What is the difference between mixins and inheritance? - scala

I am trying to understand the Mixins in the context of scala. In particular I wanted to know difference between concepts of inheritance and Mixins.
The definition of Mixin in wiki says :
A mixin class acts as the parent class, containing the desired functionality. A subclass can then inherit or simply reuse this functionality, but not as a means of specialization. Typically, the mixin will export the desired functionality to a child class, without creating a rigid, single "is a" relationship. Here lies the important difference between the concepts of mixins and inheritance, in that the child class can still inherit all the features of the parent class, but, the semantics about the child "being a kind of" the parent need not be necessarily applied.
In the above definition, I am not able to understand the statements marked in bold. what does it mean that
A subclass can inherit functionality in mixin but not as a means of specialization
In mixins, the child inherits all features of parent class but semantics about the child "being a kind" the parent need not be necessarily applied. - How can a child extend a parent and not necessarily a kind of Parent ? Is there an example like that.

I'm not sure I understood your question properly, but if I did, you're asking how something can inherit without really meaning the same thing as inheriting.
Mixins, however, aren't inheritance – it's actually more similar to dynamically adding a set of methods into an object. Whereas inheritance says "This thing is a kind of another thing", mixins say, "This object has some traits of this other thing." You can see this in the keyword used to declare mixins: trait.
To blatantly steal an example from the Scala homepage:
abstract class Spacecraft {
def engage(): Unit
trait CommandoBridge extends Spacecraft {
def engage(): Unit = {
for (_ <- 1 to 3)
def speedUp(): Unit
trait PulseEngine extends Spacecraft {
val maxPulse: Int
var currentPulse: Int = 0
def speedUp(): Unit = {
if (currentPulse < maxPulse)
currentPulse += 1
class StarCruiser extends Spacecraft
with CommandoBridge
with PulseEngine {
val maxPulse = 200
In this case, the StarCruiser isn't a CommandoBridge or PulseEngine; it has them, though, and gains the methods defined in those traits. It is a Spacecraft, as you can see because it inherits from that class.
It's worth mentioning that when a trait extends a class, if you want to make something with that trait, it has to extend that class. For example, if I had a class Dog, I couldn't have a Dog with PulseEngine unless Dog extended Spacecraft. In that way, it's not quite like adding methods; however, it's still similar.

A trait (which is called mixin when mixed with a class) is like an interface in Java (though there are many differences) where you can add additional features to a class without necessarily having "is a" relationship. Or you can say that generally traits bundle up features which can be used by multiple independent classes.
To give you an example from Scala library, Ordered[A] is a trait which provides implementation for some basic comparison operations (like <, <=, >, >=) to classes that can have data with natural ordering.
For example, let's say you have your own class Number and subclasses EvenNumber and OddNumber as shown below.
class Number(val num : Int) extends Ordered[Number] {
override def compare(that : Number) = this.num - that.num
trait Half extends Number {
def half() = num / 2
trait Increment extends Number {
def increment() = num + 1
class EvenNumber(val evenNum : Int) extends Number(evenNum) with Half
class OddNumber(val oddNum : Int) extends Number(oddNum) with Increment
In the example above, classes EvenNumber and OddNumber share is a relationship with Number but EvenNumber does not have "is a" relation with Half neither OddNumber share "is a" relation with Increment.
Another important point is even though class Number uses extends Ordered syntax, it means that Number has an implicit is a relationship with superclass of Ordered ie Any.

I think its very usage dependent. Scala being a multi-paradigm language makes it powerful as well as a bit confusing at times.
I think Mixins are very powerful when used the right way.
Mixins should be used to introduce behavior and reduce bolierplate.
A trait in Scala can have implementations and it is tempting to extend them and use them.
Traits could be used for inheritance. It can also be called mixins however that in my opinion is not the best way to use mixin behavior. In this case you could think of traits as Java Abstract Classes. Wherein you get subclasses that are "type of" the super class (the trait).
However Traits could be used as proper mixins as well. Now using a trait as a mixin depends on the implementation that is "how you mix it in". Mostly its a simple question to ask yourself . It is "Is the subclass of the trait truly a kind of the trait or are the behaviors in the trait behaviors that reduce boilerplate".
Typically it is best implemented by mixing in traits to objects rather than extending the trait to create new classes.
For example consider the following example:
//All future versions of DAO will extend this
trait AbstractDAO{
def getRecords:String
def updateRecords(records:String):Unit
//One concrete version
trait concreteDAO extends AbstractDAO{
override def getRecords={"Here are records"}
override def updateRecords(records:String){
println("Updated "+records)
//One concrete version
trait concreteDAO1 extends AbstractDAO{
override def getRecords={"Records returned from DAO2"}
override def updateRecords(records:String){
println("Updated via DAO2"+records)
//This trait just defines dependencies (in this case an instance of AbstractDAO) and defines operations based over that
trait service{
this:AbstractDAO =>
def updateRecordsViaDAO(record:String)={
def getRecordsViaDAO={
object DI extends App{
val wiredObject = new service with concreteDAO //injecting concrete DAO to the service and calling methods
val wiredObject1 = new service with concreteDAO1
concreteDAO is a trait which extends AbstractDAO - This is inheritance
val wiredObject = new service with concreteDAO -
This is proper mixin behavior
Since the service trait mandates the mixin of a AbstractDAO. It would be just wrong for Service to extend ConcreteDAO anyways because the service required AbstractDAO it is not a type of AbstractDAO.
Instead you create instances of service with different mixins.

The difference between mixin and inheritance is at semantic level. At syntax level they all are the same.
To mix in a trait, or to inherit from a trait, they all use extends or with which is the same syntax.
At semantic level, a trait that is intended to be mixed in usually doesn't have a is a relationship with the class mixining it which differs to a trait that is intended to be inherited.
To me, whether a trait is a mixin or parent is very subjective, which often time is a source of confusion.

I think it is talking about the actual class hierarchy. For example, a Dog is a type of Animal if it extends from the class (inheritance). It can be used wherever an Animal parameter is applicable.


Scala trait `this.type` in type parameter

Have a look at these two simple traits:
trait TreeNode1[S] {
def subNodes: List[S]
trait TreeNode2 {
def subNodes: List[this.type]
(Not best naming, renamed them just to be brief.)
TreeNode1 defines a tree node with its children access, pointing their type S.
TreeNode2 defines the same, but its children have the same type as the class the current trait is mixed in (another words, tree node with uniform subnodes).
In theory TreeNode2 is a particular case of TreeNode1:
trait TreeNode2 extends TreeNode1[this.type] {...}
But Scala will not compile TreeNode2 with such an extension, because this.type can not be used in such way, although there are no any inconsistencies with its working in runtime.
How can I get around this situation? Or Scala do not offer such poorly used mechanism?
The reason I need this construction is the following:
I have another trait that requires TreeNode1 to be mixed in. I also have some class that mixes TreeNode1 with quite another children type. But I also have several classes which have the same type as they are:
class SomeTreeNode extends TreeNode1[SomeTreeNode]
So it will look prettier if I use TreeNode2 for it:
class SomeTreeNode extends TreeNode2
Implementing the same logic. But for using TreeNode2 should be a case of TreeNode1, which it actually is, but Scala doesn't agree with me.
P.S. At least it is wondering as theoretical question about Scala, not for a wide practical use.
its children have the same type as the class the current trait is mixed
No. This is a common misunderstanding. this.type is the singleton type of this; i.e. the type whose only two values are this and null. All children of a TreeNode2 instance must be the same instance.
To answer the other part of your question, one option is to make S a type member instead of a type parameter:
trait TreeNode1 {
type S
def subNodes: List[S]
object TreeNode1 {
// use TreeNode1.Aux[S] where you had TreeNode1[S] originally
type Aux[T] = TreeNode1 { type S = T }
trait TreeNode2 {
type S = this.type // not really what you want
def subNodes: List[this.type]
(so-called Aux pattern), but whether this works for you depends on how they are used.

Scala: Using self types to implement a strategy pattern

I'm attempting to implement a strategy pattern for a class I have that manages state. The strategy implementations should have access to the protected/public members of the class which uses those strategies, and the class using the strategies needs access to the public members of the strategy.
I've got this working, except I can't really figure out how to do this without creating different top-level classes per-strategy. Here is an example:
class BranchState(a: String, b: Int) extends ABranchState(a, b) with QueuedStrat
class ABranchState(a: String, b: Int) {
this: ChainingStrategy =>
.... lots of impl ....
trait ChainingStrategy {
self: BranchState =>
... headers only, no impl ...
trait QueuedStrat extends ChainingStrategy {
self: BranchState =>
.... impl ....
trait AnotherStrat extends ChainingStrategy {
self: BranchState =>
.... impl ....
The problem here is if I want to instantiate a BranchState with uses AnotherStrat, I have to make another class. I've tried to add a type parameter to BranchState like [T <: ChainingStrategy] but that doesn't work because the compiler (rightfully) complains I have to have implementations for the headers in ChainingStrategy. It seems like I need some mechanism to say "some type which implements chaining strategy fully, IE: has no unimplemented methods".
Maybe that's just not the right way at all, though. How can I accomplish this?
I don't think what you are trying to do does make any sense in term of design. You are trying to treat your strategies as if they were states. But a Strategy is not any specialization or generalization of a State, so I don't think they should have any inheritance relationship.
Moreover, in Scala one should not be needing the Strategy Pattern, due to the functional aspect of the language, you could take a real advantage of Higher-order Functions (I recommend you to read: How Scala killed the Strategy Pattern, Alvin Alexander).
I hope this helps you!

Where would "abstract override" in subtrait with no implementation be useful, if any?

Given the following example of two traits with one extending another with no implementation of def a in each:
scala> trait A { def a: String }
defined trait A
scala> trait B extends A { abstract override def a: String }
defined trait B
Is the construct useful at all? What are the use cases?
I think the answer is essentially the same as the one linked in your comment. In Scala, the abstract keyword for methods isn't required, since the compiler can figure out whether it's abstract or not based on whether or not it has an implementation. So it's usage here is superfluous.
The override keyword is also not required for methods that are implementing an abstract method (or I guess not doing anything at all, in this case). So really, B is equivalent to:
trait B extends A { def a: String }
Or really just (since B will be assumed to be abstract):
trait B extends A
Similarly to the linked answer, I can imagine once scenario where using override might be useful for readability. If I were making the return type of a in B more specific than A, I could use override as a hint that I'm modifying the behavior in some way:
trait A {
def a: Any
trait B extends A {
override def a: String
In this case, I'm hinting that a in B might be slightly different than the inherited signature from A. Of course, this is only useful if it's known to the reader and used in a consistent manner. But I could still do the same thing without the override.
Short answer: abstract override is not useful in this case. It's basically like giving a type annotation where none would be needed.
The value added use of abstract override is for decorating an implementation that will be mixed in later, sometimes known as the "stackable trait pattern". See Why is "abstract override" required not "override" alone in subtrait?.
Abstract override indicates that you wish to override an 'abstract' method. Others address why it's useless here, so I'll focus on an example. Abstract override is best used for mixins. A simple example would be a Pollable trait:
trait Pollable{def poll:Double}
Lets say we want to weight this pollable. This trait will be a mixin for our trait. Our weighted pollable will have a weight field, which it will multiply a poll by to get a result. For example:
class OnePollable extends Pollable{
def poll:Double=1
val myWeightedOne=new OnePollable with WeightedPollable;
Lets try and write this trait:
//Does not compile
trait WeightedPollable extends Pollable{
var weight=1
def poll:Double=super.poll*weight
If you look, you'll see clearly why this doesn't work. Our trait tries to call a super type method that isn't implemented! One solution is to add a default to the super trait, Pollable:
//Don't do this!
trait Pollable{def poll:Double=1}
This sorta works here, but is sorta dumb in a lot of real world applications. The better way is this:
trait WeightedPollable extends Pollable{
var weight=1
abstract override def poll:Double=super.poll*weight
It's our friend the abstract override modifier! This tells the compiler that we are overriding an abstract method, but we want to use super to refer to an object we are being mixed into. This also disallows the trait being used as an interface.

Scala: self type annotation

(Trying to understand the use of self types by probing the borders.)
This cannot be instantiated (D and String are classes, but one of them has to be mixed in. plus String is final.). But is there any other use for it?
class D {
foo: String =>
def f2 = foo.substring(1)
Update: Sorry, I seem to be not good at asking questions.
What I want to know is whether this strange special case makes sense. The case where class D can never be instantiated, as
1. I cannot mix in String, as it is not a tarit.
2. I cannot mix in D, as ..
3. I cannot extend String, as it is final.
The self type annotation generally has two purposes:
Enforce a certain base class/trait and ensure that your class or trait can only be inherited by or mixed into that type, and
Reference an exterior case when implementing an inner case. (If it wasn't for this syntax, what would 'this' refer to?)
I'm not sure I understand your example or the reasoning behind it. Elaborate?
trait Table
trait Desert
trait Meal
class Pancake extends Desert
class Spaghetti extends Meal
class Woodentable extends Table
suppose you want to make sure an existing Class mixes in those dependencies you use:
trait Restaurant {
self: Table with Desert with Meal =>
def foo():Unit ...
Now every class (or trait) that mixes in Restaurant has to provide the following dependencies. This is used in the cake pattern for instance. If any of these dependencies are not present the compiler will complain at compile time.

Mixing multiple traits in Scala

Quick note: Examples from the tutorial Scala for Java Refugees Part 5: Traits and Types.
Suppose I have the traits Student, Worker, Underpaid, and Young.
How could I declare a class (not instance), CollegeStudent, with all these traits?
Note: I am aware of the simplests cases, such as CollegeStudent with one or two Traits:
class CollegeStudent extends Student with Worker
It is easy, when declaring a class you just use the "with" keyword as often as you want
class CollegeStudent extends Student with Worker with Underpaid with Young
the order of the traits can be important if a trait is changing the behavior of the class, it all depends on traits you are using.
Also if you don't want to have a class which always uses the same traits you can use them later:
class CollegeStudent extends Student
new CollegeStudent with Worker with Underpaid with NotSoYoungAnymore
I think that it is very important to explain not only the syntax, but also which role does the ordering of the traits play. I found the explanation in Jason Swartz's Learning Scala (page 177) quite enlightning.
A Scala class can extend multiple traits at once, but JVM classes can extend only one parent class. The Scala compiler solves this by creating "copies of each trait to form a tall, single-column hierarchy of the
class and traits", a process known as linearization.
In this context, extending multiple traits with identical field names would fail to compile, exactly the same "as if you were extending a class and providing your own version of a method but failed to add an override keyword".
And since it determines the shape of the inheritance tree, the linearization order is indeed one very important question to regard. As an example, class D extends A with B with C (where A is a class and B
and C are traits) would become class D extends C extends B extends A. The following few lines, also from the book, illustrate that perfectly:
trait Base { override def toString = "Base" }
class A extends Base { override def toString = "A->" + super.toString }
trait B extends Base { override def toString = "B->" + super.toString }
trait C extends Base { override def toString = "C->" + super.toString }
class D extends A with B with C { override def toString = "D->" + super.toString }
A call to new D() would have the REPL print the following:
Which perfectly reflects the structure of the linearized inheritance graph.