Converting "болно" to Cyrillic - unicode

I have problem in my database where some of the Cyrillic text is seen like this "болно Ð±Ð°Ñ Ð°Ð¼ÑŒÐ´Ñ€ÑƒÑƒÐ»Ð¶ ч Ð". Is there a way to convert this to back to human readable format.
I need to read actual context of this.

Best I could do from your looks Cyrillic but Google Translate didn't make anything of it. It seems it was decoded under the default US Windows codec but was really UTF-8, but the data is not quite right. I'm using Python to attempt to fix it:
>>> s.encode('cp1252').decode('utf8',errors='replace')
'болно ба� амьдруулж ч �'


How to retrieve German Umlauts: u'\\nAm Boden zerst\\xf6rte Gladiator

I am pretty sure that this is a very basic question but after hours of searching and many attempts to fix this myself I still havent made progress.
Umlauts in my json file are saved like this. I found lots of ways to go from ö -> \xf6 but how can I go the other way round and end up with a utf-8 encoded file?
As per your comment I'd assume you're using python. When using json.load, parse it the utf-8 encoding parameter.
Look at the python documentation.

Perl encodings question

I need to get a string from <STDIN>, written in latin and russian mixed encodings, and convert it to some url:
$search_url = "" . uri_escape($query);
But this proccess goes bad and gives out Mojibake (a mixture of weird letters). What can I do with Perl to solve it?
Before you can get started, there's a few things you need to know.
You'll need to know the encoding of your input. "Latin" and "russian" aren't (character) encodings.
If you're dealing with multiple encodings, you'll need to know what is encoded using which encoding. "It's a mix" isn't good enough.
You'll need to know the encoding the site expects the query to use. This should be the same encoding as the page that contains the search form.
Then, it's just a matter of decoding the input using the correct encoding, and encoding the query using the correct encoding. That's the easy part. Encode provides functions decode and encode to do just that.

UTF-8 incorrectly displayed in Lua/ Corona

In Lua, for an iPad Corona project, I'm requesting a UTF-8 server text file (containing Chinese characters) using network.request, but the result when displayed in the console or in the app shows as "garbage". Google Chrome, for instance, displays the same UTF-8 page fine, as I'm setting the http header when the server sends this (using PHP) to 'Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8' (and there's no BOM, byte order mark either). The "garbage" I'm seeing in Lua looks similar to when I "force" Chrome to render the page as ISO-8859-1 using the options menu.
Does anyone have any help or pointers?
If all else fails, how would I convert the "garbage" string back to its UTF-8 origins within Lua?
Thanks for any help!
Lua doesn't know anything about UTF-8; Lua strings are just sequences of bytes. It sounds like Corona itself is parsing the strings as ISO8859-1. The most likely cause for this is them doing something really stupid and naive like treating each byte of the string as a Unicode code point.
I'm afraid I don't know Corona, so can't provide any specific solutions, but I'd suggest looking to see what functions it's got that involve encodings --- there may be a specific function to render a string with a particular encoding, for example.
Can you show the code for your network.request() call?
If you're downloading a html page, you should use
I had this exact same problem, except with Japanese characters. Although Lua doesn't support UTF-8, Corona acts like it does. What that means is that... if you pass a UTF-8 String to display.newText(...), it should display properly. Now, if you output to the console, it will actually print out the raw bytes of the String. And, if you try to print the length of the string, it will actually print out the number of bytes.
So, in summary, Lua treats all strings as an array of bytes. It knows nothing about UTF-8. Some Corona API methods, when passed UTF-8 strings, will display the strings correctly.
I had issues when I mixed UTF-8 with plain ASCII characters, which I believe confused Corona (what I mean is that I mixed English characters with Japanese characters... still all UTF-8, though). I have a hunch that each character in the string must be of the same length in bytes for Corona to display it properly. Try printing out one character at a time to see if that helps. Please feel free to post comments here if you run into trouble. I'd like to figure this issue out myself, too.

Detect presence of a specific charset

I need a way to detect whether a file contains characters from a certain charset.
Specifically, I want to detect the presence of UTF8-encoded cyrillic characters in a series of files. Is there a tool to do this?
If you are looking for ready solution, you might want to try Enca.
However, if you only want to detect presence of what can be possibly decoded as UTF-8 Cyrillic characters (without any complete UTF-8 validity checks), you just have to grep for something like /(\xD0[\x81\x90-\xBF]|\xD1[\x80-\x8F\x91]){n,}/ (this exact regexp is for n subsequent UTF8-encoded Russian Cyrillic characters). For additional check that the whole file contains only valid UTF-8 data you can use something like isutf8(1).
Both methods have their good and bad sides and may sometimes give wrong results.
IIRC the ICU library has code that does character set detection. Though it's basically a best effort guess.
Edit: I did remember correctly, check out this paper / tutorial

Using Tcl encoding command to convert from Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese

I support a website written in Tcl which displays data in Traditional Chinese (big5). We then have a Java servlet, using the translation code from, to translate a page request into Simplified Chinese. The conversion as specified to the translation code is from UTF-8 to UTF-8S; Java is apparently correctly translating the data to UTF-8 as it comes in.
The Java translation code works but is slow, and since the website is written in Tcl someone on another list suggested I try using that. Unfortunately, Tcl doesn't support UTF-8S and I have been unable to figure out what translation to use in its place. I've tried gb2312, gb2312-raw,gb1988, euc-cn... all result in gibberish. My assumption is that Tcl is also translating to UTF-8 as it comes in, though I have tried converting from big5 first and it doesn't help.
My test code looks like this:
set page_body [ns_httpget]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 $page_body]
ns_write $translated_page_body
I have also tried
set page_body [ns_httpget]
set translated_page_body [encoding convertto gb2312 [encoding convertfrom big5 $page_body]]
ns_write $translated_page_body
But it didn't change anything.
Does anyone out there have enough experience with this to help me figure it out?
FYI for completeness' sake, I've been told by Tcl experts that you can't do the conversion this way, it has to be done via character replacement.
By any chance, are you grabbing your data from Oracle?
If so, see if you can use the CONVERT function to convert to from "utf8" to "al32utf8", which is the true Utf8 standard and which Tcl should work-with seamlessly.
If not, well, I guess I'll wait for you comment(s).