office js change DOM loaded in task pane - dom

I'm developing an office add-in using office-js (not using VSTO) and I want to access the DOM loaded in the task pane from the java script function-file used in the manifest extension points .

Yes, you can access the DOM loaded in the task pane from your JavaScript function-file. Think of it as if you have two browser windows or tabs and you want to communicate between them. Since the windows don't have access to a reference for one another, postMessage isn't a good solution. One option would be to use localStorage, which triggers an event on all same-domain pages when it changes.

Yes, you can access the DOM loaded in the task pane from your JavaScript function-file. Think of it as if you have two browser windows or tabs and you want to communicate between them. One option would be to use the postMessage() API to notify the task pane and include any information you'd like.
Edit: see my other answer: this solution isn't feasible since the window reference isn't available.


How do I publish just 1 HTML file in author instance of aem server?

I want to create a simple HTML file
in the author instance in the aem server and publish it. How should I publish it - either through the UI or command-line is fine?
Two options for easier, to handle from browser itself,
1) Go to tree activation page and select the page path which you want to activate and click on the Activate button use the check boxes ( Only Modified, Only Activated, Ignore Deactivated) according to your need,
2) Go to crx/de console select the page that you want to activate under the content node. use the right side Replication Tab Replicate button to replicate the node.
Note that when using this node level replicate action you need to
activate all the child/individual nodes that are required to your page
There are several other ways of doing replication by code, CURL, etc. as which one to use depends on your comfort levels.
package manager Image
Simplest ways are already mentioned above but i am mentioning one more way .
check it out if you are more comfortable with it.
You can replicate it or publish your file using Package manager.
1.Goto http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr
2.Goto your package[/content/1.html] and edit it.
3.Save it and choose the replicate option under the more tab.
In the page side kick, you click on properties then "activate"

Mouseup event is not propagated to a popup window in IE 11

I've a legacy app that features a DND from a popup window to the main one.
It works fine in IE 8 but not in any of the newer versions of IE. The effect results in the drag ghost image being stuck in the source window and not going away after the drop had occurred.
Some debugging did in fact confirm that the 'mouseup' event does not get propagated back to the source window. What can be done to fix it? Many thanks!
ITs a bit hard to begin to answer your question without some code....
use the File>Properties menu to find out which IE security zones the two windows(domains) map too...IE uses a different security model to other browsers... drag/drop is probably not allowed between local web files (using file: protocol) and internet or intranet sites.
Have you used the Dev tool yet to debug it? If you are using showModalDialog (which normally disables context menus) you can right click on a link (a) or input element to display the context menu so you can display the debugger for showModal content page.
If possible include a link to your website or a mashup (jsfiddle) with your questions.

add functionality layer to AtTask by plug-in on Internet Explorer

I would like to add functionality to the AtTask system by "adding a layer".
What I want to know is whether this can be achieved with a plug-in for Internet Explorer.
To give a concrete example:
This extra layer would allow users to click on "Online Edit" document (which is not available right now). The linked application will open, and when you click save, the file is loaded back to AtTask.
All this happens in the background via the AtTask API, and is transparent to the user.
The question is: is it possible to add functionality to a site by somehow adding layers?
Last comment: this plug-in (or whatever needs to be installed inbto the browser) will only be visible/active when accesing the AtTask website.
Thanks in advance for your responses.
Within the confines of AtTask your best bet is to use an "External Page" create a service that handles the data in the manner you need.
The Dashboard that contains your External Page can be added as a tab via Layout Templates.
Most of the heavy lifting would have to be handled by your application. You would have to link the document(s) you wish to edit.
Some sort of referrer would be necessary to place the revised document back into AtTask. The method in which the client can do this would be determined by your preference and requirements. I am sure you can find some sort of Wiz-Bang jQuery uploader.
Depending on the level of control you have with your user base, you could make an Application URL
Windows : Registering an Application to a URI Scheme
OS X : Launching Scripts from Webpage Links
I do not know of any other way to handle this other than what Steve suggested.
Having said that a possible solution to this is to create a new application and iframe in AtTask.
At the top or wherever on the page your application could have a link for "Online Edit". Then you would use javascript to extract the task id, project id or any other needed information you need for the api to get the needed content to edit. Then save using the same api information.
I have not tried this type of method but theoretically it could work.

How to communicate between multiple windows of the same chrome app?

When using chrome developer tools, it appears that each app window (and the background 'page') has its own javascript context (space of objects, thread of execution), and yet the createdWindow callback of apparently provides direct access to the objects of the 'other' window that was just created.
Given that, I'm unclear on the best way to communicate between windows; e.g. if I open a second window to act as a dialog box, when the user clicks OK to save changes, should I be using postMessage, sendMessage, or just call a function on an object in the main window. I've looked at the messaging samples, and they seem focused on communication between two different apps, or between an app and an extension.
So, I'm seeking a clear description of the memory and execution model within one app. Are there really separate contexts, or is it just one space of objects, with one thread of execution? What is the best way to communicate between windows of the same chrome app?
That is a great question James!
Multiple chrome windows are not completely separate. They share a single thread and object space, however the window object is different for each. In javascript unscoped references to things are looked up on the current window, so this makes the windows appear to be different object spaces - but they are not really.
So, you can reach into another window and execute a function there, or manipulate state in other ways (e.g. set a variable on another window to a function from the current window) and it is acceptable and supported.
You might find the and methods useful. They are however new to Chrome 33 which is not yet in the stable channel.
As an alternative you could hold an array of opened AppWindow objects in the background page context.
You can then get a reference to the background page context from any window using the chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage() method

is there a provisioning for inspecting a winJs html file

winJs application are simple html Applications. Xaml c# provides an interface view where we can look at the design drag drop elements.
Is there a Way to Debug a winJS application like firebug or inspect element in Google Chrome. running every time in the simulator to check whether code is working or not has become a tedious Job. Any alternative please suggest.
Yes there's a kind of firebug as you mentioned But it is also known as Dom Explorer
The DOM Explorer is available only while in debug mode.
Make sure you have the script debugger selected, start debugging (F5), then go to Debug -> Windows -> DOM Explorer.
Here's a link to study the details
Dom Explorer from MSDN