Should I pass variables through the path section or query section of my REST API? - rest

I'm building an app that will allow users to manage groups. Each group contains a name, campus, and data type. They are not in any particular hierarchy - semantically, a campus could be considered to have many groups, but it would be also natural to consider a group at the top of the hierarchy, spread out over many campuses.
A combination of name/campus/data_type is unique
USERS WEST userids
USERS EAST userids
So for example, the LABS group for the WEST campus with DATA_TYPE of IPv4 will contain all the IP subnets related to west-campus labs.
Now, the only requirement for drilling down to this data is by group. It is not a requirement to gather a list of all WEST campus groups, for example, or all groups that have a "IPv6" data type. However it is necessary to get a list of all campuses that have a "LABS" group, and it is also necessary to get all the data_types for LABS.
So how should I create my endpoints?
Option 1
Long, but fairly clear URLs.
GET /groups/LABS/ (returns LABS groups across all campuses and data_types)
GET /groups/LABS/data_type/IPv4 (returns all IPv4 LABS groups across all campuses)
GET /groups/LABS/campus/WEST (returns all WEST LABS groups across all data_types)
POST /groups/LABS/campus/NORTH/data_type/IPv4 (create a new group)
POST /groups/LABS/campus/NORTH/data_type/userids (another new group)
avoids any query parameters
it represents a certain hierarchy that is not actually necessary.
It also requires the app to support both group->campus->data_type and
group->data_type->campus hierarchies.
Option 2
Treat the group as the only part of the hierarchy, and treat "campus" and "data_type" as non-hierarchical identifiers:
GET /groups/LABS
GET /groups/LABS?campus=WEST
GET /groups/LABS?data_type=IPv4
GET /groups/LABS?campus=WEST&data_type=IPv4
POST /groups/LABS (POST data: {campus: "WEST", data_type: "IPv4})
POST /groups/LABS (POST data: {campus: "WEST", data_type: "IPv4})
it seems to reflect the non-hierarchy of "data_types" and "campus",
and makes it easy to specify (say) campus without a data_type (or
vice versa).
I'm not totally sure this is an appropriate use of query parameters.
Furthermore it does not provide a very pretty "permalink" to any
unique combination of group/campus/data_type.
I'm leaning towards option 2. Is that the best way to represent this data? Or am I thinking about it wrong?

I would suggest instead supporting two endpoints. It's clear from your description that a group is not uniquely defined by a name, but your URI structure implies that it is. Instead, use a synthetic id to uniquely identify a group.
GET /groups
<- some collection of all groups that match whichever criteria are specified
POST /groups
-> { "name": "LABS", "campus": "WEST", "data_type": "IPv4" }
GET /groups/{id}
<- { "name": "LABS", "campus": "WEST", "data_type": "IPv4" }
This approach gives you more flexibility for in the future when they decide to add a new property, or want to search by data_type across all groups.
You can either include unique ids in responses from the server (meh) or include hypermedia links to give you interesting relationships, such as all other groups with the same name, or on the same campus.


Multiple Options to Case When

Is there a way to create several groups in Case When statement?
For example,
CASE [Sales Manager]
WHEN "Manager 1" THEN "Germany"
WHEN "Manager 1" THEN "Russia"
WHEN "Manager 2" THEN "Russia"
Such statement will assign Manager 1 only to Germany, while I need to have it for both countries. Any other possible ways to do that ?
One solution is to define a table in your database (or Excel) that maps managers to countries. You just need two columns, one for manager and for country, and a row in the table for each association between a manager and a country.
That way you can easily represent a manager that works with many countries, or a country that has many managers (a many-to-many relationship).
You can then combine that table with your other data using joins or data blending. Realize that when you join data that has a to-many type of relationship that you can in general cause duplicate values to arise in the query results (e.g. the sales quota for a manager can be repeated multiple times, once for each country the manager visits). Unless your filters and work flow eliminate that case, you need to make sure your calculations account for duplication and avoid double counting.
Bottom line -- sometimes it is alot easier to specify information as data than as code.

REST API structure for multiple countries

I'm designing a REST API where you can search for data in different countries, but since you can search for the same thing, at the same time, in different countries (max 4), am I unsure of the best/correct way to do it.
This would work to start with to get data (I'm using cars as an example):
That request could return different ids for the different countries (uk=1,us=2,nl=3), so what do I do when data is requested for those 3 countries?
For a nice structure I could get the data one at the time:
But that is not very efficient since it hits the backend 3 times.
I could do this:
But that doesn't work very well if I want to add to that path:
Because that would then turn into:
Which doesn't look good.
Anyone got suggestions on how to structure this in a good way?
I answered a similar question before, so I will stick to that idea:
You have a set of elements -cars- and you want to filter it in some way. My advice is add any filter as a field. If the field is not present, then choose one country based on the locale of the client:,us,nl
This field should dissapear when you look for a specific car or its owner
because the country is not needed (unless the car ID 1 is reused for each country)
I really did not expect the id of the car can be shared by several cars, an ID should be unique (like a primary key in a database). Then, it makes sense to keep the country parameter with the owner's search:,us
This should return a list of people who own a car with the id 1... but for me this makes little sense as a functionality, in this search I'll only allow one country:

How to best structure csv data for tableau that has "multiple categories"?

I have a set of 100 “student records”, I want to have checkboxes for each "favorite_food_type" and "favorite_food", whichever is checked would filter a "bar graph" that counts number of reports that contain that specific "favorite_food"type" and "favorite_food" schema could be:
favorite_food_type (e.g. vegetable)
favorite_food (e.g. banana)
I would like to in the dashboard be able to select via checkboxes, “Give me all the COUNT OF DISTINCT students with favorite_food of banana, apple, pear“ and filter graphs for all records. My issue is for a single student record, maybe one student likes both banana and apple. How do I best capture that? Should I have:
CASE A: Duplicate Records (this captures the two different “favorite_food”, but now I have to figure out how many students there are (which is one student)
Charlie, Fruit, Apple
Charlie, Fruit, Pear
CASE B: Single Records (this captures the two different “favorite_food”, but is there a way to pick out from delimiters?)
Charlie, Fruit, Apple#Pear
CASE C: Column for Each Fruit (this captures one record per student, but need a loooot of columns for each fruit, many would be false)
Charlie, Fruit, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE, FALSE
I want to do this as easy as possible.
Avoid Case B if at all possible. Repeating information is almost always best handled by repeating rows -- not by cramming multiple values into a single table cell, nor by creating multiple columns such as Favorite_1 and Favorite_2
If you are provided data with multiple values in a field, Tableau does have functions and data connection features that can be used to split a single field into its constituent parts to form multiple fields. That works well with fixed number of different kinds of information -- say splitting a City, State field into separate fields for City and State.
Avoid Case C if at all possible. That cross tab structure makes it hard to analyze the data and make useful visualizations. Each value is treated as a separated field.
If you are provided data in crosstab format, Tableau allows you to pivot the data in the data connection pane to reshape into a form with fewer columns and many rows.
Case A is usually the best approach. You can simplify it further by factoring out repeating information into separated tables -- a process known as normalization. Then you can use a join to recombine the tables and see the repeating information when desired.
A normalized approach to your example would have two tables (or tabs in excel). The first table would have exactly one row per student with 2 columns: name and favorite_food_type. The second table would have a row per student/favorite food combination, with 2 columns: name and favorite_food. Now each student can have as many favorite foods as you like or none at all. Since both columns have a name field, that would be the key used to join (combine) the tables when needed.
Given that table design, you could have 2 data sources in Tableau. The first one just pointed to the student table and could be used to create visualizations that only involved students and favorite_food_types. The second data source would use a (left) join to read from both tables and could be used to look at favorite foods. When working with the second data source, you would have to be careful about reporting information about student names and favorite food types to account for the duplicate information. So use the first data source when possible. Finally, you could put both kinds of visualizations on a dashboard and use filter and highlight actions to make interaction seamless despite the two sources -- getting the best of both worlds.

Modeling hierarchical data with authentication using DynamoDB

I'm looking for some best practices when it comes to modeling confidential hierarchical data in general and specifically with DynamoDB.
The scenario is best explained with an example:
Let's say we have a number of users. Each user has a number of products. Each product consists of a number of parts.
Typical use cases:
List all products for a given user
List all parts for a given product
So far I have modeled this in DynamoDB like this:
HashKey: UserId
HashKey: UserId
RangeKey: ProductId
HashKey: ProductId
RangeKey: PartId
The data is confidential and accessed through authenticated REST endpoints where an authentication token can be mapped to a UserId. Each user may be allowed to view other users' data through some group concept.
Listing all products for a given user is simple since UserId is a key in the products table:
GET /users/111/products becomes a simple Query(Table=Products, UserId=111)
But consider the case of listing all parts for a given product:
GET /users/111/products/222/parts
If I simply do a Query(Table=Parts, ProductId=222) then I will get the desired data fast, but I am not protecting against other users querying for data belonging to user 111, provided they somehow know about ProductId 222 (in reality, ID:s will of course be UUID:s or similar so not so easily guessable):
GET /users/119/products/222/parts
... would result in malicious user 119 retrieving data that doesn't belong to him, provided nothing is done to address this.
So here I imagine I need to do something like one of these:
First make another query to make sure product 222 in fact belongs to the given user
Duplicate the UserId in the Parts table and include it in the query condition (which basically means it will match either all rows or no rows when scanning through the set identified by ProductId): Query(Table=Parts, ProductId=222, UserId=111)
Use UserId as the hash key also in the Parts table and instead keep ProductId as a secondary index
Use a composite HashKey such as UserId_ProductId ("111_222") on the Parts table
If I need to return a 401 as opposed to just empty data, option 1 seems like the only approach. But if we imagine a deeper hierarchy of data, e.g. "users having inboxes having messages having parts having attachments" it seems this approach could eventually be expensive (listing all attachments for part P might result in a query to check that part P belongs to message M, that message M belongs to inbox I and that inbox I belongs to user U, and so on).
Does anyone have any good arguments for which approach is most favorable? Or am I doing something stupid and should be modeling my data in some other way completely?

Efficient way to model azure table storage for social networking

I have tables like this in SQL Server
UserId (Unique)
There can be several thousands of users. and there are several other properties in the table.
I can query to get following answers.
Give me all the friends of user "Tom".
Give me all the topics created by "Tom".
Give me all the topics created by Tom's friends that contains "abc" in the subject.
If I were to do it in Azure table storage, how do I structure my tables?
I have gone through this and this I would like someone who had more experience on modeling Azure Table storage to give some insights..
1 and 2 are pretty easy. You create two Azure tables - Friends and Topics indexed by user id (with user id in the key).
3rd one is much more difficult with Azure tables, especially "that contains 'abc' in the subject" part.
Azure tables don't support full text search. Basically it is only possible to efficiently retrieve values (or range of values) either using exact keys or using 'startswith' operator. Like "Give me all records where key is equal to 'key value'". Or "give me all records where key is greated than 'key lower bound' and is less than 'key upper bound'".
It is also possible to filter using 'startswith' by any non-key field of a record, but this will involve table scan and is not efficient. It's not possible to do similar filtering with 'contains'.
So I think you need something with full text search support here.