How can I search for elements within a polygon with Overpass? - matlab

I am new to Overpass API and GIS in general.
Is there an easy way to export all buildings in a specific region using coordinates to specify the polygon? I couldn't find a solution using the wiki and google so far.
I have large sets of coordinates which are determining some medium-voltage grids.
Or is there another tool I could use?
I want to use the polygon- coordinates of the exported buildings in matlab.
Thanks for your help!

Overpass API provides the (poly: ) filter to query objects inside a given polygon. See the documentation in the wiki for details.
Buildings in a given polygon can be queried as follows:
way[building](poly:"50.7 7.1 50.7 7.12 50.71 7.11");
out meta;
Due to a recent memory limitation, you might have to either add a [maxsize: xxx] setting:
way[building](poly:"50.7 7.1 50.7 7.12 50.71 7.11");
or resort to the following workaround to force another evaluation sequence:
way(poly: "50.7 7.1 50.7 7.12 50.71 7.11");
out meta;


How can I obtain all of the street names under a polygon in Overpass?

I am new to overpass (after only discovering it last night). I have a polygon I drew on QGIS and I plan to obtain its coordinates (long, lat). I'd then like to use these coordinates in overpass to obtain all of the road names in that area. I found a query online that obtains all road names in a city:
[out:csv ("name")][timeout:2500];
for (t["name"])
make street name=_.val;
How can I adjust the following query so that I can specify a polygon function instead of city/area name?. I'm mindful of the syntax:
(poly:"latitude_1 longitude_1 latitude_2 longitude_2 latitude_3 longitude_3 …");
I'm just not sure where it would go in the query. I tried a few times but I was receiving errors or just blank results. Hopefully if I see an example I should be able to carry out my task effectively.
After doing some research I found the answer. This would give me a list of road names:
[out:csv ("name")][timeout:2500];
(poly:"51.5566 0.0763 51.5734 0.0724 51.5203 0.0293");
out tags;
And this would give me a map view:
(poly:"51.5566 0.0763 51.5734 0.0724 51.5203 0.0293");
out geom;

osmnx boundaries and admin_level

I hope someone here can help me to retrieve the correct administration level(s) from OSM. I am using the following code, but admin_level seems to be ignored:
tags = {"boundary":"administrative","admin_level":"4" }
gdf =ox.geometries.geometries_from_bbox(51.5, 51.0, 11.7, 11.2, tags)
The bounding box seems to be used as a polygon to create an intersection with all the boundaries in the OSM database, the first tag is working because only administrative boundaries are returned, but the filter on level is ignored (gdf["admin_level"].head() shows level 6).
I would like to understand what I am doing wrong, and how I can use this package better; it seems like a very useful library.
Result using the bounding box:
OK, rereading the documentation again made me realize that osmnx is using [OR] statements and not [AND] statements as I was presuming; removing the boundary request from the query is indeed giving only admin_level:4 results.
tags (dict) – Dict of tags used for finding objects in the selected area. Results returned are the union, not the intersection of each individual tag.
Some additional code:

How can I get a list of bridges with their location (latitude and longitude) from an OSM file?

maybe this query may be a bit trivial or perhaps laborious, but for a project I need to obtain the bridges that exist in an osm file along with its location (latitude and longitude).
Reading the openstreetmap wiki, I see that there is a procedure using osmosis but I do not know if I will actually get the information as follows:
Name of the bridge | latitude | longitude
bin / osmosis.bat --rx brandenburg.osm.bz2 --bp file = "city.poly" --tf accept-ways highway=motorway_link,motorway --way-key-value keyValueList="bridge.yes" --used-node --write-xml brdg_autob.osm
Thanks in advance
The output will be OSM XML and not plaintext.
Also, most bridges in OSM are mapped as ways. A way consists of multiple lat/lons represented as nodes. If you need a single lat,lon pair then you have to calculate the bridge center yourself.
Additionally, not all bridges are tagged as bridge=yes. See bridge in the OSM wiki for a list of commonly used tags, such as bridge=viaduct, bridge=aqueduct, bridge=boardwalk and so on.
You won't exactly get the format you described. However with some little work you can transform OSM XML into your format.

Prevent Overpass API from returning nodes and show ways only

I'm trying to get all roads around a certain point. I'm using the following query:
I added the crossing exclusion because it kept including "markers" for crossings, and I'm only interested in roads.
However it seems to be ignoring the crossing and still plotting markers on the map, rather than just showing road outlines. This can be seen here.
These "nodes" that I don't want have the tags:
which should fail my regex query, but it doesn't.
How do I get it to just return road plot lines, and none of these nodes/markers?
Sorry if my terminology is all wrong, I'm very new to this
The filter criterion you tried to use would only apply to the way itself rather than the nodes. Usually, a way wouldn't have a crossing tag, so this filter didn't have much of an effect on the final result. By using >; all of the nodes tags would shown up in the final result again.
I removed >; in your query and replaced out; by out geom; to only output the node lat/lon position without any tags.
You can try this out using the following link (currently pointing to overpass turbo beta)

postgis shape file import problems

Hi I'm trying to import a shape file from
into a postgis database. the above files creates MULTIPOLYGONS when i import using shp2pgsql.
then i'm trying to simply determine if lat/long points are contained in my multipolygons
however my select's are not working, and when i print out the poitns of my the_geom column it seems to be very broken.
select st_astext(geom) from (select (st_dumppoints(the_geom)).* from nybb where borocode =1) foo;
gives the result...
POINT(1007193.83859999 257820.786899999)
POINT(1007209.40620001 257829.435100004)
POINT(1007244.8654 257833.326199993)
POINT(1007283.3496 257839.812399998)
POINT(1007299.3502 257851.488900006)
POINT(1007320.1081 257869.218500003)
POINT(1007356.64669999 257891.055800006)
POINT(1007385.6197 257901.432999998)
POINT(1007421.94509999 257894.084000006)
POINT(1007516.85959999 257890.406100005)
POINT(1007582.59110001 257884.7861)
POINT(1007639.02150001 257877.217199996)
POINT(1007701.29170001 257872.893099993)
for points in nyc, this is very off.. what am i doing wrong?
The points are not of. The spatial data that is referred to is NOT in lat/long. This is why numbers are different from what you expect. If you need it to be in long/lat it must be reprojected. See more here:
The projection of the data seems to be in the NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet coordinate system (according to the metadata - see code.).
<plance Sync="TRUE">coordinate pair</plance>
<absres Sync="TRUE">0.000000</absres>
<ordres Sync="TRUE">0.000000</ordres>
<plandu Sync="TRUE">survey feet</plandu>
<mapproj><mapprojn Sync="TRUE">Lambert Conformal Conic</mapprojn><lambertc><stdparll Sync="TRUE">40.666667</stdparll><stdparll Sync="TRUE">41.033333</stdparll><longcm Sync="TRUE">-74.000000</longcm><latprjo Sync="TRUE">40.166667</latprjo><feast Sync="TRUE">984250.000000</feast><fnorth Sync="TRUE">0.000000</fnorth></lambertc></mapproj></planar>
<horizdn Sync="TRUE">North American Datum of 1983</horizdn>
<ellips Sync="TRUE">Geodetic Reference System 80</ellips>
<semiaxis Sync="TRUE">6378137.000000</semiaxis>
<denflat Sync="TRUE">298.257222</denflat>
<geogcsn Sync="TRUE">GCS_North_American_1983</geogcsn>
<projcsn Sync="TRUE">NAD_1983_StatePlane_New_York_Long_Island_FIPS_3104_Feet</projcsn>
If you work much with spatial data I suggest that you read more about map projection.
I think this is not issue with PostGIS. I checked input esri Shape file nybb.shp with AvisMap Free Viewer and as you see points are weird itself:
However there is something interesting in nybb.shp.xml metadata file:
<westbc Sync="TRUE">-74.257465</westbc>
<eastbc Sync="TRUE">-73.699450</eastbc>
<northbc Sync="TRUE">40.915808</northbc>
<southbc Sync="TRUE">40.495805</southbc>
<leftbc Sync="TRUE">913090.770096</leftbc>
<rightbc Sync="TRUE">1067317.219904</rightbc>
<bottombc Sync="TRUE">120053.526313</bottombc>
<topbc Sync="TRUE">272932.050103</topbc>
I am not familiar with those toolkit (ESRI ArcCatalog), but most probably you need to rescale your points after import using that metadata.