ipython notebook # find and replace has only replace "all" option - ipython

How to selectively replace some words in a single cell e.g. there are 7 variables named 'foo', and replace 3 of them by 'moo'.
The ipython notebook gives only option of replace all.
The version 6.1.1 of the notebook server does not all address this issue. However, I have shifted to Jupyter Lab 2.1.5, which allows selective replacement.

It looks as if it is not possible as of today.
Here's what one of the contributers says on the subject:
I am opposed to trying implement that in our current UI - it doesn't
have the needed abstractions to do that well. In the new
JupyterLab/Workbench it will be quite easy to build a find/replace UI
in a separate panel that allows us to toggle the individual
replacements while still showing the notebook (in a non-model way).


Make new command in .ipynb markdown in VSCode

I am trying to create new commands for markdown in an ipython notebook file in VSCode, but am having trouble doing so
This post shows an example which (kinda) works in jupyter notebook:
This is the vector $\vect{x}$.
But pasting this exact code in VSCode, I get the error:
ParseError: KaTeX parse error: Undefined control sequence: \vect at position 1: \vect{x}.
So it seems the new command does not get created. Am grateful for any solution
Issue 125425 opened by Chandresh Pant and mentioned in the comments seems to be solved for VSCode 1.69 (June 2022)
See PR 148006 and commit acb156d:
In order to make macros defined by the author persistent between KaTeX elements, we need to pass one shared macros object into every call to the renderer.
KaTeX will insert macros into that object and since it continues to exist between calls, macros will persist.
See KaTeX docs.
Try the Markdown + Math extension by Stefan Goessner which supports macros. It works really well on my setup.
We can also define macros in the user settings, e.g.
"mdmath.macros": {
"\\vect" "{\\mathbf{\\boldsymbol{{#1}}}}"
or in a separate json file as follows.
"mdmath.macroFile": "/path/to/macros.json"

How do I edit a jupyter notebook cell's tags in visual studio code?

I am editing a .ipynb file in Visual Studio Code, with the file open in VS code's Jupyter Notebook editor.
When I edit this notebook in the Jupyter Notebook App (i.e. if I were not using VS code, instead using the interface described here), I could add tags to cells by clicking View > Cell Toolbar > Tags, and then entering tags into the UI that comes up.
Is there an equivalent way to do this in VS Code?
I am aware I can reopen the file in a text editor view and edit the JSON directly. But I am looking for something a bit more user friendly than this.
Try installing this jupyter on vs code.
On my old windows 7 I used to use this. It has the same interface as when you open Jupiter in your browser but you don't need to load a bunch of stuff to open jupyter. You can open it in one single click like changing text file while writing code inside vc code.
Also you need to install one library to use it but unfortunately I can't remember the library as I don't use python or Jupiter anymore.
In the documentation is a python code cell which enables to change all the cell tags.
import nbformat as nbf
from glob import glob
# Collect a list of all notebooks in the content folder
notebooks = glob("**/*.ipynb", recursive=True)
notebooks_windows = []
for i in notebooks:
j = i.replace("\\", "/")
# Text to look for in adding tags
text_search_dict = {
"# HIDDEN": "remove-cell", # Remove the whole cell
"# NO CODE": "remove-input", # Remove only the input
"# HIDE CODE": "hide-input" # Hide the input w/ a button to show
# Search through each notebook and look for the text, add a tag if necessary
for ipath in notebooks_windows:
ntbk = nbf.read(ipath, nbf.NO_CONVERT)
for cell in ntbk.cells:
cell_tags = cell.get('metadata', {}).get('tags', [])
for key, val in text_search_dict.items():
if key in cell['source']:
if val not in cell_tags:
if len(cell_tags) > 0:
cell['metadata']['tags'] = cell_tags
Microsoft have finally released an extra extension to support this.
See this long running github.com/microsoft/vscode-jupyter issue #1182 and comment recently closing the issue.
Be ware however, that while you can set tags, e.g. raises-exception, which is meant to make the runtime expect and ignore the exception and keep on running more cells, but the vscode-jupyter extension that runs the cells does not always honor tag features the same way that the standard Jupyter notebook runtime does, and so, disappointingly, it's still difficult to demo common mistakes or what not to do (exceptions).
Just copy everything in .py file with the unremovable tags, paste that into a plaintext file. The tags are now just editable text. Remove them, Save As or copy/paste back to the .py file.

Label format in RefTex

I am trying to configure RefTeX/AUCTeX so that the smart label-creation, invoked with C-c ( has the following sets of behaviors:
for \section-type labels, i.e., for \section, \subsection, etc. generate a label of the form: \label{sec:[[derived-from-section-name]]} where what follows the colon is derived from the section name.
for \items in an enumerate environment, generate a label of the form: \label{item:[[number]]}, where the number is automatically incremented from what has gone before. i.e., the first enumerate item I generate a label for gets \label{item:1}, the next one \label{item:2}, and so on.
This was standard behavior of my reftex implementation when I was using aquamacs, but I haven't been able to duplicate this in standard emacs.
Any help would be appreciated.
Try setting reftex-plug-into-AUCTeX to t like I do in my config.
Using the config linked to above the behavior is exactly how you described it. I'm on Linux, Emacs version 25.2.2, AUCTeX version 12.1.2, RefTeX version 25.2.2.

Sublime Text 3: Auto-Complete uses incorrect syntax for for loop

With sublime text 3, the autocomplete when typing "for" and hitting tab gives you:
for x in xrange(1,10):
However, this is not a valid statement for python 3. I've tried creating a new build system using the following:
"cmd": ["c:/Python37/python.exe", "-u", "$file"],
"file_regex": "^[ ]*File \"(...*?)\", line ([0-9]*)",
"selector": "source.python"
the auto-complete for for still gives the wrong syntax. any advice?
The short version is that the sublime-build and sublime-snippet files that ship with Sublime in support of Python target Python version 2 and not Python version 3. I don't know if that's just due to that being what was used initially or if it's being done on purpose, though.
In Sublime, resources are generally related to a particular language based on the scope provided by the syntax definition. So for example snippets for Python are associated with source.python, your example build file uses that scope to know that it applies to Python files, and so on. As such, no matter what build you happen to be using, that has no effect on the snippets that are being offered.
By way of example, if you use the View Package File command from the command palette and enter the text python for snippet, the list of package resources will filter to Python/Snippets/for.sublime-snippet; pressing Enter to view that resource shows this:
<description>For Loop</description>
for ${1:x} in ${2:xrange(1,10)}:
Here the tabTrigger specifies how the snippet inserts, scope controls where it inserts and content controls what it is inserts. Thus, in order to change it to support Python 3, you need to either create your own snippet or modify the existing one.
An issue with creating your own snippet is that it will be added to the list of snippets including the offending one, which allows it to possibly still trigger when you don't expect it to. There is also no general purposes "easy" way to disable individual snippets.
As such, generally the best course of action would be to use the PackageResourceViewer package. Install it, select PackageResourceViewer: Open Resource from the command palette, then select the same file as outlined above and modify the content of the snippet (e.g. replace xrange with range) and save the file.
That will get Sublime to replace the existing snippet with your edited version, so that it takes the place of the existing one and works the way you want.

What tool can do a visual comparison of two sections within the same file?

Good file comparison tools were already discussed to the pain, but my problem is more exotic. Is there any visual text comparison tool (like WinMerge) that would allow me easily do visual comparison on two sections within the same file?
I have multiple configurations within vcproj file and need to maintain them. It is a pain to do this manually -- splitting windows, scrolling character-by character. On top of that xml is very verbose and takes lots of screen real-estate. I cannot believe there is no tool to do automatic file section comparison, since this sounds like a very common problem.
Please, do not offer me to use property pages, I do not want more complexity, I want less. Splitting manually into files and then comparing them is also too medieval (I am doing this now anyways).
I use Beyond Compare (not free, but I think a shareware version is available). You can select the same file for left and right sides, then right-click the beginning of your section on each side and select "Align Manually". This would allow you to compare two sections of the same file relatively easily.
Overall, I highly recommend the product. I haven't tried version 3, which is what they currently have on their Web site, but version 2 is a fabulous tool. A+
Emacs Ediff.
I use UltraEdit for most of my text editing and they have a product called UltraCompare that does a visual compare.
Update by Mofi
UltraCompare Professional supports also a comparison of text snippets in addition to entire files.
After starting UltraCompare, select Text Compare in menu Mode if not already selected. Select in text editor the first text block which should be compared, press Ctrl+C, switch back to UC and paste with Ctrl+V the block into left text area pane. Switch again to text editor, select the other block in same file, press Ctrl+C, switch back to UC, click into right pane and paste the block with Ctrl+V. The two blocks are immediately compared and the differences are displayed.
Such a text snippet comparison for two blocks in same file can be started also directly from within UltraEdit. Select the first block in file, press Ctrl+C, Ctrl+N, Ctrl+V and Ctrl+A to copy, paste and reselect this block in a new file. Select the second block in file. Execute command Compare from menu File in UltraEdit with option Compare selected text automatically being enabled and click on button Compare. UC Professional is started with just the 2 selected blocks for comparison.
You can use Meld to do this
Open up meld without specifying file names
Meld with prompt which type of comparison you want. Choose file comparison
Meld will present the the icon to select the file names. Below that it will prompt for a Blank comparison. Choose that.
In the file comparison window, paste the sections of the file you want to compare.