Common Lisp function that unwraps a list to reveal the sequence of elements inside the list? - lisp

I want to apply the union function to the lists within a list. For example:
apply union to the lists inside this list: '((a b c) (a d))
Is there a function that "unwraps" a list, to reveal the sequence of elements inside the list? For example:
unwrapping this list '((a b c) (a d)) produces this sequence '(a b c) '(a d)
If I could do that, then I could apply the union function to the sequence.
What is the recommended idiom for taking the union of a sequence of lists contained within a list?

CL-USER 15 > (reduce #'union '((a b c) (a d)))
(D A B C)


How can I paste a element between all elements of a list?

I want to paste between every element of a lista special element. In example:
(EINFUEGEN '(A B C) '*);-> (A * B * C)
How can I implement that on the easiest way?
The fun way:
(cdr (mapcan #'list '#1=(* . #1#) '(a b c)))
The respectable way:
for (x . xs) on '(a b c)
collect x
when xs collect '*)
for <var> on <list> iterates over all sublists, meaning var will be bound to (a b c), then (b c) then (c) and finally ().
(x . xs) is a destructuring notation to bind respectively x and xs to the head and tail of each list being visited. This is necessary here to check whether there are remaining elements.
collect <val> adds <val> to implicit collection being built
when <test> <clause> executes the LOOP clause <clause> only when <test> is satisfied. Here, I test if there are more elements in the list; when it is the case, I also collect the star symbol.

converting a list of datums to strings in racket

What would be the easiest way to convert '(a b c) to ("a" "b" "c")? I'd like to use the string-join function but it only takes in a list of strings.
(map symbol->string '(a b c)) as pointed out by #alexis-king.

Get list element by position

I want to give a number and return the element of this position.
List lab = (R K K K K) and I want to know if something like this (position 1 lab) exists on lisp. Like in C return lab[1].
In Common Lisp the operator that gets the n-th element of a list is called nth (see the manual):
(nth 2 '(a b c d)) ; returns C
A related operator is nthcdr that returns the rest of the list starting from the n-th element:
(nthcdr 2 '(a b c d)) ; returns (C D)
For an operator that works on vectors and proper lists, see elt.
(let ((list (list 'a 'b 'c 'd)))
(prog1 list
(setf (elt list 1) 1)))
=> (A 1 C D)

Sublist in common lisp

I have list of lists in my program
for example
(( a b) (c d) (x y) (d u) ........)
Actually I want to add 1 new element in the list but new element would be a parent of all existing sublists.
for example if a new element is z, so my list should become like this
( (z( a b) (c d) (x y) (d u) ........))
I have tried with push new element but it list comes like this
( z( a b) (c d) (x y) (d u) ........)
that I dont want as I have lot of new elements coming in and each element represents some block of sublists in the list
Your help would highly be appreciated.
It sounds like you just need to wrap the result of push, cons, or list* in another list:
(defun add-parent (children parent)
(list (list* parent children)))
(add-parent '((a b) (c d) (x y) (d u)) 'z)
;;=> ((Z (A B) (C D) (X Y) (D U)))
This is the approach that I'd probably take with this. It's just important that you save the return value. In this regard, it's sort of like the sort function.
However, if you want to make a destructive macro out of that, you can do that too using define-modify-macro. In the following, we use define-modify-macro to define a macro add-parentf that updates its first argument to be the result of calling add-parent (defined above) with the first argument and the parent.
(define-modify-macro add-parentf (parent) add-parent)
(let ((kids (copy-tree '((a b) (c d) (x y) (d u)))))
(add-parentf kids 'z)
;;=> ((Z (A B) (C D) (X Y) (D U)))
For such a simple case you can also use a shorter backquote approach, for example:
(let ((parent 'z) (children '((a b) (c d) (e f))))
`((,parent ,#children)))
If you aren't familiar with backquote, I'd recommend reading the nice and concise description in Appendix D: Read Macros of Paul Graham's ANSI Common Lisp.

LISP Displaying binary tree level by level

I have a list that looks like (A (B (C D)) (E (F))) which represents this tree:
/ \
/ \ /
How do I print it as (A B E C D F) ?
This is as far as I managed:
((lambda(tree) (loop for ele in tree do (print ele))) my-list)
But it prints:
(B (C D))
(E (F))
I'm pretty new to Common LISP so there may be functions that I should've used. If that's the case then enlight me.
Taking your question at face value, you want to print out the nodes in 'breadth-first' order, rather than using one of the standard, depth-first orderings: 'in-order' or 'pre-order' or 'post-order'.
in-order: C B D A E F
pre-order: A B C D E F
post-order: C D B F E A
requested order: A B E C D F
In your tree structure, each element can be either an atom, or a list with one element, or a list with two elements. The first element of a list is always an atom.
What I think the pseudo-code needs to look like is approximately:
Given a list 'remains-of-tree':
Create empty 'next-level' list
Foreach item in `remains-of-tree`
Print the CAR of `remains-of-tree`
If the CDR of `remains-of-tree` is not empty
CONS the first item onto 'next-level'
If there is a second item, CONS that onto `next-level`
Recurse, passing `next-level` as argument.
I'm 100% sure that can be cleaned up (that looks like trivial tail recursion, all else apart). However, I think it works.
Start: (A (B (C D)) (E (F)))
Level 1:
Print CAR: A
Add (B (C D)) to next-level: ((B (C D)))
Add (E (F)) to next-level: ((B (C D)) (E (F)))
Pass ((B (C D) (E (F))) to level 2:
Level 2:
Item 1 is (B (C D))
Print CAR: B
Push C to next-level: (C)
Push D to next-level: (C D)
Item 2 is (E (F))
Print CAR: E
Push F to next-level: (C D F)
Pass (C D F) to level 3:
Level 3:
Item 1 is C
Print CAR: C
Item 2 is D
Print CAR: D
Item 3 is F
Print CAR: F
It seems that the way you represent your list is inconsistent. For your example, I imagine it should be: (A ((B (C D)) (E (F)))). This way, a node is consistently either a leaf or a list where the car is the leaf and the cadr is the children nodes.
Because of this mistake, I am assuming this is not a homework. Here is a recursive solution.
(defun by-levels (ts)
(if (null ts)
(mapcar #'(lambda (x) (if (listp x) (car x) x)) ts)
(by-levels (mapcan #'(lambda (x) (if (listp x) (cadr x) '())) ts)))))
by-levels takes a list of nodes and collects values of the top-level nodes, and recursively find the next children to use as the next nodes.
(defun leafs-of-tree-by-levels (tree)
(by-levels (list tree)))
(leafs-of-tree-by-levels '(a ((b (c d)) (e (f)))))
; (A B E C D F)
I hope that makes sense.
My Lisp is a little rusty, but as Jonathan suggested, a breadth-first tree walk should do it - something along these lines
Edit: I guess I read the problem a little too quickly before. What You have is basically a syntax tree of function applications, so here is the revised code. I assume from your description of the problem that if C and D are children of B then you meant to write (B (C)(D))
; q is a queue of function calls to print
(setq q (list the-original-expression))
; for each function call
(while q
; dequeue the first one
(setq a (car q) q (cdr q))
; print the name of the function
(print (car a))
; append its arguments to the queue to be printed
(setq q (append q)(cdr a))
This is the history:
q: ( (A (B (C)(D))(E (F))) )
print: A
q: ( (B (C)(D))(E (F)) )
print: B
q: ( (E (F))(C)(D) )
print: E
q: ( (C)(D)(F) )
print: C
q: ( (D)(F) )
print: D
q: ( (F) )
print: F
q: nil