Is there a way to have Postgres tell you what a syntax error was in addition to what it is at/near? - postgresql

I've tried setting 'log_min_error_statement' equal to debug5 in postgresql.conf but I'm still getting the standard "PostgreSQL said: syntax error at or near "AS"" error message in both the console and the postgresql log.

If PostgreSQL knew what the error was it'd tell you, at least in most cases.
If it just says "Syntax error at or near ..." it doesn't know what you meant, and can't guess what's wrong. It's a parse error. It could offer a (very long) list of suggestions, but that'd make error messages absurdly verbose, like:
postgres=# SELECT AS fred ORDER BY 1;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "AS"
Yup, that's a syntax error, because it doesn't make sense on any level. What's wrong with it? How do you succinctly describe that? How does a parser even tell what's wrong?
postgres=# SELECT AS fred ORDER BY 1;
ERROR: syntax error at or near "AS"
HINT: typo?
HINT: Did you use a reserved keyword as an identifier without "quoting" it? Like "AS"?
HINT: Did you leave out the value before the AS keyword?
HINT: ... endless possibilities ...
Occasionally a parser can guess something you might've done wrong. PostgreSQL's parser tries to tell you when it can, e.g.
psql -c "SELECT 'openquote";
ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'openquote"
LINE 1: SELECT 'openquote


Why am I getting an error near semi colon (:)?

I have no idea but this is throwing an error i think it is on line "set #al = 2020". I have read the documentation and not seeming to translate over.
declare #al int;
set #al = 2020;
exec dbo.get_egus_trdg_desk_rpt_no_clrg_broker(#al int);
Error message:
SQL Error [102] [42000]: Incorrect syntax near ';'.
You do not need to use ';' after every line of code. I can successfully generate the following script in SQL Server 2019.
Sample Output

The ~ character is showing compilation error in snowflake

unexpected '~'
When trying to migrate queries from red shift to snowflake, i keep on getting unexpected '~'.
Please help
case when tablename.fieldname ~'..'then .. else ..
From what I can tell the ~ operator is Postgres specific. It is not a standard SQL operator.
If you're trying to use regex here's some general documentation
Or perhaps the LIKE/RLIKE functions
If that's not what you're after, or I'm misunderstanding, can you provide more code, your expected results, and the full error message?

what does caret do in postgresql?

I'm playing hackthebox machine's and current one has a postgresql db in place. The query breaks with ' and appeas as follows:
ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'" LINE 1: Select * from
cars where name ilike '%test'%' ^
I understand that % is being used to search within the query string for the characters provided but, What is ^ used for?
Bold highlights my test query
All my searches yielded resulst regarding regexes and caret signaling the start of the string. Plus other result about using cli or something like that.
Can anybody tell me what is it doing at the end of the query?
Your are looking for the use of the caret specifically within error messages.
If I run this query:
psql -c " Select * from cars where name ilike '%test'%'"
This is what I get, preserving line breaks and spaces:
ERROR: unterminated quoted string at or near "'"
LINE 1: Select * from cars where name ilike '%test'%'
The caret points to where on the previous line the error occurred. In this case, that is where the opening quote mark that never got closed was located.
If you are using a tool which malformats your error messages, you should consider changing to one that does not or otherwise figuring out how to fix it.

postgresql 11 ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"

I installed Mimic3 database in Pg11, and try to query using the code from here: solution to step 1.
SELECT ie.subject_id, ie.hadm_id, ie.icustay_id,
ie.intime, ie.outtime
FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays` ie;
but I got the error.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "`"
LINE 3: FROM `physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays` ie
, Time: 0.004000s
And if I deleted those two backticks, I got the warning.
ERROR: syntax error at or near "-"
LINE 3: FROM physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays ie
, Time: 0.002000s
And if I explaced ` with ", it showed the error that:
ERROR: relation "physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays" does not exist
LINE 3: FROM "physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays" ie
, Time: 0.002000s
Hope somebody can tell me what was wrong. Thank you!
Postgres doesn't use backticks to quote table names, it uses double quotes, and dots aren't allowed in names without quoting, so you probably want this:
SELECT ie.subject_id, ie.hadm_id, ie.icustay_id,
ie.intime, ie.outtime
FROM "physionet-data.mimiciii_clinical.icustays" ie;

Postgres: if-else condition depending on prompt, in .sql file called via \i

With Postgres 10.10, here is what I am trying to accomplish. I want to have a test.sql script file (executed by \i /path/test.sql) whose code execution depends on what the user inputs after an initial prompt.
For instance, with code below I would like some text to be echoed and a table to be created, but the echoed text and the table name should depend on the text passed by the user as input to a prompt:
\prompt 'What is your favourite color?' answer
IF ('blue' = :answer) THEN
\echo 'It is blue! :) '
\echo 'It is something else. :( '
However, a few errors prevent that from working:
myuser=# \i /home/myuser/test.sql
What is your favourite color?red
It is blue! :)
psql:/home/myuser/test.sql:4: ERROR: syntax error at or near "IF"
LINE 1: IF ('blue' = red) THEN
It is something else. :(
psql:/home/myuser/test.sql:7: ERROR: syntax error at or near "ELSE"
psql:/home/myuser/test.sql:8: ERROR: syntax error at or near "IF"
Notice that this is not the same as asked in Also, I tried adapting it to follow the answer in Postgres syntax error at or near "IF", but then I just get more errors, starting with "syntax error at or near 'DO'".
Is there a way for me to accomplish this task? That is, every time an user executes the test.sql file with \i, the user is prompted and the execution of the code within the file branches depending on the text that the user inputed via prompt?
Something like this:
SELECT :'answer' = 'blue' AS isblue \gset
\if :isblue