TinyMCE plugin not showing euro symbol - tinymce

I use the last update of the TinyMce plugin and I have a problem with the € key. Nothing happens when I want to insert this € symbol [with ctrl + alt + e].
I read the doc but I dont know what to edit for make it works...

With TinyMce you can "insert special character" with a plugin
It is in the TinyMce documentation :
"This plugin adds a charmap toolbar button that enables users to insert special characters into their text. It also adds the menu item Special character under the Insert menu."
Hope this helps


Keep § when pasting from word

I'm trying to paste content from a word doc into a tinymce instance. The content contains the § (paragraph) character, but TinyMce changes it into an li tag.
Is there a way to config TinyMce to allow special characters like §?
What you are seeing is behavior around the Paste plugin when a sentence starts with that character.
When it starts with that character the Paste plugin treats that like a list element. If the character is anywhere other than the first character TinyMCE does not create a list element.
The best thing to do is to open a bug report on the issue tracker for TinyMCE so the developers are aware of this issue.

Select matching element/rename HTML tag in Visual Studio Code

Let's say I've got the following code
<div class="footer">
How can I change .footer from a div element to a footer element?
That is, if I have the cursor in div I'm looking for a keyboard shortcut that selects the opening and closing tags of an element. I believe I've used emmet to do this before in Sublime, but I can't seem to find similar functionality in Code. (Ideally this would work in JSX files too...)
Do you want to rename the paired tags? If yes, there is a much easier way: you just need to install the Auto Rename Tag extension. When you rename one HTML tag, it will automatically rename the paired HTML tag.
V1.41 is adding this functionality, see https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_41.md#html-rename-tags
HTML rename tags
You can now use F2 to rename the opening/closing tag pairs in HTML.
F2 when the cursor is over one of the tags and you will get a little input box with the cursor to input the new tag name and the start/end tags will be replaced with whatever you type upon .
See https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_42.md#html-mirror-cursor-off-by-default
Also of interest might be the "mirror tags" functionality just added in v1.41 as well (https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_41.md#html-mirror-cursor):
Clicking inside a tag will create another cursor in the matching start or end tag.
VS Code now adds a "mirror cursor" when you are editing HTML tags.
This behavior is controlled by the setting
html.mirrorCursorOnMatchingTag, which is on by default.
---------- v1.42 is changing the default status of the mirror cursor:
HTML Mirror Cursor off by default
We have made Mirror Cursor an opt-in feature. In the upcoming
iteration, we'll continue to improve its implementation to make this
feature more easily understandable and available to more languages.
You can still use this feature by turning on
Thanks to JerryGoyal's answer below (I have upvoted it) - I have continued with this ongoing answer.
Because I have been tracking this for over half a year now, v1.44 has renamed this once again. From Synced Regions:
Synced Regions
We have improved the mirror cursor feature introduced last November
with a new implementation called Synced Regions. Currently this
feature is available for HTML and you can try it out by one of the
following ways:
Running the command On Type Rename Symbol on an HTML tag (bound to
Ctrl+Shift+F2 by default).
Turning on the editor.renameOnType setting and move the cursor to an HTML tag.
The red regions are Synced Regions. As their name suggests, any change
in one region will be synced to other regions. You can exit this mode
by either moving your cursor out of the regions or pressing ESC.
Additionally, typing or pasting any content leading with a whitespace
in any region exits this mode.
We look forward to providing an API that could make this
rename-on-type experience available to other languages such as JSX,
XML, or even local variables in TypeScript.
As that last part notes, it works in html out of the box but other languages need to implement themselves. As of June 2020 by my testing it still does not work in jsx files on embedded html tags.
You must enable this in your settings, it is off by default.
You can do this without an extension using Emmet Update Tag
Place your cursor in the opening tag
Press CTRL+SHIFT+P to open the command palette
Search for "Emmet: Update Tag" by typing something such as "em up t", and/or find it in the list
Press enter to select "Emmet: Update Tag"
Enter the new tag
Press enter
The opening and closing tag are updated to the new one.
Update Mar 2021:
No need for extension, this is now cooked into VSCode.
"editor.linkedEditing": true
Read more here: https://code.visualstudio.com/Docs/languages/html#_auto-update-tags
CTRL + D on windows. As mentioned by #tataata, CMD + D on Mac OS. Not limited to tag renaming. Very useful.
You can use a key shortcut cmd + D (Mac OS) for adding to the selection the next matching element and then there is a possibility to edit open and closing tags simultaneously.
I'm using tag-rename. Press F2 on the tag and it renames the start and close tags.
Quick and Simple Select tool works fine too but though it is not perfect.
it has over 40k downloads
it allows you to select tools
Ctrl + K ' select everything between single quotes
Ctrl + K " select everything between double quotes
Ctrl + K ` select everything between backticks
Ctrl + K ( select everything inside the parenthesis
Ctrl + K ) select everything inside parenthesis and include them
Ctrl + K [ or ] select everything between square brackets and include them
Ctrl + K { or } select everything between curly braces and include them
Ctrl + K < or > select everything between angle brackets and include
No need to write config codes, just enable it from settings page.

NetBeans commenting

I'm using the popular IDE NetBeans and I have problems commenting code on the same line. For example, let's say we have the following line:
<h1> Some text </h1> comment for h1
I would like to comment the part "comment for h1" through a key combination or some other means but without having to type manually and without transferring the comment string to the next line. I usually use ctrl+/ but this key combination comments the whole line, which is not what I want.
Why not Select & Replace all such occurences.
You can use Ctrl + Shift + H and enter the text which you want to replace.
Add the text (say comment for h1) to be commented in the field Containing Text, and replace that text with //comment for h1 in the Replace With field.
Then it will show you all the matches which you want to comment. You can select the desired places where you want to place comment before the text.
Finally, click on Replace ? Matches button. Voila, that's it...
You can always create your own keyboard shortcut, see how in this link.
Then you can customize your keyboard to replace your highlighted text with the same text with /* */ , // , <!-- --> or any others before/surrounding the text.
<h1> Some text </h1> comment for h1
Highlight the text you need to comment (comment for h1).
Use your customixed shortcut and:
<h1> Some text </h1> /*comment for h1*/
I haven't tested this, please tell me your feedback ;)
I've decided to do this by recording 2 macros and assigning shortcuts to them:
ctrl + shift + A for the html comment <!-- -->
ctrl + shift + \ for the php comment /* */.
Both macros position the mouse cursor in the middle of the comment section so it is convenient to enter a comment. This doesn't work with an existing comment.
select the texe and use Ctrl+Shift+C

Why does Alt code 12 appear as a question mark in Firefox?

In IE, alt code 12, which is supposed to be the female symbol, appears as a question mark.
I have tried clicking the 'View' button in the menu bar, clicking 'Character Encoding', then choosing 'Unicode (UTF-8)', which I've been told would help. But it still shows up as the question mark. I have tried inserting the <div> tags around the character like so: <div style="Unicode"> and </div>, but to no avail. And I have recently downloaded/switched to Firefox web browser and tried everything previously mentioned with the new browser. It has not helped. What should I do?
There are no “alt codes” in HTML documents. If you type Alt 12 in a Windows program , it typically inserts the byte 12, which is interpreted as ♀ U+2640 FEMALE SIGN if the character encoding is Windows Code Page 850. In an HTML document, it won’t have such a meaning, unless you declare cp-850 (aka. IBM-850) as the encoding and the browser supports it.
The safe way is to save your HTML file as UTF-8 encoded and declare it as so encoded. If this is not possible for some reason, use the character reference ♀ for FEMALE SIGN.

How to do search and replace involving fields in Microsoft Word?

I have a Word document with fields of the reference variety, which occur in the form "[field].[field]"--in other words, there's a period between the two fields. I want to globally replace this with a space.
Word offers the ^d special character to search for fields, but for some reason the query "^d.^d" does not find anything. However, ".^d" does. Now comes the problem, however--what do I specify as the replacement text in order to retain the field code? If using regular expressions, I could use a "Find What Expression" such as \1, but with regexp ("wild card") mode the ^d is not permitted.
I guess I could write a macro...
I would like to add to Bibadia's solution.
An example of an index entry field; we want to change a name we misspelled.
Make sure hidden formatting is displayed (toggle with SHIFT+CTRL+F8).
Make sure wildcards option is not selected. To search for fields, use the opening and closing field braces code (optionally use ^w for spaces, as Bibadia suggested):^19 XE "Deo, John" ^21
Replace won't recognize field braces character, but will allow to insert the clipboard's content. ;). To do that, insert in text the correct entry. CTRL+F9 to insert field and type:XE "Doe, John"
Select the field above and copy
Use ^c in the replace box
Hit Replace All
It's usually better to go the macro route when finding fields because, as you say, the find algorithm that Word uses doesn't work the way you might hope with fields.
But if you know exactly what the fields contain, you can specify a search pattern that will probably work (however not in wildcard mode).
For example, if you want to look for figure number field pairs such as
{ STYLEREF 1 \s }.{ SEQ Figure \* ARABIC \s 1 }
(which would typically be the same set of fields everywhere in the document)
If you only really need to look for the following:
{ STYLEREF 1 \s }.<any field>
you could ensure that field codes are displayed and search for
^d STYLEREF 1 \s ^21.^d
^19 STYLEREF 1 \s ^21.^19
If you need to be more precise, you can spell out the second field as well.
"^d" only works for finding the field beginning, not the field end.
It's a shame that ^w wants to find at least 1 whitespace character because otherwise it would be more robust to look for
Perhaps someone else knows how to work around that without using wildcards?
I suggest that you do this using a macro. You can start by recording the macro, and later refining your processing steps within the macro.
First turn on the hidden characters by navigating to Home > Paragraph > toggle the show/hide Paragraph symbol. Also, select all and toggle the field codes on (right-click and select "Toggle Field Codes".
Open a new blank Word doc in addition to the one you have open. You will use this later. Start the macro recording and find the field using the "^d" (field code) as you said.
When the field is found, copy only the field text within the brackets, and not the full field reference. While the macro is still recording, ALT + TAB to the new blank document and paste the field code in as plain text.
At this point, do the necessary find & replace processing to the field codes. Highlight the processed field codes, copy, ALT + TAB back to the original document, and paste back between the { } brackets.
Stop the macro recording. Add any further custom processing to the macro VBA.
Select-All and re-toggle the field codes. Update the field codes.
You don't need a macro. Just toggle all field codes on by using Alt+F9. Then do a find and replace for what you want to change. Once the replacement is complete, use Alt+F9 again to toggle the field codes back off.
Disclaimer: I didn't originate this solution, but it's clean and elegant and I thought it should be included here:
(Adapted from Search & Replace Field Codes in Word):
Create or find a single instance of the field you want to convert text to
Toggle Field Codes visible (AltF9)
Copy the code for the field you want to use to the Clipboard (highlight and CtrlC)
Open the Replace dialog box (CtrlH), insert the text you want to replace in the Find What box and then enter ^c in the Replace With box.
This will replace your text with the contents of the Clipboard, turning it into the field code you copied in step 3. It also copies formatting information (font, color, etc.), to control how the field will appear when hidden. (Caveat: I've tested this with Word 2003 under Windows 7 only.)
Coming in late on this, probably way too late for Beth (sorry Beth). And this may not be quite what Beth was looking for. But for anyone interested ...
It sounds like Beth may have created captions throughout the document using INSERT CAPTION (hence the presence of field codes). This means these captions will have been (automatically) created in CAPTION style.
To globally replace the separator "." with " " (space) in such captions, take two steps:
[1] Go to REFERENCES | INSERT CAPTION, then click on NUMBERING and replace the SEPARATOR "." with "EM-DASH". This will replace all separators in captions for the selected label in the CAPTION Window. If you have other labels in use in the document (e.g. FIGURE), select the other labels one by one and repeat this process.
[2] Do a find/replace searching for special character "em-dash" (^+) in style CAPTION, replacing with " ". Click REPLACE ALL.
NOTE: This presumes that em-dash does not appear in the caption text anywhere. If it does, then you'll need to do a pre- and post- "fiddle" to ensure these em-dashes are not touched by the global replace above.
The "pre-fiddle" is to do a global find/replace across captions, replacing the em-dash ("^+") with some other string (e.g. "EM-DASH") that doesn't ever occur in any caption's text. Then you do the separator change as described above. Finally, the "post-fiddle" is to restore the em-dashes that were in the captions, by doing a global replace of the string "EM-DASH" with the actual em-dash character "^+".