Applets not working with java 1.8 u91 and Firefox 45 - applet

After updating Java to 1.8 u91 .. the applets are not working with Firefox 45. The applets are launched but their method can't be invoked by javascript ( xxx() is not a function )
I have tested on IE and they works well.

As you can read in the release notes:
Because it might cause the browser to hang, we don't process
JavaScript-to-Java calls when the Java plugin is launched from
plugin-container.exe (the default behavior for Firefox 42) and the
applet status is not Ready(2). If the applet is not ready (the status
is not 2), we don't execute the actual Java method and only return
If the plugin is launched from plugin-container.exe, do not use
JavaScript-To-Java calls that may require more than 11 seconds(the
default value of dom.ipc.plugins.hangUITimeoutSecs) to be completed or
show a modal dialog during JavaScript-To-Java call. In this case, the
main browser thread must be blocked, which might cause the browser to
hang and the plugin to terminate.
Workaround (for Firefox 42): User’s can set
dom.ipc.plugins.enabled=false. The side effect of this workaround is
that it changes the setting for all plugins.
Please note that this is true for higher firefox version as well...

Dont call the applet from JS, call JS from the applet.
IE writte a callstack that is beeing filled by JS and beeing polled by the applet periodically.
This brings in some little delays, but clears the liveconnect issues.


Protractor, Javascript: How to kill all existing browsers

I am writing an application for end to end testing using Protractor for an angular 2 application.
Before starting my application I would like to close all browsers that may be running on my machine. e.g. when I am running my test in chrome, I want to close all chrome processes/instances before my test starts.
So, looking for something that I may call in beforeLaunch method of protractor config. (please let me know if there is a better place to call it with the answer of how to do it)

GWT site works fine but will not render in SuperDevMode

I have spent the day trying to get my GWT 2.6 project to use SuperDevMode. I got to the point where I can get SuperDevMode, codeserver etc fired up in Chrome (Also tested in Firefox, linux and windows) however no amount of research seems adequate to progress me beyond the point I'm stuck on:
The site works fine when run as a normal server, (And it used to work fine in Classic Devmode) I'm reasonably convinced there's nothing fundamentally wrong with it, but as soon as I switch to SuperDevMode the GWT module won't load. I get the static content only.
First off I found an error in the Console of Chrome Developer Tools. I get a stack trace that claims that the method getCalendarFactory of my ClientFactory can't be called on an undefined reference (But again, without SuperDevMode this doesn't happen)
Uncaught Exception caught: Exception caught: Exception caught: (TypeError) : Cannot read property 'getCalendarFactory' of undefined
(anonymous function) XXX-0.js:46819
(anonymous function)
I've looked very hard through this but I'm still at a loss to understand the stack trace. After a few hours I decided to comment out a line from my AppController class (Which is serving as the entry-point in the gwt.xml):
// historyHandler.handleCurrentHistory();
However now when I load the page in SuperDevMode, I don't get the exception anymore, I get nothing except static content, no errors or output from the GWT module, so the UmbrellaException is gone but nothing else has changed really.
Any help or direction would be very gratefully received.
Did you use maven? If that's the case, have you lunch your superDevMode server on a container as Tomcat/Jetty ?
To see if your superDevMode's server works, you need to go to the url "". If you have no server which responds that's your superDevMode is not lunch.
More information on :

Does selenium support IE with google frame add on installed on it?

Selenium is able to load Chrome Frame pages. The problem is that once you load the page in IE with Chrome Frame plugin, the tag appears as empty. Selenium tries to identify elements using the DOM structure, but the way IE and Chrome Frame plugin works, rendering
and DOM tree are taken over by the Chromium code and IE gets an empty DOM.
So i guess, selenium doesn't support IE with google frame add-on installed on it?
Has anyone worked around this problem?
This question has been asked and answered on the Selenium user's mailing list. The IE driver doesn't work with the Google Chrome Frame add-on, and there are no plans to implement support for it to work with the Chrome Frame add-on. Either you want to test the operation of your website under Chrome (in which case you should use the ChromeDriver), or you want to test it under IE (in which case you should use the IE driver). If you can point to a specific case where using the website with the Chrome Frame add-on behaves differently than the way it behaves with the Chrome standalone browser, you might be able to make a case to revisit the issue. Furthermore, remember that Selenium is an Open Source project, and you are welcome to make changes and submit patches to the code at any time.
Watir WebDriver has the same issue.
Selenium core, the part that loads in the target browser and executes tests does work and can be run independently. So, if you have a Selenium test suite in HTML form, it can be run in GCF using the following steps:
Configure a web server to opt all URLs into chrome frame using HTTP header as described here:
Host your test suite under '/tests' folder on this web server. Lets say the suite is my_test_suite.html.
Host the selenium core folder as the '/core' on the server
Now restart the server.
Run the suite with this URL: http:///core/TestRunner.html?test=tests/my_test_suite.html&auto=true

Facebook pay.prompt callback fails in IE with wmode=window

My Flash app calls:
Facebook.ui("pay.prompt", data, onPayCallback, "iframe");
which works correctly on all browsers, until a recent change in the embedding of the swf file. I now use wmode="window" which gives much better performance in IE (previously I used "opaque").
When the facebook credits popup appears, the game is now hidden as expected. It returns correctly when the popup is closed. However, on IE (version 9, other versions are untested) the callback is never called.
Any ideas please?
Did you manage to get any further on this?
In my case the javascript callback is triggered, and the call to the flash function is also being made, but throws an error "Object required".. with a little bit more digging (using IE's developer tool) the addcallBack function in the swf was null..

Eclipse RAP - Firefox doesn't forget session

We've got an Eclipse RAP application that's behaving a bit strangely in Firefox - two distinct problems.
When you browse around, you can click on a button in one part of the system. This opens a popup window like so:
IWorkbenchBrowserSupport bs;
bs = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getBrowserSupport();
int style = IWorkbenchBrowserSupport.AS_EXTERNAL;
IWebBrowser b = bs.createBrowser(style, getRandomID(), "Hello world", "");
b.openURL(new URL(...));
where the URL is another servlet in the application. This servlet is in the same runtime, but has nothing to do with RAP - it takes a binary blob from in-memory storage and dumps it in the output stream.
Problem 1: This causes the HTTP session to die in firefox, and shows the "session expired" RAP error page with a link to restart the session.
Problem 2: Now, when you click on the link to restart the session, it shows the application's dialog again, but the session expired error is shown again the moment you do anything. This prevents the user from using the system again, unless Firefox is closed down completely and restarted. A quick peek with FireBug reveals that the JSESSIONID passed by Firefox does not change.
Has anyone seen this before?
How long is the dumping of the stream to the output? May it cause a timeout? As RAP uses Javascript calls, it might be much shorter than the normal timeout time.
For problem 2: Firefox caches a lot of things; and if the Javascript execution hangs, it might cause such problems.
Are these problems present in other browsers? It might be a good idea to check with the internal browser (or any other browser with a different rendering engine).
It turns out that if a RAP application opens a popup window pointing to a servlet in the application itself, inside the current HTTP servlet context, the session is killed. Fixed by creating a dummy HTTP context for the servlet in question.
If you need to deliver content from within the same application, you should use a service handler instead. See this FAQ: