how to create a T- flip flop in ladder logic? - plc

This is a bridge application where I need to alternate between 2 motors. Therefore, if you use motor 1 in the first raise/lower bridge cycle, you need to use motor 2 for the second bridge cycle. When the bridge is fully seated, there is a digital signal that is sent which needs to be used to toggle between the 2 motors. I know a T-flip flop can be used because you only need one input. I just need to know if this can be implemented in ladder logic.

Sure... Just have to use a bonus coil to get your edge triggered value on the invert, and be careful of execution order, this should be functionally equivalent to a T flip flop though, biased towards Q on first scan.
Hope that helps!


Neural Network playing Tic Tac Toe doesn't learn

I have a neural network playing tic-tac-toe. (I know there are other better methods for this, but I want to learn about NN)
So the NN plays against a random AI. First, it should learn to make an allowed move, ie. not choosing a field that is already occupied.
It doesn't get very far with this, however.
When NN chooses an illegal move I optimize the weights such that the distance to another, randomly chosen (legal) field is minimized. (There is one output which should have values between 1 and 9).
My problem is: in changing the weights, a formerly optimized outcome is now also changed. So I have this kind of overfitting: Everytime I backpropagade to optimize the weights for one particular situation, the decision for every other situation becomes worse!
I know I should probably have 9 output neurons instead of 1 and should probably not use a random field as the target, as I assume this can mess things up. I am starting to change this.
Still, the issue seems to remain. Obviously. How can I improve the decision in one situation without forgetting every other situation?
One solution I came up with is to "remember" every game played and optimizing simultaneously over all games played.
However, after a while this becomes very demanding on the computation. Also, it seems to go into the direction of a complete enumartion of all possible board situations. This might be possible for Tic Tac Toe but if I move to another game, say Go, this becomes infeasible.
Where is my mistake? How do I generally tackle this problem? Or where could I read about it? Thanks a lot!
To tackle this problem efficiently, you sould consider Reinforcement Learning methods, instead of what you are currently doing. What your are trying to do is to learn the behaviour of an agent playing Tic Tac Toe. The agent gets a high reward when he wins a game, a high penalty when he loses and an even higher penalty when he performs an illegal move. My guess is that using methods such as Q-learning with neural networks will work perfectly, even with very simple neural nets. One useful paper on the topic could be:, or earlier papers on TD-Gammon (I think you can easily find tutorials on the topic using the keywords TD-Gammon, Q-learning, ...).
By the way, a more down-to-earth answer to why your model might not work is that you are seemingly using one single unit to represent categorical outputs: if you want to represent an integer between 1 and N, you should represent it using N output neurons with values between 0 and 1, and pick the neuron with the highest value as your answer. Using a single neuron with value between 1 and 9 creates an unatural assymetry between your outputs, and, for example, when the expected value is 3, your network gets a higher error for outputing a 9 than a 2. This should obviously not be the case: all wrong answers are equally wrong.
Hope this helps,

Micromaster 440. Ways to limit output frequency on the run?

I need to control a conveyor (driven by Micromaster 440) from a PC program using SFC14/15.
The scheme will be: Supervisors PC ->(ethernet)-> S7-1200 ->(profibus)-> Micromaster 440.
At the moment, Micromaster's output frequency is controlled via a potentiometer (analog inputs) by the "field" operator. The problem is that sometimes the operator increases the conveyor speed in order to do his job faster and this affects the production negatively. The "supervisor" wants to be able to limit output frequency using the PC program.
Of course I've seen the list of MM440 parameters and I know about P1082, but I've discovered that, unfortunately, MM440 should be stopped before the new value of P1082 takes effect. In my case it's preferable to be able to change the value on the run.
Fortunately, it seems that P0757 - P0760 - (input scaling) can be changed on the run, but this parameter has sign "first confirm", which means that
the ā€œPā€ button on the operator panel (BOP or AOP) must be pressed before the
changes take effect.
But the MM440 has only one slot for the Profibus/BOP/AOP panel and I'll be using Profibus. So, in this case, what will be the behavior of mm440 like? I want to believe that, perhaps, this condition is not obligatory when using profibus panel...
I would opt for a solution where the operator no longer operates the belt speed directly but tells the S7-1200 PLC a what speed he would like the belt to run (either by using 2 +/- buttons or a pot-meter). The PLC can then control the speed of the belt (either by analog output or 2 digital (+/-) outputs).
As an added bonus you can stop the belt when it is accidentally left on and things like that...

How to simulate block diagram based (Simulink-like) time-domain models?

I have been wondering this for some time now and was curious about the most logical implementation for simulating block diagram based time-domain models.
I don't know if that term is correct, but if you know Simulink you know what I mean.
There reason I am wondering is is that I have made some simulation models myself now, but I always get stuck when I am creating feedback loops. Most of the time this is not a problem when I am working with blocks that I can translate to the state-space domain, but when I get more complex elements this becomes a problem.
Practically I can not seem to get my head around how Simulink solves this.
I had thought that practically for every timesample every block calculates it current state and passes that to the connected blocks for the next timesample, however when you have:
4 blocks with a feedback to A and an input to A, it takes 3 timesamples to reach C, after which C will start emitting to A again. Before that C would have been emitting it's initial value. It takes 4 timesamples to reach D.
When A,B,C,D are simple laplace-like elements this is easily combined in a state-space or transfer function from A to D, however the results will be monumentally different. Because it will take 1 timesample from A to D and from C to A. I know that when the transfer function requires you, in general, to specify the initial conditions, but these conditions are not translateable (or I can not see it) to the block diagram solution.
How do you tackle this problem in a generic way?

How do I compare two signals whose edges are almost in the same place?

I am verifying part of a design which generates pulses with precisely timed edges. I have a basic behavioral model which produces an output which is similar, but not exactly the same as the design. The differences between the two are smaller than the precision needed for the design, so my model is good enough. The problem is: how do I do a comparison between these two signals?
I tried:
assert(out1 == out1_behav);
But that fails since the two signals have edges which happen 1ps apart. The design only requires that the edges be placed with 100ps precision, so I want a pass in this situation.
I thought about using a specify block with $delay() timing checks, however this causes me other problems since I need to run with +no_timing_checks to keep my ram models from failing in this RTL sim.
Is there a simple way to check that these edges are "almost" the same?
With the design requirement for the the signals to match within 100ps you could add a compare logic will a 100ps transition delay to act as a filter.
bit match;
assign #100ps match = (out1 == out1_behav);
always #*
assert #0 (match==1);
Verilog has different ways of assigning delay: transition and transport. Transition delays control the rise, fall, and indeterminate/high-Z timing. They can act as a filter if a driving signal gives a pulse less then the delay. Transport delays will always follow the the driving signals with a time shift. When the delays are large transition and transport will look the same.
assign #delay transition = driver; // Transition delay
always #(rhs) transport <= #dealy driver; // Transport delay
example:, click the run button to see the waveform.
If you are using Modelsim/Questa, you can still use +notimingchecks, and then use the tcl command tchech_set to turn on individual timing checks, like $fullskew
Otherwise you will have to write a behavioral block that records the timestamps of the rising and falling edges of the two signals and checks the absolute value of the difference.

In FSMs does one State last one clock cycle or more?

Need to design a simple one for school.
More specifically a Moore FSM. Im not sure how state transitions happen, is it next state each clock?
I need to know because im wondering if i can shift a register and add a value to it, all in the same state... Could use wave edges?
I have to design the ALU part with registers as a schematic from gate-level, so no target CPU.
I made the algorith diagram, then put states to function blocks according Moore FSM rules. each block of operations gets one state.
For instance in a state S1, i have the following operations: y0 = shift Reg1 left; y1 = Reg1 = Reg1 + Reg2. So the microcommand that the control part of Moore FSM outputs would be 0000011 (yn...y1,y0). this microcommand should be the input to the ALU part which i need to design. Now i realized y1,y0 will conflict eachother, since both are using Reg1.
Its problematic since I dont actually have the Control part, I have to imagine the core FSM and design only the ALU with registers. This is why i was wondering if i get more than one clock cycle, so i can sequence y0,y1 or do i have to complete the entire operation in one clock?
I plan on making parallel-in, parallel-out non-shift registers, obviously i cant do the two operations of the microcommand at the same time. So what can i do:
1. make extra states? which i really dont want to do
2.use edges of a single clock? (might cause problems?)
3.Assume i get a preset amount of ticks from the clock to complete the microcommand ?
This would make the most sense, but i dont know if its the case.
The control unit does "know" the algorithm and thus how many operations need to be performed
I have to note again, that the control part is totally abstract and i have no idea how this is handled in practice.
A FSM itself has no inherent notion of time (although it can be defined). A Moore machine is simplified model and lacks the ability to even formally represent an ever progressing "time" (without, of course, implementing the counting entirely with states); remember, there is only a finite set of states.
In any case, time can be introduced in an implementation detail of a particular FSM and the amount of time might required to change between particular states might not be constant. (A particular FSM might also map differently to different implementations.) In the case of a clocked system it would require looking into how each "clock" is defined in the implementation; it might be leading edge, trailing edge, both, or something entirely different.
Instead of looking at the FSM here for guidance (it is just the logical progression of states), look at the opcodes (or whatever the implementation is) that the FSM represents, and how the CPU (or whatever the implementation is) in question "executes" them.
(What do the books say? ;-)