I have a script to analyse BSON dumps, however it works only with uncompressed files. I get an empty RDD while reading gz bson files.
pyspark_location = 'lib/pymongo_spark.py'
HDFS_HOME = 'hdfs://'
INPUT_FILE = 'big_bson.gz'
class BsonEncoder(JSONEncoder):
def default(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, ObjectId):
return str(obj)
elif isinstance(obj, datetime):
return obj.isoformat()
return JSONEncoder.default(self, obj)
def setup_spark_with_pymongo(app_name='App'):
conf = SparkConf().setAppName(app_name)
sc = SparkContext(conf=conf)
return sc
def main():
spark_context = setup_spark_with_pymongo('PysparkApp')
import pymongo_spark
rdd = spark_context.BSONFileRDD(filename)
print(rdd.first()) #Raises ValueError("RDD is empty")
I am using mongo-java-driver-3.2.2.jar, mongo-hadoop-spark-1.5.2.jar, pymongo-3.2.2-py2.7-linux-x86_64 and pymongo_spark in along with spark-submit.
The version of Spark deployed is 1.6.1 along with Hadoop 2.6.4.
I am aware that the library does not support splitting compressed BSON files, however it should with a single split.
I have got hundreds of compressed BSON files to analyse and deflating each of them doesn't seem to be a viable option.
Any idea how should I proceed further?
Thanks in advance!
I've just tested in the environment: mongo-hadoop-spark-1.5.2.jar, spark version 1.6.1 for Hadoop 2.6.4, Pymongo 3.2.2. The source file is an output from mongodump compressed, and a small size file for a single split (uncompressed collection size of 105MB). Running through PySpark:
from pyspark import SparkContext, SparkConf
import pymongo_spark
conf = SparkConf().setAppName("pyspark-bson")
file_path = "/file/example_bson.gz"
rdd = sc.BSONFileRDD(file_path)
It is able to read the compressed BSON file, and listed the first document. Please make sure you can reach the input file, and the file is in the correct BSON format.
I seem to have the opposite problem from the rest of the Internet - any search on the topic would throw thousands of questions on how to suppress CRC files when writing out using Spark.
When using Spark on a cluster and writing stuff out to the HDFS I can't see any of the .crc files I usually see on the local system. Any ideas how to "force" them to appear?
You can try the below approach and see if .crc file is appearing on the hdfs folders.
val customConf = spark.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
val fileSystemObject = org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(customConf)
If you write to text file on HDFS - you need to call setWriteChecksum with "false". And you will have only one your file:
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileSystem, Path}
val conf = new Configuration()
conf.set("fs.defaultFS", uri)
val hdfs = FileSystem.get(conf)
// this is it!
val outputStream = hdfs.create(new Path("full/file/path"))
outputStream.write("string to be written".getBytes)
I'm reading metrics data from json files from S3. What is the right way to handle the case when a path to the file doesn't exist? Currently I'm getting an AnalysisException: Path does not exist when there is no file with a given $metricsData name.
I think one way is to throw an exception but how should I correctly check if a path to the file exists?
val metricsDataDF: DataFrame = spark.read.option("multiline", "true")
I wouldn't use java.nio.file, it doesn't have a proper binding to S3 and/or HDFS. If you want your code to be applicable for all filesystems (local, in Docker (CI/CD), S3, HDFS, etc.) try using Apache Hadoop utils:
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
val path = new Path("base/path/to/data")
val fs = path.getFileSystem(new Configuration())
// applicable for local and remote FS
if (fs.exists(path)) {
You can use java.nio.file :
import java.nio.file.{Paths, Files}
val metricsDataDF: DataFrame = spark.read.option("multiline", "true")
How to check if path or file exist in Scala
I want spark to continuously monitor a directory and read the CSV files by using spark.readStream as soon as the file appears in that directory.
Please don't include a solution of Spark Streaming. I am looking for a way to do it by using spark structured streaming.
Here is the complete Solution for this use Case:
If you are running in stand alone mode. You can increase the driver memory as:
bin/spark-shell --driver-memory 4G
No need to set the executor memory as in Stand Alone mode executor runs within the Driver.
As Completing the solution of #T.Gaweda, find the solution below:
val userSchema = new StructType().add("name", "string").add("age", "integer")
val csvDF = spark
.option("sep", ";")
.schema(userSchema) // Specify schema of the csv files
.csv("/path/to/directory") // Equivalent to format("csv").load("/path/to/directory")
now the spark will continuously monitor the specified directory and as soon as you add any csv file in the directory your DataFrame operation "csvDF" will be executed on that file.
Note: If you want spark to inferschema you have to first set the following configuration:
where spark is your spark session.
As written in official documentation you should use "file" source:
File source - Reads files written in a directory as a stream of data. Supported file formats are text, csv, json, parquet. See the docs of the DataStreamReader interface for a more up-to-date list, and supported options for each file format. Note that the files must be atomically placed in the given directory, which in most file systems, can be achieved by file move operations.
Code example taken from documentation:
// Read all the csv files written atomically in a directory
val userSchema = new StructType().add("name", "string").add("age", "integer")
val csvDF = spark
.option("sep", ";")
.schema(userSchema) // Specify schema of the csv files
.csv("/path/to/directory") // Equivalent to format("csv").load("/path/to/directory")
If you don't specify trigger, Spark will read new files as soon as possible
I am trying to read the content of .gz file in spark/scala in a dataframe/rdd using the following code
val conf = new SparkConf()
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val data = sc.wholeTextFiles("path to gz file")
.gz file is 28 mb and when i do the spark submit using this command
spark-submit --class sample--master local[*] target\spark.jar
It gives ma Java Heap space issue in the console .
Is this the best way of reading .gz file and if yes how could i solve java heap error issue .
Disclaimer: That code and description will purely read in a small compressed text file using spark, collect it to an array of every line and print every line in the entire file to console. The number of ways and reasons to do this outside far outnumber those to do it in spark
1) use SparkSession instead of SparkContext if you can swing it. sparkSession.read.text() is the command to use (it automatically handles a few compression formats)
2) Or at least use sc.textFile() instead of wholeTextFiles
3) you're calling .collect on that data which brings the entire file back to the driver (in this case since you're local not network bound). Add the --driver-memory option to the spark shell to increase memory if you MUST do the collect.
I am reading sas file from azure blob . Converting it to csv and trying to upload csv to azure blob . However for small files in MBs I am able to do the same successfully with the following spark scala code .
import org.apache.spark.SparkContext
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext
import com.github.saurfang.sas.spark._
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val df=sqlContext.sasFile("wasbs://container#storageaccount/input.sas7bdat")
But for large files in GB it gives me Analysis exception wasbs://container#storageaccount/output.csv file already exists exception. I have tried overwrite also . But no luck . Any help would be appriciated
Actually, you could not overwrite an existing file on HDFS normally, even for small files in MBs.
Please try to use the code below to overwrite, please check your spark version because there are some differences to use the methed for different spark version.
I don't know the code above using overwrite mode whether you had tried as you said.
So there is another way to do it that first delete the existing files befer do the overwrite operation.
val hadoopConf = new org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration()
val hdfs = org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.get(new java.net.URI("<hdfs://<namenodehost>/ or wasb[s]://<containername>#<accountname>.blob.core.windows.net/<path> >"), hadoopConf)
try { hdfs.delete(new org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path(filepath), true) } catch { case _ : Throwable => { } }
And there is a spark topic discussed similar issue, please see http://apache-spark-user-list.1001560.n3.nabble.com/How-can-I-make-Spark-1-0-saveAsTextFile-to-overwrite-existing-file-td6696.html.