how to get foursquare venue category from URL or specific venue id - categories

I have some checkin data and I want to find the high-level hierarchy of each checkin location. However, I only have the location URL or very specific venue id such as 30bf7fef499adda0. So is there any method to find foursquare category hierarchy based on these information?

If you have the venue id you can call the venue/details api. The response includes a categories object with an array of categories associated with the venue. You can get the full category hierarchy at


Facebook API 2.8: Getting Members of a FriendList object

I am trying to list all friends who use my app and belong to a FriendList object. The FriendList object could be, for example, 'Close Friends', or 'Family'. I understand that I can get a full list of friends who use my App using the /me/friends endpoint, but that's not what I am looking for. I need only those who belong to a given FriendList.
When I GET /{{friend-list-id}}/?metadata=1 the metadata shows a 'connections' object with a 'members' property. The value of the members property is:{{friend-list-id}}/members
When I hit this URL (and include my access token), I get a FacebookResponseException with the message '(#12) Unavailable in this version'. I am using API v2.8.
Is it really the case that I can't get the contents of the FriendList? (Remember that I am only needing those that use my app).
Alternatively, is there a way that I can filter the /me/friends response so that it includes only those who are on a given FriendList?

facebook, how to get many user's profiles details by id's array

How i can get users details in FB by their id?
I have ids array, and i need to get all user's profiles by one query from ActionScript, is it possible?
This example is taken from the very first page of the Graph API Documentation under the 'selection' heading:
You can also request multiple objects in a single query using the
"ids" query parameter. For example, the URL,vernal returns both profiles in
the same response.
This works with the ?fields selector too, so you could also do,name,picture&ids=<CSV LIST OF IDS>

Geo Location aware Posts

I am trying to publish a post on the user news feed with the users current location.
According to the documentation on 'Post' I need to add the location information to the 'place' attribute.
But is seems it is associated with an already defined 'place'. My requirement is to just push the lat / long info to dsiplay the city. Is this possible with the current graph API ?
Currently there is no public API to push a new place info, you can only pass existing "places".
You could begin by finding the name of the current city and country by inspecting some nearby places:
Then you can try to find the Place ID of that city:
/search?type=place&center=LAT,LONG&q=CITY, COUNTRY&limit=1
(You may have to add the state field for countries that use that division.)
Now you have a Place ID to use for your post.

how to edit facebook events using graph api?

I am developing in which i am getting my events and my friends events using facebook graph api, now i need to perform following function.
Change event's location name.
Change event's location latitude and longitude.
Get event's Admin.
I have searched a lot but i couldn't get healthy response and solution, so please any body help me to get rid of this problem. Thanks in advance.
Looking at the Graph API
You can change the name of the event location using the 'Location' field. Also the event owner can be retrieved with the 'Owner' field.
To change the long/lat you will need to edit the 'venue' field. Which according to to API docs is an 'object containing one or move of the following fields: street, city, state, zip, country, latitude, and longitude fields'

Get family relationships from Facebook

How can I query a data on my friend's family relationships on Facebook (assuming they are visible to me normally)? Getting something like a JSON object as the response would be fine.
Via graph API it will be:
which requires user_relationships/friends_relationships extended permissions
SELECT profile_id, relationship FROM family WHERE profile_id =
Family appears to be accessible as an array under the User class via FQL.
See documentation here