multilevel piechart dc.js - pie-chart

I am trying to create a pieChart using dc.js (Using its Cross-Filter Functionality). I have found something similar to this but it is using d3.js.
Does anybody know how to do this?


How to create this custom flowchart in flutter

I need help creating this flow chart in flutter. I've tried packages like graphite and syncfusion but they dont do the job. Any help is appreciated.
Link to image
You can create a similar look using a custom painter in flutter.
I solved this by editing the svg code and adding variables to colors and texts, thereby making them dynamic.

eCharts - can we create a mekko chart using echarts custom chart functionality

eCharts does not seem to be having mekko chart out of the box.
Is it possible to create a mekko chart using e-charts custom chart functionality? Is it even feasible?
If anyone has an example/reference on this would be great.
Marimekko chart is very similar to Profit chart from examples.

Grouped bar charts in swift ?

Any demo of grouped bar charts in swift ? Kindly suggest me . Am using iOS charts library and able to plot a single bar graph. In case of grouped bars I riffled some of the post and can't get it from that . Your answer will be helpful .
You can check out the following project: Charts.
From here, download the Demo Project, and you will find a lot of examples using Bar Charts.

GWT - TreeTable?

I'm looking for a way to extend GWT FlexTable or CellTable to a "TreeTable". I want a table with expandable rows, and I want to be able to get the data from the sever when it's needed. So I don't want to populate the whole table (all levels) from the start.
Is it best to use a FlexTable or a CellTable to start with? Or are there any examples/plugins on the web for this?
All ideas and tips are appreciated!
I found a TreeTable widget at Google Web Toolkit Incubator . Here is the demo

Can someone help me create a simple vertical bar chart using google charts?

I need help in building a dynamic chart. i have the following code but need to change it to a vertical bar graph instead of the horizontal one here is the sample,c6d9fd&chxt=x,y&chxs=0|0&chd=t:80|20
You can change the "bhs" to "bvs" and change the scaling as needed:
Try this.