08T17:11:31Z", GoVersion:"go1.12.1", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"linux/amd64"}
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
kubectl cluster-info as well as other related commands gives same output.
in VMware workstation settings, we are using network adapter which is sharing host IP address setting. We are not sure if it has any impact.
We also tried to add below entry in /etc/hosts , it is not working. localhost \n localhost \n ubuntu
I expect to run the pods back again to access the application.Instead of reinstalling all pods which is time consuming - we are looking for quick workaround so that pods will get back to running state.
If you use minikube sometimes all you need is just to restart minikube.
minikube start
I encountered the same issue - the problem was that the master node didn't expose port 6443 outside.
Below are the steps I took to fix it.
1 ) Check IP of api-server.
This can be verified via the .kube/config file (under server field) or with: kubectl describe pod/kube-apiserver-<master-node-name> -n kube-system.
2 ) Run curl https://<kube-apiserver-IP>:6443 and see if port 6443 is open.
3 ) If port 6443 you should get something related to the certificate like:
curl: (60) SSL certificate problem: unable to get local issuer certificate
4 ) If port 6443 is not open:
4.A ) SSH into master node.
4.B ) Run sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=6443/tcp --permanent (I'm assuming firewalld is installed).
4.C ) Run sudo firewall-cmd --reload.
4.D ) Run sudo firewall-cmd --list-all and you should see port 6443 is updated:
target: default
icmp-block-inversion: no
services: dhcpv6-client ssh
ports: 6443/tcp <---- Here
masquerade: no
rich rules:
The common practice is to copy config file to the home directory
sudo cp /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf ~/.kube/config && sudo chown $(id -u):$(id -g) $HOME/.kube/config
Also, make sure that api-server address is valid.
server: https://<master-node-ip>:6443
If not, you can manually edit it using any text editor.
You need to export the admin.conf file as kubeconfig before running the kubectl commands. You may put this as your env variable
export kubeconfig=<path>/admin.conf
after this you should be able to run the kubectl command. I am hoping that your setup of K8S cluster is proper.
Last night I had the exact same error installing Kubernetes using this puppet module: https://forge.puppet.com/puppetlabs/kubernetes
Turns out that it is an incorrect iptables setting in the master that blocks all non-local requests towards the api.
The way I solved it (bruteforce solution) is by
completely remove alle installed k8s related software (also all config files, etcd data, docker images, mounted tmpfs filesystems, ...)
wipe the iptables completely https://serverfault.com/questions/200635/best-way-to-clear-all-iptables-rules
This is what solved the problem in my case.
There is probably a much nicer and cleaner way to do this (i.e. simply change the iptables rules to allow access).
if you getting the below error then you also check once the token validity.
Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
Check your token validity by using the command kubeadm token list if your token is expired then you have to reset the cluster using kubeadm reset and than initialize again using command kubeadm init --token-ttl 0.
Then again check the status of the token using kubeadm token list. Note here the TTL value will be <forever> and Expire value will be <never>.
[root#master1 ~]# kubeadm token list
nh48tb.d79ysdsaj8bchms9 <forever> <never> authentication,signing The default bootstrap token generated by 'kubeadm init'. system:bootstrappers:kubeadm:default-node-token
Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Screenshot
Select docker-desktop and run again your command, e.g kubectl apply -f <myimage.yaml>
Run minikube start command
The reason behind that is your minikube cluster with driver docker stopped
when you shutdown the system
To all those who are trying to learn and experiment kubernetes using Ubuntu on Oracle VM:
IP address is assigned to Guest OS/VM based on the network adapter selection. Based on your network adapter selection, you need to configure the settings in Oracle VM network section or your router settings.
See the link for most common Oracle VM network adapter.
I was using bridge adapter which put VM and host OS in parallel. So the my router was randomly assigning IP to my VM after every restart and my cluster stopped working and getting the same exact error message posted in the question.
> k get pods -A
> Unable to connect to the server: dial tcp connect: no route to host
> systemctl status kubelet
> ........
> ........ "Error getting node" err="node \"node\" not found"
Cluster started working again after reserving static IP address to my VM in router settings.(if you are using NAT adapter, you should configure it in VM network settings)
When you are reserving IP address to your VM, make sure to assign the same old IP address which was used for configuring kubelet.

Access kubernetes secure API after running with docker

I've created a kubenetes cluster on my Mac with docker-machine, following the documentation here:
I can access the normal api from inside the instance on, but I want to access it externally from my macbook. I know there is a secure port :6443, but I'm unsure how to set up the credentials to access this port.
There are lots of instructions on how to do it on custom installs of kubernetes, but I don't know how to do it inside the docker containers I'm running.
Likely, you will want to use Virtual Box's port forwarding capabilities. An example from the documentation:
VBoxManage modifyvm "MyVM" --natpf1 "k8srule,tcp,,6443,,6443"
This forwards port 6443 on all hosts interfaces to port 6443 of the guest. Port forwarding can also be configured through the VirtualBox UI.
It's like a workaround but most of the time, I think KubeOnDocker setup is for developper that don't need the credentials mecanism :
When you start the KubeOnDocker, --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests point to master.json. If you look the apiserver start command, you will see that --insecure-bind-address is If you use --config=/etc/kubernetes/manifests-multi it will point to master-multi.json, --insecure-bind-address will be and the apiserver will be accessible from everywhere.
Note that you will need to start etcd with manifests-multi.
# Not tested start
docker run \
-d \
--net=host \
gcr.io/google_containers/etcd:2.2.1 \
/usr/local/bin/etcd \
--listen-client-urls= \
--advertise-client-urls= \

How do I set up linkage between Docker containers so that restarting won't break it?

I have a few Docker containers running like:
Web app 1
Web app 2
Since Nginx needs to connect to the web application servers inside web app 1 and 2, and the web apps need to talk to PostgreSQL, I have linkages like this:
Nginx --- link ---> Web app 1
Nginx --- link ---> Web app 2
Web app 1 --- link ---> PostgreSQL
Web app 2 --- link ---> PostgreSQL
This works pretty well at first. However, when I develop a new version of web app 1 and web app 2, I need to replace them. What I do is remove the web app containers, set up new containers and start them.
For the web app containers, their IP addresses at first would be something like:
And after I replace them, they will have new IP addresses:
Now, those exposed environment variables in the Nginx container are still pointing to the old IP addresses. Here comes the problem. How do I replace a container without breaking linkage between containers? The same issue will also happen to PostgreSQL. If I want to upgrade the PostgreSQL image version, I certainly need to remove it and run the new one, but then I need to rebuild the whole container graph, so this is not ideal for real-life server operation.
The effect of --link is static, so it will not work for your scenario (there is currently no re-linking, although you can remove links).
We have been using two different approaches at dockerize.it to solve this, without links or ambassadors (although you could add ambassadors too).
1) Use dynamic DNS
The general idea is that you specify a single name for your database (or any other service) and update a short-lived DNS server with the actual IP as you start and stop containers.
We started with SkyDock. It works with two docker containers, the DNS server and a monitor that keeps it updated automatically. Later we moved to something more custom using Consul (also using a dockerized version: docker-consul).
An evolution of this (which we haven't tried) would be to setup etcd or similar and use its custom API to learn the IPs and ports. The software should support dynamic reconfiguration too.
2) Use the docker bridge ip
When exposing the container ports you can just bind them to the docker0 bridge, which has (or can have) a well known address.
When replacing a container with a new version, just make the new container publish the same port on the same IP.
This is simpler but also more limited. You might have port conflicts if you run similar software (for instance, two containers can not listen on the 3306 port on the docker0 bridge), etcétera… so our current favorite is option 1.
Links are for a specific container, not based on the name of a container. So the moment you remove a container, the link is disconnected and the new container (even with the same name) will not automatically take its place.
The new networking feature allows you to connect to containers by
their name, so if you create a new network, any container connected to
that network can reach other containers by their name. Example:
1) Create new network
$ docker network create <network-name>
2) Connect containers to network
$ docker run --net=<network-name> ...
$ docker network connect <network-name> <container-name>
3) Ping container by name
docker exec -ti <container-name-A> ping <container-name-B>
64 bytes from c1 ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.137 ms
64 bytes from c1 ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.073 ms
64 bytes from c1 ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.074 ms
64 bytes from c1 ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.074 ms
See this section of the documentation;
Note: Unlike legacy links the new networking will not create environment variables, nor share environment variables with other containers.
This feature currently doesn't support aliases
You can use an ambassador container. But do not link the ambassador container to your client, since this creates the same problem as above. Instead, use the exposed port of the ambassador container on the docker host (typically Example:
postgres volume:
$ docker run --name PGDATA -v /data/pgdata/data:/data -v /data/pgdata/log:/var/log/postgresql phusion/baseimage:0.9.10 true
$ docker run -d --name postgres --volumes-from PGDATA -e USER=postgres -e PASS='postgres' paintedfox/postgresql
ambassador-container for postgres:
$ docker run -d --name pg_ambassador --link postgres:postgres -p 5432:5432 ctlc/ambassador
Now you can start a postgresql client container without linking the ambassador container and access postgresql on the gateway host (typically
$ docker run --rm -t -i paintedfox/postgresql /bin/bash
root#b94251eac8be:/# PGHOST=$(netstat -nr | grep '^0\.0\.0\.0 ' | awk '{print $2}')
root#b94251eac8be:/# echo $PGHOST
root#b94251eac8be:/# psql -h $PGHOST --user postgres
Password for user postgres:
psql (9.3.4)
SSL connection (cipher: DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA, bits: 256)
Type "help" for help.
postgres=# select 6*7 as answer;
(1 row)
Now you can restart the ambassador container whithout having to restart the client.
If anyone is still curious, you have to use the host entries in /etc/hosts file of each docker container and should not depend on ENV variables as they are not updated automatically.
There will be a host file entry for each of the linked container in the format LINKEDCONTAINERNAME_PORT_PORTNUMBER_TCP etc..
The following is from docker docs
Important notes on Docker environment variables
Unlike host entries in the /etc/hosts file, IP addresses stored in the
environment variables are not automatically updated if the source
container is restarted. We recommend using the host entries in
/etc/hosts to resolve the IP address of linked containers.
These environment variables are only set for the first process in the
container. Some daemons, such as sshd, will scrub them when spawning
shells for connection.
This is included in the experimental build of docker 3 weeks ago, with the introduction of services: https://github.com/docker/docker/blob/master/experimental/networking.md
You should be able to get a dynamic link in place by running a docker container with the --publish-service <name> arguments. This name will be accessible via the DNS. This is persistent on container restarts (as long as you restart the container with the same service name that is of course)
You may use dockerlinks with names to solve this.
Most basic setup would be to first create a named database container :
$ sudo docker run -d --name db training/postgres
then create a web container connecting to db :
$ sudo docker run -d -P --name web --link db:db training/webapp python app.py
With this, you don't need to manually connect containers with their IP adresses.
with OpenSVC approach, you can workaround by :
use a service with its own ip address/dns name (the one your end users will connect to)
tell docker to expose ports to this specific ip address ("--ip" docker option)
configure your apps to connect to the service ip address
each time you replace a container, you are sure that it will connect to the correct ip address.
Tutorial here => Docker Multi Containers with OpenSVC
don't miss the "complex orchestration" part at the end of tuto, which can help you start/stop containers in the correct order (1 postgresql subset + 1 webapp subset + 1 nginx subset)
the main drawback is that you expose webapp and PostgreSQL ports to public address, and actually only the nginx tcp port need to be exposed in public.
You could also try the ambassador method of having an intermediary container just for keeping the link intact... (see https://docs.docker.com/articles/ambassador_pattern_linking/ ) for more info
You can bind the connection ports of your images to fixed ports on the host and configure the services to use them instead.
This has its drawbacks as well, but it might work in your case.
Another alternative is to use the --net container:$CONTAINER_ID option.
Step 1: Create "network" containers
docker run --name db_net ubuntu:14.04 sleep infinity
docker run --name app1_net --link db_net:db ubuntu:14.04 sleep infinity
docker run --name app2_net --link db_net:db ubuntu:14.04 sleep infinity
docker run -p 80 -p 443 --name nginx_net --link app1_net:app1 --link app2_net:app2 ubuntu:14.04 sleep infinity
Step 2: Inject services into "network" containers
docker run --name db --net container:db_net pgsql
docker run --name app1 --net container:app1_net app1
docker run --name app2 --net container:app1_net app2
docker run --name nginx --net container:app1_net nginx
As long as you do not touch the "network" containers, the IP addresses of your links should not change.
Network-scoped alias is what you need is this case. It's a rather new feature, which can be used to "publish" a container providing a service for the whole network, unlike link aliases accessible only from one container.
It does not add any kind of dependency between containers — they can communicate as long as both are running, regardless of restarts and replacement and launch order. It uses DNS internally, I believe, instead of /etc/hosts
Use it like this: docker run --net=some_user_definied_nw --net-alias postgres ... and you can connect to it using that alias from any container on the same network.
Does not work on the default network, unfortunately, you have to create one with docker network create <network> and then use it with --net=<network> for every container (compose supports it as well).
In addition to container being down and hence unreachable by alias multiple containers can also share an alias in which case it's not guaranteed that it will be resolved to the right one. But in some case that can help with seamless upgrade, probably.
It's all not very well documented as of yet, hard to figure out just by reading the man page.