iPhone app crashs after some months - iphone

I wrote a small swift game with 80 - 120 MB of RAM requirement. It runs fine on the simulator. Then I transfered it to the iPhone (4s) and it run fine too. After some month it crashed while initializing. I could remove it from memory and restart it entirely, but the problem remained.
Because I didn't change anything to the iPhone, the iOS version is still the same, I think it is a memory issue?
But when I copy it again from the Dev Mac to the iPhone, it runs again fine. So memory is not realy lost meanwhile. What could be the reason? What did change over time?

Provisioning profiles become invalid after some time, if you don't have a paid developer account, that time is 3 months after you create the provisioning profile for the device. The codesigning will then be invalid and iOS won't let you run that app. Reinstalling the game to the phone should solve the problem although Xcode may say "Code signing is invalid" and give a compiler error. Just click "Fix Issue" and Xcode will take care of it for you.


iOS simulator takes over 1 hour to run an app

My Xcode and iOS simulator suddenly came to take too long time to run an app.
The build itself can complete within 15 mins even if full-build, but after that, the Xcode's message box shows "Waiting for iPhone X to start" (of course, "iPhone X" is an example). Even after the boot of a simulator, the app installation is not started for a long time.
Before the problem, the app installation was started once a build finished and a simulator booted.
I doubted my code, so I also tried with another very simple code, but the same problem remains.
Do you have any insights to help me?
Xcode and iOS simulator: 10.1 /
Mac: MacBook 2017, CPU 1.4GHz i7, Memory 16GB, macOS Mojave 10.14.4
Maybe your memory is saturated, or your stockage is saturated. Contact Apple if your problem is still here. You can discuss with them here : https://www.apple.com/shop/help
Try to reset your simulator and all its settings.
Open the simulator and click on the menu bar option Hardware -> Erase All Content and Settings…
I tried the update to Xcode 10.2.1, and the problem is resolved... I’m completely not sure the reason, but the old Xcode might have some problems during the transition period to the next version... Thank you all for your advices!!

Xcode 4 -- "no provisioned iOS device is connected" with iPod touch 2

I have two iPod touches. One is 2nd generation running iOS 4.2.1, and the other is 4th generation, running iOS 4.3. I have the same provisioning profile installed on both of them.
My app runs just fine on the 4th generation device.
With the 2nd generation one, when I look at my device in the organizer, everything looks fine, there is a green dot next to the device, and it shows that the profile is installed. But when I try to run the app, I get the above error.
The deployment target for my app is iOS 4.0.
As of a week ago, I was using Xcode 3, and everything worked fine. Over the past week, I upgraded to Xcode 4, and also had to update the profile, as the old one expired. I did install the new profile on both devices -- and the above situation ensued.
Incidentally, if you are a new developer and you arrived at this question, I suspect your problem is different from mine. This question has been answered in the generic form many times before; several of them are linked from here.
I've tried reinstalling the profile and also restarting both my device and computer. No luck.
What I had to do was change the settings of the scheme. I had it set to "iOS device". This worked fine for my newer iPod. But for the older one, I had to change it to the device name of my older iPod. It was of the form "William Jockusch's iPod (4.2.1, overriding to Base SDK 4.2)".
Annoyingly, Xcode appears to reset this setting every time the device is changed. So I have to set it again every time I swap devices.
Try delete profiles (not just reinstall) in the Organizer and reinstall it, delete profiles in the device (not through Organizer) then reassign profiles in Build settings for all iOS SDK and Debug mode.
It might do the work.
yeah renaming the scheme worked for me too. this is pretty helpful! I was able to duplicate the scheme and add a new one, so it saves it when I close and open xcode again.

iPhone Could Not Support Development

I recently reinstalled OSX. It has been a pain rounding up all of my certificates, etc, but I finally am back. However, when trying to install an app on either of two iPhones 3G's I have, they both say:
Software version: 4.2.1 (8C148) | XCode cannot find the software image to install this version. | Could not support development.
What is going on? Both iPhones list themselves as up to date in iTunes, and iOS developer's center only lists 4.2 as the available SDK.
EDIT: I do have a paid membership, and I have recently had test apps installed on both of these devices.
UPDATE: I removed all 3 ( the 2 included ) of my devices from the provisioning portal, and deleted them from the organizer, closed XCode, detached device, restarted, plugged in device, no luck.
I just got this error with Xcode 4.0.2 and an iPhone 3G running 4.2.1 (the final 4.x allowed on a 3G). I restarted Xcode and it went through the process of collecting debug information, then gave me a green light. Other answers here say that you may also need to quit iTunes for this to work.
Conclusion: Try restarting Xcode. Quit iTunes first if it was open.
Classic ;-)
connect the iphone
Go to Xcode -> Window -> organizer
find your iphone and press "Use for development"
As Jacob said: try adding / removing your device as well
If you still get this error you have an out of date XCode
I had the same problem with IOS 5.0.1 and Xcode 4.2. I restarted Xcode as other suggested. However, I also needed to close iTunes which had started automatically and eject my iPhone from iTunes. Then, restart Xcode and it worked fine.
Just encountered this problem. First, I had both an expired certificate and expired provisioning profile, so had to fix both (and I do this so rarely that it took a good 45 minutes). Then still got the error. Tried phone off/on -- no joy. Shut down Organizer and restarted -- no luck there either. Killed Xcode and restarted, with no luck.
Finally, I turned off the phone, shut down the Mac, turned off the overhead lights, and spun around three times clockwise in my swivel chair, then started everything up again. Then it worked.
(I suspect that iTunes was active and had something to do with the problem.)
This one worked for me just now (power cycle the iOS device)
I just had this happen as well. None of the above solutions seemed to work. In the end, it turned out to be a faulty iPhone charge cable. So check that too if you see this message!
Try freeing up memory by closing down unnecessary open apps. I tried restarting XCode and shutting down iTunes but still had the problem. Then I noticed I was running low on memory on my 4GB MacBook White. I closed down all non-essential apps and when I was done the green light had lit up beside my iPad3 and I could run my app on it.
For me the combination of Google Chrome with lots of tabs open and XCode often is enough to use up all my available RAM; where 4 Gigs used to be plenty of memory for iOS development, with XCode 4.2 it's feeling a bit cramped.
Happened to me when I changed the name of my phone from "mark X's phone" to a more anonymous name. Removed profile, reconnected phone, worked automatically from there.
I just had the same problem.
In my case I had to
open itunes and agree to a new software agreement.
I first agreed to it on the developer portal and then from within
I closed itunes, restarted xcode and my Ipad was good to go.
Xcode 5, iPhone 4S, no new name or any other changes that I can think of.
I simply quit iTunes, disconnected the cable, reconnected the cable. Then the organiser gave me the green light.
For me this was caused by a lack of free storage space on the device - after deleting a few videos and app documents, Xcode organiser was able to complete the "symbol copying" etc process. It doesn't appear to need much space for this, so if iTunes doesn't show the storage as being nearly full it's almost certainly not the cause for other people.

Xcode "The program being debugged is not being run" error

I saw the other question here with the similar error yet their fixes did not help.
I have a jailbroken iphone 3.1.2, and I just purchased apple's $99 dollar thing and I'm trying to make it so I can debug my apps on the phone. The device installs but will not run when clicked build and go.
If I click on the icon made on the iphone it works.
Any ideas? I already uninstalled and reinstalled my provisioning profile.
This sometimes happens, i usally fix it by unplugging and plugging in my device, or shutting down xcode and bringing it back..
I don't know how to fix it without doing this but I took a gamble and downloaded the latest SDK only available for paying developers and that fixed the issue. Won't let me make the base sdk anything below 4 however.

iPod touch debugging: Error on install/run only if app exists on device already?

I am using an iPod to test an app. The device is all set up with the right provisioning profiles, etc-- that's not really the issue.
But every time I start the app from Xcode on the device, I get the "A signed resource has been added, modified, or deleted." error from the Organizer window.
Wait, I know, you think it's a provisioning profile problem.
But here's the kicker: if I just delete the app from the iPod (using the main screen) and try again, it works fine. I only get this error when the app is already installed. The other kicker is that this behavior doesn't happen on an iPhone that I have for occasional testing-- on that device, I can start/restart/restart indefinitely. But using the iPod, my compile-run-test cycle is annoyingly slow since I have to manually delete the app each time.
Any ideas?
I'm using Xcode 3.2.2 (prerelease) FWIW. The iPod has stock OS 3.1.2 on it.
I had a similar problem with the original 3.2 beta 1 and my iPhone running 3.1.3. However, I did not need to delete my app to workaround it. I was able to get around it by using the clean all targets. It seems you've done that though. :(
That said, with the 3.2.2 beta 2: IDE 1643, Core 1644, ToolSupport 1631 - my problem went away.
From the release notes Beta 2:
FIXED: In iPhone SDK 3.2 beta 1, some users saw the message "A signed resource has been added, modified or deleted…" when rebuilding their projects. This has been fixed for beta 2.
Are you sure you're running Beta 2? Perhaps a re-install of xcode might help? I assume you've tried power cycling the iPod Touch?
The only thing I can tell you is file a bug with apple here and hope they fix it
I had the same ussue a couple of days ago. My problem was I had created a distribution build and installed it on my iPod through iTunes. After removing the app from iTunes and syncing the iPod Xcode stopped complaining when making new builds.
Otherwise you could try "Clean all targets" under "Project" in Xcode.
Also had this problem, try turning off the passcode lock: http://bencollier.net/2010/03/debugging-on-iphone-requires-app-deletion/