About MPAndroidChart-piechart with lines - pie-chart

I am using mpandroidchart library for my project ,my IDE is eclipse. I imported the lib mpandroidchartlibrary_2.2.4.jar to my project.I want to realize the image like the mpandroidchart demo of piechart with lines ,but I only realize the piechart without lines,I don't know how to do. and the method
in my project don't show.

Do you refer slice space as lines in piechart ? If yes, then use the following line.
// Set spacing between pie slices

Add color to your dataSet.
This will separate your slices in pie Chart
Else with the same color if you want to create separation, add space between slices


Foundry-Workshop - Charts with multiple layers

I would like to know what are the settings capabilities on workshop charts when implementing multiple layers.
Here is an example of a chart with 2 layers (3 objects):
Among the global settings options, I would like to know:
how to have only one legend per group, instead of one per layer?
how to manage colors? Is it possible to change default?
is there any way to display dotted lines for example?
Thanks in advance
how to have only one legend per group, instead of one per layer?
Currently all the legend "flattens" all the series across all the Plot Layers and there isn't any way to change the grouping. If you really wanted to, you could use a couple metric widgets in List or Tag mode and build your own legend alongside the chart, assuming you'd made overrides for all the potential series and series segments (see below).
how to manage colors? Is it possible to change default?
Yes, you can change the color for each series on the chart. If the series has no "Segement By" config, then you can choose the color directly. If you choose to segment by some other property, then you need to add a Segment Display Override for each segment value that you want to change.
is there any way to display dotted lines for example?
You can change the style from solid to dashed in the same place that you can change the color

ag-grid Pie Chart - change the colors of the slices

I would like change the colors of the slices in an ag-grid Pie Chart. Is it possible? I am using React.
I figured out the solution, which was actually obvious but I was not correctly looking. The API reference lists "fills?: string[]". All set.

How do you add slice spacing to just the selected item of a pie chart with iOS Charts in Swift 3?

I am using the Charts library by Daniel Gindi.
I am able to set my delegate and have a function run whenever a slice is selected, but the line pieChartDataSet.sliceSpace sets the spacing for the entire chart instead of just one slice.
Here is an example of what I want to achieve:
Thanks for your help.
chartView.highlightValue(x: 0, dataSetIndex: 0)
This pieChartDataSet.sliceSpace is for highlight feature, and you just have to write code to highlight the slice you want.
Take a look at drawHighlighted() in pie chart renderer.

Tableau show legends for lines charts on dual axis?

I have 2 lines in a chart and i used dual axis on them. For each line, i manually picked colors for them through the MARKS card.
Now I need a legend to show what each line and their color represent but i dont see any way to do it. When i put one of the pill on the colors box, it gives me a gradient of colors on my trend line which is not the color i manually picked by clicking on the colors box.
How can i go about doing this?
Using the "All" marks card (the top one), put Measure Names on the color shelf

Using core-plot ios sdk is it possible to draw inner circle

Using core plot pie chart i am able to produce this. However i want to fill the inside rect with some color is it possible?. i have used same source http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17697300/coreplot-ios-remove-border-line-around-pie-chart..
kindly suggest the other possibilities also.
Make a second pie chart with a radius equal to the inner radius of the ring. Give it a single slice filled with the desired background color.