Lookup table with compound key - powershell

I am looking for efficient lookup tables in PowerShell
Naive approach is not efficient for large data
$data = `
A = 1;
B = 2;
C = 3;
A = 4;
B = 5;
C = 6;
A = 7;
B = 8;
C = 9;
# looking for value C base on pair (A, B)
function FindC
[int] $A,
[int] $B
$data | `
Where-Object -FilterScript { ($_.A -eq $A) -and ($_.B -eq $B) } | `
Select-Object -ExpandProperty C
I think, efficient way would be to use hashtables but it is unclear what to do with compound keys. We cannot use hashtables, PSObject or PSCustomObject because they don't have equality implemented
> #{ A = 1; B = 2; } -eq #{ A = 1; B = 2; }
> [PSObject] #{ A = 1; B = 2; } -eq [PSObject] #{ A = 1; B = 2; }
> [PSCustomObject] #{ A = 1; B = 2; } -eq [PSCustomObject] #{ A = 1; B = 2; }
I don't want to implement my own data classes for such simple cases. So the only thing I found so far is tuple
> [Tuple]::Create(1, 2) -eq [Tuple]::Create(1, 2)
So we can use tuples
$hashtable = #{}
foreach ($entry in $data)
$hashtable[[Tuple]::Create($entry.A, $entry.B)] = $entry.C
function FindC
[int] $A,
[int] $B
$hashtable[[Tuple]::Create($A, $B)]
Anyone knows more elegant way to achieve that?

If you want to use Hashtables then you can override the Equals method and provide your own definition for equality. Check this question on how to do this: How to overload the PowerShell inbuilt class's methods


Evaluating a condition with AND and OR statements combined

I'm parsing files which all have following structure:
A=B #A==test
This means that variable A will be set to B, only if A equals 'test'
Conditions can get more complex as well
C=D #C==test1,D==test2
This means that C will be set to D if C equals 'test1' AND D equals 'test2'
So far so good, I parse the individual conditions one by one, and stop as soon as one evaluates to false.
Conditions can also have OR statements:
E=F #E==test3,(F==test4|F==test5),username!=abc
This means that E will be set to F if E equals 'test3' AND (F equals 'test4' OR F equals 'test5') AND username does not equal 'abc'
I'm stuck on evaluating this last condition. What is a good approach to evaluate such an expression?
Currently I'm parsing each condition into 3 arrays, being 'lefthands', 'operators, 'righthands'.
The condition #C==test1,D==test2 gets parsed into:
$lefthands=(C, D)
$operands=(==, ==)
Afterwards I loop over the arrays and do the evaluation based on the operand that is currently being used.
if $operands[$i] -eq "==" ( return ($lefthands[$i] -eq $righthands[$i] }
As soon as one of the conditions returns false, I stop evaluating the complete condition.
This works fine if there are only AND statements, but with an OR statement present this does no longer work.
Looks like you've got a fairly straightforward infix expression grammar that goes something like this:
variable = [ a-z | A-Z ]
string = [ a-z | A-Z | 0-9 ]
atom = variable [ "==" | "!=" ] string
expr = [ atom | "(" expr ")" | expr [ "," | "|" ] expr ]
Assuming you can nest expressions to an arbitrary depth and you want to handle operator precedence properly (e.g. does w,x|y,z mean ((w,x)|y),z) or (w,x)|(y,z) or even w,(x|y),z, all of which give different results) you're going to struggle to evaluate the expression with basic string manipulation and you might need use a more complicated approach:
Lex the string into tokens
Change the order of the tokens (infix -> postfix) to make it easier to calculate results
Evaluate the expression given some values for variables
This basically breaks the expression string down into a list of logical chunks - for example A==test might become identifier "A", operator "==", identifier "test".
It's called "infix" notation because the operator sits in-between the operands - e.g. A==test.
function ConvertTo-InfixTokens
param( [string] $Source )
$chars = $Source.ToCharArray();
$index = 0;
while( $index -lt $chars.Length )
$token = [pscustomobject] [ordered] #{
"Type" = $null
"Value" = [string]::Empty
$char = $chars[$index];
switch -regex ( $char )
# var or str
"[a-zA-z0-9]" {
$token.Type = "identifier";
$token.Value += $char;
$index += 1;
while( ($index -lt $chars.Length) -and ($chars[$index] -match "[a-zA-z0-9]") )
$token.Value += $chars[$index];
$index += 1;
# eq
"=" {
if( $chars[$index+1] -eq "=" )
$token.Type = "eq";
$token.Value = $chars[$index] + $chars[$index+1];
$index += 2;
throw "LEX01 - unhandled char '$($chars[$index+1])'";
# ne
"!" {
if( $chars[$index+1] -eq "=" )
$token.Type = "ne";
$token.Value = $chars[$index] + $chars[$index+1];
$index += 2;
throw "LEX02 - unhandled char '$($chars[$index+1])'";
"," {
$token.Type = "and";
$token.Value = $char;
$index += 1;
"\|" {
$token.Type = "or";
$token.Value = $char;
$index += 1;
"\(" {
$token.Type = "lb";
$token.Value = $char;
$index += 1;
"\)" {
$token.Type = "rb";
$token.Value = $char;
$index += 1;
default {
throw "LEX03 - unhandled char '$char'";
write-output $token;
PS> ConvertTo-InfixTokens -Source "A==test"
Type Value
---- -----
identifier A
eq ==
identifier test
PS> ConvertTo-InfixTokens -Source "E==test3,(F==test4|F==test5),username!=abc"
Type Value
---- -----
identifier E
eq ==
identifier test3
and ,
lb (
identifier F
eq ==
identifier test4
or |
identifier F
eq ==
identifier test5
rb )
and ,
identifier username
ne !=
identifier abc
Convert to Postfix
Infix notation looks more natural because it's similar to normal maths, but it relies on you handling the precedence rules for operations when you evaluate expressions - e.g. is 1 + 1 * 2 + 2 equal to (((1 + 1) * 2) + 2) => 6 or 1 + (1 * 2) + 2 => 5 or (1 + 1) * (2 + 2) => 8? - which means you might need to look ahead to see what other operators are coming in case they need to be processed first.
It's easier to evaluate the expression if we convert it to postfix notation (or Reverse Polish Notation) - see this answer for some additional advantages. This basically puts the operands first and then follows with the operator - e.g. 1 + 1 * 2 + 2 becomes 1 1 2 * + 2 +, which will be logically processed as: ((1 (1 2 *) +) 2 +) => ((1 2 +) 2 +) => (3 2 +) => 5
The following code will apply this conversion:
# based on https://www.tutorialspoint.com/Convert-Infix-to-Postfix-Expression#:~:text=To%20convert%20infix%20expression%20to,maintaining%20the%20precedence%20of%20them.
function Convert-InfixToPostfix
param( [pscustomobject[]] $Tokens )
$precedence = #{
"or" = 1
"and" = 2
"eq" = 9
"ne" = 9
$stack = new-object System.Collections.Generic.Stack[pscustomobject];
for( $i = 0; $i -lt $Tokens.Length; $i++ )
$token = $Tokens[$i];
switch( $token.Type )
"identifier" {
write-output $token;
"lb" {
"rb" {
while( $stack.Peek().Type -ne "lb" )
write-output $stack.Pop();
$null = $stack.Pop();
default {
# must be a known operator
if( -not $precedence.ContainsKey($token.Type) )
throw "PF01 - unknown operator '$($token | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress)' at index $i";
while( ($stack.Count -gt 0) -and ($precedence[$token.Type] -le $precedence[$stack.Peek().Type]) )
write-output $stack.Pop();
while( $stack.Count -gt 0 )
write-output $stack.Pop();
PS> $infix = ConvertTo-InfixTokens -Source "A==test"
PS> $postfix = Convert-InfixToPostfix -Tokens $infix
PS> $postfix
Type Value
---- -----
identifier A
identifier test
eq ==
PS> $infix = ConvertTo-InfixTokens -Source "E==test3,(F==test4|F==test5),username!=abc"
PS> $postfix = Convert-InfixToPostfix -Tokens $infix
PS> $postfix
Type Value
---- -----
identifier E
identifier test3
eq ==
identifier F
identifier test4
eq ==
identifier F
identifier test5
eq ==
or |
and ,
identifier username
identifier abc
ne !=
and ,
The last step is to take the postfix tokens and evaluate them. "All" we need to do is read the tokens from left to right - when we get an operand we put it on a stack, and when we get an operator we read some operands off the stack, apply the operator and push the result back onto the stack...
function Invoke-PostfixEval
param( [pscustomobject[]] $Tokens, [hashtable] $Variables )
$stack = new-object System.Collections.Generic.Stack[pscustomobject];
for( $i = 0; $i -lt $Tokens.Length; $i++ )
$token = $Tokens[$i];
if( $token.Type -eq "identifier" )
elseif( $token.Type -in #( "eq", "ne" ) )
$str = $stack.Pop().Value;
$var = $stack.Pop();
if( -not $Variables.ContainsKey($var.Value) )
throw "undefined variable '$($var.Value)' in token '$($token | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress)' at index $i";
$val = $Variables[$var.Value];
$result = switch( $token.Type ) {
"eq" { $val -eq $str }
"ne" { $val -ne $str }
default { throw "unhandled operator '$($token.Type)' in token '$($token | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress)' at index $i"; }
#write-host "'$val' $($token.Type) '$str' => $result";
$stack.Push([pscustomobject] [ordered] #{ "Type" = "bool"; Value = $result });
elseif( $token.Type -in #( "and", "or" ) )
$left = $stack.Pop().Value;
$right = $stack.Pop().Value;
$result = switch( $token.Type ) {
"and" { $left -and $right }
"or" { $left -or $right }
default { throw "unhandled operator '$($token.Type)' in token '$($token | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress)' at index $i"; }
#write-host "'$left' $($token.Type) '$right' => $result";
$stack.Push([pscustomobject] [ordered] #{ "Type" = "bool"; Value = $result });
throw "EVAL01 - unhandled token '$($token | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 99 -Compress)' at index $i";
return $stack.Peek().Value;
PS> $variables = [ordered] #{
"A" = "test";
"C" = "test1";
"D" = "test2";
"E" = "test3";
"F" = "test4";
"username" = "abc"
PS> $infix = ConvertTo-InfixTokens -Source "A==test"
PS> $postfix = Convert-InfixToPostfix -Tokens $infix
PS> $value = Invoke-PostfixEval -Tokens $postfix -Variables $variables
PS> $value
PS> $infix = ConvertTo-InfixTokens -Source "E==test3,(F==test4|F==test5),username!=abc"
PS> $postfix = Convert-InfixToPostfix -Tokens $infix
PS> $value = Invoke-PostfixEval -Tokens $postfix -Variables $variables
PS> $value
False # fails because "username!=abc" is false
PS> $infix = ConvertTo-InfixTokens -Source "E==test3,F==test4|F==test5,username!=abc"
PS> $postfix = Convert-InfixToPostfix -Tokens $infix
PS> $value = Invoke-PostfixEval -Tokens $postfix -Variables $variables
PS> $value
True # operator precedence means it's evaluated as "(E==test3,F==test4)|(F==test5,username!=abc)" and "(E==test3,F==test4)" is true
You'll probably want to add more error handling for production code, and write some Pester tests to make sure it works for a larger variety of inputs, but it worked for the limited tests I did here. If you find any examples that don't work feel free to post them in comments...

Array of reference to var in powershell

Ok I guess this question has already been answered somewhere but I do not find it. So here is my few lines of codes
$a = 0
$b = 0
$c = 0
$array = #($a, $b, $c)
foreach ($var in $array) {
$var = 3
Write-Host "$a : $b : $c"
What I try to do is loop into $array and modify a, b and c variables to get 3 : 3 : 3 ... I find something about [ref] but I am not sure I understood how to use it.
You'll need to wrap the values in objects of a reference type (eg. a PSObject) and then assign to a property on said object:
$a = [pscustomobject]#{ Value = 0 }
$b = [pscustomobject]#{ Value = 0 }
$c = [pscustomobject]#{ Value = 0 }
$array = #($a, $b, $c)
foreach ($var in $array) {
$var.Value = 3
Write-Host "$($a.Value) : $($b.Value) : $($c.Value)"
Since $a and $array[0] now both contain a reference to the same object, updates to properties on either will be reflected when accessed through the other
As you mentioned you can use the [ref] keyword, it will create an object with a "Value" property and that's what you have to manipulate to set the original variables.
$a = 1
$b = 2
$c = 3
$array = #(
([ref] $a),
([ref] $b),
([ref] $c)
foreach ($item in $array)
$item.Value = 3
Write-Host "a: $a, b: $b, c: $c" # a: 3, b: 3, c: 3
You could also use the function Get-Variable to get variables:
$varA = Get-Variable -Name a
This way you can get more information about the variable like the name.
And if your variables have some kind of prefix you could get them all using a wildcard.
$variables = Get-Variable -Name my*
And you would get all variables that start with "my".

Generate 2 different list in one foreach loop with powershell

I stucked in foreach part.I couldn't find any solution for generating 2 different lists in one foreach loop.I used 2 foreach but it didn't help.Below side I shared my desire output.
My code:
$InStuff = #'
$InStuff2 = #'
$SPart_1 = 'application="'
$SPart_2 = ' path='
$SPart_3 = ' name='
$SPart_4 = ' application'
foreach ($IS_Item in $InStuff) {
foreach ($IS2_Item in $InStuff2) {
$UName = $IS_Item
$UName2 = $IS2_Item
$Sentence = -join (
$SPart_1, $UName,
$SPart_2, $UName2,
$SPart_3, $UName2,
Fail output :
application="a path=1 name=1 application
application="a path=2 name=2 application
application="a path=3 name=3 application
application="b path=1 name=1 application
application="b path=2 name=2 application
application="b path=3 name=3 application
application="c path=1 name=1 application
application="c path=2 name=2 application
application="c path=3 name=3 application
My desire output :
application="a path=1 name=1 application
application="b path=2 name=2 application
application="c path=3 name=3 application
Thank you
use a for loop:
$InStuff = #'
$InStuff2 = #'
$SPart_1 = 'application="'
$SPart_2 = ' path='
$SPart_3 = ' name='
$SPart_4 = ' application'
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $InStuff.count; $i++) {
$Sentence = -join (
$SPart_1, $InStuff[$i],
$SPart_2, $InStuff2[$i],
$SPart_3, $InStuff2[$i],
), ''
This will likely go wrong if your input arrays are not the same length, so it is not that safe. Perhaps using a hash or custom object would be a better idea:
$arr = #()
$arr += new-object PSCustomObject -property #{application='a';path=1;name=1}
$arr += new-object PSCustomObject -property #{application='b';path=2;name=2}
$arr += new-object PSCustomObject -property #{application='c';path=3;name=3}
$arr | % { 'application="{0} path={1} name={2}' -f $_.application, $_.path, $_.name }
#arco444 is right, no matter what you will have problems if your lists are different lengths. You should reconsider how you are collecting and formatting the data. Here is an alternative method:
$InStuff = "a","b","c"
$InStuff2 = 1,2,3
$listCount = $InStuff.Count
$x = 0
do {
$strOut = "application= `"path = {0} name = {1} application`"" -f $InStuff[$x], $InStuff2[$x]
while ( $x -lt $listCount )
Not sure what you want with a stray " in there, I've added one to enclose the output:
application= "path = a name = 1 application"
application= "path = b name = 2 application"
application= "path = c name = 3 application"
If you plan to use this output for further processing by PowerShell, like putting it in a csv with Export-Csv then you should forgo the application text and create an object instead:
$InStuff = "a","b","c"
$InStuff2 = 1,2,3
$listCount = $InStuff.Count
$x = 0
do {
path = $InStuff[$x]
name = $InStuff2[$x]
while ( $x -lt $listCount )
While that's not exactly what you are asking for, it's been my experience that data in this format is far more useful:
path name
---- ----
a 1
b 2
c 3
you can add lines to
path = $InStuff[$x]
name = $InStuff2[$x]
for the additional text (if it's a must) and do something like this:
type = "application"
path = $InStuff[$x]
name = $InStuff2[$x]
and that will add a column for the word application

Merging hashtables in PowerShell: how?

I am trying to merge two hashtables, overwriting key-value pairs in the first if the same key exists in the second.
To do this I wrote this function which first removes all key-value pairs in the first hastable if the same key exists in the second hashtable.
When I type this into PowerShell line by line it works. But when I run the entire function, PowerShell asks me to provide (what it considers) missing parameters to foreach-object.
function mergehashtables($htold, $htnew)
$htold.getenumerator() | foreach-object
$key = $_.key
if ($htnew.containskey($key))
$htnew = $htold + $htnew
return $htnew
PS C:\> mergehashtables $ht $ht2
cmdlet ForEach-Object at command pipeline position 1
Supply values for the following parameters:
$ht and $ht2 are hashtables containing two key-value pairs each, one of them with the key "name" in both hashtables.
What am I doing wrong?
Instead of removing keys you might consider to simply overwrite them:
$h1 = #{a = 9; b = 8; c = 7}
$h2 = #{b = 6; c = 5; d = 4}
$h3 = #{c = 3; d = 2; e = 1}
Function Merge-Hashtables {
$Output = #{}
ForEach ($Hashtable in ($Input + $Args)) {
If ($Hashtable -is [Hashtable]) {
ForEach ($Key in $Hashtable.Keys) {$Output.$Key = $Hashtable.$Key}
For this cmdlet you can use several syntaxes and you are not limited to two input tables:
Using the pipeline: $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables
Using arguments: Merge-Hashtables $h1 $h2 $h3
Or a combination: $h1 | Merge-Hashtables $h2 $h3
All above examples return the same hash table:
Name Value
---- -----
e 1
d 2
b 6
c 3
a 9
If there are any duplicate keys in the supplied hash tables, the value of the last hash table is taken.
(Added 2017-07-09)
Merge-Hashtables version 2
In general, I prefer more global functions which can be customized with parameters to specific needs as in the original question: "overwriting key-value pairs in the first if the same key exists in the second". Why letting the last one overrule and not the first? Why removing anything at all? Maybe someone else want to merge or join the values or get the largest value or just the average...
The version below does no longer support supplying hash tables as arguments (you can only pipe hash tables to the function) but has a parameter that lets you decide how to treat the value array in duplicate entries by operating the value array assigned to the hash key presented in the current object ($_).
Function Merge-Hashtables([ScriptBlock]$Operator) {
$Output = #{}
ForEach ($Hashtable in $Input) {
If ($Hashtable -is [Hashtable]) {
ForEach ($Key in $Hashtable.Keys) {$Output.$Key = If ($Output.ContainsKey($Key)) {#($Output.$Key) + $Hashtable.$Key} Else {$Hashtable.$Key}}
If ($Operator) {ForEach ($Key in #($Output.Keys)) {$_ = #($Output.$Key); $Output.$Key = Invoke-Command $Operator}}
HashTable[] <Hashtables> | Merge-Hashtables [-Operator <ScriptBlock>]
By default, all values from duplicated hash table entries will added to an array:
PS C:\> $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables
Name Value
---- -----
e 1
d {4, 2}
b {8, 6}
c {7, 5, 3}
a 9
To get the same result as version 1 (using the last values) use the command: $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables {$_[-1]}. If you would like to use the first values instead, the command is: $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables {$_[0]} or the largest values: $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables {($_ | Measure-Object -Maximum).Maximum}.
More examples:
PS C:\> $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables {($_ | Measure-Object -Average).Average} # Take the average values"
Name Value
---- -----
e 1
d 3
b 7
c 5
a 9
PS C:\> $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables {$_ -Join ""} # Join the values together
Name Value
---- -----
e 1
d 42
b 86
c 753
a 9
PS C:\> $h1, $h2, $h3 | Merge-Hashtables {$_ | Sort-Object} # Sort the values list
Name Value
---- -----
e 1
d {2, 4}
b {6, 8}
c {3, 5, 7}
a 9
I see two problems:
The open brace should be on the same line as Foreach-object
You shouldn't modify a collection while enumerating through a collection
The example below illustrates how to fix both issues:
function mergehashtables($htold, $htnew)
$keys = $htold.getenumerator() | foreach-object {$_.key}
$keys | foreach-object {
$key = $_
if ($htnew.containskey($key))
$htnew = $htold + $htnew
return $htnew
Not a new answer, this is functionally the same as #Josh-Petitt with improvements.
In this answer:
Merge-HashTable uses the correct PowerShell syntax if you want to drop this into a module
Wasn't idempotent. I added cloning of the HashTable input, otherwise your input was clobbered, not an intention
added a proper example of usage
function Merge-HashTable {
[hashtable] $default, # Your original set
[hashtable] $uppend # The set you want to update/append to the original set
# Clone for idempotence
$default1 = $default.Clone();
# We need to remove any key-value pairs in $default1 that we will
# be replacing with key-value pairs from $uppend
foreach ($key in $uppend.Keys) {
if ($default1.ContainsKey($key)) {
# Union both sets
return $default1 + $uppend;
# Real-life example of dealing with IIS AppPool parameters
$defaults = #{
enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $false;
runtime = "v4.0";
pipeline = 1;
idleTimeout = "1.00:00:00";
} ;
$options1 = #{ pipeline = 0; };
$options2 = #{ enable32BitAppOnWin64 = $true; pipeline = 0; };
$results1 = Merge-HashTable -default $defaults -uppend $options1;
# Name Value
# ---- -----
# enable32BitAppOnWin64 False
# runtime v4.0
# idleTimeout 1.00:00:00
# pipeline 0
$results2 = Merge-HashTable -default $defaults -uppend $options2;
# Name Value
# ---- -----
# idleTimeout 1.00:00:00
# runtime v4.0
# enable32BitAppOnWin64 True
# pipeline 0
In case you want to merge the whole hashtable tree
function Join-HashTableTree {
param (
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)]
$output = $SourceHashtable.Clone()
foreach ($key in $JoinedHashtable.Keys) {
$oldValue = $output[$key]
$newValue = $JoinedHashtable[$key]
$output[$key] =
if ($oldValue -is [hashtable] -and $newValue -is [hashtable]) { $oldValue | ~+ $newValue }
elseif ($oldValue -is [array] -and $newValue -is [array]) { $oldValue + $newValue }
else { $newValue }
Then, it can be used like this:
Set-Alias -Name '~+' -Value Join-HashTableTree -Option AllScope
a = 1;
b = #{
ba = 2;
bb = 3
c = #{
val = 'value1';
arr = #(
} |
~+ #{
b = #{
bb = 33;
bc = 'hello'
c = #{
arr = #(
d = #(
} |
It will produce the following output:
"a": 1,
"d": 42,
"c": {
"val": "value1",
"arr": [
"b": {
"bb": 33,
"ba": 2,
"bc": "hello"
I just needed to do this and found this works:
$HT += $HT2
The contents of $HT2 get added to the contents of $HT.
The open brace has to be on the same line as ForEach-Object or you have to use the line continuation character (backtick).
This is the case because the code within { ... } is really the value for the -Process parameter of ForEach-Object cmdlet.
-Process <ScriptBlock[]>
Specifies the script block that is applied to each incoming object.
This will get you past the current issue at hand.
I think the most compact code to merge (without overwriting existing keys) would be this:
function Merge-Hashtables($htold, $htnew)
$htnew.keys | where {$_ -notin $htold.keys} | foreach {$htold[$_] = $htnew[$_]}
I borrowed it from Union and Intersection of Hashtables in PowerShell
I wanted to point out that one should not reference base properties of the hashtable indiscriminately in generic functions, as they may have been overridden (or overloaded) by items of the hashtable.
For instance, the hashtable $hash=#{'keys'='lots of them'} will have the base hashtable property, Keys overridden by the item keys, and thus doing a foreach ($key in $hash.Keys) will instead enumerate the hashed item keys's value, instead of the base property Keys.
Instead the method GetEnumerator or the keys property of the PSBase property, which cannot be overridden, should be used in functions that may have no idea if the base properties have been overridden.
Thus, Jon Z's answer is the best.
To 'inherit' key-values from parent hashtable ($htOld) to child hashtables($htNew), without modifying values of already existing keys in the child hashtables,
function MergeHashtable($htOld, $htNew)
$htOld.Keys | %{
if (!$htNew.ContainsKey($_)) {
$htNew[$_] = $htOld[$_];
return $htNew;
Please note that this will modify the $htNew object.
Here is a function version that doesn't use the pipeline (not that the pipeline is bad, just another way to do it). It also returns a merged hashtable and leaves the original unchanged.
function MergeHashtable($a, $b)
foreach ($k in $b.keys)
if ($a.containskey($k))
return $a + $b
I just wanted to expand or simplify on jon Z's answer. There just seems to be too many lines and missed opportunities to use Where-Object. Here is my simplified version:
Function merge_hashtables($htold, $htnew) {
$htold.Keys | ? { $htnew.ContainsKey($_) } | % {
$htold += $htnew
return $htold

Updating hash table values in a 'foreach' loop in PowerShell

I'm trying to loop through a hash table and set the value of each key to 5 and PowerShell gives an error:
$myHash = #{}
$myHash["a"] = 1
$myHash["b"] = 2
$myHash["c"] = 3
foreach($key in $myHash.keys){
$myHash[$key] = 5
An error occurred while enumerating through a collection:
Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute..
At line:1 char:8
+ foreach <<<< ($key in $myHash.keys){
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (System.Collecti...tableEnumer
ator:HashtableEnumerator) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : BadEnumeration
What gives and how do I resolve this problem?
You can't modify Hashtable while enumerating it. This is what you can do:
$myHash = #{}
$myHash["a"] = 1
$myHash["b"] = 2
$myHash["c"] = 3
$myHash = $myHash.keys | foreach{$r=#{}}{$r[$_] = 5}{$r}
Edit 1
Is this any simpler for you:
$myHash = #{}
$myHash["a"] = 1
$myHash["b"] = 2
$myHash["c"] = 3
foreach($key in $($myHash.keys)){
$myHash[$key] = 5
There is a much simpler way of achieving this. You cannot change the value of a hashtable while enumerating it because of the fact that it's a reference type variable. It's exactly the same story in .NET.
Use the following syntax to get around it. We are converting the keys collection into a basic array using the #() notation. We make a copy of the keys collection, and reference that array instead which means we can now edit the hashtable.
$myHash = #{}
$myHash["a"] = 1
$myHash["b"] = 2
$myHash["c"] = 3
foreach($key in #($myHash.keys)){
$myHash[$key] = 5
You do not need to clone the whole hashtable for this example. Just enumerating the key collection by forcing it to an array #(...) is enough:
foreach($key in #($myHash.keys)) {...
Use clone:
foreach($key in ($myHash.clone()).keys){
$myHash[$key] = 5
Or in the one-liner:
$myHash = ($myHash.clone()).keys | % {} {$myHash[$_] = 5} {$myHash}
I'm new to PowerShell, but I'm quite a fan of using in-built functions, because I find it more readable. This is how I would tackle the problem, using GetEnumerator and Clone. This approach also allows one to reference to the existing hash values ($_.value) for modifying purposes.
$myHash = #{}
$myHash["a"] = 1
$myHash["b"] = 2
$myHash["c"] = 3
$myHash.Clone().GetEnumerator() | foreach-object {$myHash.Set_Item($_.key, 5)}
You have to get creative!
$myHash = #{}
$myHash["a"] = 1
$myHash["b"] = 2
$myHash["c"] = 3
$keys = #()
[array] $keys = $myHash.keys
foreach($key in $keys)
$myHash.Set_Item($key, 5)
Name Value
---- -----
c 5
a 5
b 5
As mentioned in a previous answer, clone is the way to go. I had a need to replace any null values in a hash with "Unknown" nd this one-liner does the job.
($record.Clone()).keys | %{if ($record.$_ -eq $null) {$record.$_ = "Unknown"}}
$myHash = #{
Americas = 0;
Asia = 0;
Europe = 0;
$countries = #("Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Americas", "Asia")
foreach($key in $($myHash.Keys))
foreach($Country in $countries)
if($key -eq $Country)
$myHash[$key] += 1
$myHash = #{
Americas = 0;
Asia = 0;
Europe = 0;
$countries = #("Americas", "Asia", "Europe", "Americas", "Asia")
foreach($key in $($myHash.Keys))
foreach($Country in $countries)
if($key -eq $Country)
$myHash[$key] += 1
Updating a hash value if array elements matched with a hash key.
It seems when you update the hash table inside the foreach loop, the enumerator invalidates itself. I got around this by populating a new hash table:
$myHash = #{}
$myHash["a"] = 1
$myHash["b"] = 2
$myHash["c"] = 3
$newHash = #{}
foreach($key in $myHash.keys){
$newHash[$key] = 5
$myHash = $newHash