how to get the name of invocant as string in perl - perl

In perl, a class "Lamba" implements a method called "process".
use Lambda;
my $omega = Lambda->new();
in the process method, how can we get the name of it's invocant?
package Lambda;
use strict;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless ($self, $class);
return $self;
sub process {
my $self = shift;
my $invocant;
# ??? what is the variable name of my caller ???
# ie. how to set $invocant = 'omega';
return $self;

I've just realised that you want the name of the variable that was used to call the process method. You can't do that without a source filter, because there may be several names all referring to the same object, like this
my $omega = Lambda->new;
my $aa = $omega;
my $bb = $omega;
and there is quite sensibly no way to get hold of the name actually used to call the method
This is an X Y problem, and is comparable to asking how to use data strings to name a variable. Variable identifiers are purely for the consumption of the programmer, and if you think your program needs to know them then you have a design problem. If you explain exactly what it is that you want to achieve via this mechanism then I am sure we could help you better
Original solution
I've left this here in cased someone arrives at this page looking for a way to discover the name of the calling code
You can use the caller function
A call without parameters like caller() will return the package name, source file name, and line number where the current call was made
You get get more detailed information by adding a parameter that represents the depth on the call stack that you want to examine, so caller(0) will return information about the current subroutine, while the values from caller(1) will be about the calling subroutine
If we change your main code to use a subroutine to call the method, then we can write this
package Lambda;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
bless {}, shift;
sub process {
my $self = shift;
# ??? what is the variable name of my caller ???
# ie. how to set $invocant = 'omega';
my $calling_sub = (caller(1))[3];
print "Called by $calling_sub\n";
return $self;
use strict;
use warnings 'all';
use Lambda;
sub mysub {
my $omega = Lambda->new;
Called by main::mysub

The caller function returns information about the calling subroutine/sourcecode line:
sub process {
my $self = shift;
print join(', ',caller(0)); # Some of these values will be undef!
The manual page shows this example:
($package, $filename, $line, $subroutine, $hasargs,
$wantarray, $evaltext, $is_require, $hints, $bitmask, $hinthash)
= caller($i);
Increase $i to walk further through the stacktrace (reverse list of callers):
my $i = 0;
while (my #ci = caller($i++)) {
print "$i. ".$ci[1].':'.$ci[2]."\n";
Starts with $i=0 and increases $i after passing it to the caller() function. Prints a stacktrace back to the line of the script starting the current process.


Manipulate Perl object by reference in subroutine

I have a Perl program and packages Worker and Log.
The Worker does almost all calculations, and I want to pass an object by reference to the Worker subroutine, as well as some other parameters (scalar and an array). I have seen examples like this and this.
They handle this by putting #_ in subs, then manipulating the object. I also found a way to manipulate them by using the index, like #{$_[i]}. Problem is, when I try the code like so, I get an error:
Can't call method "write" on unblessed reference at ...
Code snippets below.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Log;
use Worker;
my $log = Log->new();
my $worker = Worker->new();
my $scalar = "SomeURLhere";
my #array = ('red','blue','white');
# I do some stuff with $log object
# Now I want to pass data to the Worker
$worker->subFromWorker($scalar, \$log, \#array);
use strict;
use warnings;
package Worker;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub subFromWorker{
my ($self) = shift;
my $scalar = $_[0];
#my ($log) = $_[1];
my #array = #{$_[2]};
foreach my $item (#array){
print $item;
$_[1]->write("The items from url $scalar are printed.");
#Same thing happens if I use $log here
In C#, this is handled in a different way - you can send a parameter to a method by value or by reference, and then do what you want in a specialized method (method is pre-written to handle parameters by reference or value). I thought that in Perl sending using \parameter will send the reference.
Objects are references. References are scalar values.
If you want to pass arrays or hashes into a subroutine then you usually want to pass references to them - because Perl parameter passing works far better with scalar values.
But $log is already a reference to your object. Therefore you don't need to take a reference to it. You end up passing a reference to a reference. So when you copy that parameter into $log inside your subroutine you have an extra, unnecessary, level of references.
The fix is to just pass the $log scalar into the subroutine.
$worker->subFromWorker($scalar, $log, \#array); # $log, not \$log
Everything else will then work fine.
You have read about the issues that prevent your program from working, but there are a few other things you should be aware of
Perl lexical identifiers and subroutine/method names consist of alphanumerics and underscore. Capital letters are reserved for global identifiers, such as package names like Worker and Log.
Packages that you use or require should end with the statement 1; so as to return a true value when they are imported, otherwise your program may fail to compile.
If a subroutine that you are writing happens to be a method, then it is clearest to start it by shifting off the $self parameter and making a copy of the rest:
my $self = shift;
my ($p1, $p2, $p3) = #_;
It is rare to use elements of #_ directly unless you're desperate for the minimal speed bonus
It is usually best to work directly with an array reference rather than copying the array, especially if it may be large.
Here is how I would code your program and associated modules:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Worker;
use Log;
my $log = Log->new;
my $worker = Worker->new;
my $scalar = 'SomeURLhere';
my #array = qw/ red blue white /;
$worker->worker_method($scalar, $log, \#array);
use strict;
use warnings;
package Worker;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub worker_method {
my $self = shift;
my ($scalar, $log, $array) = #_;
foreach my $item (#$array) {
print $item, "\n";
$log->write("The items from URL $scalar are printed.");
use strict;
use warnings;
package Log;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless {}, $class;
sub write {
my $self = shift;
my ($text) = #_;
print "Logging: $text\n"
Logging: The items from URL SomeURLhere are printed.
A more common pattern is to use List assignment to unpack #_ into multiple variables all at once:
sub subFromWorker {
my ($self, $scalar, $log_ref, $array) = #_;
In reference to your specific problem:
my $log = Log->new();
$log is already a reference to your object, using \$log creates a reference to that reference which is not probably not what you want. You can handle this two ways:
only pass $log:
$worker->subFromWorker($scalar, $log, \#array);
dereference $log in subFromWorker before calling functions on it:

Using Perl's Method::Signatures, why can't I invoke methods on an object instance?

I followed what friedo said here.
Now, when I try to call the method testScript I get the error global symbol $obj requires explicit package name and it fails to call testScriptTwo.
use strict;
use warnings;
package Test;
use Method::Signatures;
method new {
my $obj = bless {}, $self;
return $obj;
method testScript {
$obj->testScriptTwo(); # Error happens here
method testScriptTwo { ... }
Test script:
use Test;
my $class = Test->new();
How do I make use of $obj to call methods within the package itself?
Use this instead:
method testScript {
The first argument is in the variable $self, not $obj
Your questions seem to indicate you do not understand the basics of scope, and how plain Perl objects work.
In Perl, when you use the ->method syntax on a package name or blessed reference, the subroutine method in that package is invoked. The first argument to the subroutine is the thing on which you invoked method.
So, if you do
the new subroutine in the package My::Friend receives two arguments. My::Friend and Alfred.
In a new method, it is customary to refer to the first argument as $class, but that is completely up to you. You could use $basket_case if you were so inclined:
sub new {
my $basket_case = shift;
my $basket = shift;
my $obj = bless { name => $basket } => $basket_case;
return $obj;
If you then invoke a method on the returned reference, that method will receive said reference as its first argument, allowing you to access data stored in that reference:
sub blurb {
my $schmorp = shift;
print $schmorp->{name}, "\n";
Putting it all together:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
package My::Package;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub new {
my $basket_case = shift;
my $basket = shift;
my $obj = bless { name => $basket } => $basket_case;
return $obj;
sub blurb {
my $schmorp = shift;
print $schmorp->{name}, "\n";
sub derp {
my $herp = shift;
printf "%s derp derp\n", $herp->{name};
package main;
my $x = My::Package->new('Alfred');
Alfred derp derp
You need to understand these basics. Trying to put another layer of abstraction on top of the basics before understanding what is underneath will not make things any easier.
Now, if you are using Method::Signatures, it, by convention, puts that implicit first argument in a lexically scoped variable which, by default, it calls $self.
You can override that name in specific methods, and doing so in new might be a good idea to convey the fact that it doesn't expect an object instance; instead it returns a new instance.
Whatever you called that lexically scoped instance variable in one sub does not affect what it is called in another sub. For example:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
sub a_number {
my $number = int(rand(10));
return $number;
sub square_that_number {
my $x = shift;
return $x * $x;
my $bzzzt = a_number();
my $trrrp = square_that_number($bzzzt);
print $trrrp, "\n";
$ ./
OK, you need to backtrack a bit - you're new method is broken in the first place, which indicates that you don't really understand what's going on with OO perl.
A very simple object looks like this:
package Foo;
sub new {
#when Foo -> new is called, then 'Foo' is passed in as the class name
my ( $class ) = #_;
#create an empty hash reference - can be anything, but $self is the convention
my $self = {};
#tell perl that $self is a 'Foo' object
bless ( $self, $class );
#return the reference to your `Foo` object
return $self;
sub set_name {
my ( $self, $new_name ) = #_;
$self -> {name} = $new_name;
sub get_name {
my ( $self ) = #_;
return $self -> {name};
When you call this in your code:
use Foo;
my $new_instance = Foo -> new();
The class is passed into the new method, which you then use bless to create an instantiated object.
Then you can 'do stuff' with it - when you 'call' a method using -> then the first argument into the subroutine is the object reference.
$new_instance -> set_name ( "myname" );
print $new_instance -> get_name();
Is equivalent to:
Foo::set_name($new_instance, "myname" );
print Foo::get_name($new_instance);
You act on $new_instance which is a sort of magic hash that allows you to include code.
Method::Signatures is largely irrelevant until you understand the basics of OO. But what that does is 'simply' expand the functions within a module, such that you don't have to extract self/class etc.
By default, a method defined as method provides $self automatically. no $obj like you're using. That's a variable that's local to you new method, and simply doesn't exist outside that.

Why Object is returning random values in perl

I am new in OO perl, below is the code i have written for my learning purpose but unfortunately i am not getting correct output :
package Calculation;
sub new
my $class =shift;
# my $number =shift;
my $self ={};
bless ($self,$class);
return $self;
sub add
my $val_01=shift;
my $val_02=shift;
my $total = $val_01+$val_02;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Calculation;
my $obj = Calculation->new();
my $result =$obj->add(1,2);
$result is returning a random values.
When you call $obj->add(1,2) your add sub gets 3 arguments: $obj, 1, 2. You're shifting and adding the first 2 arguments, $obj and 1. When $obj is converted to a number for addition, its memory address is used. Add 1 to that and you get a not-quite-random-but-certainly-ugly number.
You just need to add another shift at the top of sub add.
As has been pointed out, you aren't taking account of the first parameter that is passed implicitly to the method call, usually assigned to $self.
You can also omit some of the intermediate variables to simplifiy, and it is common practice to omit the return statement when the value to be returned is the last statement in the subroutine.
This variant of your code works fine
use strict;
use warnings;
package Calculation;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
bless {}, $class;
sub add {
my $self = shift;
my ($val_01, $val_02) = #_;
$val_01 + $val_02;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Calculation;
my $obj = Calculation->new;
my $result = $obj->add(1, 2);
print "$result\n";

Is it possible to get all valid methods for a particular Perl class?

Is it possible to get all valid methods for a particular Perl class?
I am trying to manipulate the symbol table of a class and get all of its methods. I found I can separate out the subroutines from the non-subroutines via the $obj->can($method), but that doesn't do exactly what I think it does.
The following returns:
subroutine, Property, croak, Group, confess, carp, File
However, subroutine isn't a method, (just a subroutine), and croak, confess, and carp were all imported into my package.
What I really want to print out is:
Property,Group, File
But I'll take:
subroutine, Property,Group, File
Below is my program:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature qw(say);
my $sections = Section_group->new;
say join ", ", $sections->Sections;
package Section_group;
use Carp;
sub new {
return bless {}, shift;
sub Add {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
sub Sections {
my $self = shift;
my #sections;
for my $symbol ( keys %Section_group:: ) {
next if $symbol eq "new"; # This is a constructor
next if $symbol eq "Add"; # Not interested in this method
next if $symbol eq "Sections"; # This is it's own method
push #sections, $symbol if $self->can($symbol);
return wantarray ? #sections : \#sections;
sub subroutine {
my $param1 = shift;
my $param2 = shift;
sub Group {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
sub File {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
sub Property {
my $self = shift;
my $section = shift;
This is fairly trivial. We only want to keep those sub names that were originally defined in our package. Every CV (code value) has a pointer to the package where it was defined. Thanks to B, we can examine that:
use B ();
if (my $coderef = $self->can($symbol)) {
my $cv = B::svref_2object $coderef;
push #sections, $symbol if $cv->STASH->NAME eq __PACKAGE__;
# Output as wanted
That is, we perform introspection using svref_2object. This returns a Perl object representing an internal perl data structure.
If we look into a coderef, we get a B::CV object, which represents the internal CV. The STASH field in a CV points to the Stash where it was defined. As you know, a Stash is just a special hash (internally represented as a HV), so $cv->STASH returns a B::HV. The NAME field of a HV contains the fully qualified package name of the Stash if the HV is a Stash, and not a regular hash.
Now we have all the info we need, and can compare the wanted package name to the name of the stash of the coderef.
Of course, this is simplified, and you will want to recurse through #ISA for general classes.
Nobody likes polluted namespaces. Thankfully, there are modules that remove foreign symbols from the Stash, e.g. namespace::clean. This is no problem when the CVs of all subs you are calling are known at compile time.
What are you trying to do? Why does it matter how a class defined or implements a method it responds to?
Perl is a dynamic language, so that means that methods don't have to exist at all. With AUTOLOAD, a method might be perfectly fine and callable, but never show up in the symbol table. A good interface would make can work in those cases, but there might be cases where a class or an object decides to respond to that with false.
The Package::Stash module can help you find defined subroutines in a particular namespace, but as you say, they might not be defined in the same file. The methods in a class might come from an inherited class. If you care about where they come from, you're probably doing it wrong.

How can I call methods on a tied variable?

I've just started to learn about tie. I have a class named Link which I would like to do the following thing:
if fetched, return the link's address
if stored, store the new address
be able to call methods on it
So far, my code is :
package Link;
sub FETCH {
my $this = shift;
return $this->{"site"};
sub STORE {
my ($self,$site) = #_;
$self->{"site"} = $site;
sub print_method {
my $self = shift;
print $self->{"site"};
my $class = shift;
my $link = shift;
my $this = {};
$this->{"site"} = $link;
return $this;
And the code I'm using to check the functionality is:
use Link;
tie my $var,"Link","";
When ran, the script will terminate with the following error:
Can't call method "print_method" without a package or object reference at line 4..
If I understand its message correctly, $var->print_method resolves to some string upon which the method print_method is called. How could I benefit from tie, but also use the variable as an object?
EDIT: after experimenting a bit,I found out that if I return $self on fetch , I can call the methods , however , fetch won't return the address .
EDIT 2:the perl monks supplied me the solution : tied . tied will return a reference to the object VARIABLE .
By combining tied with my methods , I can accomplish everything I wanted .
Tie is the wrong tool for this job. You use ties when you want the same interface as normal data types but want to customize how the operations do their work. Since you want to access and store a string just like a scalar already does, tie doesn't do anything for you.
It looks like you want the URI module, or a subclass of it, and perhaps some overloading.
If you really need to do this, you need to use the right variable. The tie hooks up the variable you specify to the class you specify, but it's still a normal scalar (and not a reference). You have to use the object it returns if you want to call methods:
my $secret_object = tie my($normal_scalar), 'Tie::Class', #args;
You can also get the secret object if you only have the tied scalar:
my $secret_object = tied $normal_scalar;
I have an entire chapter on tie in Mastering Perl.
I suggest making a normal Perl object and then overloading stringification. You lose the ability to store a value through assignment, but retain the ability to get the value out by printing the object. Once you start wanting to call methods directly, an object is probably what you want.
package Link;
use strict;
use Carp;
use overload
'""' => sub { shift->site },
fallback => 1,
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
if(#_ == 1)
$self->{'site'} = shift;
else { croak "$class->new() expects a single URL argument" }
return $self;
sub site
my $self = shift;
$self->{'site'} = shift if(#_);
return $self->{'site'};
sub print_method
my $self = shift;
print $self->site, "\n";
Example usage:
use Link;
my $link = Link->new('');
print $link, "\n"; #
$link->print_method; #
If you really, really want assignment to work too, you can combine a normal object with overloaded stringification (Link, above) with tie:
package LinkTie;
use strict;
use Link;
my $this = shift;
return $this->{'link'};
my($self, $site) = #_;
return $site;
# XXX: You could generalize this delegation with Class::Delegation or similar
sub print_method
my $self = shift;
print $self->{'link'}->print_method;
my $class = shift;
my $self = bless {}, $class;
$self->{'link'} = Link->new(#_);
return $self;
Example usage:
tie my $link,'LinkTie','';
print $link, "\n"; #
$link->print_method; #
$link = '';
print $link, "\n"; #
$link->print_method; #
This is all quite hideous and a long way to go just to get the dubious ability to assign to something that you can also call methods on and also print as-is. A standard URI object with stringification is probably a better bet.