How to set file name to default when downloaded with PowerShell - powershell

Just started using powershell on windows 7 and I want to download a file from a site that doesn't include the name of the file in the url. Right now I am using
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$src = "http://just-some-short-url/"
$dest = "C:\Users\Downloads\some-file-2.53.jar"
And this works but only because I specify the name with some hard-coded value. But I really just want to say
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$src = "http://just-some-short-url/"
$dest = "C:\Users\Downloads\"
So that whatever version is downloaded would just be named such in the C:\Users\Downloads\ so for example next month when there is a new update to the file I get from the same link presumably I would then have a file named some-file-2.54.jar However the latter code throws an error and is only fixed by hard coding the file name.


Making a .lnk that opens in a new window with powershell

Good Day everyone!
I am looking to make PowerShell script that creates a .lnk shortcut on the desktop. Which isn't too big a deal, but when I make one manually with chrome, 3 dots>more tools>create shortcut I get this option. Notice how it has the "Open in a new window" option. That is what I'm looking to accomplish. How would I go about making a .lnk file on the desktop that opens in a new window?
make an .lnk shortcut on desktop save it to desktop
.lnk file opens in new window
-preferably grabs an icon from the browser like when you make one with chrome so I don't have to point to one.
$Shell = New-Object -ComObject ("WScript.Shell")
$Favorite = $Shell.CreateShortcut($env:USERPROFILE + "\Desktop\Google.lnk")
$Favorite.TargetPath = "";
$Favorite.IconLocation = "Picturelocation"
Thanks for your time!
Notice the Icon and Open in a New window button
Use the following to create a shortcut file (.lnk) that launches Chrome with a given URL in a new window:
# Define the target URL
$url = ''
# Derive a friendly site name from it, to serve as the name
# of the shortcut file and the downloaded favicon.
# Adjust as needed, e.g. $friendlySiteName = 'Google'
$friendlySiteName = $url -replace '^https?://(?:www\.)?'
# Determine the full path of the shortcut file; adjust as needed.
# Note the required ".lnk" extension
$shortcutPath = "$HOME\Desktop\$friendlySiteName.lnk"
# Determine the full path of the chrome.exe executable, via the registry.
# Note: This is only necessary because chrome.exe is *not* in one
# of the directories listed in $env:PATH.
$chromeExePath = Get-ItemPropertyValue -LiteralPath 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\chrome.exe' '(default)'
# Download the favicon:
# Create a designated local directory for storing favicons...
$targetDir = New-Item -Type Directory -Force "$HOME\favicons"
# ... and download the target site's favicon into it.
$favIconPath = Join-Path $targetDir.FullName ($friendlySiteName + '.ico')
& {
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $favIconPath "$url/favicon.ico"
# Create the shortcut file, set its properties, and save it.
$shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$favorite = $shell.CreateShortcut($shortcutPath)
# Tell the shortcut to launch Chrome...
$favorite.TargetPath = $chromeExePath
# ... with the following arguments; -new-window ensures that the
# specified URL is opened in a new window.
$favorite.Arguments = "-new-window $url"
# ... and assign the icon.
$favorite.IconLocation = $favIconPath
Note: The above downloads and assigns the target site's specific favicon as the shortcut file's icon, you can omit the relevant code above, which will make the shortcut file show Chrome's icon.
For the sake of completeness: Creating a URL shortcut file (.url) with the target site's favicon:
Note that such URL shortcut files invariably:
use the default web browser on invocation, and default to that browser's own icon.
typically create a new tab in an existing browser window rather than opening a new window.
As explained in this answer, assigning a custom icon programmatically isn't directly supported via the WScript.Shell COM object, but can be achieved via plain-text processing to modify the .url file after the fact, as shown below.
# Define the target URL.
$url = ''
# Derive a friendly representation from it, to serve as the name of the shortcut file
# and the downloaded favicon.
# Adjust as needed; e.g. $friendlySiteName = 'Google'
$friendlySiteName = $url -replace '^https?://(?:www\.)?'
# Determine the full path of the shortcut file; adjust as needed.
# Note the required ".url" extension.
$urlShortcutPath = "$HOME\Desktop\$friendlySiteName.url"
# Download the favicon:
# Create a designated local directory for storing favicons...
$targetDir = New-Item -Type Directory -Force "$HOME\favicons"
# ... and download the target site's favicon into it.
$favIconPath = Join-Path $targetDir.FullName ($friendlySiteName + '.ico')
& {
$ProgressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile $favIconPath "$url/favicon.ico"
# Create the URL shortcut file, set its properties, and save it.
$shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell
$urlShortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($urlShortcutPath)
# Tell the URL shortcut what URL to launch.
# !! No other properties are directly supported for URL shortcut files.
# !! Plain-text processing below compensates for that.
$urlShortcut.TargetPath = $url
# Now use plain-text processing to add the icon location.
Add-Content -LiteralPath $urlShortcut.FullName -Value #"

Powershell doesn't find file

This is my powershell script:
cd '\\\root\M151 Agie Charmilles SA\Qualità\QP\6-SPC - tools\2-Tools\IPC\Mechanics\OFFICE_2016'
$file = 'SPC_Analysis_v2.3 - 36 mesi_250_macchine.xlsm'
$x1 = New-Object -ComObject "Excel.Application"
$wb = $x1.workbooks.Open($file)
I need to open the file in the specified path, it exist but powershell doesn't find it.
Powershell reported that couldn't find it.
Listing the content of the folder I can see that it exist
Two possible solutions:
1.) Set the CurrentDirectory (this is not the same thing as the "location" in powershell)
[Environment]::CurrentDirectory = Get-Location
# or
2.) Use the full path
$x1.workbooks.Open((Get-Item $file).FullName)
# or
$x1.workbooks.Open((Resolve-Path $file))

Powershell downloading incomplete file using $wc.DownloadFile($url, $output)

Trying to download a .exe file from Google drive OR dropbox link through powershell. The only thing I could get to download a .exe file was the following powershell code:
$url = ""
$output = "C:\Users\Joshua\Downloads\"
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.DownloadFile($url, $output)
The original file is about 67MB. However, the file that is downloaded ends up being only 67KB. This new file does not run anymore either. What is happening, and how can I get it to download a working file? Is there a better way to do this?

PowerShell download script not working

I made a basic PowerShell script. To download files from 2 urls
However even though it seems to download the files my computer can't open them.
When I mean my computer can't open the files here are the 2 specific errors:
When I try to open the first file I get the error: This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. When I try to open the second file it just says "This app can't run on your PC"
Here is the script:
$storageDir = $PSScriptRoot
$storageDir = $pwd
$webclient = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$url = ""
$file = "$storageDir\xnafx40_redist.msi"
$url = ""
$file = "$storageDir\dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe"

Add mstsc to shortcut target powershell

A little background about what I'm trying to do and why. We are slowly migrating from using a local copy of office on our end users Win7 machines to publishing office through RDS 2012. With 2012 you can have the end users machine subscribe to a webfeed which puts the shortcuts to the actual RDP files in Appdata. In order to have our image pretty much mirror before RDS, I need to pin the shortcuts to the taskbar. If you pin the shortcut as it comes from the RDS Gateway server the icon on the taskbar is that of the .rdp file. If you edit the target for the shortcut and put mstsc.exe before the path to the .rdp file you can then pin the shortcut to the taskbar using those icons of the shortcut.
I have found posts on how to change the target field of shortcuts but nothing on how to add something to what is currently there. An environment variable is needed since the path to the shorts will be different for each user. Below is I have tried thus far
$Word = $env:userprofile + "\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\RemoteApp and Desktop Connections\Microsoft Word 2010.lnk"
$sh = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell
$targetPath = $sh.CreateShortcut($Word).TargetPath
$sh.TargetPath = "mstsc.exe" + $targetPath ## Make changes
$sh.Save() ## Save$shell = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell
One of the errors i'm getting is : Property 'Arguments' cannot be found on this object; make sure it exists and is settable.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Instead of using Shell COM object, how about using a .Net wrapper class? There is a great sample.
To use the VBAccelerator's wrapper in Powershell, extract the source code and compile a DLL like so,
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\csc.exe /t:library /out:ShellLink.dll /r:System.Drawing.dll .\ShellLink.cs .\FileIcon.cs
This should create ShellLink.dll, which you can add as Powershell type like so,
Add-Type -path .\ShellLink.dll
And use the class by creating a new object like so,
$lnk = new-object vbAccelerator.Components.Shell.ShellLink
$lnk.Target = "C:\Windows\System32\mstsc.exe"
$lnk.Arguments = "some arguments"
$lnk.Description = "My awesome shortcut"
Your code will prepend "mstsc.exe" to the current target path if you just add this line before your ## Make changes line:
$sh = $sh.CreateShortcut($word)
Sounds like you also want to add a space, so that your lnk file is the "connection file" argument of mstsc.exe. You can set the Arguments property like so:
function Set-RDSshortcut {
param( [parameter(mandatory=$true)]$Shortcut )
$sh = New-Object -COM WScript.Shell
$targetPath = $sh.CreateShortcut($Shortcut).TargetPath
$targetPath = "mstsc.exe"
$sh = $sh.CreateShortcut($Shortcut)
$sh.TargetPath = $targetPath
$sh.Arguments = $Shortcut
} #end function