Kill javascript engine in webview for chrome app - google-chrome-app

Is it possible to terminate the javascript engine in a webview that runs from a chrome app on the desktop, using the chrome aps api (and not the java api).
I see there is a terminate method on the webview, but it seems to also kill the render function and I would only stop/freeze the javascript running there.


B4A - webview using chrome browser

In the WebView that is based on default browser of android my website isn't loading correctly, How can I load it using chrome at least in the case that chrome is installed?
Note that I don't want execute chrome browser I want to embed it inside of the application layout. Any ideas?
I think what you are asking is not possible. The default browser used within the webview is defined within the Android OS so your only option if you wanted to use Chrome is via an intent which would open it externally

Making Chrome web app standalone desktop program

Google announced that they drop support for web apps in Chrome.
Basically, web app is a local HTML/CSS/JS app that runs in a separated custom "standalone" Chrome window.
Is there any way (preferably easy), to convert this web app to a real desktop app that not depend on Chrome in anyway? Using maybe NodeJS? If yes what is the right way to do it?
You could try one of these tools: (for Mac only)
Don't know about "easy", but it seems to me that the natural evolution is to Electron or NW.js, and both of these are mentioned in the Google blog article on this subject. (I'm moving to Electron.) Both have advantages over Chrome Apps, mostly that they are true desktop applications. To cite one example, you can now manipulate the menu bar, something out-of-bounds for Chrome Apps.
Pure JavaScript code in your Chrome App, such as anything to access the internet, should move over directly. Same for much UI stuff, as you're still using a browser window for the UI. The app will, however, have to be restructured.
Added Note: Chrome Apps ran on 4 platforms: MacOS, Windows, Linux, ChromeOS. Electron and NW.js apps won't run on ChromeOS. So, the ability to write a four-platform completely binary-portable app is going away.

google chrome browser is differed from UIWebview?

google chrome browser is availabe in App store as a native application.
1)How will it be differed from safari?
2)How can it access device memory,have its all features if they have used
UIWebview?Normal UIWebview is enough if they have used UIWebview.
Chrome on iOS differs from Safari only in UI and ability to sync with Google services, cause it is based on Apple`s WebKit (rendering/layout engine)

Windows mobile application and javascript communication

Is it possible to create communication between running program context and javascript ?
for example, iPhone have good example about it under webkit development on iPhone.
It's possible to invoke this command stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString from webview in the application scope on Obj-C and iPhone platform. I'm looking to same thing in windows mobile 6 or greater versions.
Any comments would be appreciated.
This question has some links about hosting a web browser control on an application.
I guess it's possible to catch events from the page, or maybe just from the url change that you can use to trigger an action on the application.
PhoneGap has a WiMo prototype here. You have a web browser control in your application, then call out to C# by setting the href and intercepting in the Navigating event.

Is there anyway to get javascript error on android or iphone mobile webkit browser?

I have built a website for mobile webkit browsers, there is an interval update to refresh data. But it turns out that the pooling refresh will stop at some time after run for a while (some minutes or hours, different by each time).
I thought there may be something error occurred in my refresh data functions, but it works well in my laptop browser. I also tried to listen window.onerror event, but webkit browser seems do not support that event. What else can I do?
And I am also doubting is there any problem with setTimeout and setInterval functions in mobile webkit browser?
Did you try to enable Debug Console on your iphone?
Settings > Safari > Developer