JPA and EJB - When do I need to use transaction? - jpa

I'm learning persistence in Java following some tutorial.
I'm using Java EE 7 and Payara server.
I noticed that each uses a different method for persistence.
public class BookServiceBean implements BookService {
private EntityManager em;
public void createOrUpdate(Book book) {
public void remove(Book book) {
with flush(), this is used when validation strategy isn't set on "AUTO" in persistene.xml, right?
public class BookServiceBean implements BookService {
private EntityManager em;
public void createOrUpdate(Book book) {
public void remove(Book book) {
with transaction
public class BookServiceBean implements BookService {
private EntityManager em;
public void createOrUpdate(Book book) {
public void remove(Book book) {
When and why do I have to use the last one?
Is it necessary to use em.close() at the end of each method?
What are the good practices?

The first one, an EJB method without all that manual flush and transaction fuzz, is the canonical approach. A single EJB method call counts by default already as a single full transaction. The EJB container will transparently begin the transaction before the method is invoked and commit the transaction when the method returns (or rollback when an application exception is thrown from the method).
The manual flush in second example is unnecessary. Generally, you want to use em.flush() only when you're modifying an entity (i.e. making it "dirty") and want afterwards (indirectly) perform a SELECT on it within the very same transaction. It's rare, but there are real world use cases for it, generally when you'd like to SELECT a parent whose the dirty entity is a child of.
The manual transaction management in third example is totally unnecessary. You should already realize that after having read the first paragraph. Manual transaction management is only necessary when you aren't using JTA, but RESOURCE_LOCAL (usually, in Java SE not Java EE).
See also:
When is it necessary or convenient to use Spring or EJB3 or all of them together?
JSF request scoped bean keeps recreating new Stateful session beans on every request?
Handling service layer exception in Java EE frontend method


JPA EntityManager.flush() is not called by java/jakarta EE container

JPA EntityManager.flush() is not called by glassfish 5.1 EE container.
In Java SE environment:
EntityTransaction t = em.getTransaction();
// persist entities
commit() will flush entities in persistence context.
Java EE environment e.g. Glassfish:
public class DataManagerBean {
EntityManager em;
public void persist(Object entity) {
JSF Bean:
public class FooBean {
DataManagerBean dataManagerBean;
public void createFoo() {
Application can not call em.getTransaction(). Transaction is managed by container. JPA provider entityManager.flush() is not called before entityManager.close() is called. As a result the entity is not created in database.
In EE environment, the database connection obtained by JPA provider EntityManager is the same as one used by container?
How does EE container tell JPA provider to flush entities to persistence if flush() is not called?
It is dependant on the way you calling your business method. In one word, beeing defaulted -- transaction begins when your flow enters FIRST business method (or Interceptor, decorating your first business method) and ends when your flow leaves last business method in the stack (or Interceptor, decorating your first business method).
You can manage transactions using #TransactionAttribute annotation with appropriate TransactionAttributeType (REQUIRED is default if not annotated). For example:
public class DataManagerBean {
EntityManager em;
public void persist(Object entity) {
In this case being called DataManagerBean.persist starts new transaction and commit and flush changes when being leaved. In case of error it will roll transaction back and throw exception you can catch at calling business method.

Injecting a Stateless EJB into another Stateless and using PersistenceContext

With JEE 5 / EJB 3.0 life of Java developers became much more easier. Later, influenced by Spring and CDI, similar approaches were also adopted in JEE.
Now, I hope I am doing it right, but just to be sure:
I have several Stateless EJBs, which all query and / or modify the database. An example is
public class AddressDBService {
protected EntityManager em;
Some of the Stateless EJB refer the other services like this:
public class AVeDBService {
protected EntityManager em;
private HomeToDealDBService homeToDealDBService;
private AddressDBService addressDBservice;
and in the Stateless EJBs I have public methods like the ones below:
public void saveEntity(Home home) throws EntityExistsException {
addressDBservice.saveAddress(home.getMainAddress(), home);
While I am almost certain this usage is correct and thread-safe (the above services are in turn injected into JSF Managed Beans).
Could somebody confirm that my usage is correct, thread-safe and conforms good practices?
My usage seems to be conform with the following questions:
Is EntityManager really thread-safe?
Stateless EJB with more injected EJBs instances
The "is correct?" question can't be answered without know the goal of the project.
It could works? Yes, you have posted java-ee code that could deploy, but is not enough.
I usually use BCE (Boundary Control Entity) pattern and Domain Driven pattern.
In this pattern we use EJB for business logic services or endpoint (JAX-RS) and all other injections, that are the Control part, are CDI objects.
Entities (JPA) could use cascade to avoid to manually save related entities:
addressDBservice.saveAddress(home.getMainAddress(), home);
can be avoided if you define the entity like this:
public class Home {
private Address mainAddress;
The #TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRES_NEW) annotation usually respond to a specific transactions behavior, is not required, so is correct only if is what you want to do.

Does Guice Persist provide transaction scoped or application managed EntityManager?

We use Guice Persist to inject EntityManager in our project.
public class MyDao{
EntityManager em;
public void someMethod(){
//uses em instance
But it is unclear for us how injected instance of EntityManager is about to be used.
What type of EntityManager is this? (see e.g.: types of entity managers) Under the hood Guice Persist instantiates it via EntityManagerFactory.createEntityManager() so I'd say it's application-managed entity manager. But in official Wiki they write about seesion-per-transaction strategy, which suggests that EntityManager is (pseudo) transaction-scoped.
Should we invoke close() on it manually? Or Guice will take care of it?
What is the scope of first level cache? Only single transaction (like in transaction-scoped entity managers) or as long as I use the same injected instance of EntityManager (like in application managed entity managers)?
Even though the question is perfectly answered by Piotr I'd like to add some practical advise on how to use guice-persist.
I've been having issues with it which were pretty hard to debug. In my application certain threads would display outdated data and sometimes EntityManager instances were left with old dead database connections. The root cause was to be found in the way I used the #Transactional annotation (I only used them for methods that do updates/inserts/deletes, not for read-only methods). guice-persist stores EntityManager instances in a ThreadLocal as soon as you call get() on an injected Provider<EntityManager> instance (which I did for read-only methods). However, this ThreadLocal is only removed if you also call UnitOfWork.end() (which normally is done by the interceptor if #Transactional is on the method). Not doing so will leave the EM instance in the ThreadLocal so that eventually every thread in your thread pool will have an old EM instance with stale cached entities.
So, as long as you stick to the following simple rules the usage of guice-persist is straight forward:
Always inject Provider<EntityManager> instead of EntityManager directly.
For transaction-scoped semantics: always annotate each method with #Transactional (even the read-only methods). This way the JpaLocalTxnInterceptor will intercept the calls to your annotated methods making sure not only to start and commit transactions but also to set and unset EM instances in the ThreadLocal.
For request-scoped semantics: use the PersistFilter servlet filter that ships with guice-persist. It will call begin() and end() on the UnitOfWork for you before and after the request is done, thereby populating and cleaning up the ThreadLocal.
Hope this helps!
I did some research of the source code of Guice-persist and read through comments under Guice-persist wiki pages and these are the answers that I needed:
1 . Lifecycle management of EntityManager is kind of broken if it's injected via #Inject EntityManager. As stated in one of the comments on the Wiki:
I confirm that inject directly an EntityManager instead of a provider
can be dangerous. If you're not inside a UnitOfWork or a method
annotated with #Transaction, the first injection of an EntityManager
in a thread will create a new EntityManager, never destroy it, and
always use this specific EntityManager for this thread (EM are stored
thread-local). This can lead to terrible issues, like injection of
dead entityManager (connection closed, etc) So my recommendation if to
always inject a Provider, or at least to inject
directly an EntityManager only inside an opened UnitOfWork.
So example in my question isn't the most correct usage. It creates singleton instance of EntityManager (per-thread) and will inject this instance everywhere :-(.
However if I've injected Provider and used it inside #Transactional method then the instance of EntityManager would be per-transaction. So the answer to this question is: if injected and used correctly, the entity manager is transaction-scoped.
2 . If injected and used correctly then I don't need to manualy close entity manager (guice-persist will handle that for me). If used incorrectly, closing manually would be very bad idea (closed instance of EntityManager would be injected in every place when I #Inject EntityManager )
3 . If injected and used correctly then the scope of L1 cache is single transaction. If used incorrectly, the scope of the L1 cache is the lifetime of application (EntityManager is singleton)
1. It depends on you module cofiguration. There are some basic bindings:
public class JpaPersistanceService implements Provider<EntityManager> {
private EntityManagerFactory factory;
public JpaPersistanceService(EntityManagerFactory factory) {
this.factory = factory;
public EntityManager get() {
return factory.createEntityManager();
Module binding
EntityManagerFactory factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(getEnvironment(stage));
bind(EntityManager.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("request")).toProvider(new JpaPersistanceService(factory)).in(RequestScoped.class);
bind(EntityManager.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("session")).toProvider(new JpaPersistanceService(factory)).in(SessionScoped.class);
bind(EntityManager.class).annotatedWith(Names.named("app")).toProvider(new JpaPersistanceService(factory)).asEagerSingleton;
#Inject #Named("request")
private EntityManager em; //inject a new EntityManager class every request
#Inject #Named("session")
private Provider<EntityManager> emProvider; //inject a new EntityManager class each session
//This is little bit tricky, cuz EntityManager is stored in session. In Stage.PRODUCTION are all injection created eagerly and there is no session at injection time. Session binding should be done in lazy way - inject provider and call emProvider.get() when em is needed;
#Inject #Named("application")
private EntityManager em; //inject singleton
2. Yes, you should or you will use JpaPersistModule [javadoc]
3. Well, this is about JPA configuration in persistence.xml and EntityManager scope
I'm injecting a provider .... but I suspect something is wrong.
When I try to redeploy an application ALWAYS I have to restar the server because the JPA classes are cached.
It happens the following pseudo-bug
Theoretically by injecting a Provider and getting an instance of EntityManager you should not close anything ....

Custom Annotation vs using #Named in JEE6

Is there any difference between these two alternatives ... can they both be used interchangeably?
(A) Creating a custom annotation so #Inject can be used instead of #PersistenceContext within a DAO, as shown in the answer to - how-to-stack-custom-annotation-in-java-with-inject-annotation
(B) Using #Named("yourName") to qualify the Producer, such as the following code sample.
public class Resources {
* EntityManager's persistence context is defined here so the #Inject annotation may be used in referencing classes.
#PersistenceContext(unitName = "jboss.managed")
private EntityManager em;
public class FiletracksentHome {
private EntityManager entityManager;
They are interchangable, but you should use (A).
The #Named annotation is primarily used for being able to access the object via expression language (EL), e.g. in a JSF view.
The problem is, that the resolution is done via String, thus being neither type safe, nor usually being automatically covered by refactorings in the IDE.
The CDI specification states that it should not be used for qualifying injection points if not be used to integrate legacy code.
Here's a nice article about this topic.

Providing EntityManager by an #ConversationScoped method

I tried to run the simple JEE6 application generated by maven archetype groupId: org.fluttercode.knappsack , artifactID: jee6-sandbox-archetype in JBoss7.
(went through this turial, sorry, in German)
However, when calling the welcome JSF, I get the following error message:
org.jboss.weld.exceptions.IllegalProductException: WELD-000053 Producers
cannot declare passivating scope and return a non-serializable class:
[method] #Produces #DataRepository #ConversationScoped
public org.rap.jee6project.bean.DataRepositoryProducer.getEntityManager()
Indeed, the DataRepositoyProducer class which is supposed to return an EntityManager instance, is defined an annotated as follws:
public class DataRepositoryProducer {
private EntityManager entityManager;
#Produces #DataRepository #ConversationScoped
public EntityManager getEntityManager() {
return entityManager;
public void setEntityManager(EntityManager entityManager) {
this.entityManager = entityManager;
If I use #RequestScoped, the application runs as promised. I wonder why other people who went through this tutorial didn't experience this problem? And how to fix it properly (using #RequestScoped means that the bean is recreated for each user request, right?, which I expect to be not very efficient)
The official JEE6 Tutorial says: "Beans that use session, application, or conversation scope must be serializable, but beans that use request scope do not have to be serializable" . However, that does not seem to be the problem here, since the server is not comlaining about the bean not serializable but the product of the producer bean.
It should be..
public class ProducerCreator implements Serializable{
private EntityManager entityManager;
and if you want to use the same entity context in of each conversation it should be
#PersistenceContex(type = PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED)
finally, If you want to have service layer, should create stateful and inject to conversation bean
I had same problem running the demo on a jboss7.
Just remove #ConversationScoped at getEntityManager() did the trick to me to let it deploy.
Even though there are some flaws:
javax.servlet.ServletException: javax.faces.component.StateHolderSaver cannot be cast to [Ljava.lang.Object;
I don't know exactly, if it is related, but I guess so.
Remember: EntityManager is not serializable, so it cannot be stored in ConversationScope