Create drop down list to populate foreign key fields - oracle10g

i am new to oracle 10g. I am using it to build some forms. I have created all the tables in sql+ and i have designed my forms. I am having a problem with the foreign key fields in the form.
I have a table named class, class has 4 foreign keys which are represented on the class form
R_ID which is the primary key of a table called ROOM
E_ID which the primary key of a table called EXAM
T_ID which is the primary key of a table called TERM
SUB_ID which is the primary key of a table called SUBJECT
In the class form i want the user to be able to create or update a record of a class. For user friendliness i want when they put the cursor on any one of the foreign key field to enter its value, I want the corresponding NAME from the parent table to be displayed as a drop down list instead/as well as the numerical foreign key value. The user's choice would populate the foreign key field of the class table so
IF R_ID = RM001 and the name of that room in the parent table is Chemistry LAB. I want the user to see chemistry lab and choose that but it populates the class table in the database as RM001
I have created all my navigation manually via buttons, this is the last thing i have to do and im stumped. I want the user to be able to click the field and the drop down list automatically appears.
Any ideas? thanks very much

Found the answer for people you are seeking this information
Use the list of values (lov) wizard.
Build query in the wizard by selecting the attributes of the table you want( the parent table of the foreign key)
Set the return value as the foreign key in the child table
Assign a button to execute the lov created
This works


Database design with composite types in postgresql

How to refer another table built from composite type in my table.
I am trying to setup a database to understand postgresql and its Object oriented features.
The statement is as follows : There are multiple companies which can have board members.
Each company can own another company or a person can own that company too.
This is the type of database design I am looking for.
create type companyType(
name: VARCHAR,
boardMembers : personType[],
owns: companyType[]
create type personType(
name: VARCHAR,
owns: companyType[]
Create table company as companyType
Create table person as personType
I understand that I cannot self reference the companyType so I will probably move this another table.
My question is, when I am trying to insert into say company type, how do i insert list of person table objects as foreign key ?
Would making a column 'id' in each table and giving it type SERIAL work to use it as a foreign key?
That is not a relational database design, and you won't get happy with it.
Map each object to a table. The table columns are the attributes of the object. Add an artificial primary key (id bigint GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY). Don't use composite types or arrays.
Relationships are expressed like this:
If the relationship is one-to-many, add a foreign key to the "many' side.
If the relationship is many-to-many, add a "junction table" that has foreign keys to both tables. The primary key is the union of these foreign keys.
Normalize the resulting data model to remove redundancies.
Sprinkle with unique and check constraints as appropriate.
That way your queries will become simple, and you can use your database's features to make your life easier.

How to check which field in a table a foreign key references

A foreign key is a field (or collection of fields) in one table that uniquely identifies a row of another table or the same table. In simpler words, the foreign key is defined in a second table, but it refers to the primary key in the first table.
I'm using SQL Developer but I can't seem to find which column in my table holds the foreign key to the other table. When I click on the table, a bunch of tabs show up, among which is the Constraints tab. Here, I can see the foreign key, but I don't see which columns are involved in it.
Open Constraints tab. When you click one of the foreign key constraint name, columns wihch is used in the foreign key references will be seen in the Columns view at the bottom of Constraints Tab

Foreign key from events table 1-1 0r many?

I'm likely overthinking a problem here and may well get downvoted but I'm prepared to take the hit. I'm building my first schema in a data warehouse.
2 tables: events and contacts:
events(id(pk), cid, other, fields, here)
contacts(id (pk), cid(fk), other, fields, here)
Someone visits our website and registers. A line item is generated in events column "id" and a "cid" for contacts is generated. A new record is added to contacts.
I have two questions:
Can I make the primary key of contacts cid? Thus the primary key is also a foreign key?
I'm using MySQL Workbench to create the schema. When I create the contacts table I am able to set the foreign key of cid and the cardinality as either 1-1 or 1-many. From the point of view of contacts table, is the relationship 1-1 or to many? There will only ever be 1 cid record in contacts but if that user does multiple things (like receive an email from us etc) they will appear multiple times in events table. So, logically 1-many. But when creating this in Workbench the relation line appears as though it's a 1-many relation with the many part being at contacts, not the other way around as desired. It should be the other way around?
What is the relationship between events.cid and contacts.cid?
If a user's registration results in a single contact_ record while each user visit to the web site (each Session started) results in an event_ record belonging to that user’s contact_ record, then you have a One-To-Many relationship.
`contact_` = parent table (the One)
`event_` = child table (the Many)
Notice how I boiled down that relationship into a single sentence. That should be your goal when doing analysis work to determine table structure.
Relationships are almost always defined as a link from a primary key on parent table to a foreign key on a child table.
How you define the primary key is up to you. First decide whether you want a natural key or a surrogate key. In my experience a natural key never works out as the values always eventually change.
If using a surrogate key, decide what type. The usual choices are an integer tied to an automatically incrementing sequence generator, or a UUID. If ever federating data with other databases or systems then UUID is the way to go. If using an integer, decide on size, with 32-bit integers handling a total of 2-4 billion records. A 64-bit integer can track 18 quintillion records.
The foreign key in child table is simply a copy of its assigned parent’s primary key value. So the foreign key must have same data type as that parent primary key.
If a particular parent record owns multiple records in the child table, each of those child records will carry a copy of that parent’s primary key. So if the user Susan has five events, her primary key value appears once in the contact_ table and that same value appears five times in the event_ table stored in the foreign key column.
If cid uniquely identifies each contact_ record amongst all the other contact_ records, then you have a primary key. No need to define another.

Problem adding foreign key in simple setup

I have two tables
I decided to try to add a foreign key as to my understanding it will let me cascade the delete procedure when removing a user from Users (as well as enforce integrity).
So via Management Studio I right clicked my Users_Role table, Design, then went into Relationships. I added a new relationship between the two tables as such:
Foreign Key Base Table: Users_Role
Foreign Key Columns: UserID
Primary/Unique Key Base: Users
Primary/Unique Key columns: ID
When I then try to save, I get the following error:
'Users' table saved successfully
'Users_Role' table
- Unable to create relationship 'FK_Users_Role_Users'.
The ALTER TABLE statement conflicted with the FOREIGN KEY constraint "FK_Users_Role_Users". The conflict occurred in database "db", table "dbo.Users", column 'ID'.
I'm not sure what's going on. Adds the relationship to Users, but not Users_Role? The only thing special about Users_Role is that my primary key consists of two columns, UserID and Role (the only two columns in the table, if that matters). Otherwise, nothing special.
This error means that in your current database, you have entries in the "Users_Role" table which have a "UserID" value that is not present in the Users table as ID.
You first need to find those "rogue" rows and either update or delete them, before you can create the foreign key to enforce referential integrity and avoid such problems in the future.
You can find those by issuing this command:
SELECT * FROM Users_Role

foreign key constraint in sql

I have 2 tables in sql server with primary keys set to identity. They are related and work fine.
I then created a form in vb 2008 and tried inserting some values into my database the respective primary keys work but the primary key in the parent table wont show up in the child table.I did create a relationship in vb using and all the details of my table are defineed in the data table. For example
cust tables (custid,name,..)
book table(bookid,bookname,..,custid)
in vb my insert statement is something like Insert into cust(name) values(#name)
insert into book(bookname) values(#bookname). I do not include the id columns as they auto generate in the database(tables).
My question is that how do i get to insert the custid in the book table when the data is stored back into the tavles in my database.
Please advice with an example as im not half as good as you guys.
Kind Regards
You have to know which customer you want to associate with the book before INSERTing the book. If you don't know before hand, you can't. So somewhere in your Form there should be a way to select a customer. Then when you create a book, you grab that customer's ID and insert it along with the other book info.
You don't actually say that you created a foreign key constraint between the two tables!
You need to:
Ensure that you create an explicit foreign key on the BOOK table to point to a customer in the CUST table.
First insert the customer.
Then find out what the customer's auto-generated ID was. That value is in ##IDENTITY. Store it somewhere e.g. #CUSTID.
Insert the book, specifying #CUSTID as the customer's ID.