Azure: get-azureSchedulerJob : ResourceNotFound: The cloud service is not valid - powershell

Using powershell 5, I'm trying to manage my scheduler jobs, however ... when I type:
get-azureSchedulerJob -Location "West Europe" -JobCollectionName nicejobcollection
I get the following error:
get-azureSchedulerJob : ResourceNotFound: The cloud service is not valid.
Both of the following commands give proper results:
Any thoughts?
UPDATE: Running Get-AzureRmResource does show the resource nicejobcollection
Name : NiceJobCollection
ResourceId : /subscriptions/<subscriptionGuid>/resourceGroups/RGName-Europe/providers
ResourceName : NiceJobCollection
ResourceType : Microsoft.Scheduler/jobcollections
ResourceGroupName : RGName-Europe
Location : westeurope
SubscriptionId : <subscriptionGuid>

Edited 04/15/2016 to reflect to the latest resolution
It appears all powershell command related to scheduler jobs so far are only polling results from a default resource group created by old azure portal or created directly from powershell command: New-AzureSchedulerJobCollection -JobCollectionName *** -Location *** -Plan ***
The default group name would appear as resource gourp cs-*LOCATION*-scheduler in new portal
However, when creating a schedulerjob collection in new portal, you will be asked to select a resource group, which would not be recognized by powershell later on, and queries would fail.
I attempted to target the customized resource group in powershell but don't have much luck. I know there was a way to target a storage account by Set-AzureSubscription -CurrentStorageAccountName but couldn't find anything similar for resource group.
Thus, the resolution so far is having all schedulerjobs handled by old portal, so they can be accessed by powershell.


Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup powershell cmdlet appears stuck

I am trying to delete a previously created RM resource group with powershell. The Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup command seems forever and control is not returned to the console. Following is the script used to delete the resource group.
Get-AzureRmSubscription –SubscriptionName "Visual Studio Enterprise: BizSpark"| Select-AzureRmSubscription
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name $resourceGroupName
I tried the following steps
Attempt to delete again from Azure portal, but the resource group had
delete button disabled with message "Deleting" in a orange bar
In a new powershell window Get-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name
$resourceGroupName command comes up with status
ResourceGroupName : dummyResourceGroup
Location : australiaeast
ProvisioningState : Deleting
attempt to create another resourcegroup with same name comes up with message
New-AzureRmResourceGroup : The resource group 'dummyResourceGroup' is in deprovisioning state and cannot perform this operation.
Its been almost 3 hours and I suspect that the operation is errored out and will not complete. Any pointers on how to resolve this are greatly appreciated.
Note: This is not exactly a solution to the problem, but the steps I took that got me out of the situation.
In the portal I noticed an alert about service disruption in australiaeast region which lasted for about 2 hours when I first started the deployment.
I continued to face the issue even after 12 hours. I was unable to delete the Resource Group either from portal nor from powershell
I gave up and created a new ResourceGroup and as if by magic the old ResourceGroup got deleted.

manage azure resource manager storage powershell

I'm facing following issue
Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager
New-AzureStorageAccount -ResourceGroupName "XYZ" -Name "VmTemplateStorage" -Type "Standard_LRS"
# lists the account
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "ABC" -CurrentStorageAccountName -"VmTemplateStorage"
# now this outputs error saying: Storage account 'VmTemplateStorage' was not found.
I'm aware that I can create storage account in "classic" mode. But then I'm unable to use it as a source for vm images deployed using resource manager.
This way however, I'm unable to manage the account and upload blobs using powershell.
Any ideas how to manage resource manager based storage accounts?
you can use the following new PowerShell commands to manage ARM (Azure Resource Manager) based storage accounts.
Note: You need to update your Azure PowerShell later versions which support this new feature such as the November 2015 release. Also, the Switch-AzureMode command is deprecated in the latest release.

How to get rid of error while creating ACS Namespace on Azure Service Bus with PS?

Short story: I get the following error when trying to create a namespace on Azure Service Bus using Azure Powershell (Run as Administrator):
PS C:> New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US"
-CreateACSNamespace $true -Namespac New-AzureSBNamespace : Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US" -CreateACSNamespace $ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureSBNamespace], NullReferenceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceBus.NewAzureSBNamespaceCommand
Long story: I created a first namespace in Azure Service Bus to use Relay in buffered mode (namespace=mynewnamespace). It works great except when you want to transfer a larger set of data. For this there is the streamed mode and I found this handy example (, changed appropriate settings for namespace and credentials and ran the server part from the project and I get the error
{"The remote name could not be resolved:
because, of course, this ACS namespace does not exist. So I found out that I need to create the namespace the old fashioned way using PS, installed Azure CLI and run the commands below with the following result:
For a list of all Azure cmdlets type 'get-help azure'.
For a list of Windows Azure Pack cmdlets type 'Get-Command wapack'.
PS C:> azure login
info: Executing command login
|info: To sign in, use a web
browser to open the page Enter the code EE226448L to
authenticate. If you're signing in as an Azure AD application, use the
--username and --password parameters.
/info: Added subscription Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN info: Setting subscription
"Visual Studio Enterprise with MSDN" as default
info: login command OK
PS C:> New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US" -CreateACSNamespace $true -NamespaceType Messaging
WARNING: Microsoft Azure PowerShell collects data about how users use
PowerShell cmdlets and some pro encounter. Microsoft uses this
information to improve our PowerShell cmdlets. Participation is volu
choose to participate your device automatically sends information to
Microsoft about how you use Azure Powershell.
If you choose to participate, you can stop at any time by using Azure
PowerShell as follows:
1. Use the Disable-AzureDataCollection cmdlet to turn the feature Off. The cmdlet can be found in the AzureResourceManager module To disable
data collection: PS > Disable-AzureDataCollection
If you choose to not participate, you can enable at any time by using
Azure PowerShell as follows:
1. Use the Enable-AzureDataCollection cmdlet to turn the feature On. The cmdlet can be found in the AzureResourceManager module To enable
data collection: PS > Enable-AzureDataCollection
Select Y to enable data collection [Y/N]: WARNING: You choose not to
participate in Microsoft Azure PowerShell data collection. WARNING:
The setting profile has been saved to the following path
'C:\Users\PDube\AppData\Roaming\Windows Azure Powershell\AzureDataCollectionProfile.json'.
New-AzureSBNamespace :
Object reference not set to an instance of an object. At line:1 char:1
+ New-AzureSBNamespace -Name mynewnamespace2 -Location "East US" -CreateACSNamespace $ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : CloseError: (:) [New-AzureSBNamespace], NullReferenceException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Commands.ServiceBus.NewAzureSBNamespaceCommand
I tried to create the new namespace using Azure CLI on 2 different computers, thinking the first install was corrupted, but I get the exact same error.
How can I fix this error?

Can't get Move-AzureResource working

I'm trying to move some of my resources (Azure Web Apps, Azure SQLs, Redis caches) from one resource group to another. I'm using the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets.
Here's what I've tried:
PS C:\> Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup -ResourceId "/subscriptions/someguid/resourceGroups/Default-Web-WestEurope/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/somesite"
PS C:\> Get-AzureResource -ResourceName somesite | Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup
just Move-AzureResource, hitting enter and supplying the parameters one by one.
None of the commands seems to work. They just don't do anything. No error, no output.
When I changed the debug preference to $DebugPreference = "Continue" I got only the following:
DEBUG: 12:16:06 - MoveAzureResourceCommand begin processing with ParameterSet '__AllParameterSets'.
DEBUG: 12:16:06 - using account id 'my#account.tld'...
Please note that I'm able to create a new resource group (New-AzureResourceGroup), list resource groups (Get-AzureResourceGroup), list resources (Get-AzureResource), etc.
Note: you have to call Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager before you can use the cmdlets. The authentication is done by Add-AzureAccount.
Articles I've been referring to:
Moving resources between Azure Resource Groups
Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager
GitHub - Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager
Reading this azure forum it looks like they have implemented the cmdlet but not all resources support being moved yet.
We have released a new powershell cmdlet to move resources across resource groups. Not all resources have support yet, but the "main" ones do like hosted services, virtual machines & storage accounts.
Looking back at the example I was following, this does only use VM's. So based on this I think websites aren't supported yet. That fact that no error or warning is returned for unsupported resources is a bit poor.
Though not all resources are currently supported, I understand the current version - 0.9.1 - does have a bug which means that even a supported resource may not be moved with the symptoms as seen by the author of the question. I understand this is being worked on for the next release, but in the interim (as a temp. work around) the previous powershell cmdlets release of 2 versions ago should work fine.
The original issue is fixed in the 0.9.4 release. I just tried and it works.
FYI. To move a VM using Move-AzureResourceGroup you need to move the containing cloud service and all its VMs at the same time. For example:
Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName OriginalResourceGroup | where { $_.ResourceType -match 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute' } | Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup
By default, the resources in a cloud service are put in a resource group with the same name as the DNS name of the cloud service.
For some reason, Azure PowerShell Version 1.0 has trouble moving over web apps from one Resource Group to another. If you follow the instrctions below, you will be able to move the web app over via powershell.
Download Azure PowerShell Version 1. The below instructions only work for this version. Type the commands below in order.
1) **Login-AzureRmAccount** (a login window will pop up asking for your azure credentials, type them in)
2) **Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName"** (if you are moving over a website, you will see 2 files, you need the one that is a resource type of Microsoft.Web/sites)
3) **Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"**
4) Assign value 3 to a variable of your name choice. I Chose $a, so **$a = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"**
5) **Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroup "DestinationResourceGroup" -ResourceId $a.ResourceId**
6) It will ask you if you are sure type "Y" and hit enter.

ArgumentNullException - Get-AzureService

I'm trying to use the Windows Azure PowerShell module to manage a subscription.
I have downloaded my certificate (the .publishsettings file) and imported it with Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile and then I've selected my subscription with Select-AzureSubscription neither of which gave errors.
I've also set my subscription using Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "Blah"
Still, I get a
Get-AzureService : Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: subscriptionId
when running Get-AzureService
I've read getting started guides and various documentation but I can't work out what I'm doing wrong. Which in my mind, makes this a UX problem that Microsoft should address.
I got a bit further, I used
Set-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName "Blah" -SubscriptionId 0123
which changed the error from Get-AzureService to:
Get-AzureService : Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: managementCertificate
But now I cannot set my certificate since the argument wants an X509Certificate type.
There is a better way to authenticate when using the Azure Powershell cmdlets --- Add-AzureAccount. This will prompt you for your login credentials instead of using the service management certificate.
You may still run into some issues because Azure powershell caches your subscriptions in XML files in %appdata%\Windows Azure Powershell.
I would recommend:
Close the Azure Powershell window
Delete the XML files in %appdata%\Windows Azure Powershell.
Open Azure Powershell and run Add-AzureAccount.
This should ensure that you have the correct subscriptions configured.
I hope this might help you-
Import-AzurePublishSettingsFile filenamewithpath
filenamewithpath is the publishsetting file with path saved on your pc