How can you enable the selection margin in Visual Studio Code (VSCode) - visual-studio-code

Is there a way to enable the selection margin in Visual Studio Code (VSCode)? By "selection margin" I mean the margin to the left of the text that allows you to select entire lines by clicking and dragging with the mouse.
I'm aware of triple-click. That's not what I'm after. Visual Studio (proper) has a so-called "selection margin", and I was hoping Visual Studio Code would have the same thing but it seems like it may not be there, or I just haven't figured out how to get it.
I also see a breakpoint margin, and the code folding area (or some dead-space if you disable the code folding). But that area doesn't work like a selection margin either.

You must show the line numbers through settings.json file:
// Controls visibility of line numbers
"editor.lineNumbers": true,
Then, when hovering that area, you'll see the inverted mouse to select the entire line, as you wish:


Visual Studio Code keeps Autosizing my Text Lines

Visual Studio Code keeps scrunching and separating my code in the right window into multiple lines, if the left pane is too wide. It used to never be like that. How can I change this setting, so VS Code does not auto window size the right panel?

How to hide the options such as save,undo, in Visual Studio Code

I want these options not to be shown in the top right corner of the title bar as shown in the image below(highlighted)
How to hide these options such as run code, save, saves the file, word wrap, etc in Visual Studio Code

need to move intellisense popup window in visual studio code

I want to move the intellisense popup window to the left side.
How can I do this?
I tried this solution but it did not help me.
How to make VSCode Intellisense window wider
change width
For adjusting the width, you can drag the right side of the window now, see this SO post for an old animation.
On mac the right of the popup will turn blue when hovered (cursor isn't captured in screenshot) and can be resized. You can also resize vertically by hovering the bottom. It looks like this on mac (not sure about other OS):
change position
The new version (October 2021 (version 1.62)) makes it easy to move the position... sort of. You can now choose to have the editor above or below what you hover. So glad they added it as a feature. This wasn't exactly the problem you had, but when I first searched for moving the intellisense menu, it led me here, so figured I'd add this for others Google sends here.
Simply add the following to settings.json file:
"editor.hover.above": false
Add a comma after it if you have more settings below it:
"editor.hover.above": false,
"editor.minimap.enabled": false
You can try to configure intellisense within VScode using the steps in, though I am not sure if your particular issue could be solved this way.

How can I get the thick code-preview scrollbar back in Visual Studio Code?

If I'm not mistaken, in Visual Studio Code there used to be a thick scroll bar on the right side of my code window which you could not only scroll with your mouse, but also see a miniture preview of the code as if it were one long vertical document in font-size 0.5.
How can I get this scroll bar back?
Do you mean minimap:
To enable VS Code's Minimap, set "editor.minimap.enabled": true to turn on the rendering of a Minimap for the current file.

How to show margin of block in Eclipse?

I use notepad++ or extension for Visual Studio and I have seen the line (margin) of the block like the below image.
Can Eclipse do this? Thanks!
You can turn on the "Show whitespace characters" option under General -> Editors -> Text Editors. I find that too distracting.
Eclipse has a different way to control the display of blocks of code.
See the circle with a dash right after the line number 65. You can left click on that circle to close the block.
You can hover your cursor over the circle with the plus sign to see the "hidden" code.
Left clicking on the circle will open the control block again.