how to create and maintain a soap UI automation framework - soap

I am new to SoapUI and working on my first project. So far I have managed to automate it as far as possible by creating as follows:
groovy script for data transfer
running test suite using testrunner.bat
storing the results dynamically using timestamp
integrated it with ant and jenkins for html report generation.
My question here is for every new wsdl I have to create a new test suite copy(insert) the existing groovy script again and then prepare the test data again accordingly and then finally change the xml name in bat and then execute.
Can i have a deeper approach than this on maintaining a reusable structure rather than performing the same steps again. Is there any other approach to call it a proper framework like testing in selenium?


I need to integrate junit-report results back to x-ray jira based on the ticket number on jira

I'm trying to generate a custom XML report for my cypress tests so they can map directly to a specific issue type in Xray for Jira upon import. I've read through a lot of the documentation on reporters and I've set up the configuration to generate XML files for tests/test runs so currently I can generate a combined report of my whole test suite, but when I import the file into Xray it creates new issuekeys. I already have created the test cases in Xray and I want my XML file to contain specific information on which cypress test should go to each Xray test case. Does anyone have advice or know how to do this?

Automate the process of sending Postman Requests and save the responses in a file

I want to automate the process of sending get requests to an API and save the responses in a JSON file. I have researched a lot online and haven't found anything. I have created a collection and run it, but how do I automate it.
When you have your tests collection built in Postman, you shall run it with newman (see useful options here, this link helped me a lot !).
If your collection can be run with Postman runner, it should work perfectly. I haven't tried to generate reports in JSON but it works fine for HTML and JUnit style reports ... and you can set a specific reporting parameter to have results set in a JSON file.

Talend : Create a Component using java code

I am new in user of Talend open studio
I want to find a way to add component like tinputfile or tligrow without the drag and drop tools , but with java code manually
Help please
Thank you very much
I don't think it's possible (in fact I'm quite sure you cannot).
When you drag&drop components you "generate" Java source code which is compiled later when you build the job (or run in the studio).
How do you expect to change the byte code at run time?
Yes , it is possible to create your own Talend components . There is a very thorough, multi-part tutorial at
You can also view the source to existing components for an idea of how they are implemented and setup.
Perhaps study how tInputFile is built , make a copy, and extend to your purpose.
Alternatively, if all the files have the same schema and reside in the same directory, you may not need a custom component . Rather create a prenr job which gets a list of files in the directory and loops through each file name. For each file, it would call a sub job to read and process that file .
I have provided the all the steps by which you can create the custom component with Java only here is the link to my answer
Custom component with dynamic configuration like jira, jdbc or azurestorage in talend

Running Reporting Services against a test database

What's the best way to setup SSRS reports to run against a test database? We need to run them from the Report Server (e.g. from a browser) against a test database. I tried creating a linked report but I don't see a way to associate a different data connection with the linked report.
I usually create a second copy of reports in a Test folder on the SSRS server. This lets consumers test report changes before they affect production.
But if you really want one version of the report to point at both production and test you can get clever with data sources. Here's a blog entry discussing dynamically changing your datasource based on a parameter.
Then you'll need to either expose the parameter or call the report in some way where you can set the hidden parameter.
Create a new folder in the Report Manager and upload the exact same report to that new folder.
If needed, you can also hide this folder so only testing people can access the URL directly.
Create a new data source that points to your test database and change the data source of the new report to use the test data source.
That way you can leave your production report intact.
Go to Properties > Data Sources and point the datasource to your test database

create jrxml file at run time and modify at run time

I have a requirement to develop custom reports where we already have some reoprts developed using JasperReports using iReport tool. Now the requirement is to modify those reports design at run time. I should use those existing jrxml files and save as to new report then change the design at run time. Also I should see those newly created reports whenever I want.
I have gone through the Jasper API and Dynamic Reports where we can create the reports dynamically at run time but we can't save the design (like JRXML).
I am looking for any other JRXML design API to create and modify and save the Jasper Reports at run time.
I appreciate if any one can help me.
Thanks in Advance
It seems DynamicJasper can do this.
First thing you will need to draw a flow chart of how you want to do things.
For example, if the report already exists, and you want it as is, what will you do?
In case you want to modify it a little, do you want to save as jrxml and compile each time?
Or do you want to compile to jasper, store on local storage then populate later.
It seems you want to build a reporting engine and answering all those questions is basic. In that case here is something to start from.
Find a factory called DocumentBuilderFactory which will help you parse the XML into DOM object, modify then save it.
Here is a good tutorial on using it