QGIS Essen Size Scale Field new location - qgis

Just updated to QGIS Essen 2.14.1
I want to scale markers based on a field in the layer's attribute table. In the previous version of QGIS I had installed, under layer properties->style -> graduated ->advanced, there was an option called Size-Scale-Field. In this Essen, this not longer is located here.
Looking for direction on how to scale markers according to field values in QGIS 2.14.1

Is this under the Method option now?


How can I convert a tileset to an Albers projection? Or add a feature to an albers projection that lines up correctly?

Mapbox studio has a style with an Albers projection (https://www.mapbox.com/elections/albers-usa-projection-style):
I need to use another style with waterbodies like this:
but in the Albers projection. When I start with the Albers style, and then add water, they of course don't line up:
How can I get the tile I used in my waterbody example to be in the Albers project? I ultimately am wanting to use it in a leaflet map and add markers to it (using R).
The example you cited above is actually showing a workaround to make data appear as if it is projected in Albers but it's really just altered polygons being displayed in webmercator. This was a workaround/hack to get the desired visual using the tools available at the time. If you want to do the same workaround for your water bodies data so it will appear this way in leaflet, follow the steps of the tutorial which uses third party tools (QGIS, Dirty Reprojectors, Tippecanoe)
Mapbox has since added support for non-webmercator projections, which means you don't need to modify your source data to reproject them for use in a mapboxgl-js map: https://docs.mapbox.com/mapbox-gl-js/example/projections/
Disregard the earlier example, and just change the projection to Albers in Mapbox Studio.
Bear in mind that changing the projection in Mapbox Studio does not actually modify your data, it just renders it differently on the screen.

Calculate areas of new features in merged layer in QGIS

I have merged four different layers into one new one in QGIS, but I want this layer to have different information then the old layers. I want all the buffered 'islands' to have a different ID and a calculated area. However, now in the attribute table I just see four features, one for each layer that I merged. Is there a way to update the attribute table to consist of new features (one for each 'island')?
This is what the layer looks like:
And this is what the attribute table now looks like:
And this is what I want (the 5th and 6th column especially):
You must create a feature for each monopart geometry, you can achieve this using the Multipart to singleparts tool, and then use the field calculator to get the area, you can find here how to calculate area Calculating polygon areas in shapefile using QGIS.

How can I limit the number of features I see in the bounding box with a WMS layer?

I set up a PostGIS database that I added in GeoServer via a parameterized SQL view. I used Leaflet to display this layer via wms and it works fine.
Now I would like to limit the number of features I see in the bounding box (25 maximum in my case).
I had a hope with the maxFeatures vendor parameter for wms proposed in geoserver but apparently it controls the number of features on each tile not in the bouding box. I also tried to add a LIMIT 25 at the end of my SQL view but it affects the number of features on the whole map not in the bouding box.
Is there a way to do what I want with a wms layer?

Is there an option to remove duplicate point labels within a distance in Mapbox Studio?

I'm using Mapbox Studio to label some point features (from a GeoJSON layer I uploaded) in a style, and there are some duplicate points located nearby each other:
Are there any options in Mapbox Studio to remove the duplicate labels automatically? For example, some other mapping programs have the option to remove duplicate labels within a specified distance (pixels or map units). Is this available in Mapbox Studio (or failing that, in Mapbox-GL-JS)?
Mapbox Studio does not provide a way to remove the duplicate labels automatically. You could work with a filter to manually filter out duplicates by writing a relatively complex expression, although this is not really the intended use case of expressions. You could also add a duplicate: true property to duplicated point features in your source data, but since this would require manipulating your source data, you might as well remove the duplicates from the source data instead of taking this approach.
That being said, you could consider clustering your data and styling the clusters so that a cluster looks the same as any individual point. This example shows how to create and style clusters using Mapbox GL JS. Here is a JSFiddle that heavily modifies this example to cluster closely-located points, and style the clusters in the same way that individual points are styled: https://jsfiddle.net/uo216fxz/ (you will need to add your own Mapbox access token in order to view the result). Text labels are added with the point count for each cluster containing more than one point, so that you can easily see that clusters and single points are identical aside from the labeling.
You will likely need to customize several properties (such as clusterRadius, clusterMaxZoom, etc) beyond what is provided in the linked JSFiddle, to be more specific to your source data.

polygon label displying duplicate in mapbox studio style editor

I have uploaded polygon shape zip file in mapbox tileset and created layer name as polygon_label but layer labels are showing duplicate inside polygon area.
So there is any way to centroid the polygon geometry or restrict to display duplicate label.
How to get label centroid of the polygon and remove duplication of the label from polygon area?
You need to create point geometries and use that as your source.
I have the same issue with a shapefile with land sections I imported. To get the outline of the land sections I added a fill type layer since the tileset contains polygon features. Then I add another layer of type symbol to be able to show the section address text field from the tileset features. I set the placement as "Point". But, the text field shows multiple places inside the polygons.
The only solution I have found is to make the labels appear along the boundries of the polygons by setting the placement as "Line". This still shows multiple labels. But, it is a bit more friendly for the user.