A double number's type is Int in Swift - swift

// Swift
import UIKit
let arr = [1, "a", 2.88]
let last = arr.last
if last is Int {
print("The last is Int.") // The last is Int.
} else {
print("The last is not Int.")
I can't understand the result printed.
Why it print "The last is Int".
// Swift
import UIKit
let arr = [1, "a", -2]
let last = arr.last
if last is Double {
print("The last is Double.") // The last is Double.
} else {
print("The last is not Double.")
And this print "The last is Double".Why?
Could somebody can help me?
Than you vary much.

Swift arrays can only hold one type. When you declared:
let arr = [1, "a", 2.88]
Swift made arr of type [NSObject]. You can verify this by Option-clicking on arr to see its type. This only works because you have Foundation imported (your import UIKit imports Foundation as well). Try removing import UIKit.
Then, the values 1 and 2.88 were converted to NSNumber and "a" to NSString so that they can be stored in that [NSObject] array because Ints, Strings, and Doubles are not NSObjects. NSNumber and NSString are subclasses of NSObject. Swift picks the most restrictive type for the array. Had your array been [1, true, 2.88], the array type would have been [NSNumber].
The interesting thing about an NSNumber is that it is an object container that wraps many different types. You can put an Int in and take out a Double. So, it is misleading then when you test it with is. It responds "true" meaning, "I can be that if you want".
import Foundation
let n: NSNumber = 3.14
print(n is Int) // "true"
print(n is Double) // "true"
print(n is Bool) // "true"
print(n as! Int) // "3"
print(n as! Double) // "3.14"
print(n as! Bool) // "true"
Note: Had you declared your arr to be [Any], then this would have worked as you expected:
let arr:[Any] = [1, "a", 2.88]
let last = arr.last
if last is Int {
print("The last is Int.")
} else {
print("The last is not Int.") // "The last is not Int."
But Swift is not going to create an array of type Any for you unless you ask explicitly (because quite frankly it is an abomination in a strongly typed language). You should probably rethink your design if you find yourself using [Any].
The only reason Swift creates [NSObject] when Foundation is imported is to make our lives easier when calling Cocoa and Cocoa Touch APIs. If such an API requires an NSArray to be passed, you can send [1, "a", 2.88] instead of [NSNumber(integer: 1), NSString(string: "a"), NSNumber(double: 2.88)].

The problem is your arr, if you declare
let arr = [1, "a", 2.88] // arr is [NSObject]
let arr = [1, "a", 2.88]
let last = arr.last // last is a NSObject?
if last is Int { // is Int or is Double will get the same result
print("The last is Int.") // because the number of NSNumber is larger than the number of NSString
} else {
print("The last is not Int.")
if you declare like this:
let arr = [1, "a", "b"]
let last = arr.last
if last is Int {
print("The last is Int.")
} else {
print("The last is not Int.") // Will print because the number of NSString is larger than NSNumber.

You can declare the array with type [Any] to get the desired result:
let arr: [Any] = [1, "a", 2.88]
arr.last is Int // false

When you have imported Foundation.framework you inherit a certain magic behaviour with numbers: if you create array literal with numerical literals that can't be represented with an array of that value type, an array is created that wraps the numbers boxed in a NSNumber. If you don't import Foundation (i.e. you rely on just the Swift standard library), then you in fact can't declare the array in such cases just with let arr = [1, "a", 2.88] (whereas for instance let arr = [1,2] would still work – that would produce an [Int]) but need to state let arr:[Any] = [1, "a", 2.88] – at which case no boxing to NSNumber happens (NSNumber is not even available) and the original type is somehow retained.
NSNumber is a box that can be used to wrap all manners of scalar (numerical) basic types, and you can use the as or is operator in Swift to successfully treat any NSNumber as any of the numerical types it can wrap. For instance the following holds:
var a = NSNumber(bool: true)
print("\(a is Bool)") // prints "true"
print("\(a is Int)") // prints "true"
print("\(a is Double)") // prints "true"
print("\(a is Float)") // prints "true"
It is possible to figure out the kind of numerical type you used sometimes, but it's just not exposed for some reason to NSNumber but is only available in the corresponding CoreFoundation type CFNumber:
extension NSNumber {
var isBoolean:Bool {
return CFNumberGetType(self as CFNumber) == CFNumberType.CharType
var isFloatingPoint:Bool {
return CFNumberIsFloatType(self as CFNumber)
var isIntegral:Bool {
return CFNumberGetType(self as CFNumber).isIntegral
extension CFNumberType {
var isIntegral:Bool {
let raw = self.rawValue
return (raw >= CFNumberType.SInt8Type.rawValue && raw <= CFNumberType.SInt64Type.rawValue)
|| raw == CFNumberType.NSIntegerType.rawValue
|| raw == CFNumberType.LongType.rawValue
|| raw == CFNumberType.LongLongType.rawValue
You can read more on this topic over here – there are some caveats.
Note also that the reference documentation also states the following:
… number objects do not necessarily preserve the type they are created
with …


Updating variable value from dictionary and best practice

As I progress into my Swift education, the time as come for me to ask for help about best practice and code optimization.
My app has become more and more complex every day and the current situation is as follows: I started using dictionaries and arguments to use a single function that can process a lot of different variables depending on the situation, which seems to be better practice than using 5 different functions that will do the same thing only with different variables.
I now have two files as follows:
class Main1 {
static var value1 : Int = 1
func updateValue(_ value: String) {
let dict : [String : Int] = ["value1": Main1.value1]
let dict1 = dict[value]
guard var value = dict1 else { return }
value = value + 1 // <- trying to update `static var value1`'s value from 1 to 2 here
class Main2 {
func updateValue(_ value: String) {
let dict : [String : Int] = ["value1": Main1.value1] // <- thinking `value1` would now be 2
let dict1 = dict[value]
guard var value = dict1 else { return }
value = value + 1 // <- trying to get 3 here
These classes are simplified versions of my code but the logic is the same: I am trying to use variables loaded from dictionaries and update their values to be used in another file and function:
Main1().updateValue("value1") //2
Main2().updateValue("value1") //2 <--- I need 3 here!
-> What exactly am I trying to achieve here?
To update the reference (static var value1 : Int = 1) value while accessing it through the convenience of a dictionary (or different method but you get the point about convenience).
In fact I am trying to do Main1.value1 = Main1.value1 + 1 while accessing Main1.value1 through a dictionary, which is impossible because I am not accessing the reference here.
I know this can't work, I have 3 different copies of value here but I don't how to update the variable value without using another global variable... I need your help to find a better logic.
I am open to any suggestion or thinking. I am not asking for code solution (which would be great anyway) but I'd love to have my education re-centered a little bit, I am starting to lose myself learning all by myself and the frustration comes from that I don't know what to be looking for anymore.
As per the comments below, here's a potential solution:
class Main1 {
static var dict: [String: Int] = ["value1": 1]
func updateValue(_ key: String) {
guard var value = dict[key] else { return }
value = value + 1
dict[key] = value
In Swift, [String : Int], String and Int are value types, as opposed to their Objective-C counterparts NSDictionary, NSString and NSNumber, which are reference types.
This means that when you do guard var value = dict1 else { return }, value is now a copy of what the dictionary contained, not a reference to that piece of data inside the dictionary.
So when you do value = value + 1 you're setting the new variables value, but not the contents of the dictionary.
Following your logic, you need to put value back into the dictionary, like this:
func updateValue(_ value: String) {
var dict : [String : Int] = ["value1": Main1.value1] // <- Change this to a var
let dict1 = dict[value]
guard var intValue = dict1 else { return }
intValue = intValue + 1 // <- trying to update `static var value1`'s value from 1 to 2 here
dict[value] = intValue // <- ADD THIS

Check if object is contained in Array [duplicate]

In Swift, how can I check if an element exists in an array? Xcode does not have any suggestions for contain, include, or has, and a quick search through the book turned up nothing. Any idea how to check for this? I know that there is a method find that returns the index number, but is there a method that returns a boolean like ruby's #include??
Example of what I need:
var elements = [1,2,3,4,5]
if elements.contains(5) {
//do something
Swift 2, 3, 4, 5:
let elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
if elements.contains(5) {
contains() is a protocol extension method of SequenceType (for sequences of Equatable elements) and not a global method as in
earlier releases.
This contains() method requires that the sequence elements
adopt the Equatable protocol, compare e.g. Andrews's answer.
If the sequence elements are instances of a NSObject subclass
then you have to override isEqual:, see NSObject subclass in Swift: hash vs hashValue, isEqual vs ==.
There is another – more general – contains() method which does not require the elements to be equatable and takes a predicate as an
argument, see e.g. Shorthand to test if an object exists in an array for Swift?.
Swift older versions:
let elements = [1,2,3,4,5]
if contains(elements, 5) {
For those who came here looking for a find and remove an object from an array:
Swift 1
if let index = find(itemList, item) {
Swift 2
if let index = itemList.indexOf(item) {
Swift 3, 4
if let index = itemList.index(of: item) {
itemList.remove(at: index)
Swift 5.2
if let index = itemList.firstIndex(of: item) {
itemList.remove(at: index)
Updated for Swift 2+
Note that as of Swift 3 (or even 2), the extension below is no longer necessary as the global contains function has been made into a pair of extension method on Array, which allow you to do either of:
let a = [ 1, 2, 3, 4 ]
a.contains(2) // => true, only usable if Element : Equatable
a.contains { $0 < 1 } // => false
Historical Answer for Swift 1:
Use this extension: (updated to Swift 5.2)
extension Array {
func contains<T>(obj: T) -> Bool where T: Equatable {
return !self.filter({$0 as? T == obj}).isEmpty
Use as:
If you are checking if an instance of a custom class or struct is contained in an array, you'll need to implement the Equatable protocol before you can use .contains(myObject).
For example:
struct Cup: Equatable {
let filled:Bool
static func ==(lhs:Cup, rhs:Cup) -> Bool { // Implement Equatable
return lhs.filled == rhs.filled
then you can do:
Tip: The == override should be at the global level, not within your class/struct
I used filter.
let results = elements.filter { el in el == 5 }
if results.count > 0 {
// any matching items are in results
} else {
// not found
If you want, you can compress that to
if elements.filter({ el in el == 5 }).count > 0 {
Hope that helps.
Update for Swift 2
Hurray for default implementations!
if elements.contains(5) {
// any matching items are in results
} else {
// not found
(Swift 3)
Check if an element exists in an array (fulfilling some criteria), and if so, proceed working with the first such element
If the intent is:
To check whether an element exist in an array (/fulfils some boolean criteria, not necessarily equality testing),
And if so, proceed and work with the first such element,
Then an alternative to contains(_:) as blueprinted Sequence is to first(where:) of Sequence:
let elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
if let firstSuchElement = elements.first(where: { $0 == 4 }) {
print(firstSuchElement) // 4
// ...
In this contrived example, its usage might seem silly, but it's very useful if querying arrays of non-fundamental element types for existence of any elements fulfilling some condition. E.g.
struct Person {
let age: Int
let name: String
init(_ age: Int, _ name: String) {
self.age = age
self.name = name
let persons = [Person(17, "Fred"), Person(16, "Susan"),
Person(19, "Hannah"), Person(18, "Sarah"),
Person(23, "Sam"), Person(18, "Jane")]
if let eligableDriver = persons.first(where: { $0.age >= 18 }) {
print("\(eligableDriver.name) can possibly drive the rental car in Sweden.")
// ...
} // Hannah can possibly drive the rental car in Sweden.
let daniel = Person(18, "Daniel")
if let sameAgeAsDaniel = persons.first(where: { $0.age == daniel.age }) {
print("\(sameAgeAsDaniel.name) is the same age as \(daniel.name).")
// ...
} // Sarah is the same age as Daniel.
Any chained operations using .filter { ... some condition }.first can favourably be replaced with first(where:). The latter shows intent better, and have performance advantages over possible non-lazy appliances of .filter, as these will pass the full array prior to extracting the (possible) first element passing the filter.
Check if an element exists in an array (fulfilling some criteria), and if so, remove the first such element
A comment below queries:
How can I remove the firstSuchElement from the array?
A similar use case to the one above is to remove the first element that fulfils a given predicate. To do so, the index(where:) method of Collection (which is readily available to array collection) may be used to find the index of the first element fulfilling the predicate, whereafter the index can be used with the remove(at:) method of Array to (possible; given that it exists) remove that element.
var elements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]
if let indexOfFirstSuchElement = elements.index(where: { $0 == "c" }) {
elements.remove(at: indexOfFirstSuchElement)
print(elements) // ["a", "b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]
Or, if you'd like to remove the element from the array and work with, apply Optional:s map(_:) method to conditionally (for .some(...) return from index(where:)) use the result from index(where:) to remove and capture the removed element from the array (within an optional binding clause).
var elements = ["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]
if let firstSuchElement = elements.index(where: { $0 == "c" })
.map({ elements.remove(at: $0) }) {
// if we enter here, the first such element have now been
// remove from the array
print(elements) // ["a", "b", "d", "e", "a", "b", "c"]
// and we may work with it
print(firstSuchElement) // c
Note that in the contrived example above the array members are simple value types (String instances), so using a predicate to find a given member is somewhat over-kill, as we might simply test for equality using the simpler index(of:) method as shown in #DogCoffee's answer. If applying the find-and-remove approach above to the Person example, however, using index(where:) with a predicate is appropriate (since we no longer test for equality but for fulfilling a supplied predicate).
An array that contains a property that equals to
yourArray.contains(where: {$0.propertyToCheck == value })
Returns boolean.
The simplest way to accomplish this is to use filter on the array.
let result = elements.filter { $0==5 }
result will have the found element if it exists and will be empty if the element does not exist. So simply checking if result is empty will tell you whether the element exists in the array. I would use the following:
if result.isEmpty {
// element does not exist in array
} else {
// element exists
Swift 4/5
Another way to achieve this is with the filter function
var elements = [1,2,3,4,5]
if let object = elements.filter({ $0 == 5 }).first {
} else {
print("not found")
As of Swift 2.1 NSArrays have containsObjectthat can be used like so:
if myArray.containsObject(objectImCheckingFor){
//myArray has the objectImCheckingFor
let elements = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5]
Check elements presence
elements.contains(5) // true
Get elements index
elements.firstIndex(of: 5) // 4
elements.firstIndex(of: 10) // nil
Get element count
let results = elements.filter { element in element == 5 }
results.count // 2
Just in case anybody is trying to find if an indexPath is among the selected ones (like in a UICollectionView or UITableView cellForItemAtIndexPath functions):
var isSelectedItem = false
if let selectedIndexPaths = collectionView.indexPathsForSelectedItems() as? [NSIndexPath]{
if contains(selectedIndexPaths, indexPath) {
isSelectedItem = true
if user find particular array elements then use below code same as integer value.
var arrelemnts = ["sachin", "test", "test1", "test3"]
if arrelemnts.contains("test"){
print("found") }else{
print("not found") }
Here is my little extension I just wrote to check if my delegate array contains a delegate object or not (Swift 2). :) It Also works with value types like a charm.
extension Array
func containsObject(object: Any) -> Bool
if let anObject: AnyObject = object as? AnyObject
for obj in self
if let anObj: AnyObject = obj as? AnyObject
if anObj === anObject { return true }
return false
If you have an idea how to optimize this code, than just let me know.
If you are not using object then you can user this code for contains.
let elements = [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 50]
if elements.contains(50) {
If you are using NSObject Class in swift. This variables is according to my requirement. you can modify for your requirement.
var cliectScreenList = [ATModelLeadInfo]()
var cliectScreenSelectedObject: ATModelLeadInfo!
This is for a same data type.
{ $0.user_id == cliectScreenSelectedObject.user_id }
If you want to AnyObject type.
{ "\($0.user_id)" == "\(cliectScreenSelectedObject.user_id)" }
Full condition
if cliectScreenSelected.contains( { $0.user_id == cliectScreenSelectedObject.user_id } ) == false {
print("Object Added")
} else {
print("Object already exists")
what about using a hash table for the job, like this?
first, creating a "hash map" generic function, extending the Sequence protocol.
extension Sequence where Element: Hashable {
func hashMap() -> [Element: Int] {
var dict: [Element: Int] = [:]
for (i, value) in self.enumerated() {
dict[value] = i
return dict
This extension will work as long as the items in the array conform to Hashable, like integers or strings, here is the usage...
let numbers = Array(0...50)
let hashMappedNumbers = numbers.hashMap()
let numToDetect = 35
let indexOfnumToDetect = hashMappedNumbers[numToDetect] // returns the index of the item and if all the elements in the array are different, it will work to get the index of the object!
print(indexOfnumToDetect) // prints 35
But for now, let's just focus in check if the element is in the array.
let numExists = indexOfnumToDetect != nil // if the key does not exist
means the number is not contained in the collection.
print(numExists) // prints true
Swift 4.2 +
You can easily verify your instance is an array or not by the following function.
func verifyIsObjectOfAnArray<T>(_ object: T) -> Bool {
if let _ = object as? [T] {
return true
return false
Even you can access it as follows. You will receive nil if the object wouldn't be an array.
func verifyIsObjectOfAnArray<T>(_ object: T) -> [T]? {
if let array = object as? [T] {
return array
return nil
You can add an extension for Array as such:
extension Array {
func contains<T>(_ object: T) -> Bool where T: Equatable {
!self.filter {$0 as? T == object }.isEmpty
This can be used as:
if myArray.contains(myItem) {
// code here

Casting arrays to specific types in Swift

Say I have two arrays:
var exterior: Array<(name: String, value: (code: Code, pass: Bool))> = []
var interior: Array<(name: String, value: (code: Code, type: Type, pass: Bool))> = []
I have a UISegmentedControl that, depending on which segment is selected, will show data from the respective array. To reduce boilerplate, I'd like to use one fuction for setup:
func build(section: Section) {
var data: Array<Any>
switch section {
case .Exterior:
data = exterior
case .Interior:
data = interior
for i in 0...data.count - 1 where i % 4 == 0 {
for y in i...i + 4 {
guard y < data.count - 1 else {
switch section {
case .Exterior:
let v = data as! Array<(String, (Report.Code, Bool))>
// Do stuff here...
case .Interior:
let v = data as! Array<(String, (Report.Code, Report.Type, Bool))>
// Do stuff here...
This won't work since I cannot cast to an array that holds Any. If I change the type of both interior and exterior to Any and try casing them to their respective types, I get an error: can't unsafeBitCast between types of different sizes. What are my options in this situation?
You cannot cast Array<Any> to Array<AnyOther>, because there is no inheritance between Array<Any> and Array<AnyOther>. You should actually convert such arrays like so:
let xs: [Any] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let ys: [Int] = xs.flatMap { $0 as? Int }
print(ys.dynamicType) // Array<Int>
print(ys) // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

Get elements and count of Array of unknown type

Let's say we have an Array, assigned to a variable with the type Any
let something: Any = ["one", "two", "three"]
Let's also assume we don't know if it's an array or something entirely else. And we also don't know what kind of Array.Element we are dealing with exactly.
Now we want to find out if it's an array.
let isArray = something is Array // compiler error
let isArray = (something as? [Any?] != nil) // does not work (array is [String] and not [Any?])
Is there any elegant solution to tickle the following information out of the swift type system:
Is the given object an Array
What's the count of the array
Give me the elements of the array
(bridging to NSArray is not a solution for me, because my array could also be of type [Any?] and contain nil-values)
I love #stefreak's question and his solution. Bearing in mind #dfri's excellent answer about Swift's runtime introspection, however, we can simplify and generalise #stefreak's "type tagging" approach to some extent:
protocol AnySequenceType {
var anyElements: [Any?] { get }
extension AnySequenceType where Self : SequenceType {
var anyElements: [Any?] {
return map{
$0 is NilLiteralConvertible ? Mirror(reflecting: $0).children.first?.value : $0
extension Array : AnySequenceType {}
extension Set : AnySequenceType {}
// ... Dictionary, etc.
let things: Any = [1, 2]
let maybies: Any = [1, nil] as [Int?]
(things as? AnySequenceType)?.anyElements // [{Some 1}, {Some 2}]
(maybies as? AnySequenceType)?.anyElements // [{Some 1}, nil]
See Swift Evolution mailing list discussion on the possibility of allowing protocol extensions along the lines of:
extension<T> Sequence where Element == T?
In current practice, however, the more common and somewhat anticlimactic solution would be to:
things as? AnyObject as? [AnyObject] // [1, 2]
// ... which at present (Swift 2.2) passes through `NSArray`, i.e. as if we:
import Foundation
things as? NSArray // [1, 2]
// ... which is also why this fails for `mabyies`
maybies as? NSArray // nil
At any rate, what all this drives home for me is that once you loose type information there is no going back. Even if you reflect on the Mirror you still end up with a dynamicType which you must switch through to an expected type so you can cast the value and use it as such... all at runtime, all forever outside the compile time checks and sanity.
As an alternative to #milos and OP:s protocol conformance check, I'll add a method using runtime introspection of something (foo and bar in examples below).
/* returns an array if argument is an array, otherwise, nil */
func getAsCleanArray(something: Any) -> [Any]? {
let mirr = Mirror(reflecting: something)
var somethingAsArray : [Any] = []
guard let disp = mirr.displayStyle where disp == .Collection else {
return nil // not array
/* OK, is array: add element into a mutable that
the compiler actually treats as an array */
for (_, val) in Mirror(reflecting: something).children {
return somethingAsArray
Example usage:
/* example usage */
let foo: Any = ["one", 2, "three"]
let bar: [Any?] = ["one", 2, "three", nil, "five"]
if let foobar = getAsCleanArray(foo) {
print("Count: \(foobar.count)\n--------")
foobar.forEach { print($0) }
} /* Count: 3
three */
if let foobar = getAsCleanArray(bar) {
print("Count: \(foobar.count)\n-------------")
foobar.forEach { print($0) }
} /* Count: 5
Optional("five") */
The only solution I came up with is the following, but I don't know if it's the most elegant one :)
protocol AnyOptional {
var anyOptionalValue: Optional<Any> { get }
extension Optional: AnyOptional {
var anyOptionalValue: Optional<Any> {
return self
protocol AnyArray {
var count: Int { get }
var allElementsAsOptional: [Any?] { get }
extension Array: AnyArray {
var allElementsAsOptional: [Any?] {
return self.map {
if let optional = $0 as? AnyOptional {
return optional.anyOptionalValue
return $0 as Any?
Now you can just say
if let array = something as? AnyArray {
This works for me on a playground:
// Generate fake data of random stuff
let array: [Any?] = ["one", "two", "three", nil, 1]
// Cast to Any to simulate unknown object received
let something: Any = array as Any
// Use if let to see if we can cast that object into an array
if let newArray = something as? [Any?] {
// You now know that newArray is your received object cast as an
// array and can get the count or the elements
} else {
// Your object is not an array, handle however you need.
I found that casting to AnyObject works for an array of objects. Still working on a solution for value types.
let something: Any = ["one", "two", "three"]
if let aThing = something as? [Any] {
print(aThing.dynamicType) // doesn't enter
if let aThing = something as? AnyObject {
if let theThing = aThing as? [AnyObject] {
print(theThing.dynamicType) // Array<AnyObject>

Swift: NSArray to Set?

I am trying to convert an NSArray to a Swift Set.
Not having much luck.
What is the proper way to do so?
For example if I have an NSArray of numbers:
How do I create a Swift Set from that NSArray?
If you know for sure that the NSArray contains only number objects
then you can convert it to an Swift array of Int (or Double or
NSNumber, depending on your needs) and create a set from that:
let nsArray = NSArray(array: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
let set = Set(nsArray as! [Int])
If that is not guaranteed, use an optional cast:
if let set = (nsArray as? [Int]).map(Set.init) {
} else {
// not an array of numbers
Another variant (motivated by #JAL's comments):
let set = Set(nsArray.flatMap { $0 as? Int })
// Swift 4.1 and later:
let set = Set(nsArray.compactMap { $0 as? Int })
This gives a set of all NSArray elements which are convertible
to Int, and silently ignores all other elements.
import Foundation
let nsarr: NSArray = NSArray(array: [1,2,3,4,5])
var set: Set<Int>
guard let arr = nsarr as? Array<Int> else {
set = Set(arr)
▿ 5 members
- [0]: 5
- [1]: 2
- [2]: 3
- [3]: 1
- [4]: 4
with help of free bridging, it should be easy ...
If you know you're working with Ints, you could always iterate through your array and manually add each element to a Set<Int>:
let theArray = NSArray(array: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
var theSet = Set<Int>()
for number in (theArray as? [Int])! {
print(theSet) // "[2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 3, 1, 8]\n"
I'm trying to work out a more elegant solution with map, I'll update this answer as I make more progress.
Thanks to MartinR's suggestion to use unionInPlace (which takes in the SequenceType returned from map) instead of insert on the Set, this can be accomplished like so:
let theArray = NSArray(array: [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8])
var mySet = Set<Int>()
mySet.unionInPlace(theArray.map { $0 as! Int })
Note that this may not be the safest solution due to the explicit cast to Int.
var array = [1,2,3,4,5]
var set = Set(array)